JBR's siblings nowadays.....


New Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Hey guys...
I have alot of questions in my mind and would like to find some answers for them....
Does anybody know, whether ,( in recent years especially), either one of JBR's siblings has:
1) given any interviews..(tv, magazines) etc..
2) made any public statements regarding the intruder. i would expect them esp. Burke , being her full brother, to be disappointed and seething with anger that the "foreign faction" hasnt been brought to justice yet. are they satisfied with what has been done so far.

3)Have their feelings made known publicly. Has any of them written an article or book, started a fund etc. ANYTHING in the memory of their much loved youngest sister. Im not implying that everybody who has lost a loved one should do so, but dont they want to show JB that she still lives on in their minds, and whatever little they could do to keep her memory alive has been done.
I would expect Burke atleast to share with the public what loosing JB was like, any fears, feelings etc when he was questioned as a child by the police...how he feels differently now as an adult ..has his outlook changed now as an adult ...is he adamant to bring the killer(s) to justice?
( i know if i was in his place, i would do so, but like i said before, im not making any implications).

4) have the spouses/ close friends/ acquaintances of these 3 mentioned anything unremarkable about their behaviour etc. (again in recent years).
Hasnt Burke had any girlfriends recently in college. Any confessions or inconsistencies in his behaviour??
I don't recall Burke making any public statements.Probably best for him to stay totally out of it I guess.
Btw redeemed,there were some facebook(?) photos of him and a girl posted on FFJ if I recall correctly.
[ame="http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7774"]Recent Photos of Burke Ramsey - Forums For Justice[/ame]

There ya go
Hmmm...you gotta love the "i don't read books" part......interesting....he never read his parents book?Hard to believe.....I guess I would read ALL books related to my sisters murder.....maybe he just moved on like his parents did and forgot about her for good...........
Hmmm...you gotta love the "i don't read books" part......interesting....he never read his parents book?Hard to believe.....I guess I would read ALL books related to my sisters murder.....maybe he just moved on like his parents did and forgot about her for good...........

I have wondered about BDI :waitasec: I have told SD that if RDI, perhaps it was BDI? I've also told that this hymen evidence he speaks of could be the result of BR. He did strike her with a golf swing, requiring medical attention.
I have wondered about BDI :waitasec: I have told SD that if RDI, perhaps it was BDI? I've also told that this hymen evidence he speaks of could be the result of BR. He did strike her with a golf swing, requiring medical attention.

Dunno,it's possible........is it impossible for a 9year old to construct a garotte?Maybe not.
Dunno,it's possible........is it impossible for a 9year old to construct a garotte?Maybe not.

One comparison is

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV4zKeGM3fc"]YouTube - Dr. Sam Sheppard Murder Case: His Son Seeks The Real Killer[/ame]
Hey guys...
I have alot of questions in my mind and would like to find some answers for them....
Does anybody know, whether ,( in recent years especially), either one of JBR's siblings has:
1) given any interviews..(tv, magazines) etc..
2) made any public statements regarding the intruder. i would expect them esp. Burke , being her full brother, to be disappointed and seething with anger that the "foreign faction" hasnt been brought to justice yet. are they satisfied with what has been done so far.

3)Have their feelings made known publicly. Has any of them written an article or book, started a fund etc. ANYTHING in the memory of their much loved youngest sister. Im not implying that everybody who has lost a loved one should do so, but dont they want to show JB that she still lives on in their minds, and whatever little they could do to keep her memory alive has been done.
I would expect Burke atleast to share with the public what loosing JB was like, any fears, feelings etc when he was questioned as a child by the police...how he feels differently now as an adult ..has his outlook changed now as an adult ...is he adamant to bring the killer(s) to justice?
( i know if i was in his place, i would do so, but like i said before, im not making any implications).

4) have the spouses/ close friends/ acquaintances of these 3 mentioned anything unremarkable about their behaviour etc. (again in recent years).
Hasnt Burke had any girlfriends recently in college. Any confessions or inconsistencies in his behaviour??

Seems like they're just living their lives. About all one could expect, I guess. One one hand, I can sympathize. Why torment yourself over something that's out of your hands? On the other hand, I've got a brother. He's a pain, but he's my brother. If anyone did anything to him, I'd kill them myself!
I have wondered about BDI :waitasec: I have told SD that if RDI, perhaps it was BDI? I've also told that this hymen evidence he speaks of could be the result of BR. He did strike her with a golf swing, requiring medical attention.

You know, with so many stories lately about children as young as seven killing younger kids, I'd be lying if I said that I've never considered it. But you have to understand that I take a much different tack with BR than with anyone else. Even if I thought he did it, and I don't mind you, he couldn't have known what he was doing. And I'm sure the guilt would be wrenching. Moreover, he and I have both lost mothers to cancer. Anyone who knows what that's like might understand what I mean.
You know, with so many stories lately about children as young as seven killing younger kids, I'd be lying if I said that I've never considered it. But you have to understand that I take a much different tack with BR than with anyone else. Even if I thought he did it, and I don't mind you, he couldn't have known what he was doing. And I'm sure the guilt would be wrenching. Moreover, he and I have both lost mothers to cancer. Anyone who knows what that's like might understand what I mean.

