How Did the Side Door Get Opened?/Door Locks/Use of Cinder Block**REVISITED**

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LE made the statement early on and I don't know what they feel are "inconsistent" with the scene.

My theory is the perp wanted to enter the backdoor, propped it open with the cement block, could not get the lock open so went to the front door instead to enter.

I think the exit was planned for the backdoor due to several reasons:

1. Easier to slip out unnoticed with Haleigh.

2. Less chance of waking up Misty and Rj by not messing with the front door and the screen there.

3. A chance someone would drive by and see the perp carrying a child out of the front is greater than slipping out the back then around in the cover of darkness behind the mh.

4. Also less of a chance if Haleigh made noise that she would be heard by going out the back as it puts more distance between them.

5. The access to the vehicle the perp was intending on using was hidden, but could be easier accessed under the cover of shadows to get to it instead of walking down the road where he may be seen with her.

It could have happened that way. It does not explain all the peculiar details of the case but it's possible.

If the front door was unlocked to begin with, what kind of noisy messing would be needed to exit that way? He could have propped that door open too if he wanted to. And didn't he risk some noise going to open the back door for his getaway?

The distance is mostly just a function of time spent walking with Haleigh in his arms. If he went to a door farther away from the main bedroom he had to take more steps in the house and if Haleigh was going to wake up and make a noise to alarm the others she had more time to do so the more time they spent in the house. How close are the front door and the bedroom? If I was an abductor I would have preferred whichever door gets us out of the home faster and then walked around the home for my getaway if need to. I'd assume the risk of waking up the residents and getting shot to be greater than being seen in the yard in the dark. Even if I'm seen from a passing car it doesn't mean that I'll be recognized or that they immediately raise the alarm because they realize something is wrong.

Do we know if there was lighting around the MH? Front or back?
If there was lighting that reacted to motion detectors it might be a factor that influenced the decision to use either door for the getaway.
It could have happened that way. It does not explain all the peculiar details of the case but it's possible.

If the front door was unlocked to begin with, what kind of noisy messing would be needed to exit that way? He could have propped that door open too if he wanted to. And didn't he risk some noise going to open the back door for his getaway?

The distance is mostly just a function of time spent walking with Haleigh in his arms. If he went to a door farther away from the main bedroom he had to take more steps in the house and if Haleigh was going to wake up and make a noise to alarm the others she had more time to do so the more time they spent in the house. How close are the front door and the bedroom? If I was an abductor I would have preferred whichever door gets us out of the home faster and then walked around the home for my getaway if need to. I'd assume the risk of waking up the residents and getting shot to be greater than being seen in the yard in the dark. Even if I'm seen from a passing car it doesn't mean that I'll be recognized or that they immediately raise the alarm because they realize something is wrong.

Do we know if there was lighting around the MH? Front or back?
If there was lighting that reacted to motion detectors it might be a factor that influenced the decision to use either door for the getaway.
The front door and the front porch butt right up to the head of the bed where Misty was sleeping, IIRC. Entering without the encumberment of wrangling a child could be done very quietly and carefully. If he succeeded there, he would realize there was less of a chance to wake them. Still, I do think he turned on the light at some point in the kitchen maybe another test to see if Misty woke up. He could then have bolted alone out of the backdoor which was in his view.

After picking Haleigh up, he needed to keep her quiet while she could have been kicking etc. More chance of making noise going out the front if she kicked the door or doorframe by Misty's head. Putting distance and the wall between them would give him a buffer plus a head start.

There are lights in the front from other neighbors' yards in the distance, IIRC. There has been no mention if the front porch light was off or on. I don't recall seeing any motion sensor lights on the mh anywhere in the photos and no one has mentioned them being there. The light in the back was not on and neither was the light on the pole. With only the full moon, it would provide just enough light to navigate yet not enough to spotlight someone escaping out the back with a child.

Maybe they knew Ronald wasn't home, but they were uncertain of when he was due to arrive at home. He would notice someone carrying a child out of his front door or down the street if he came home.
It could have happened that way. It does not explain all the peculiar details of the case but it's possible.

