Casey & Family Psychological Profile #4

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I saw no Caylee connection in it either. I Just see lazy in it... now that life in jail is getting to be the norm.

But doesn't it look like she's suddenly decided to copy JB's signature style? I would think it was forged by JB, except Casey's "C" remains as she has always written it.
Even though Casey is diagnosed as sociopath by everyone, except debs, including her own mother - I have never put her in that all too often star-studded group. The way the media handles this - it is too classy. I think she has an Oppositional Disorder and is just mean with it. I have always thought she was oppositional. imoo

ohh, whoaa, Radio. Go back to my posts about Casey. I don't think she is a "psychopath/sociopath either. Not even close.
But doesn't it look like she's suddenly decided to copy JB's signature style? I would think it was forged by JB, except Casey's "C" remains as she has always written it.

Sure, she could be doing that. I just don't think so. But I have been wrong before :)
Even though Casey is diagnosed as sociopath by everyone, except debs and OLG, including her own mother - I have never put her in that all too often star-studded group. The way the media handles this - it is too classy. I think she has an Oppositional Disorder and is just mean with it. I have always thought she was oppositional. imoo

Ok OLG!!!
It is fixed!!

I knew you would find me sooner or later. :rolleyes:
Uh oh-- guess I am going to have to go back and rethink my unwritten rule. Let me see-- should I qualify it by saying it probably applies more to males than females?? Nope, let me try again. That it applies to the experiences I have had with people in my life and should not be extrapolated out to include everyone? Yeah, I think that's better.

Thank you, Websleuthers, for helping me to be more open-minded. I don't mean to offend, just to share what I have observed and experienced throughout my life!

I wasn't trying to be a jerk, I just thought it was funny that that was your experience is all! Who knows maybe it's just people with Bipolar that do decorate their walls?! LOL
I've never considered her a sociopath. What an easy fix for explaining behaviors that are anti-social. There is a difference between the two, however. A sociopath doesn't care about whether she's caught or not. It's the game. Casey cares a great deal about getting caught lying and stealing and whatever else. Just because she's defiant and in your face when she is caught isn't a matter of sociopathy. It's got everything to do with childish behavior. Someone with a retarded (meant as shortened or not nurtured) personality which calls for her to feel like she has to steal what others have in order to feel like they are, even down to "stealing" their mannerisms and likes and dislikes, means she's suffering a developmental problem.

Left unchecked, Casey has become someone who is very good at blending in and stealing a person blind. She's very good at keeping her friends separate. She's an expert at manipulating her family. But she isn't a sociopath. She's a manipulator, she's a liar, she's a thief. And now she's accused of killing Caylee. All the pictures taken of her with Caylee show a loving relationship. We can pick apart grimaces and facial expressions in some pictures (like the one where she has the T-Rex grin leaning in toward Caylee.......y'all know exactly which one I mean) and decide it is the picture of evil, but it really isn't. There are some videos that disturb me personally, but only because of the lack of interaction of the camera person and Caylee, but frankly we cannot attribute those videos to Casey.
Casey's personality is such that she has NO base personality. She molds herself to the person she's with so that they're exactly alike. The other person cannot reject her if she's just like them, right? That isn't normal thinking. That's co-dependency in its heightened state. Sociopaths are not co-dependent. They don't CARE. Casey cares a great deal about being wanted and loved and part of the group. Whether she took that to the ultimate degree and decided that killing Caylee would help her be a part of that group is definitely a possibility. However, it is not a sign of a sociopath. It is a sign of a very very very bad decision by a very very very stunted young woman. Caylee may very well have died to free up her mother's life. But that does not put Casey into the sociopath category.

Itotally agree! I believe Casey's amazing ability to disassociate is the reason so many see her as a sociopath. MO
Itotally agree! I believe Casey's amazing ability to disassociate is the reason so many see her as a sociopath. MO

Ok - do you think they will say she has completely disassociated herself (mentally and you know all that goes with that) from the crime/accident - whatever they go with. I'm hearing it may be possible that they do.

OLG - your going to give someone a seizure with that flashing thing!~~
But doesn't it look like she's suddenly decided to copy JB's signature style? I would think it was forged by JB, except Casey's "C" remains as she has always written it.

