The Head Injury-LSD and other physiological factors

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Jul 31, 2004
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It has been reported that PG suffered a major head injury when he was younger. This could indeed play a big role in his deviant behavior.
I think it was from a motorcycle accident.
Any thoughts or information on this?
I would also think chronic LSD use would takes its toll on the brain as well.
How much of this is physiological in nature?
Alleged Jaycee Dugard kidnapper said never right after motorcycle crash
Phillip Craig Garrido was "never in his right head" following a motorcycle crash in which he suffered a head injury, according to his father, Manuel Garrido.
The elder Garrido also said his son became "addicted" to LSD after the crash and started hearing voices in his head, believing he was talking to God.
The symptoms described by Manuel Garrido are consistent with schizophrenia, as is the age of onset, which suggests that the timing of the motorcycle accident could be simply coincidental.
His father blamed drugs and a head injury from a motorcycle accident. During his 1977 rape trial, Garrido blamed drugs and a lack of discipline at home. But psychiatrists concluded his problems were more complex than that.

I found the head injury to be interesting.
Dr. Michael Stone has said that it is his belief that the recipe for a serial killer is: childhood abuse + mental illness + head injury.
Do we know anything about Garrido's childhood?
I found the head injury to be interesting.
Dr. Michael Stone has said that it is his belief that the recipe for a serial killer is: childhood abuse + mental illness + head injury.
Do we know anything about Garrido's childhood?

[ame=""]TIMELINE: Garrido's Life; Child Abductions; Adult Murders Updated 9/4/09 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Looks like he had some issues early on:

Early Years

Garrido born April 5, 1951, reportedly in Pittsburg, the second child of Patricia and Manuel of Brentwood.

Garrido attended Liberty Union High School in Brentwood, CA (years ? to ?). He would have graduated in 1969, but it is unclear if he did.

Garrido admitted that starting in 1968 he hung around schools and pleasured himself while "watching young females" aged 7 - 10.

Garrido arrested in 1969 for possession of marijuana and LSD and sent to CCCSO's Marsh Creek Detention Facility in Clayton. We don't know yet how long he was there.
Do we know anything about Garrido's childhood?

(This includes some updates that will appear next time I post it).

Early Years

Garrido born April 5, 1951, reportedly in Pittsburg, the 2nd child of Patricia and Manuel of Brentwood, CA.

Garrido's brother told the SF Chronicle that the brothers grew up in Brentwood with their parents. He said their childhood was relatively unremarkable.

Garrido admitted that starting in 1968 he hung around schools and pleasured himself while "watching young females" aged 7 - 10.

Garrido's brother said Phillip Garrido began acting out, using LSD and dealing drugs.

Garrido attended Liberty Union High School in Brentwood, CA (years ? to ?). He would have graduated in 1969, but it is unclear if he did.

Garrido arrested in 1969 for possession of marijuana and LSD and sent to CCCSO's Marsh Creek Detention Facility in Clayton. We don't know yet how long he was there.


Garrido's brother said Phillip fled California after learning that fellow drug dealers “had a contract out on him.” Relatives said Garrido moved to Reno when he was about 19 years old. Are there records to confirm this?

Garrido is declared competent to stand trial 12/15/1976.

Neurological tests determine no hard evidence of brain damage 1/6/1977.
Neurological tests determine no hard evidence of brain damage 1/6/1977. posted by Californian

I was just going to come on and post that same thing (above) that you did Cali...

Also wanted to make a quick comment on the testing that was available in the 70's for structural/functional brain abnormalities as I truly think this will come into play in his eventual trial. Why? Because I believe the defense will use it to show he did/does have a brain injury that was missed due to the lack of technology available at the time in the 70s (moo of course...)

Neurological structure is measured (via CT scan, MRI, PET scan, etc). Back then I bet all he had done to rule out structural abnormality was a CT scan. They are nowhere near a PET in terms of accuracy. When the brain is injured you can have residual effects which can include personality change (of which his father has attested to) and a whole miriad of changes in behavior and thinking as a result.

Neurological function is measured by a neurologist using a variety of observed tests that are basically the same today as the 70s... The important thing to remember is that these tests are usually guided by PET (influenced and driven by PET and other scan results) which were not available at that time.