If the front door was unlocked to begin with, what kind of noisy messing would be needed to exit that way? He could have propped that door open too if he wanted to. And didn't he risk some noise going to open the back door for his getaway?

The distance is mostly just a function of time spent walking with Haleigh in his arms. If he went to a door farther away from the main bedroom he had to take more steps in the house and if Haleigh was going to wake up and make a noise to alarm the others she had more time to do so the more time they spent in the house. How close are the front door and the bedroom? If I was an abductor I would have preferred whichever door gets us out of the home faster and then walked around the home for my getaway if need to. I'd assume the risk of waking up the residents and getting shot to be greater than being seen in the yard in the dark. Even if I'm seen from a passing car it doesn't mean that I'll be recognized or that they immediately raise the alarm because they realize something is wrong.

Do we know if there was lighting around the MH? Front or back?
If there was lighting that reacted to motion detectors it might be a factor that influenced the decision to use either door for the getaway.

All good questions, my version (just one theory of the crime) of this scenario is that Misty was not home and that whoever came through the front door was tipped off by someone that she wasn't (perhaps she was even lured out after the weekend shenanigans?) and was there to rip off RC in retaliation for another ripoff.

They come in through the front door, but Haleigh, who is not a good sleeper, wakes up, and something tragic happens, leading them to take her out through the side door, covering what is 10 steps to the trees, under cover of darkness, because the light was not on.

MC comes home at 2 am and freaks out.

RC freaks out when he comes home and searched for what "they" were looking for in the background of the 91 call.

RC marries her, and the family rallies behind her, because of the activity that got him into this mess to begin with, covering his own behind, and to preserve custody of JR.
It does make sense... and the reason I started thinking about this scenario ... in through the front door and out through the side door - is because someone on another board, with speech patterns very similar to a principle in this case, came on-line, and said the front door was unlocked.

I hope you gave LE a head's up on that one.... They need any info they can get. Time is running out.
I hope you gave LE a head's up on that one.... They need any info they can get. Time is running out.

Thank you, Bern, I've never thought my musings in this or any case would be important to LE, but twice now folk have asked that I share them with LE and in lieu of that I've shared them with a journalist.
Thank you, Bern, I've never thought my musings in this or any case would be important to LE, but twice now folk have asked that I share them with LE and in lieu of that I've shared them with a journalist.
I hope they were with a reputable newspaper or a television station in the local area. ;)
All good questions, my version (just one theory of the crime) of this scenario is that Misty was not home and that whoever came through the front door was tipped off by someone that she wasn't (perhaps she was even lured out after the weekend shenanigans?) and was there to rip off RC in retaliation for another ripoff.

They come in through the front door, but Haleigh, who is not a good sleeper, wakes up, and something tragic happens, leading them to take her out through the side door, covering what is 10 steps to the trees, under cover of darkness, because the light was not on.

MC comes home at 2 am and freaks out.

RC freaks out when he comes home and searched for what "they" were looking for in the background of the 91 call.

RC marries her, and the family rallies behind her, because of the activity that got him into this mess to begin with, covering his own behind, and to preserve custody of JR.
Your theory closely mirrors one I've held for quite awhile, Viki. I don't believe kidnapping was the original intent, but rather a burglary. The door, imo, was not propped open to carry out a child, however, but some form of loot.

I think MC did a lot of talking that weekend. If the story we heard is true, RC ditched her without even a change of clothes. In retaliation, she hooks up with her friends and parties hard all weekend, drinking, drugging and even having sex with another man. She also spends much of the weekend running her mouth, as they say, and trashing RC, telling everyone his business. In doing so, she reveals details of "something" he has stashed in the mh. One of her friends relays the information to one of his/her friends, who passes it on one of his cohorts. The people we know she was with that weekend seem to be in the clear, so probably were not directly involved. At any rate, on Monday night, someone from this network of friends and acquaintances is paid to lure MC out of the house.

