Anthony`s volunteer fingerprints-Potential case being built against them?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 37334
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I wouldn't get too excited folks....sounds more to me like someone speculating than actual fact. Don't get taken in by irresponsible media.

Exactly Chilly. The video was nothing more than "what could happen"
I remind you once again...Cindy was the last known independently verified and confirmed person to be seen with Caylee alive at the nursing center on June 15, 2008.

People are assuming this only has to do with obstruction or after the fact. It could be much more.

*nodding head*

It would be quite interesting if it turns out that Cindy has been setting Casey up this whole time.
I remind you once again...Cindy was the last known independently verified and confirmed person to be seen with Caylee alive at the nursing center on June 15, 2008.

People are assuming this only has to do with obstruction or after the fact. It could be much more.

This has ALWAYS bothered me!
Obstruction charges. Accessory after the fact. These are my guesses.
Boy Howdy....I have such a hard time with the idea of Casey covering for Cindy. She is so out for number one. And yet, there are so many times when she is doing everything but getting down on her knees and begging her mother to love her. I'm your little girl, our family will be back how it used to be, etc. I can see her so badly wanting her mother's love and approval that she would do anything for her.

I think as far as Cindy goes, perhaps indirectly and slowly over time...this train wreck is totally her fault. She is just chaos and everything around her is this swirling mass of dysfunction. It's only a matter of time before something goes terribly wrong in that environment, and there are so many things wrong here.
Haven't we heard that George had to keep a journal to remember what he had told to who? Didn't Cindy have all kinds of notebooks that she carried around? I have to wonder if LE does not have all of this written evidence and maybe it is quite incriminating. That house could have yielded a ton of evidence against both of them.
OK - my faith in all things Fox was going up in flames!!

Where is Phil K getting this report about the A's thinking the house is bugged? Sounds like a healthy case of paranoia to me - I hope this new attorney has no other clients because he's going to need to be full time case workers - these people need help fast
the Anthony's or the reporter? There have been other msm outlets that reported (and filmed) the Anthony family PI walking the perimiter of their home with a bug-detector'
Haven't we heard that George had to keep a journal to remember what he had told to who? Didn't Cindy have all kinds of notebooks that she carried around? I have to wonder if LE does not have all of this written evidence and maybe it is quite incriminating. That house could have yielded a ton of evidence against both of them.

I hadn't thought of that. Wouldn't that be something!
It has been said, prior to finding remains, that if they charged CA or GA prior to KC's trial that CA and GA could plead the Fifth. IMHO. I do not see that it matters one way or the other at this point. The state can enter GA and CA sworn statements into evidence. No need to have them testify. The state could call them to testify, call them to the witness stand, ask a question and then have CA refuse to answer on the grounds it might incriminate her. Yes, that would look good. So at this point, if LE and the State thinks they have enough to charge anyone with anything of any kind I think they will go for it. JMO.

Ooh - here's a thought <grin>. Perhaps LE PREFERS to use the written statements over what they would get out of GA and CA now on the stand? PERHAPS if they charge them before trial, they KNOW that both will be in a corner and will HAVE to plead the 5th, or incriminate themselves? If Defense calls them to the stand then they have to face a cross-exam, and they'd be in the same situation. So maybe...just maybe...LE is going to charge them to keep them OFF of the stand?
Re: the house being bugged- who the heck cares! If 2 normal grandparents just found out that their grandaughter is probably dead, and their daughter is charged with the murder, all they'd find is a lot of grief, anguish & hopefully support of each other. The last thing on my mind would be if my house was bugged. Go ahead, bug my house & listen to me cry like a baby over my grandaughter.....What are they covering for?

Exactly :clap:

They definitely believe (or KNOW) that Casey did it, they're scrambling to cover for her. They've already lost Caylee and now they're losing Casey. The whole "code" thing was totally absurd from day 1.
On FOX Network news right now

From day 31, the anthony's have been on a misinformation campaign to taint the case to their daughter's benefit. LE is now ratcheting up the pressure to get them to stop....JUST STOP.
Ooh - here's a thought <grin>. Perhaps LE PREFERS to use the written statements over what they would get out of GA and CA now on the stand? PERHAPS if they charge them before trial, they KNOW that both will be in a corner and will HAVE to plead the 5th, or incriminate themselves? If Defense calls them to the stand then they have to face a cross-exam, and they'd be in the same situation. So maybe...just maybe...LE is going to charge them to keep them OFF of the stand?

I do not think LE will call them directly. If so, only as a hostile witness.

If they can, they will simply submit the transcripts/videos of their sworn statements. Then let the Defense call them to the stand, and then LE does the cross on what the direct covered.

Less is more !
And may I also vent that that staged photo of Cindy looking at the teddy bear sitting by the crib makes me GAG???!!!! :yuck:

Okay...question....I have never attended a trial like this. How does one get into the "spectator seats"? Just show up early and get on line? I'd imagine people would be camping out outside the courthouse. Do they do a lottery for tickets? Hand out wristbands? Or would a big case like this be family and media only, not open to the public? (sorry if this is a dumb question, like I said, I've never attended a trial like this)
Does anyone else believe it is no coincidence that LE meets with the A's on Sat. and takes their fingerprints then announces on Mon. that charges may be filed on the A's. And that during that same time period that the A's has their house swept for bugs?

My guess is that the A's were told on Sat. that there might be charges against them. And without knowing what the evidence was, the A's just automatically assumed that they must have been overheard discussing their actions on the case. IOW's, what they said may be very incriminating.

Question: Since a wiretap cannot legally be installed without a warrant, if the A's did find and remove a bug- is that obstruction or contempt of court or anything illegal?
Does anyone else believe it is no coincidence that LE meets with the A's on Sat. and takes their fingerprints then announces on Mon. that charges may be filed on the A's. And that during that same time period that the A's has their house swept for bugs?

My guess is that the A's were told on Sat. that there might be charges against them. And without knowing what the evidence was, the A's just automatically assumed that they must have been overheard discussing their actions on the case. IOW's, what they said may be very incriminating.

Question: Since a wiretap cannot legally be installed without a warrant, if the A's did find and remove a bug- is that obstruction or contempt of court or anything illegal?

Do you have a link to LE announcing that charges may be filed against the Anthonys?
Maybe Caylee died on the night of June 15th in Caseys room. Casey wrapped her up in a blanket/sheet whatever she had handy and placed her in the trunk.
The duct tape had been put over the child's mouth earlier as maybe she was crying when she heard Casey and Cindy fighting.

George in fact really never saw Casey or Caylee leaving on the afternoon of the 16th. He just tossed that out there as it probbaly sounded good to him at the time and he thought it would change the time line to make it look like they had not tossed Casey out of the house the night before.
And may I also vent that that staged photo of Cindy looking at the teddy bear sitting by the crib makes me GAG???!!!! :yuck:

Okay...question....I have never attended a trial like this. How does one get into the "spectator seats"? Just show up early and get on line? I'd imagine people would be camping out outside the courthouse. Do they do a lottery for tickets? Hand out wristbands? Or would a big case like this be family and media only, not open to the public? (sorry if this is a dumb question, like I said, I've never attended a trial like this)

Criminal trials are open to the public as long as the perp is not being tried as a juvenile. You just show up at the courtroom before the time of the trial. If there are too many spectators for the size of the room the court may (but doesn't have to) set up another room for the overflow and then give that room a video feed.

When you go to the court be prepared to go through a metal detector.
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