George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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From the little that has been published about the contents of his letter, thus far he praises Cindy, Lee, Mallory and KC! He supposedly wrote that he didn't believe that KC could HURT Caylee and he shed light on KC's new friends....

I would have hoped that the TRUTH would have been written.. I guess the SPIN goes round and round! Can denial be this strong???????

Don't mean to rant...
It is bewildering.
WESH just stated it was 8 pages long. They also said the note said that George believes KC is innocent, CA deserves someone better than him etc etc...

where was this said? all I heard is that he described KC as smart and strong but not that she was innocent.
This is nothing but an act. I don't believe for a second that George or anyone else in the A family would do themselves in. I suspect he did this to try and gain sympathy perhaps with prospective jurors, for this daughter. I have absolutely no sympathy for these ghouls. My thoughts are with Caylee...Is there no level to which this family will not stoop? :furious: :furious: :furious:
I hope they put some more information out there, as some of the stories seem conflicting. What if GA just truly wanted to get away for a while, and out of that house? Could it be possible that he just needed a break, wanted to have time away to think, eat a good pizza, have a few beers, and was not suicidal at all. Could someone be pulling him back?
If that was the case, you don't send 7 cop cars and a helicopter. Also it was the chief of police that personally escorted George to the mental health facility.
I've always believed if a person wanted to end their life they did it, left a good bye letter, they didn't leave a trail. Maybe I'm just missing something with GA actions.

I'm not even sure it's a good-bye letter, yet. MAybe it was just 8 pages of things he needed to get out of his head , KWIM, ramblings? I would like to know more specifics from a legit news source about the letter for sure.
I think that LE has been letting out enough information to try and make someone break. Things have been closing in on that family since the day Caylee was found.

Friday LE visited them. This week information came out that seemed to cast doubt on what GA said about what Caylee was wearing the last time she was seen.

Suicide is the ultimate self-centered act. It further victimizes family members. People who get so desperate do crazy things. His texting of people and reaching out indicates that he wanted "HELP", not that he was intending going through with it.

As an adult he has a right to request no visitors. I think that he needs some breathing space and I hope he continues to get it.

I know that lots of folks here think GA is the only "sane" one is the family. I have seen and read a lot that makes me tend to disagree.

His poor impulse control, his not working and relying on CA to support the family, just to mention a couple of things.

Why do we always look at the woman in one of these cases as being the one who drove him to it? Maybe we need to start in the year 2009 understanding that a lot of men drive women to look and act crazy.


I totally agree....that makes a lot of sense

My daad committed suicide a few years ago (with a gun). He did not leave any notes or messages.
Yes, good point. Can we look at that angle as well?

I think everyone here knows I have never been a supporter of CA and to this day I am not...

However, yesterday I was going through picture after picture and video after video online trying to see if all the A's trash bags had red ties. I finally found one or two with yellow ties. In the process of this I saw at least three videos, where GA exhibited unneeded anger towards CA. In one he yelled at her several times to "get inside, get inside now". In one he grabbed her arm in a rough manner and even caused tears to come to her eyes. In a sense this little suicide scenario was abusive also. This woman, good or bad, has been through enough.

According to public records and testimony he had anger issues in Ohio.

Granted, because my life work has revolved around helping and counseling abused women I tend to pick up on covert signs of abuse.

I see a lot of GA in KC. That's just my opinion.

Men like this need self-pity to justify their own behavior at times. Yes, he is hurting and yes this is the worst situation any father would want to be in...but don't run from it..change it. When people have an unwillingness to change negative behavior nothing can get better..ever! JMO
I'm coming out of lurkerdom (if that's a word) to post in this sad thread.

Do I hope GA gets some mental help? yes
Do I feel sorry for GA? eh, not so much.

I do feel bad that he has lost a granddaughter due to the product he helped raise. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for suicide "attempts".

Before I get flamed let me add that my daddy committed suicide on May 11, 1999...3 days after his 41st birthday.

If someone wants to commit suicide they do it. They don't call and text people to let them know that's what they are doing.

I do feel bad that KC has led this family down this path. But GA is an adult and he has made some less than stellar choices lately. It's time for him to own up to them. No matter what happens to the rest of the family.

