Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #154

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i agree. what about these searches that are going on today. i heard they will be searching around the airport and somewhere else. anyone heard anything?
I was willing to cut the grandparents tons of slack....after I heard Cindy's agonizing third 911 call about a dead body in the car...I figured she was tortured and I also felt like she really loved little Caylee.

I just don't know why attorney, a friend, anyone has not told them to knock off the anger at the public. That it is her daughter she needs to direct her anger to.

I am getting fed up with them and all their lies, day after day.

There has to be someone in their circle who can tell them..."The gigs up"
So what about the limited immunity deal? Is that still in the works or is it null and void now?
cindy, cindy, cindy. :rolleyes:

She said deputies arrived at the house without a warrant and told her they were taking casey to a safe place.

"they were grandstanding last night. They forced their way into my house," said cindy. "i thought they were responding to a 911 call i made about the protesters."

fooled you cindy...
Oh how cute!! Is he/she a westie also?

OMG! Your dog looks like my little Maggie (a Westiepoo).

Question: High energy? I ask because my tiny toy poodle was over 12 when she died and not very energetic at the end of her life. The puppy Maggie is soooooooo busy all the time. LOL

I have been warned - no OT. OK : - )))
And he looked embarassed as heck..I love it. If I were Casey I would be getting a new attorney and FAST.
Why go to the trouble of firing Baez now, when doing so immediately before trial will buy her months of avoiding the inevitable?
says in my best gomer pyle voice "surprise, surprise surprise!!
Again, CA didn't have control of the situation and freaked. she had to know it was coming. It is actually illegal to steal.
If the Anthony's believe Caylee is still alive, then why is George working on the lawn anyway? Why isn't he out hunting his grandbaby? Who would even care about the lawn in this situation?

George is probably making a scene since LE pulled up on his lawn yesterday.:waitasec:
And that ain't gonna happen. Girlfriend's gonna have to get used to resting her head on a lumpy, jail-issue pillow again.

You never know, maybe she's got a few more checks laying around..
I think it meant that the judge who issued the arrest warrant believed there was probable cause or he wouldn't have issued the warrant.

And that is exactly what the hearing officer this morning told Baez.(with disdain in his voice)
Hey! I emailed Fox to ask about the webcam and they just answered me. Sweet!

"We’re working to get the web cam up and running ASAP. Thanks for your patience. "

Thanks! Dammit. Now I'll get nothing done today, too.


j/k :blowkiss:
IF you wipe your drive, then fill it up again, wipe, fill, can overwrite the previous contents. It takes a while, but can be done.

Even then the FBI has the ability to read what is "under" the new files.
I was willing to cut the grandparents tons of slack....after I heard Cindy's agonizing third 911 call about a dead body in the car...I figured she was tortured and I also felt like she really loved little Caylee.

I just don't know why attorney, a friend, anyone has not told them to knock off the anger at the public. That it is her daughter she needs to direct her anger to.

I am getting fed up with them and all their lies, day after day.

There has to be someone in their circle who can tell them..."The gigs up"

She is royally effing up by smearing the investigators and LE in public.

Hey! I emailed Fox to ask about the webcam and they just answered me. Sweet!

"We’re working to get the web cam up and running ASAP. Thanks for your patience. "

Nice maybe you can email them back and tell them to wave to us again hehe
Why go to the trouble of firing Baez now, when doing so immediately before trial will buy her months of avoiding the inevitable?

Maybe that is why she was supposedly reading the law books in the pokey? IDK I would be doing something now if I were her. He is looking like a rookie.
OMG look at this, its about fertilizer and no other than Scott Peterson:

"The cadaver dog had difficulty with the shed where the tarp was found, and Scott was suspected of intentionally contaminating it with home fertilizer in order to destroy trace evidence"

Wonder if KC found this while surfing? And told GA about it in the code speak way, and he followed directions.

This family is so very painful to watch, and I feel kinda like a voyeur who can't tear her eyes off a train wreck. Not sure the best editor in the world could distill this family into a one hour video on dysfunction.
Hey...atop the Hopespring cam screen it says "Webcam is being moved and is down until further notice." Wonder where it's moving to?

I'm wondering that too! I guess they decided they didn't need one on the Anthony's house anymore because Casey is not there :(
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