As I said, I think the door was already propped open, but otherwise, imo, the rest happened as you've stated. Haleigh wakes up, puts up a fuss, maybe even recognizes the intruder(s). They either strike her, killing her on the spot, or take her away so as not to leave behind a living witness who can identify them. (I believe there was more than one.)

Misty returns and finds Haleigh missing. She knows Ron will kill her for leaving the children alone, so she concocts a story to tell him. (That same story is the one they will later tell LE.) She tries to lie, but eventually breaks down and confesses the truth. He puts two and two together and realizes that his "dumb *advertiser censored* gf" unwittingly set him up. If he doesn't know the exact who, he knows precisely why an intruder came there that night. (Think of his angry comments during the 911 call which seem directed at a particular individual.) He can't tell LE because to do so, he has to incriminate himself. Now, most parents would say, "I'll tell you everything. Go ahead and arrest me. Just find my child first!" From what we've seen of RC, though, he's reluctant to pay the consequences for his actions. In his mind --*I think* -- he rationalized that telling the truth couldn't save her, anyway, because she was already dead.
I am thinking on a similar line myself; only I think Misty was just plain out. I think she was at the brother's house and someone knew those kids were alone. That someone took the van and went to get drugs and decided to take Haleigh too. I also don't think she is far, I would say less than 10 miles from the MN. RC had his back against the wall, he would face charges for the drugs, charges because of Misty being under age, and could lose JR. It was in the best interest for those two to get married and keep quiet. JM humble theory. No proof, just speculation.
Is it possible she was out AFTER Haleigh was already gone? She may have needed 'something' to get her through the ordeal. OR was she 'out' and had Haleigh with her....and the crisis ocurred then?

The side door thing is a red herring.
Is it possible she was out AFTER Haleigh was already gone? She may have needed 'something' to get her through the ordeal. OR was she 'out' and had Haleigh with her....and the crisis ocurred then?

The side door thing is a red herring.

At this point any thing is possible. The Van has to tie into all of this, and the side door is IMO STAGED. So if she was out, someone came in and took Haleigh, if they were out together something could have happened and she came home to stage the MH, but that's leaves questions as to why JR didn't say any thing. So I think she was either in deep sleep or she was out. If there is staging she knows what happened.
His attorney is only repeating what we have been questioning for months. I am glad to finally see in print they are looking at the possibilities and are addressing them with the proper authorities.

Did RC not say that the back door was not staged? Did he also not say repeatedly that HaLeigh could not reach the door locks? Perhaps Mr Kimball has forgotten to check his clients previous statements before having his staff type and release his "press releases" to his website.
Did RC not say that the back door was not staged? Did he also not say repeatedly that HaLeigh could not reach the door locks? Perhaps Mr Kimball has forgotten to check his clients previous statements before having his staff type and release his "press releases" to his website.
That's the way I remember it too, stilettos.
Did RC not say that the back door was not staged? Did he also not say repeatedly that HaLeigh could not reach the door locks? Perhaps Mr Kimball has forgotten to check his clients previous statements before having his staff type and release his "press releases" to his website.
We will soon have enough scenarios just on Ron's stories to have a multiple choice quizz.
Did he say the back door? Or did he say the front door or did he leave that open....have to go check.
Did RC not say that the back door was not staged? Did he also not say repeatedly that HaLeigh could not reach the door locks? Perhaps Mr Kimball has forgotten to check his clients previous statements before having his staff type and release his "press releases" to his website.

No, I don't believe Ron ever said she couldn't reach the locks. He said it was hard to open.
No, I don't believe Ron ever said she couldn't reach the locks. He said it was hard to open.

RC definitely said that he installed the lock himself and he placed it high up so Haleigh couldn't reach it.

It was one of the very first interviews.
From a Nancy Grace transcript:

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock, which you would have to turn, is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.
Come think of it...when we viewed the tour, I didn't see the lock/dead bolt high up. It was at the ususal height.

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