Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #149

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Ok, here is what is reported George said:

"The person who was in the back of my daughter's car was not my granddaughter," George Anthony yelled.

Actually, I will go with what was reported except change it to what he said:
"The person who was in the back of my granddaughter's car was not my granddaughter," George Anthony yelled.

I had a hard time hearing the "NOT" from the "GOT!" I am happy with it now!

So, based on whichever it is, there was a "person" in the back of Casey's car! Plain and simple!

patti, whats your take on what George is saying? I mean, do you think he honestly thinks it was not his grandchild?
It is in the reports released this week...the 400 pages. They describe her car as having lots of scratch marks near the trunk.....

I am so bothered by Casey violating her bail.....Does LE know this???

I want SOMEBODY to stand up and tell Casey Anthony that the rules DO apply to her!

Sociopaths don't believe that rules apply to them. They are above the rules.
"the person who was in the back of my granddaughter's car dumped my granddaughter"

I don't know. I listened. I heard "dumped".

Thanks Patty G for the link. Again.

I listened several times and I do think he says that the person who was in the back of his granddaughter's (daughter's) car has GOT his granddaughter
TonE and Casey met on myspace or facepage he invited her out to a party at the end of May alleged 1st meeting per clint. I would also ck LE document release for TonE statement.
Is anyone else not on private for you?
But your profile is clearly set up now right or you wouldn't have login-password?
There's also the genericsleuth address for WS -maybe we're added on there as a friend...

I guess what I should have said was that I haven't filled out any of the info on my profile that isn't required to set up the page and I haven't added any photos or anything like that. Just the basic stuff you have to put in to open the account. I can't get to Casey's comes up as private for me.
IMO, this isn;t such a revelation. So George admits there was a body in the car. Cindy has been saying it for two days- that there WAS a body- AFTER it was towed. George is just saying the exact same thing.
What did the notes at put them up please

One of the notes said:

"[B]Hey Sweetie! I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. I am really looking forward to seeing you. We will schedule something very soon, I promise. I would love to have you spend the night, and spend time getting to know each other. You are such an amazing girl and already a true friend. We are so blessed to have you and your Mom in our lives. I love you. Thank you for my gift (a stuffed animal), I named him after you. I will see you soon. Love, Casey"[/B]

Persons in denial:

Appear to be irrational to those who know the problems and losses they have suffered.

Appear to be calm and relaxed to those who do not know the problems and losses they have suffered.

Are a cause of frustration to those who want them to confront the truth of the problem or loss honestly.

Appear to be unemotional, apathetic, or indifferent in the face of loss.

Are considered pathetic and pitiable by those who have tried to confront them with the denial and have failed.

Appear to be caught up in magical thinking about the loss involved.

Appear to be excessively involved in fantasy thinking about the loss or problem.

Appear to be childlike, very dependent on others to nurture them and reassure them that everything will be all right.

Appear to be running away from the truth concerning their problems or loss.

Appear to be avoiding or rejecting those who are intent on confronting them with their problems
I guess what I should have said was that I haven't filled out any of the info on my profile that isn't required to set up the page and I haven't added any photos or anything like that. Just the basic stuff you have to put in to open the account. I can't get to Casey's comes up as private for me.

Sorry I'm slow-I keep getting kicked off the server over here
So was anyone else's profile open for reading?
What I meant about the date thing is I believe he told LE in his interview a more recent date of first meeting compared to the posts you mention on F/B, no matter to the case I guess but odd
If the emails were to the mothers email address, and the letters were mailed to the family. I think Casey is still in the clear on the bond issue. Just barely. Still CREEPY.
One of the notes said:

"[B]Hey Sweetie! I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. I am really looking forward to seeing you. We will schedule something very soon, I promise. I would love to have you spend the night, and spend time getting to know each other. You are such an amazing girl and already a true friend. We are so blessed to have you and your Mom in our lives. I love you. Thank you for my gift (a stuffed animal), I named him after you. I will see you soon. Love, Casey"[/B]

We called the authorities and they acted like they didnt know what was going on. I do not know how to get in touch with LP. Help??
One of the notes said:

"[B]Hey Sweetie! I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. I am really looking forward to seeing you. We will schedule something very soon, I promise. I would love to have you spend the night, and spend time getting to know each other. You are such an amazing girl and already a true friend. We are so blessed to have you and your Mom in our lives. I love you. Thank you for my gift (a stuffed animal), I named him after you. I will see you soon. Love, Casey"[/B]

I have a strange feeling this may be the same person who set up the My Mommy didn't kill me myspace. NOT a fact just my opinion!
I listened to George's tirade a couple of times and what he said was, "the person (dead body) in my granddaughter's car was NOT my granddaughter."

Yeah that is what he said.. Never said he didn't..He did ADMIT to a dead body in that car.

Persons in denial:

Appear to be irrational to those who know the problems and losses they have suffered.

Appear to be calm and relaxed to those who do not know the problems and losses they have suffered.

Are a cause of frustration to those who want them to confront the truth of the problem or loss honestly.

Appear to be unemotional, apathetic, or indifferent in the face of loss.

Are considered pathetic and pitiable by those who have tried to confront them with the denial and have failed.

Appear to be caught up in magical thinking about the loss involved.

Appear to be excessively involved in fantasy thinking about the loss or problem.

Appear to be childlike, very dependent on others to nurture them and reassure them that everything will be all right.

Appear to be running away from the truth concerning their problems or loss.

Appear to be avoiding or rejecting those who are intent on confronting them with their problems
thanks for the informative link. love to see facts on the thread. we all can learn from them.
We called the authorities and they acted like they didnt know what was going on. I do not know how to get in touch with LP. Help??

I wish I knew Tracy... I just posted what Local 6 reported. I am sure someone here may be able to help.
We called the authorities and they acted like they didnt know what was going on. I do not know how to get in touch with LP. Help??

There is no need to panic, I assure you, LE is watching everything that comes in and out of that house on any account, computer, blah blah, belonging to this family, this case is being asissted via the FBI. If this so much was on the fringe, they would have acted on it.
Okay - What just happened on the web cam? Saw a couple of guys at the umberlla guy's stuff, umbrella is gone - so are guys. Were they chased off? Their camera, tripod, and fan (???) are all still there.
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