George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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because my life work has revolved around helping and counseling abused women I tend to pick up on covert signs of abuse.

I see a lot of GA in KC. That's just my opinion.

Men like this need self-pity to justify their own behavior at times. Yes, he is hurting and yes this is the worst situation any father would want to be in...but don't run from it..change it. When people have an unwillingness to change negative behavior nothing can get better..ever! JMO

I've checked myself into a women's shelter in the past, and understand your viewpoint. It's a complex issue, and one that needs to be revisited often.
I was so sad to hear on the news that George had possibly tried to take his own life. My immediate reaction was, "That *bleeping* *bleep* Casey's actions and lies have now almost cost the world another life!" I was furious at her and heartbroken for Cindy and George. Now, however, I read that the suicide note possibly said that George doesn't believe his daughter killed Caylee, but rather her friends killed Caylee. If that is indeed the case, I find myself feeling disgusted and even more saddened. But sad for Caylee--the one whose story seems to keep getting lost amidst all the drama and lies her family keeps creating.
I think that LE has been letting out enough information to try and make someone break. Things have been closing in on that family since the day Caylee was found.

Friday LE visited them. This week information came out that seemed to cast doubt on what GA said about what Caylee was wearing the last time she was seen.

Suicide is the ultimate self-centered act. It further victimizes family members. People who get so desperate do crazy things. His texting of people and reaching out indicates that he wanted "HELP", not that he was intending going through with it.

As an adult he has a right to request no visitors. I think that he needs some breathing space and I hope he continues to get it.

I know that lots of folks here think GA is the only "sane" one is the family. I have seen and read a lot that makes me tend to disagree.

His poor impulse control, his not working and relying on CA to support the family, just to mention a couple of things.

Why do we always look at the woman in one of these cases as being the one who drove him to it? Maybe we need to start in the year 2009 understanding that a lot of men drive women to look and act crazy.

I think George NEEDS alot of breathing you not remember the hundreds of videos of CA ranting & saying nothing?? unnecessary details, on & on, I don't know how he's managed this far. He's been so emasculated, not only by her but by her mimicking daughter!!.. she makes my head hurt just watching her, & I've felt this way from the very beginning. HE is guilty of maybe not having a thick skin, but has more heart & sensitivity than anyone that I've observed in that family.

Your statement of always looking at the woman is a sweeping generalization, & if we focus on just this particular family, based on all observations, CA would try the patience of a Saint!

His not working & relying on CA, reminds me of Munchausen syndrome, brought on by HER neediness, & I truly believe, because of her, he is Lost!

I have always believed George wanted to do the right thing, the decent thing!....he's just not allowed to living in that atmosphere.

There are so many reported posts being alerted it is NUTS. JBean is making a list, checking it twice and is going to give time out for all the naughty posts. Get a GRIP ALREADY!!!!
knock it off


I am sure that GA is suffering. He has lost his gd. He is however responsible for his own actions. He chose to clean a car that he ahs admitted in LE statements he knew reeked of decomp. He chose to say what clothing he last saw Caylee in and when. He chose to gamble the life savings away and risk losing the home of his family - including the roof over the head of his "beloved" Caylee. He chose to go to a hotel w/case of beer and assorted meds. He chose to text and write questionable letter indicating a possible loss of the will to live. I have been touched in my life by those with continual suicide attempts for attention. It's time we make even mentally fragile people responsible for their own actions. If they are not legally insane, we need to teach them that they and not circumstances are responsible for their behavior. It is not WS's fault or anyone else's if GA has made these choices, it is his alone. We choose how we react to situations.
I feel terrible for George that it came to this....if he is involved, I will eat my words, but I think he's just a painfully hurt Father and Grandfather who is at his wits end.

This quote from the Orlando Sentinel made me say WTF?

"On Wednesday Cindy had asked George to pick out jewelry for Caylee's funeral, which seemed to upset him more, reports show.",0,7934495.story

Seriously? Jewelry? It's not a freaking fashion show...this would be the least of my worries. If they were picking out jewelry for Caylee, I could see that, but I don't think that's even relevant in this case. As a mother (or grandmother) I would throw on my old standby and that would be that.

Cindy's priorities are so skewed.
I feel terrible for George that it came to this....if he is involved, I will eat my words, but I think he's just a painfully hurt Father and Grandfather who is at his wits end.

