All About George

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Nope ..
The tow-yard guy looked in the trunk too, I thought .. :waitasec:

He did look in the trunk--GA made a point of the tow guy to look in trunk. He knew baby wasn't in the trunk and if she was, at that point---she was in the tire well.
LMAO-----This struck me to be very funny because when I write something here, it is full of stuff that is just like a lair. One second I use I then we--then jump to something else. I could fill one paragraph with this kind of talk. I always just called it "rambling". Bet they would put me under the jail if they ever interviewed me. Then pastiness/future/present all in one sentence.

Nah, I think they would know you are as genuine as they come, MB! :blowkiss:
Well, since there has been so much chat about GA's part in the cover up, I decided to bring this up front so it will all go into one thread.
Interesting questions, where is George's family ? Were they at the memorial ? I don't even know what they look like. I don't think the police ever interviewed them did they ? They might have some information about the family, odd that they are still unknown.

In the very beginning, George's mother and sister were there. A couple of days after Casey was arrested, Cindy complained to the news media about all the cords and cables, saying "my mother-in-law almost fell tripping over all those cords and cables."

Also in an early interview Cindy complained that they were told that LE was going to issue an amber alert. She said that they had the television on monitoring it for an amber alert and someone called them to tell them to turn the channel to another station that was showing Casey's arrest. The interviewer asked who was there with them and Cindy said, "George, my sister-in-law, and myself."

About a week later, the media showed George setting up a card table in a parking lot and distributing flyers. With him was a woman with long hair, about mid-40's. The media identified her as George's sister.

After that, none of George's side of the family was there. I found that very strange that they were there initially, but then after that - never again.
In the very beginning, George's mother and sister were there. A couple of days after Casey was arrested, Cindy complained to the news media about all the cords and cables, saying "my mother-in-law almost fell tripping over all those cords and cables."

Also in an early interview Cindy complained that they were told that LE was going to issue an amber alert. She said that they had the television on monitoring it for an amber alert and someone called them to tell them to turn the channel to another station that was showing Casey's arrest. The interviewer asked who was there with them and Cindy said, "George, my sister-in-law, and myself."

About a week later, the media showed George setting up a card table in a parking lot and distributing flyers. With him was a woman with long hair, about mid-40's. The media identified her as George's sister.

After that, none of George's side of the family was there. I found that very strange that they were there initially, but then after that - never again.

Good memory re George's family being there!

I seriously doubt Cindy was promised an Amber Alert. I just can't see LE lying to Cindy and saying one would be issued when they had no intentions of doing so. More likely than not, Cindy demanded one but was told the circumstances didn't fit the criteria. It's just another example of Cindy's disdain for LE. I believe the defense will make a big issue of this at the trial.

George's family probably beat it out of town when the tide of public opinion started to turn against Cindy and George (mostly Cindy). I recall statements to the effect one of George's sisters had some issues (FBI interview?). I suppose if there's any truth the the story of George throwing his father through a plate glass window (a la Rick P.), George's family probably beat a hasty retreat when things started to get hot. They were smart to do so. We haven't heard much about them from LE or the interviews, background stories, etc. (that I recall).
Seems like it has been a life time since we heard of a missing baby in Fla. At first I wasn't real deep into the case. It came out on our local news. I soon learned how to googel news. Then by accident I hit the "blog world". By the time I had finally followed one of my BFF's to W/S---guess ya'll had already threaded this bit of news to the back side of threads. I did not know that GA's family was with them in any of this. Guess they learned pretty quick and realized that this was goin to turn into a circus because of lies, flyin left and right. I think if I was a family member, I would have run for the hills myself.

I would bet they wanna gag by now. Can you imagine how you would feel if GA was your son/brother. OMG The one I feel the most for is poor lil Caylee---then I would have to say the family members of CA and GA.
Seems like it has been a life time since we heard of a missing baby in Fla. At first I wasn't real deep into the case. It came out on our local news. I soon learned how to googel news. Then by accident I hit the "blog world". By the time I had finally followed one of my BFF's to W/S---guess ya'll had already threaded this bit of news to the back side of threads. I did not know that GA's family was with them in any of this. Guess they learned pretty quick and realized that this was goin to turn into a circus because of lies, flyin left and right. I think if I was a family member, I would have run for the hills myself.

I would bet they wanna gag by now. Can you imagine how you would feel if GA was your son/brother. OMG The one I feel the most for is poor lil Caylee---then I would have to say the family members of CA and GA.

ITA, MB. GA has been the most mysterious one in the family to me. We see and hear the others {waayyy too much IMO} But Ga just seems to follow whatever Ca says in public. But I think KC told Ga a lot more than she told CA or Lee. IMHO, I really think he knows a lot more than we think. :banghead::banghead:
Good memory re George's family being there!

I seriously doubt Cindy was promised an Amber Alert. I just can't see LE lying to Cindy and saying one would be issued when they had no intentions of doing so. More likely than not, Cindy demanded one but was told the circumstances didn't fit the criteria. It's just another example of Cindy's disdain for LE. I believe the defense will make a big issue of this at the trial.

George's family probably beat it out of town when the tide of public opinion started to turn against Cindy and George (mostly Cindy). I recall statements to the effect one of George's sisters had some issues (FBI interview?). I suppose if there's any truth the the story of George throwing his father through a plate glass window (a la Rick P.), George's family probably beat a hasty retreat when things started to get hot. They were smart to do so. We haven't heard much about them from LE or the interviews, background stories, etc. (that I recall).