That signature, compared to her others, tells me that she fancies herself of "Celebrity Status", in her mind, thinks she is sooo well-known, she's reduced her name to 3 broad letters ......It made me cringe when Baez, spoke to reporters in front of her house & called her, "Public Enemy No. 1" I think she enjoyed it:eek:
Won't KC have some sort of psychological workup prior to the trial by both the defense and the state?

I'm not 100% sure but I think that would be the case only if she is going to attempt to use diminished capacity or insanity as a defense.
Ok - do you think they will say she has completely disassociated herself (mentally and you know all that goes with that) from the crime/accident - whatever they go with. I'm hearing it may be possible that they do.

OLG - your going to give someone a seizure with that flashing thing!~~

I don't think they will say anything to be honest. I doubt very much that any type of mental illness or personality disorder will be brought up by the defense.

OMG- you are right!I hadn't thought about the seizure thing- I guess I'd better take it off.
Interesting thing ...KC seems to be changing her signature, morphing it to a little more like Jose's signature, quite flamboyant amd flourished, signing only certain letters. It can be seen here, on her waiver to appear in court Fri., pg. 2. Jose's sig. is on the same page:

Kind of reminds me of the press conference where she started dressing like a law clerk, with pin-striped pants, white collared shirt, and studious glasses.

Anyway, thought I'd bring it over here, to see what opinions there were from the psych. pt. of view. She seems to be signing CAY, now. A kind of shortened "Casey", but more interesting is that it seems like more of Caylee's name.

Here's the link to the statement KC wrote and signed for LE prior to her arrest.

Page 29/432
I don't think they will say anything to be honest. I doubt very much that any type of mental illness or personality disorder will be brought up by the defense.

OMG- you are right!I hadn't thought about the seizure thing- I guess I'd better take it off.

TIA for changing your flashy out. I get migraines and I've been avoiding your posts all day! I was gonna keep my mouth shut cause it's my problem not yours, but since I saw your reference to it I figured I'd let you know I do appreciate you removing it!:)
TIA for changing your flashy out. I get migraines and I've been avoiding your posts all day! I was gonna keep my mouth shut cause it's my problem not yours, but since I saw your reference to it I figured I'd let you know I do appreciate you removing it!:)

OMG please say something if any of my graphics ever hurt your eyes or head or whatever. I'll remove it! :blowkiss: I hadn't even thought about all the things the flashing may cause! I'm so sorry!
TIA for changing your flashy out. I get migraines and I've been avoiding your posts all day! I was gonna keep my mouth shut cause it's my problem not yours, but since I saw your reference to it I figured I'd let you know I do appreciate you removing it!:)

Miss - you can go into Edit Options and take signatures out.. if you want... like even lightning flashes. :D :D :D
OMG please say something if any of my graphics ever hurt your eyes or head or whatever. I'll remove it! :blowkiss: I hadn't even thought about all the things the flashing may cause! I'm so sorry!

I have something to say, if your going to hell we all are! :crazy::crazy:
OMG please say something if any of my graphics ever hurt your eyes or head or whatever. I'll remove it! :blowkiss: I hadn't even thought about all the things the flashing may cause! I'm so sorry!

No worries! And thank you! You change them I frequently so I really wasn't worried.:headache: My head has been carpy all day, not your fault! ( I should kept my fingers to myself, cause really I don't want you stressing, OK?) :hug:
About psych evals done on Casey by the defense, I thought that the Death Penalty attorny Lenamon wanted the same dr who eval'd the Unibomber to analyze KC and Baez nixed that.

Don't know if it ever happened since they did take the death pnlty off the table.

I went surfing around for the Lenamon memo couldn't find it tho found refs to it and how it had been leaked to the press. Figure any psych eval is at least mentioned in it.

Anyone read the Lenamon memo? Does it have a psych eval of KC in it?

Got a link?
I wasn't trying to be a jerk, I just thought it was funny that that was your experience is all! Who knows maybe it's just people with Bipolar that do decorate their walls?! LOL

An ex-boyfriend who was part of my subject base was diagnosed bi-polar -- and he did not have anything on his walls!

Don't worry-- I am not offended and I didn't think you were trying to be a jerk or anything. It's just nice to belong to a group of individuals to whom I can converse with in this way, and who understand what I am talking about and value my opinions and point of view!
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