This quote from the Orlando Sentinel made me say WTF?

"On Wednesday Cindy had asked George to pick out jewelry for Caylee's funeral, which seemed to upset him more, reports show.",0,7934495.story

Seriously? Jewelry? It's not a freaking fashion show...this would be the least of my worries. If they were picking out jewelry for Caylee, I could see that, but I don't think that's even relevant in this case. As a mother (or grandmother) I would throw on my old standby and that would be that.

Cindy's priorities are so skewed.
Jewelry for whom? :waitasec::confused:Cindy? You wouldn't be putting jewelry on a skeleton I don't think (Sorry to be so graphic)
I think George NEEDS alot of breathing you not remember the hundreds of videos of CA ranting & saying nothing?? unnecessary details, on & on, I don't know how he's managed this far. He's been so emasculated, not only by her but by her mimicking daughter!!.. she makes my head hurt just watching her, & I've felt this way from the very beginning. HE is guilty of maybe not having a thick skin, but has more heart & sensitivity than anyone that I've observed in that family.

Your statement of always looking at the woman is a sweeping generalization, & if we focus on just this particular family, based on all observations, CA would try the patience of a Saint!

His not working & relying on CA, reminds me of Munchausen syndrome, brought on by HER neediness, & I truly believe, because of her, he is Lost!

I have always believed George wanted to do the right thing, the decent thing!....he's just not allowed to living in that atmosphere.


NO matter that CA's behavior would try the patience of a saint, GA is responsible for his own choices. No one can make him do anything!!! Would a woman being cranky to her husband make her responsible for him physically attacking her? NO. CA could be a psycho and her behavior could not MAKE him do anything. Our society is rife with the pass the buck mentality, someone else made me do it. It's time to go back to the truth. We are each responsible for our own behavior. If GA wanted to do the right thing, he could have.
The weight of the truth is literally killing George inside. I think he wants to do right but has outside influences that wont let him. For his well being, I hope he lets everything out.

like it or no, ga is in it hip deep. he drove the car home and no one knows what he did during that time, sorry.
these people are not stupid. moo
I think everyone here knows I have never been a supporter of CA and to this day I am not...

However, yesterday I was going through picture after picture and video after video online trying to see if all the A's trash bags had red ties. I finally found one or two with yellow ties. In the process of this I saw at least three videos, where GA exhibited unneeded anger towards CA. In one he yelled at her several times to "get inside, get inside now". In one he grabbed her arm in a rough manner and even caused tears to come to her eyes. In a sense this little suicide scenario was abusive also. This woman, good or bad, has been through enough.

According to public records and testimony he had anger issues in Ohio.

Granted, because my life work has revolved around helping and counseling abused women I tend to pick up on covert signs of abuse.

I see a lot of GA in KC. That's just my opinion.

Men like this need self-pity to justify their own behavior at times. Yes, he is hurting and yes this is the worst situation any father would want to be in...but don't run from it..change it. When people have an unwillingness to change negative behavior nothing can get better..ever! JMO

Very observant. I've always believe George had a problem with anger having seen some of it on TV and hearing about his father and the plate glass. I'll have to check out the videos more carefully.
I think George NEEDS alot of breathing you not remember the hundreds of videos of CA ranting & saying nothing?? unnecessary details, on & on, I don't know how he's managed this far. He's been so emasculated, not only by her but by her mimicking daughter!!.. she makes my head hurt just watching her, & I've felt this way from the very beginning. HE is guilty of maybe not having a thick skin, but has more heart & sensitivity than anyone that I've observed in that family.

Your statement of always looking at the woman is a sweeping generalization, & if we focus on just this particular family, based on all observations, CA would try the patience of a Saint!

His not working & relying on CA, reminds me of Munchausen syndrome, brought on by HER neediness, & I truly believe, because of her, he is Lost!

I have always believed George wanted to do the right thing, the decent thing!....he's just not allowed to living in that atmosphere.


reeseeva, excellent post.

George Anthony is a man who has made mistakes yes, but he is so lost that my heart truly breaks for this man.

IMO, George can't find a way to extricate himself from the life he has built. Most of us would say, "He can walk away at anytime" which is true, but in his mind, this is just not something he feels he can possibly do.