Bottom line, his accident and LSD use could have a profound affect on his behavior, deviancy, sex/masturbation addiction, personality changes, etc..

all moo
His father blamed drugs and a head injury from a motorcycle accident. During his 1977 rape trial, Garrido blamed drugs and a lack of discipline at home. But psychiatrists concluded his problems were more complex than that.

Did the motorcycle accident happen before or after he began deviant behavior? As far as we know, his "pleasuring himself" while watching little girls began when he was a junior in high school---about 17 years old.

I would think this man's problems were a combination of drugs (drugs will lower a person's inhibitions), mental illness (the voices), and just allowing himself to pay attention to the sick thoughts he had. I haven't heard of any abuse he suffered, but I won't be surprised to find out he was molested.

The description of his bedroom in the linked article matches just about every teenage boy I knew when I was in high school----right down to the black lights. It just seems so ordinary, and his picture shows him to be a relatively nice looking young man. It is so scary to realize yet again that sickness of the depth that this man had can hide behind a "normal" exterior.
This type of stuff better be not used to lessen the time served. :behindbar
This type of stuff better be not used to lessen the time served. :behindbar
Agreed MBK. My stomach actually dropped when I saw it had been added to the forum as a stand alone topic, lol. I personally would prefer that we leave the analysis of his frame of mind, as a youth and throughout his life, to the legal experts that were called upon in the past, and those who will be called upon as the case moves forward.

If it's going to be analyzed here, then we have to look at comparative statistics, like how many LSD users experienced changes to their psyche, how many recovered normally from motorcycle injuries, etc.

We should also consider things like this: "during his 1977 rape trial, Garrido blamed ... a lack of discipline at home" but his own brother said "their childhood was relatively unremarkable." Do we have to delve into his brother's life to see how he turned out in comparison and to find out who is telling the truth about their youth?
IMO - Even if it comes out that he has a massive MASSIVE brain injury - this guy doesn't stand a chance of EVER getting out. How disgusting is it that he stole almost 20 years of a young girl's life? NO WAY NO HOW and his lawyers can yap and yap and yap. Too many people MISSED THE BALL with this for them to let him go now that it's in the WORLD spotlight. BTW - I don't believe he would have been caught if he hadn't, for his own distorted reasons, decided that he wanted to be - CAUGHT.

In response to kgeaux, his father states in the article below that he was a young teenager/younger than 17 when he had the motorcycle accident. So, yes, the incidents in the schoolyard in 1968 happened after the motorcycle accident and head injury. That is not to excuse it, just bringing the statement made by the father here to clear up the timeline.

"He's crazy. He's out of his head. He was on LSD and he had a very serious motorcycle wreck and hit his head. He was still a young teenager, he wasn't even 17, because they had to call me at work that he had an accident and had surgery and that's it," he said. "He was hurt and he went on LSD and the LSD killed him."

Another thing I think is interesting, mentioned in another part of this article is that his father states that he hasn't talked to his son "in 18 years". That is pretty amazing that the amount of time he's been estranged from his son is the exact same amount of years that Jaycee has been missing and held hostage by Phillip. I don't know whether that's his way of trying to distance himself from this situation, not be held accountable. Or, whether it really has been 18 years and maybe the estrangement from his father caused him to decide to attack and kidnap once again?
I don't know much about LSD, but there were shows on last week about Woodstock and such stuff. People said that LSD extremely heightened the sexual experience. This Garrido guy probably was trying to relive this experience and also liked bondage and rape. Simple as that. He's getting old and probably like LSD back in the 70's. Head injuries cause problems with learning or using a hand, etc. I can never believe that a head injury would cause such deviancy, yet be able to fool business associates who bought those printing business cards from this person.
I always thought that a brain injury could affect learning, and could make a person more irritable, it might cause a personality change. Like it might make a person more likely to react to something with violence. But I have never heard of a brain injury causing a person to have fantasys about children or bondage or to make them more likely to act out the fantasy.

The same with LSD I've never tried it, but have heard that it makes a person more sensitive to stimulus. It might make a fantasy seem more real, if the environmental stimulus was also present. But I haven't heard that it could cause a fantasy outside of the persons usual range.
I always thought that a brain injury could affect learning, and could make a person more irritable, it might cause a personality change. Like it might make a person more likely to react to something with violence. But I have never heard of a brain injury causing a person to have fantasys about children or bondage or to make them more likely to act out the fantasy.

