Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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Angel-you were SORELY missed while you were away dear...I hope you know that!

On another note-where have Kaitland and Soulscape gotten off to? I don't think I have seen many posts from either of them, at least in THIS thread in a little hit me because I saw it as a "tagline" on Lovejacs profile-Where is Kaitland? Anyone have any news of them...???
Also, where are Dolce, Ms. Peel, gardenhart, Pink Panther? We haven't seen Lake Erie Princess or Meena for a long time. Maybe progress is too slow.

Hi Tuba! Mrs. Peel comes and goes at random intervals...don't worry-she'll be back! Pink Panther HAS returned because I have seen some posts of theirs over on the Caylee forum-just in the last week or so. I do not know about the others though-perhaps someone else can chime in on those. Keep up the great work.

Just as an aside, sometime when you get the chance, hop over to the Parking Lot and hunt down the Red Rash Repeatedly Seen on Caylee's face in MANY MANY MANY photographs thread (now closed) and have a read of the last several pages...I think you will find it...enlightening...Just wanted to let you know I am ALWAYS at the ready to defend the honor of the Astros! I have total confidence in you guys and would n'er see any ill spoken of you, any of you...well, MOST of you...there was that one...but I won't go
Last night I watched Nancy Grace....who went ballistic when she said KC is considering suing the government (LE, specifically the jail guards) for revealing her reaction to the finding of Caylee's body near their home....FAT CHANCE if she thinks she could win that fight....this is just another example of her narcissism in all it's glory! This woman never ceases to amaze me....this false sense of love for herself will be her downfall and the biggest lesson she will ever learn.

By the way, moving her trial to Miami, in my opinion, won't change or matter in the least. This case has reached parts of the world no other case in history has ...the contents of this case, being about a 2 year old possibly killed by her own mother who is shockingly devoid of feelings makes this emotionally unforgivable to ANY normal human being...including 12 jurors...USA, Canada....wherever! The jurors can look at facts but never forget they are still regular people at the end of the day. I say Baez keep thinking Miami in FLORIDA doesn't know about this case or heard of it.....give me a break!
Just because I feel like throwing darts at her picture, this morning I want to stress how conceited is the prisoner. I have known many people with Jupiter in Pisces and they are extremely charitable, generous and compassionate. Full of fellow feeling. But this miss has the afflicted (very) Jupiter in her Sun Sign and is just full of herself. The afflicted Venus in Aries inflates her even further. Her friends said she is a piker as well. Only such a complex allows her to contemplate suing her jailors.
Just because I feel like throwing darts at her picture, this morning I want to stress how conceited is the prisoner. I have known many people with Jupiter in Pisces and they are extremely charitable, generous and compassionate. Full of fellow feeling. But this miss has the afflicted (very) Jupiter in her Sun Sign and is just full of herself. The afflicted Venus in Aries inflates her even further. Her friends said she is a piker as well. Only such a complex allows her to contemplate suing her jailors.

Tuba, thanks for the laugh this morning....that's an appropriate way of saying it....could you share your darts...I'd love a shot!
Just because I feel like throwing darts at her picture, this morning I want to stress how conceited is the prisoner. I have known many people with Jupiter in Pisces and they are extremely charitable, generous and compassionate. Full of fellow feeling. But this miss has the afflicted (very) Jupiter in her Sun Sign and is just full of herself. The afflicted Venus in Aries inflates her even further. Her friends said she is a piker as well. Only such a complex allows her to contemplate suing her jailors.

Tuba: Does this lawsuit threat appear to be coming from KC or is it JB? Maybe in her illusionary state she visualizes being on a cruise and that she has just been confined to quarters. She can't pay for the lawsuit she has going with ZG much less her criminal case. Where does she think she will get the money to sue the State?
It is attributed to her but it could have been germinated by conversation with L.K.-B. or J.B. It is like her, though. Remember her jail videos w. the parents? She resented deeply that word was out on all of her jail experience. At other times, she would say she didn't care but that was not believable even as she said it.
I don't think the jailer did her a disservice when she said how emotional KC was. That could be viewed as in her favor and the jailer did say they were concerned for her safety and were watching her. So making a statement that you may sue the jailers is not going to look good to any potential jurors. And what point did JB hope to make by reporting it instead of just filing the lawsuit if that is what she truly wants to do. Does he have maturity issues???
If you were in a jail setting would you be thinking about making a complaint literally with the people who serve you and guard you on a daily bases? I bet Tuba the jail supervisor who has maintained a sense of professionalism and his staff would like to smack the S*#T out of her. I commend them because I personally know what it is like to maintain decorum after I had a patient spit like an Olympian at me repeatedly.
It is attributed to her but it could have been germinated by conversation with L.K.-B. or J.B. It is like her, though. Remember her jail videos w. the parents? She resented deeply that word was out on all of her jail experience. At other times, she would say she didn't care but that was not believable even as she said it.
Now that we have seen the jailhouse videos over over again it makes KC's statement to her parents about, "I know what their saying about me and it's all lies. This part cracks me up every time I see her in that vid., when KC trys to appear to comfort her parents (in a manipulating way) by saying something to the effect of , "It is only important that we know the truth???????" and "ignorant people need to grow up and get a life. I'm left wondering if KC is asking herself to get a life, life sentence that is. I wonder how long KC wil continue to think she's smarter than the average human. You gotta admit her thought processes are right out of Sociopathy 101.
If you were in a jail setting would you be thinking about making a complaint literally with the people who serve you and guard you on a daily bases? I bet Tuba the jail supervisor who has maintained a sense of professionalism and his staff would like to smack the S*#T out of her. I commend them because I personally know what it is like to maintain decorum after I had a patient spit like an Olympian at me repeatedly. make a very valid point..the LAST people you want to "piss off" excuse my language, are the guards in prison but in this case they have to be very careful with her because this is a national case and her every move is watched, hence the protective custody. I think KC, having a father that's an ex cop with obviously very little control over his daughter has made her assume that all LE are beneath her...remember her questioning session with the investigator when she was fixing her hair, cracking her gum, asking him if there were cameras in the room and talking to him like he was her prospective boyfriend. She will learn what jail is really about when she is convicted and put in general population with everyone else where the special treatment ends.
Watching Nancy Grace now.She has made mention that there are reports that the day the state announced the death penalty that Casey had to be physically restrained she was so mad.
Watching Nancy Grace now.She has made mention that there are reports that the day the state announced the death penalty that Casey had to be physically restrained she was so mad.

