Don't miss ! ~ 20/20~ 9/05/08~caylee anthony case

Amazing that the only person that has ever said she has been emotional about all of this is JB. Not one other person has said this since she was arrested...........

She's probably flirting with him and that's her line. I just heard on Greta that Baez's BMW was in front of the Anthony's and that he and PROBABLY HIS WIFE were inside. Smart plan, Wife. If she were my husband's client, I'd go with him to see her too.
No interview....I was waiting for that. Thought it would be last....

Strange there was no interview since the online TV Guide said "An interview with Caylee's mother, a person of interest in this case."
Where were these lyrics from, because other than the one single line I have not been able to turn up anything on them...anyone?
She broke down with him because he is:
a man who she thinks can benefit her
a man period
a man that cannot tell anyone anything she says
a man she can practice her feminine whiles on while incarcerated
one of the only men on earth who will speak to her after this is all said and done
and last but not least, it is the oldest trick in the pretty sociopaths manual
Do you believe she actually broke down with him? She was probably just upset about not having to be uncomfortable in jail!!
I don't know about you guys, but I bawled like a little baby everytime a video of little Caylee came on. Its one thing to see a picture of this adorable little angel but another thing to hear her talk and move and just be a normal little kid. It is so heartbreaking that NO ONE will talk so they can find this precious doll baby! jmo
An expert that has never met or examined her and is basing his opionions on what he's seen on TV and heard from others.

How do you think criminal profilers "profile"???? They certainly don't do it after they meet the perp.
Casey out of Jail, Greata says and It is possible the toddler is dead. Mother may be back on her way to jail because she may have had something to do with it...She shouldnt be out anyway....!!!!!!!
Her defense team looks like blazing idiots!!! She might as well have hired Jose Cuervo and forced us to drink it and believe her stupid stories.

No kidding! Well, with all of the new wealth I guess she could afford a competent lawyer if she wanted one.
But, it seems she may be, oh, how shall I say, attached to Baez.
JMO. I think they (20/20) were soft on everyone. I mean, If I had lied to our LE here in our town like KC did, they would still been reading me the riot act. I was a little dismayed at their lack of astonishment at the whole bizarre story and the lies and misdirections the family has given to LE. IMO 20/20 essentially just gave a blurb of this case. They could have and should have done much better.

They're supposed to state the facts and let viewers form their own opinions.
Which is what they did, it sounds like you were expecting a bunch of biased sensationalism.
No kidding! Well, with all of the new wealth I guess she could afford a competent lawyer if she wanted one.
But, it seems she may be, oh, how shall I say, attached to Baez.

Well that's below the belt! Their attachment anyway! :)
With great power, comes great consequence. Spiderman

ETA:...should read comes great responsibilty.
Strange there was no interview since the online TV Guide said "An interview with Caylee's mother, a person of interest in this case."

Maybe there was something to the earlier speculation today that there was some funny business about payment for the interviews and ABC got wind of it and canceled the segment? With all the "crazy" encircling this case, there's just no telling.

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