When somebody has been put in the role as peacekeeper (which I think George has been most of the time with CA and KC) your mind becomes warped and you can't see the forest for the trees as they say.

The thought of leaving Cindy, somebody who has controlled everything, probably makes him lose his breath just thinking about it.

Now, add to this fact that he knows Casey killed Caylee and his whole body must feel like he is being crushed by a slow moving vise

Yes, suicide is selfish but in some people's frame of mind it is the only way to make things work, the only way he can handle the choices he would be forced to make.

How can he go against Cindy, this woman who has enveloped his life wholly and completely, who controls everything, and say his daughter is guilty of killing the love of his life? Caylee.

The fact that he sent out messages and allowed himself to be found without actually harming himself seems to me his only way of telling the truth and at the same time making Cindy have sympathy for him and not be mad at him.

It is a manipulation but a manipulation by a man who wants to do the right thing but for most of his adult life he has not been allowed to.

Just my opinion of course.
Investigators said the eight-page note indicated George Anthony was at the end of his rope, and that once he was gone, his family would have a better life. He wrote about how strong his daughter, Casey Anthony, is and said he doesn't believe she hurt her daughter, Caylee. However, he did make dark, veiled references to his daughter's friends.

This was just posted on the WESH website

"dark, veiled references to his daughter's friends"???

Give me a BREAK. I hope this is incorrect.
Jewelry for whom? :waitasec::confused:Cindy? You wouldn't be putting jewelry on a skeleton I don't think (Sorry to be so graphic)

oh my god i feel so awful.

when i read that post i thought, i'll give CA the benefit of the doubt, it was probably for Caylee. OMG then reading your post i totally spaced that she was in that condition. omg where is my head today
Personally I find it hard to believe Casey would be genuinely concerned with the physical, emotional and mental health of her parents or anyone else for that matter.

She's too self-absorbed, egocentric and obsessed with herself as the "real and only victim" to waste time on someone or an event that isn't all about HER.

I do feel sorry for George and his struggles which brought him to this point.

The truth is the ultimate weapon against toxic, malignant narcissism. My fear is Casey isn't the only narcissist in the bunch.
I feel for George.. My heart goes out to him.. I have always felt bad for Cindy, George and Lee. I don't care how they acted, what they did, didn't, should have done.. geeez.. Their granddaughter was killed at the hands of their ADULT daughter. So what if they are covering for Casey, the FACT is, they are NOT the ones who is going to convict her. The court of law will.. 12 jurors.. The facts will be presented and all the evidence will point to Casey.

If I were in George's shoes, I'd have more than a pack of beer with me and I would want to run away and hide myself in a room AWAY from all the freaking press, news media, and even my family just so I can fall apart the way I want. These people can't make a FREAKING move without all eyes on them and then get picked apart for making that move...

George didn't ask for any of this to happen.. He had no idea that his daugther would kill his granddaughter..
I so totally agree with you.
I feel for George.. My heart goes out to him.. I have always felt bad for Cindy, George and Lee. I don't care how they acted, what they did, didn't, should have done.. geeez.. Their granddaughter was killed at the hands of their ADULT daughter. So what if they are covering for Casey, the FACT is, they are NOT the ones who is going to convict her. The court of law will.. 12 jurors.. The facts will be presented and all the evidence will point to Casey.

If I were in George's shoes, I'd have more than a pack of beer with me and I would want to run away and hide myself in a room AWAY from all the freaking press, news media, and even my family just so I can fall apart the way I want. These people can't make a FREAKING move without all eyes on them and then get picked apart for making that move...

George didn't ask for any of this to happen.. He had no idea that his daugther would kill his granddaughter..

:clap: Excellent post PD! I agree with you 100%
Once again, many things are being put out by the media and assumed on here and other places to be "facts". The first being that he actually made ANY attempt at suicide. He obviously did NOT need any on-site medical rescue. So.... the initial report given here on WS regarding that was WRONG. I am also fairly certain that any responsible LE person who has actually seen a note would not be giving out its contents to the media.

Often, a reporter will ask a question, and if the person being interviewed does not DENY the statement, they will then report it as the truth. For example "are you denying the fact that the note spoke of suicide?" and the response will be "no I am not denying or confirming any content of the note"..... and the reporter writes the story as if the refusal to deny the statement means that LE confirmed the reporters allegations.
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