Comment was disproved by the jail officials,they said the person that was said to have said this doesn't exist and there were no restrains just that she said "I'm so pissed"
Just wanted to let you know I am ALWAYS at the ready to defend the honor of the Astros! I have total confidence in you guys and would n'er see any ill spoken of you, any of you...well, MOST of you...there was that one...but I won't go

We understand. :wink:

I'm sure I speak for all astros, thanks for your support. They do an outstanding job and this forum is my ABSOLUTE favorite. :blowkiss:
By the way, moving her trial to Miami, in my opinion, won't change or matter in the least. This case has reached parts of the world no other case in history has ...the contents of this case, being about a 2 year old possibly killed by her own mother who is shockingly devoid of feelings makes this emotionally unforgivable to ANY normal human being...including 12 jurors...USA, Canada....wherever! The jurors can look at facts but never forget they are still regular people at the end of the day. I say Baez keep thinking Miami in FLORIDA doesn't know about this case or heard of it.....give me a break!

I think Baez's main reason for moving this case to the Miami area is strictly for his gain. With all the Español speaking people there, his market increases - more clients down the road. So what if he loses the KC case, at least people will know there's a Hispanic attorney who's not afraid of publicity. His press conferences to complain about the publicity proves that he's not afraid of the limelight and doesn't care if he makes a fool of himself publicly. :rolleyes:
"His press conferences to complain about the publicity"

That sums him up in a nutshell right there aksleuth!

Complain to the press about the press coverage by repeatedly holding press conderences...Good Lord...I think you are correct. We have a doctor friend who had to go to Miami to have a case of his tried, an accident he was in where he was the injured party. He tells us that the majority of the jury were Hispanic, and that some could actually barely speak English, and oh yes, the one who hit HIM was also an Hispanic, and yep, you guessed it, he lost his, there is a HUGE possibility that JB is just trying to drum up some future business, get his name out there in a BIG way. :banghead:
"His press conferences to complain about the publicity"

That sums him up in a nutshell right there aksleuth!

Complain to the press about the press coverage by repeatedly holding press conderences...Good Lord...I think you are correct. We have a doctor friend who had to go to Miami to have a case of his tried, an accident he was in where he was the injured party. He tells us that the majority of the jury were Hispanic, and that some could actually barely speak English, and oh yes, the one who hit HIM was also an Hispanic, and yep, you guessed it, he lost his, there is a HUGE possibility that JB is just trying to drum up some future business, get his name out there in a BIG way. :banghead:

Just b/c someone may perceive someone as "barely speaking English", does not mean that they cannot perfectly understand the language. Often times with ANYONE with English as a second language they will still have a very strong accent from their native language.

I highly doubt the prosecutors nor the judge would let anyone sit a jury that did not completely understand the magnitude of this case afterall Casey's life will be on the line. I don't think being Hispanic or not will have anything to do with this case nor should it have.
Just b/c someone may perceive someone as "barely speaking English", does not mean that they cannot perfectly understand the language. Often times with ANYONE with English as a second language they will still have a very strong accent from their native language.

I highly doubt the prosecutors nor the judge would let anyone sit a jury that did not completely understand the magnitude of this case afterall Casey's life will be on the line. I don't think being Hispanic or not will have anything to do with this case nor should it have.

But think about it. Jose IS an Hispanic, and apparently one of a very few who have handled such a high profile case as this one. There may be some favoritism there, IF in fact, he is able to have this moved to a locale where a majority of the jury could be Hispanic. I am not saying it WILL happen, just that it could...people are fickle, and their loyalty often sways their opinions, don't you think?
Just b/c someone may perceive someone as "barely speaking English", does not mean that they cannot perfectly understand the language. Often times with ANYONE with English as a second language they will still have a very strong accent from their native language.

I highly doubt the prosecutors nor the judge would let anyone sit a jury that did not completely understand the magnitude of this case afterall Casey's life will be on the line. I don't think being Hispanic or not will have anything to do with this case nor should it have.

Also, I am aware of how the accents "stick". I was raised for about three years when I was a little girl by a nurse that my father married from Bogota Columbia South America, and she and her son, Juan Carlos, and her godmother, Barbarita also lived with us, and as a child, I learned to speak very fluent Spanish. I had the good fortune to completely experience another culture and language right in my own home, and you're right, that the accents often remain even after years and years of speaking another language in addition to the original one.

I also did not mean any offense about what I said, I was just quoting what our doctor friend told us...:blowkiss:
No offense taken Magic Cat. Sorry if I came off kind of crabby in my reply. :)

As far as Jose being the only Hispanic attorney to handle a case of this magnitude......I chuckle at that everytime I hear it. I guess it slipped his mind that the former US Attorney General, ALBERTO GONZALEZ, is Hispanic. I would say having to deal with legal matters concerning the entire US would be a little bit more of a big deal than dealing with Casey Anthony (except in her mind of course). :)
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