The same with LSD I've never tried it, but have heard that it makes a person more sensitive to stimulus. It might make a fantasy seem more real, if the environmental stimulus was also present. But I haven't heard that it could cause a fantasy outside of the persons usual range.
Coping with Behavior Problems after Head Injury

Identifying Behavior Problems

Head injury survivors may experience a range of neuro psychological problems following a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the part of the brain affected and the severity of the injury, the result on any one individual can vary greatly. Personality changes, memory and judgement deficits, lack of impulse control, and poor concentration are all common.

Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

After a head injury, a person may experience either increased or decreased interest in sex.
Coping with Behavior Problems after Head Injury

Identifying Behavior Problems

Head injury survivors may experience a range of neuro psychological problems following a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the part of the brain affected and the severity of the injury, the result on any one individual can vary greatly. Personality changes, memory and judgement deficits, lack of impulse control, and poor concentration are all common.

Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

After a head injury, a person may experience either increased or decreased interest in sex.

Okay, stepping back into time a minute. I am a former speech-language pathologist. I worked extensively with head-injured patients. Never once in 13 years did I encounter a head-injured patient turned rapist. :snooty:I'm sorry, but I believe Garrido is using that and his drug use as excuses to cover up the severity of his acts.
Okay, stepping back into time a minute. I am a former speech-language pathologist. I worked extensively with head-injured patients. Never once in 13 years did I encounter a head-injured patient turned rapist. :snooty:I'm sorry, but I believe Garrido is using that and his drug use as excuses to cover up the severity of his acts.

Hi Linask! I am also a speech pathologist :highfive: and never encountered a head-injured patient turn rapist. However, none of my clients were severe drug and LSD users. The psychiatrist had this to say about his evaluation of PG:

"My diagnosis would fall into two categories. I feel that he has a mixed sexual deviation and chronic drug abuse. The latter may be responsible in part for the former. In men with satyriasis we usually see an excessive constant preoccupation with compulsive masturbation. This aspect is clearly present in this man and is part of his multiple sexual deviation. Since this may result from organic dysfunction such as temporal lobe disorders, cerebral syphilis or excessive use of drugs, I suggest that a neurological consultation also be obtained by the court."
Okay, stepping back into time a minute. I am a former speech-language pathologist. I worked extensively with head-injured patients. Never once in 13 years did I encounter a head-injured patient turned rapist. :snooty:I'm sorry, but I believe Garrido is using that and his drug use as excuses to cover up the severity of his acts.
Would it have been reasonable to send rapists to you for speech therapy?
I am not trying to paint a picture, I am trying to find out the truth. My gf's father had a head injury and he changed into another person beat them senseless, when he had originally been a kind man.
The brain is a mysterious thing and it controls all behavior. Whether this applies to PG, I have no idea. but I don't think we can deny that brain tumors or brain injuries can result in violent and new behaviors.
LSD certainly doesn't create new healthy synapses either LOL.
Would it have been reasonable to send rapists to you for speech therapy?
I am not trying to paint a picture, I am trying to find out the truth. My gf's father had a head injury and he changed into another person beat them senseless, when he had originally been a kind man.
The brain is a mysterious thing and it controls all behavior. Whether this applies to PG, I have no idea. but I don't think we can deny that brain tumors or brain injuries can result in violent and new behaviors.
LSD certainly doesn't create new healthy synapses either LOL.
Just to add on to that... I am an ICU/critical care/open heart nurse (yes I wear all the hats because when we move with the military I have to take whatever is available).. that being said I completely agree with what you are saying about behavior changes and brain injury.. I had a patient once who would NOT quit masturbating after his head injury. He also said f#ck every other word and was very violent. His wife tried very hard to adjust but just couldn't find the "same man" where her husband had been. He had no speech or other problems... just a complete 360 in behavior.. In speaking with the neuro while caring for him over several months I learned that this can be common with head injury. ((an aside point... we are seeing a lot of similar cases in the military/after the war with TBI.. traumatic brain injury eta: similar not like Garrido... similar in that there are profound behavior and personality changes that have affected and continue to affect marriages and families))

I am not excusing Garrido or making excuses for his behavior. However, wouldn't it be important to know the cause of his behavior in order to try to prevent this from happening again? Was he born this way or did his brain injury set off a series of events and behaviors? Being a nurse I for sure want to know this.. moo of course...

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