I'm wondering if he did most, if not everything

any handwriting samples of his?

While he is not obligated to do so, I wish he, like Sam Sheppard's son, would offer press conferences, interviews, answer questions from detectives and lay, etc. I wish he would explain in his own words whether he thinks his parents did it, and whether he thinks the handwriting on the RN matches PR, whether he or his dad could tie a slip-knot, whether IDI and if so, who he thinks or how this IDI may have come to known JB, why he wasn't also killed or kidnapped, etc. Lou Smit and Steve Thomas could both interview him. No lawyers please.
I'm wondering if he did most, if not everything

any handwriting samples of his?

I'm afraid I can't be much help in this regard. As for the first question, I suppose if you framed it a certain way, he could have done most of it. But like I said, this is one area of the case I just do not like to touch.

While he is not obligated to do so, I wish he, like Sam Sheppard's son, would offer press conferences, interviews, answer questions from detectives and lay, etc. I wish he would explain in his own words whether he thinks his parents did it, and whether he thinks the handwriting on the RN matches PR, whether he or his dad could tie a slip-knot, whether IDI and if so, who he thinks or how this IDI may have come to known JB, why he wasn't also killed or kidnapped, etc.

voynich, I agree with everything you just said there. I want that, too. But at the same time, I can understand why he won't do it.

Lou Smit and Steve Thomas could both interview him. No lawyers please.

That would be the best way, I guess. I certainly can't think of an alternative.
I'm afraid I can't be much help in this regard. As for the first question, I suppose if you framed it a certain way, he could have done most of it. But like I said, this is one area of the case I just do not like to touch.

voynich, I agree with everything you just said there. I want that, too. But at the same time, I can understand why he won't do it.

That would be the best way, I guess. I certainly can't think of an alternative.

Oprah! Larry King, 20/20, 60 minutes

though I wonder whether doing so might affect his job prospects
Dunno,it's possible........is it impossible for a 9year old to construct a garotte?Maybe not.

His DOB- january 27 1987. Ok so, you could argue that, at the time of the murder, Burke was almost a 10 year old boy.Now let me tell you this.
when my brother was 11 or 12 years old, he was up to ALOT of mischief. He was a troublemaker in the neighbourhood. At the time, we stayed in our family home which had quite a big garden.
My bro. constructed his very own "playing" device. He wasnt a sadist or anything, but just having fun in his own way. He used this long tube (atleast 1m long) and collected a number of nails. Then, he covered each individual nail with a plastic thingy in such a way that would allow him to place the nail at one end of the tube. He would then blow at that end and the nail would come zooming out of the other end at his target. (his preferred targets at the time being lizards and all other sorts of creatures in the garden).:soldier:
He felt so macho and smart ; I was disgusted and horrified to say the least.
My brother was of average intelligence ..so really, you dont have to be super smart to come up with all these ideas of how to construct things at that age.
Excellent video. Im loving the parallels. The son strongly feels that the father was innocent and wants to go to any length to prove it. I wonder why Burke doesnt want to clear his late mum's name...

Not really aware of the details of the Sheppard case. Was the son ever a suspect? Did the son get any of the tabloid treatment that Burke got? I mean, Burke probably considers himself a victim of this case.

It's hard to second guess his motives for remaining silent other than wanting a private existence and a life other than just being JBR's brother. In all truth, the Ramseys probably believe that Mary Lacy's exoneration of Patsy means they no longer have to dignify speculation about Patsy's involvement with a response. Certainly, it is principally on the Internet that the case is discussed and the Ramseys and their lawyers have made clear their disdain for us. They probably think they'd be stooping to conquer if they tried to persuade the 'beer can collectors' of Patsy's innocence. They probably also don't want to open up Pandora's Box....

Someone on FFJ or here claims to have known Burke or a friend of his at Purdue and said that Burke had confided in his friends that he could remember nothing at all about that Christmas so I guess he may just have nothing to add.
Not really aware of the details of the Sheppard case. Was the son ever a suspect? Did the son get any of the tabloid treatment that Burke got?

from what I gather, the father (Dr) was accused of the crime initially. the son wasnt a suspect...
You know, with so many stories lately about children as young as seven killing younger kids, I'd be lying if I said that I've never considered it. But you have to understand that I take a much different tack with BR than with anyone else. Even if I thought he did it, and I don't mind you, he couldn't have known what he was doing. And I'm sure the guilt would be wrenching. Moreover, he and I have both lost mothers to cancer. Anyone who knows what that's like might understand what I mean.

You deserve such a big hug and a wonderful life after everything you've been through, Davexx

I agree with you about Burke, BTW. He's part of this case that I really dislike discussing. If he did do it, then you can't attach any criminal liability to it in view of his age and I personally wouldn't want to: children who murder have been damaged somewhere along the line and children who kill accidentally have been monstrously unlucky. And if he didn't - which I don't for a second believe he did - then you have to weep for what he's been through and just hope that he is surrounded by a lot of love and is having as happy a life as a person in his position can have.

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