Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

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I want to share an experience today which has nothing to do with this case however it has to do with child neglect, my former dl was arrested today after police found the children alone in the car, she went to work and I am assuming she did not have a sitter so instead of calling for help she left a 5 yo and a 2 yo alone.

After finding out the children were ok I went into the Jail to see her and while I am not making excuses at all, what she did was totally irresponsible, however like a normal person she was so ashamed I had to peel her hands away from her eyes to get her to look at me so I could tell her yes I was disapointed howver I would always love her and I want her to take some time by herself as I think she is overwhelmed being a single parent. She is devastated by her actions, she will lose her children and I am pretty certain only get supervised visitation for awhile (as Imo should be!). I am very concerned for her right now and hope she will be able to get through this somehow.

We were very lucky today, she left a cell in the car the th 5 yo called her Dad who is LE, after figuring out where they were parked LE arrived to find the children screaming yet unharmed physically. The 5yo is my step gd and is with her Dad, I have my gs and he is asleep and safe. (My ds is working this evening).

Anyway I have been very blessed today as these children are here safe and sound.

I just wanted to make a point (which I am sure has been made) that the mother in the case must be a monster to have no feelings.

God Bless You. That had to very much affect you.
why do you keep spewing this stuff out? we are all saying he talks too much and is giving his case away, and changing it all the why do you keep posting this stuff in return? It reads like propaganda to me. IMOO

i don't have time to deal with your whole post, but re this point..

I certainly do...and I think the prosecuting attorneys will too...and I think it can be assumed they were made on instructions and that the statements he is making now, can, and will be used against her at her trial. Now they can say, "but you told your lawyer this", and she either has to deny or admit it...if she denies it, then Baez becomes a witness. IMOO

Baez's statements can't be used at trial in any form, at least not the ones he's made so far. Moreover, he's never quoted his client directly. Anything Baez does say can be assumed to be his legal opinion, which he is entitled to broadcast. But those statements can't be used to cross-examine Casey or Baez.

But the original point of all of this is that Baez is under no obligation to be honest with the media about the status of his defense. Under this new theory of yours, there would be even less incentive for an attorney to make public statements if, according to you, the statements would be admissible to challenge the defense.
jesse and his dad are to be on geraldo's tonight
And Piz, this case is not too complicated. at all. No mystery here! Maybe this case is unwinnable from Casey's viewpoint..but is she and her case complicated?
Nah....its so obvious its almost funny. You cant look at the sky and tell someone its the land and expect them to believe it just because you say it over, and over, and over, and over....

More GOSSIP! He was not intending to bring his camera there! We ended up driving around w/ the camera because he couldn't search because of a medical condition, as if it's REALLY anybodys business!


There is a small triangle..alert button..use it if you need a moderator. No clue what is going down but it sounds like you need a mod.
Thank you for your memory. Its not gossip, its an opinion I shared. Murt not only was banned from here, but CTV as well. Yes his beloved wife passed, I think he lost a son also. Point is, he meddled.

THAT is not opinion. THAT is gossip, I reported it. I'm DONE!
Baez can do whatever he wants, blah, blah blah. etc etc. more of the same.

The fact still remains that he has presented himself as HIGHLY unprofessional.

There is a small triangle..alert button..use it if you need a moderator. No clue what is going down but it sounds like you need a mod.

I just did! Thanks, MD...I don't like this sort of thing. Back to the case! :)
I just respectfully think it an unfair comparison. This is midinvestigation and shouldn't be compared to evidence presented in a trial.


Fair point. But without knowing what the evidence is here, how can anyone know what's in Casey's best interests? Can't have it both ways.
Baez can do whatever he wants, blah, blah blah. etc etc. more of the same.

The fact still remains that he has presented himself as HIGHLY unprofessional.


YES!!! I agree dear Shavaun.
All of NG's Show 2 are finally uploaded and in the Media Forum.

I will record Geraldo and put that in the Media Forum under August 30, 2008.
Murt is just a local Floridian who likes to interject himself into Flordian cases. He did the same with the Trenton case. Good heart but an overblown opinion of himself. He, at one time passed himself off as a court officer on the old CTV board. He got way too involved into the Trenton case, even arranging a radio interview that flopped.

I can't say anything about the court officer thing because I don't remember that at all but the radio interview was set up out of the goodness of his heart. He worked hard to get Josh on the radio to get more exposure for Trenton. It was not Murt's fault that the media ended up being more interested in him than in Trenton and Josh.

I think Murt's heart is in the right place and I don't think that he has ever done anything that hurt a case. Usually he just ends up hurting himself. I don't always agree with the things that he does or has done but he is basically harmless and really wants to be helpful. Plus I think he is lonely and his following these cases and trying to give people following on the web a look at what is going on is his way of coping with the death of his son and his wife.

He has been beat up in every one of the sleuthing sites for what people feel is his over involvement but truthfully, I can think of quite a few web sleuths that have pushed the involvement envelope a lot further than he ever has.

I'm just saying.......
I gotta say, after your recent post letting us know how well you know Murt, I wondered if you might indeed be Murt. Now you seem personally offended.

I recall asking why you were so hostile when Tony Padilla started posting here.

:waitasec: Things that make me go hmmmm....


I'm here right now, and Murt is live on his cam.
I have to say that ever since I became a mother these sorts of cases eat away at me. When Casey was rearrested last night I literally excused myself from my company to catch the presser. My daughter is 9 and my son is 1 and this just makes me heart ache so badly. I really hope Caylee gets justice.
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