By the way, my name is Carmen and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my first post.

I am sorry that you had that experience-what a terrible tragedy.
I find that bizarre as well! WS posters are being blamed for George's contemplation of suicide?

I, too, find it inanely simplistic and laughably unrealistic to fault logical and truthful debate for the actions of someone's depression or mental illness. You can't "trigger" something that's not already there.

The old adage "Truth Hurts", has survived the test of time because it's just that, - true. But, contrary to the touchy-feely mentality that's sometimes espoused to shift (or direct) guilt and imply a social responsibility to hedge on the truth out of some misguided "compassion", is naive at best and corrupt at worst.

Truth doesn't have to be "spun", at least among the honest.
It totally blows my mind that all these articles seem to be so "privied" to such a personal note.
Maybe some reporters have connections in LE? I'm in California and found it on Google.
WESH just stated it was 8 pages long. They also said the note said that George believes KC is innocent, CA deserves someone better than him etc etc...

The first I heard about it was on the radio this a.m. and they were mentioning 2 suicide notes (or possible suicide notes). Perhaps herein lies the confusion. They mentioned something about a note in the car and a note in the room.

Wait..."George believes KC is innocent"...come again?

You gotta be kidding me!

[I do feel sorry for GA so I'll not further comment on this....]
among other things im sure that the new doc dump had something to do with this break down...and i wonder what "pills" these sure someone has said something similar to this, haven't seen the whole thread. but george is the only one i can stand by through all this. i feel like i can relate to him cuase my father has...what..eight grandkids and two great grandkids. and they are very close to ALL of them...they seriously are. i can see my dad going down this same road. i regret what george felt as he drove away in that car and KNEW it was already a crime scene, but i believe he LOVES "that child". but i still feel for him, i do...but cindy, lee and casey...END STATEMENT.
If it is true that he wrote in the note that KC is innocent, then no wonder he didn't complete his suicide plan. Who would dare go to their death with a bold faced lie being their last words. I guess at the last minute, the fear of God came upon him.
And Wudge is right. Some of you people were absolutely vicious in some of your posts about the Anthony family, accusing them of things that had absolutely no basis in fact. Pure speculation and imagination that would make the author of Alice in Wonderland proud. Some of it was downright sickening.

I rarely post but I read almost everyone and I must agree with you and Wudge. Though this type of posting may not be the cause but they surely don't help. Seems to be more cattiness going on sometimes than websleuthing.
i am not sure what is going on in here but my mailbox is full of alerts.
Whatever it is knock it off. Stay on topic and get off each others backs.
I would hate to shut down a thread like this.

if you have a violation self edit, because when i review this thread later, i am going to be liberal with the to's.
Discuss this like adults people come on.

take this opportunity to self edit any personal attacks, name calling or other violations.

please quote this post regularly and often.

damned right. If anyone has made a post hurling criticism at another poster for expressing their views or positions, you better fix it now. That's not what we do here.

knock it off


I woke up to hear this sad news. I can't imagine the pain George must be suffering or the heartache that would lead him to this decision. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. This is so heart wrenching. :(
I know we have said this every week and almost daily...just when you think nothing else crazy can happen in this does.....My God....what is next????
I think George has asked for help and wanted therapy but CA has refused. I think when they were having marriage problems he wanted to go to a counselor. (I'm not sure of this) CA is a strong woman as is her daughter. GA seems meek and timid except when pushed too far. His blowups seemed to be from frustration. The cop in him knows the state has to prove their case~after the last dump of papers I feel he realized the amount of evidence they have. I think the meeting was called by CA wanting to come out in defense of their daughter and do a smear campaign against he daughters friends. That they all "conspired" against Casey. All the evidence has been planted blah blah blah and I think GA had enough and just wanted to stay quiet and out of the limelight. It is his wife who has seeked the news coverage. I hope he gets the help he needs and can find some peace. It will be interesting to see if he allows his wife to "visit". They may move him to OC and list him as SNP. As much as I hate what CA looks like she killed her daughter she is still to be considered "innocent" until her trial.
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