GA and CA have both grinched so much about the Amber Alert. I mean get real, what good is putting one out 31 days after it all happened. :banghead:The mysterious Nanny could be anywhere in that amount of time. They want it their way and if that does not happen they go to the press and whine about how badly they are all being treated. I think CA hears what she wants to hear and leaves many words out to work it her whinny way. What was she said and I know I am going to get this backwards...Just because it was said...please someone that knows fill in the blanks for me.
GA knows more. CA may know what he knows by now, but I don't think she knew it all. I would like to know when GA found out. What was the first cover up? It wasn't the washing of the pants or even picking up the car from the tow yard. I'm thinking the 24th.
In the very beginning, George's mother and sister were there. A couple of days after Casey was arrested, Cindy complained to the news media about all the cords and cables, saying "my mother-in-law almost fell tripping over all those cords and cables."

Also in an early interview Cindy complained that they were told that LE was going to issue an amber alert. She said that they had the television on monitoring it for an amber alert and someone called them to tell them to turn the channel to another station that was showing Casey's arrest. The interviewer asked who was there with them and Cindy said, "George, my sister-in-law, and myself."

About a week later, the media showed George setting up a card table in a parking lot and distributing flyers. With him was a woman with long hair, about mid-40's. The media identified her as George's sister.

After that, none of George's side of the family was there. I found that very strange that they were there initially, but then after that - never again.
Great recall on these things ! It does say something that they, George's family, were there in the beginning, but scattered as time went on. They must know something about the family, I just wonder if LE thought of interviewing them..maybe they have and we don't know about it ?
I really didn't think that GA had anything to do with this whole story until I saw the ZFG deposition...Now I'm starting to think that maybe, maybe he knows and did more than we've been lead to understand...I've even started suspecting (contrary to my iniitial instincts) that he may well have found poor Caylee in the trunk and might, very well, be resposible for having disposed of her REMAINS on suburban.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least at this point.

I was very surprised initially that NO ONE came to this family's defense...No friends, no family spoke out. And THAT seemed weird. Doesn't seem so weird now...Seems normal that no one would want to be connect themselves to this train-wreck dysfunctional family.

George is a man who knows a lot about a lot of things.
Him going behind CA's back to talk to the cops says alot for him at first. Then the big turn around after the Grand Jury testimony just does not make sense. CA has had to beat him down so far he just cannot do anything else. Maybe if he does not protect his family LA may go to jail.
Him going behind CA's back to talk to the cops says alot for him at first. Then the big turn around after the Grand Jury testimony just does not make sense. CA has had to beat him down so far he just cannot do anything else. Maybe if he does not protect his family LA may go to jail.

I think he went behind CA's back, to the cops because he didn't want her to know what he had done to start the cover up. He doesn't tell the whole truth in the interview with LE that day. If you go back and listen to that first one-----not the FBI one------you will see thangs you didn't see at first. He was always saying stuff like---"I have no reason to lie"---and other stuff. Then the pukin! He tells details on some stuff but only skims over others.

Remembers exactly what Caylee had on---what time.
Remembers to much of way to much bout the gas cans and the making sure he reported it. When was that report?
Everythang he goes into depth about throws my hink meter into overdrive.
GA and CA have both grinched so much about the Amber Alert. I mean get real, what good is putting one out 31 days after it all happened. :banghead:The mysterious Nanny could be anywhere in that amount of time. They want it their way and if that does not happen they go to the press and whine about how badly they are all being treated. I think CA hears what she wants to hear and leaves many words out to work it her whinny way. What was she said and I know I am going to get this backwards...Just because it was said...please someone that knows fill in the blanks for me.

If GA and CA are upset about LE not issuing an Amber Alert then how can they justify KC's 31 day delay of not telling anyone Caylee was missing. How bout explaining why they didn't issue their own Amber Alert on July 4 or pick a date any date, 6/16 . . . . . . . . . . . .7/15.

In regard to turning the tables, the A's are the masters. Unbeweebable!

How can their behavior even be tolerated? Isn't there such a thing as contempt of law? Its like the Law is the A's turning a blinds eye to the truth. It is rediculous.

Sassy, I'm just agreeing with you but had to vent. Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!

There must be stategies in play for reasons we cannot see - there has to be.
So many times I want to cave in thinking about GA's possible involvement and then BAM he opens his mouth. The ONE look that GA has shown that appears sinister whether it is or not was the look he gave at the Depos when asked a direct question. GA first stated he was going to walk out and looked at BC for the go ahead. After that the interviewer asked him the same question and GA Got the ugliest sarcastic demon posessed look and answered with a snide, snearing "Nooooo" (You have to scrunch up your nose to get the full effect when you say it). This look would have scared Caylee if she would have ever seen it. After that and many other strange issues I'm not counting him out from continued sluething. Today is definately a Freaky Friday Day!
Both of them think they can intimidate everybody with tactics best left to the psych thread.
George was in law enforcement. George knows how to get rid of fingerprints and anything else that may be incriminating to him and his family. George could have told Cindy how to get rid of the smell in the trunk of the car, also fingerprints that may have incriminated KC. KC was out on bail so Big Daddy George could have told her she should help remove fingerprints from anything that would point to her.
I think George may be the answer to the key as too why no fingerprints were found on items in the Anthony home. I wonder if the police are thinking about what George Anthony could have done to help KC look innocent by wiping away evidence.
I know it's none of our business but I would love to read the suicide note! I loved GA and thought he would be the hero - but then he changed his whole story and blatently lied in the deposition. You could tell when he lied that he felt horrible about doing so. And that temper he has now and then...yikes!:eek:
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