MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #3

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I can't say congrats, because the wounds are too shallow. But I'm honored at the WS members here. I didn't sleuth this case. I knew it right away. I knew she'd be found too. I don't know how far you have sleuthed, but if it wasn't the boyfriend, it was one of his friends. Pedophiles keep pedophile friends; I speak of experience.

To Neveah's family, my heart is truly broken tonight. I ache for you and hope for justice, and swiftly.

I sometimes wonder how people at WS can be here for years. I wonder if my heart is strong enough to handle these cases. Tonight has been hard for me...

Again... my WS peeps are the best. I didn't sleuth with you because I saw the writing on the wall, but my heart is out to those who did. I love this place; good comes from it.
I wonder who the maintenance guy for the apartment complex is. He could have had to come out on a Sunday to repair a toilet or something that would constitute a weekend emergency. Almost all apartment complexes have the fast drying cement in the maintenance shop. I know LE has already thought of everything. I just want this to be aprehended in short order (if he is not already in jail).

momtective, have you noticed how much the guy you were talking about looks like Daddy George? They both have the beard thing going on and from a distance he may have been mistaken for Daddy George by those little boys. I am so glad you and the other posters sent all of the information to LE!

I noticed the resemblance right away too but it never occurred to me that the kids may have confused the two. Good thinking.
Additional comments regarding this article that concern me:
(Bold by Me & Blue Font)

Wound from fishing

Kennedy said there was blood in the motel room because he cut himself shaving and blood was left in the room after his girlfriend, Ms. Gray, bled after getting a tattoo. He said that he cut himself with the multiknife while fishing several days before Nevaeh vanished and may have left blood on it.
There must have a substantial amount of blood to account for to give 3 different incidents;
1. Cut himself shaving
2. GF's tatt bled
3. Cut himself with a multiknife while fishing

*Also indicates to me that he did have a cut(s) on his hand . . .

Kennedy said he had traded his Ford Thunderbird to Smith for his nephew's GMC van. He said he parked the van May 22 — two days before Nevaeh vanished — at the home of his girlfriend's mother on North Monroe Street after state troopers cited him for driving it without a valid registration.

This troubles me too - of all the streets in Monroe where his GF's mother could live, she just happens to live on N Monroe St. which is the next street over (west) and runs parallel to Macomb. Haven't had any luck yet finding a residence associated with Kennedy's GF - it's likely that her mother may go by a different last name (married . . . ) I just find that very suspicious in light of the initial story told by the kids that were playing with Neveah and said that she went into the woods to see "Daddy George" and they saw her get stabbed. If SG's mother lives along that section of N. Monroe, GK could very likely have been in those woods in that vicinity. Seems to me like GK has purposely given alot of explanations that would, in his mind, work toward exonerating him should the need arise . . .

Little Nevaeh. I am so very sorry this happened to you. I see you in God's arms now, not having to live in a world that treated you so cruelly.

Rest, Nevaeh.
Little Nevaeh. I am so very sorry this happened to you. I see you in God's arms now, not having to live in a world that treated you so cruelly.

Rest, Nevaeh.

That was so beautiful, I'm bumping it... :blowkiss:
I wonder who the maintenance guy for the apartment complex is. He could have had to come out on a Sunday to repair a toilet or something that would constitute a weekend emergency. Almost all apartment complexes have the fast drying cement in the maintenance shop. I know LE has already thought of everything. I just want this to be aprehended in short order (if he is not already in jail).

momtective, have you noticed how much the guy you were talking about looks like Daddy George? They both have the beard thing going on and from a distance he may have been mistaken for Daddy George by those little boys. I am so glad you and the other posters sent all of the information to LE!

Mometective, if I hadn't looked closer and saw that it was you posting... I was gonna say something really smart *advertiser censored*.

I am for one is one horribly terrified that Neveah was found like she was.

My piss and moan is that we don't need a freakin' chemistry lesson on how concrete works. Anyone can look that up. It's not nuclear physics.

It's the cruelty that disturbs me... not the mechanics.
Additional comments regarding this article that concern me:
(Bold by Me & Blue Font)

Wound from fishing

Kennedy said there was blood in the motel room because he cut himself shaving and blood was left in the room after his girlfriend, Ms. Gray, bled after getting a tattoo. He said that he cut himself with the multiknife while fishing several days before Nevaeh vanished and may have left blood on it.
There must have a substantial amount of blood to account for to give 3 different incidents;
1. Cut himself shaving
2. GF's tatt bled
3. Cut himself with a multiknife while fishing

*Also indicates to me that he did have a cut(s) on his hand . . .

Kennedy said he had traded his Ford Thunderbird to Smith for his nephew's GMC van. He said he parked the van May 22 — two days before Nevaeh vanished — at the home of his girlfriend's mother on North Monroe Street after state troopers cited him for driving it without a valid registration.

This troubles me too - of all the streets in Monroe where his GF's mother could live, she just happens to live on N Monroe St. which is the next street over (west) and runs parallel to Macomb. Haven't had any luck yet finding a residence associated with Kennedy's GF - it's likely that her mother may go by a different last name (married . . . ) I just find that very suspicious in light of the initial story told by the kids that were playing with Neveah and said that she went into the woods to see "Daddy George" and they saw her get stabbed. If SG's mother lives along that section of N. Monroe, GK could very likely have been in those woods in that vicinity. Seems to me like GK has purposely given alot of explanations that would, in his mind, work toward exonerating him should the need arise . . .


If this man did not do this horrible thing to this angel, my advice for him...
Do Not Run With Scissors!
Little Nevaeh is safe in the hands of LE and the ME now. They will work to find out what happened to her and who is responsible for it.

I hope that Nevaeh will have a beautiful funeral service with the dignity that she was denied in her last hours. I hope that she can somehow know just how many people from all four coners of the united States came together here at WS to worry and care for her, and now to mourn her.
I have a feeling that LE knows exactly what happened, they're just gathering evidence before saying anything. At least that's my hope.

I agree Chilly, I think it might be an out of the ordinary way to dispose of a body ~ dig a shallow grave, put the body in that and then pour Kwik set over the body to cover it. They didn't put too much concrete on top of the body if the fisherman was able to chip off a piece and find skin.


Trying to profile the kind of person who would attack the disposal problem by doing it this way is kinda hard. But he would have to be somewhat used to working with his hands and concrete to manage it. Like a construction guy. That would be the means. He would have to know it was only a temporary fix. He wouldn't be able to move it later. And he did this in a fishing spot used by locals. He would create the opportunity and motive, well we know what that would be!

I too hope LE nails this person quick-like. I don't know, but I wonder if Davis fishes and is lacking in common sense? He seems to fit so far, eh?
Rest in Peace, sweet angel Nevaeh. :rose:

Good night, friends!
Mometective, if I hadn't looked closer and saw that it was you posting... I was gonna say something really smart *advertiser censored*.

I am for one is one horribly terrified that Neveah was found like she was.

My piss and moan is that we don't need a freakin' chemistry lesson on how concrete works. Anyone can look that up. It's not nuclear physics.

It's the cruelty that disturbs me... not the mechanics.

It's easier to concentrate on the chemistry than the cruelty.
Mometective, if I hadn't looked closer and saw that it was you posting... I was gonna say something really smart *advertiser censored*.

I am for one is one horribly terrified that Neveah was found like she was.

My piss and moan is that we don't need a freakin' chemistry lesson on how concrete works. Anyone can look that up. It's not nuclear physics.

It's the cruelty that disturbs me... not the mechanics.

This is a 'sleuthing' board. The concrete 'could' be very informative in attempting to create a time line which 'could' lead to the identity of the killer or provide additional information that might help lead to the killer. If you have a problem with people 'sleuthing' on a 'sleuthing' board, I guess it's your right to piss and moan about it.
I have seen that suggested before along with monitoring with ankle bracelets and such. The cost for monitoring and tracking is a big roadblock for state agencies.
My vote is to send them all to thier own island that is infected with an illness that they may suffer slow, painful deaths. There is no cure/rehabilitaion for them, IMO.

that work too:eek: I don't care about the money, I think our childern are more important than big old campain dinners, fancy hotel rooms, and other big money spend by our goverment:furious::furious:
Quoting from the Minister on the news tonight, Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backwards.

Be with angels Nevaeh. :rose:
Issi, you are correct about it's not about nuclear physics but my horror upon hearing this made me so sad, and then I go to anger, then I went to figuring out how she could be there and what sick people could do this and fastly. It's upsetting and so tragic.

May Nevaeh's voice be heard. Rest in peace little one.
Mometective, if I hadn't looked closer and saw that it was you posting... I was gonna say something really smart *advertiser censored*.

I am for one is one horribly terrified that Neveah was found like she was.

My piss and moan is that we don't need a freakin' chemistry lesson on how concrete works. Anyone can look that up. It's not nuclear physics.

It's the cruelty that disturbs me... not the mechanics.

Issi, I can tell you are very upset by the death and discovery of Neveah, because you accidently quoted LaLaw but spoke in your post to momtective.

We are all upset and devastated but I have to differ in opinion and here is the reason why...

Yes the concrete is important, every single aspect of Neveah's case is important at this point. Each element must be looked at and scrutinized in minute detail. It has to be done in order to understand every aspect in this crime commited against a beautiful innocent child. It's just one of the different ways those that belong to this site not only examine these cases but express their sympathy and love for the victims and the families. We care...we watch...and I always say that we bear witness for these families and victims. Bearing witness in a way that aknowledges that this perp(s) that did this can't hide the horror they commited. We dissect elements to see clearly and to shine a light on them that they can't escape.

:hug: Issi, and know that we all care, we just approach it in different ways.
OH NO......!!!!! In my heart, I knew this would be the end we would finally come to, but that doesn't make it any easier!!!! I will always be horrified at this kind of evil that rips the best life has to offer out of our midst. I will never, ever, give up watching, praying, and caring about ANY of our victims!!! Their soul goes on....and I will cherish the good that they gave to this life while they were here. Nevaeh fought the battle against evil - and she won!!!! Yes SHE DID!!! She will live forever in eternity, while the evil that did this to her will live forever in He!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try to live my life even better tomorrow - in Nevaeh's honor. God bless you sweet girl...... I love you.
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