FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #30

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GREAT QUESTION. They met for lunch, was he waiting in a car or had he let himself in? How long was DT gone for lunch? What time was lunch? How could she go on a long lunch like that in a busy office where she is receptionist? Then go back to work for ..... ? You know, if the LE has good detectives, they have hopefully interviewed and re-interviewed all of these people frequently. Or maybe they are waiting so that whoever is guilty doesn't catch on. They must have proof or lack of proof of CPC's and SP's work or not showing up for work. It is we who are frustrated for lack of information.

I answered one of my own questions. Perp could have killed Somer, put her in a garbage bag and left it by the Gano house. Then SOMEBODY ELSE could have put the bag(s) in the dumpster. Perp may have known someone else was in charge of clean up? Who would open up a bag and look inside of it? Building materials being heavy? DOes anyone have pics of the house on that day where there would be bags? I assume they have held off working on the house any more at this time? So we don't know if bag(s) were routinely piled there and put in dumpster by workers.

Somer was identified by her legs sticking out and birthmark. Does this positively say she was not in a bag? Would LE say she had been put in a bag or not? I am full of questions. Thank you for your patience.

well I am not really sure at all if she was in a bag, but at the dump her lifeless legs were sticking up from the debris, I think that its because of rubish piling up and being moved as the stuff was dumped but not sure if she was or wasn't in a bag? she could have been??
IMO, whoever did it disposed of the evidence in a hurry. IDK why, but when I try to envision what happened after the murder, I see someone in a panic. I believe a dumpster was close by where the murder occurred and putting her body in there was the "quick & easy" solution for the murderer - before anyone saw.
From what little I've read about criminal profiling, the killer seems disorganized to me. If it was a premeditated crime involving an "experienced" killer, it would seem more logical to have some sort of plan to hide the evidence - like burial or one of the retention ponds in the area. There are also several large wooded parks within driving distance of OP.

I may be wrong, but I believe the dumpster was convenient - close at hand.

When I throw away the garbage @ work, I just lift the lid & toss - mainly due to the smell. Dumpsters reek. I don't even like to touch the lid - let alone look inside. Maybe it's just me.

And then there's the whole idea of putting her body into a dumpster to begin with. Why hide her body at all? Why not just leave her where she was, or just drop her off somewhere out of sight? Whoever did it wanted to hide the evidence - felt compelled to hide the evidence, for whatever reason. Perhaps because they feared they might have been seen in the area where she was killed? And if her lifeless body was discovered right away - that person could be placed in the vicinity also?

Your post is very interesting. I am of the feeling that the person knew exactly what he was doing and was so determined and arrogant he did not care if anybody looked into the dumpster or not. How would that tie it to him? Remember, we have already determined that she disappeared in broad daylight and it was possible for her to be lured over by the Gano house with a stern look from someone she knew and was afraid to say "no" to. It's one thing to take off running from your sibs, but another to face an angry adult, and remember, she'd been doing it awhile. And probably been told to cut it out. And ... roughed up a little? Who knows that? But the motive, time and opportunity are all there. Nobody may have seen him because he stood off a little and everyone was too busy to notice. They didn't expect an abduction and murder that day, ESPECIALLY not done by an intimate person to the family. Talk about your denial. Typical comment: "How could this happen HERE????" We walk along this route every day. Well, so could the perp. In plain sight.
Or inversely, could she have been left back because of all the tension she was experiencing. I feel so bad for this little girl. She must have had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Someone who doesn't want to come is usually not coming home for a reason. I think she was abused. Part of me knows she was abused. She fits the profile of a victim.


Pin - you make a valid point there - about little S not coming home, if everything we've heard/read from neighbors about her "wandering" the neighborhood looking for someone to play with is true.

But who knows? I just wanted to let you know that your comment has given me pause.

It's hard on kids when parents separate & divorce, even in the most amicable of divorces. They want to be with both parents, and of course miss the absent parent and just wish everything could be the way it used to be when everyone was together and happy.

This case hurts my heart in so many ways.
Or inversely, could she have been left back because of all the tension she was experiencing. I feel so bad for this little girl. She must have had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Someone who doesn't want to come is usually not coming home for a reason. I think she was abused. Part of me knows she was abused. She fits the profile of a victim.

This really grabbed my attention. In one of DT's infamous TV interviews, she stated that Somer "...always wanted to help everybody, you know, make everybody feel better...(paraphrased" I often wondered if there wasn't a lot of domestic tension or worse in that home and Somer ran back and forth trying to run interference. And in someone's mind, in doing so, got even more in the way. So sad.

Also wonder how often mom or another adult questioned her about why she was always running off. And mom made it such a POINT in her interviews of her "never doing it before" it made me furious, even after someone stated what she really meant was she had never run away before. Well if she was running and hiding, it was only a matter of time.

I took it literally when it was said that Somer was covered with construction materials and broken glass. Workers don't bag their materials into garbage bags, so Somer must have been put into the final dumpster amongst this type of debris. Whoever put her there must have not looked out of place and had his own debris. Broken glass could be traced back to window replacements or a dumpster even behind a home building products store that sells and cuts window panes for people to replace. Somer could have even been placed into some sort of box that materials came in.
Yes, I agree - but DT really is no spring chicken. Look at all that has gone in the past, with ST, PC (1st husband), and we don't know how many others. I now get the feeling that she was really afraid of CPC - She had a wonderful man in ST, but everything seems to get screwed up because of wrong choices -- and now she's screwed up again with CPC. Now that I think about it, that could be why she is so hateful towards him -- because he will KNOW she screwed up again, and the best way for him NOT to know is to keep the kids away -- but apparently Somer called and wanted him to come get her -- and that let the cat out of the bag.

She has a good job in a prestigious office, and she doesn't want to screw it up and trying to cover up and trying to look normal.

PC was not the first husband. I forget the first one's first name, but the last name starts with L like with Mary Had a Little.

Apparently she had a daughter after Ac but before the last three with an uhknow person who lives in another state.
Why is that fine in the preview and looks like crap in the final? Pulling my hair out!

This will have to do (my post 197)
Well, thank you everyone for your insightful and intelligent discussions. I must be to work very early in the a.m. 1 day closer to finding the truth about this special little girl.
I did wonder why ST was in first grade. I wonder if the twins were preemies? My own grandson was a preemie and it took awhile for him to catch up.

Some catch up and some don't. Usually the boys are the ones that have more issues at birth. It would be interesting to find out if ST jr was in the same grade.

By the way, it seems sweet that she was always comforting everyone, but that is not the normal role for a child in a family.
Are you using Safari?

Click on the the icon that looks like a book on your bookmarks bar. Click on History. In the search tab on the right, type in a distinctive word you remember from the article (like san diego). It will show you all the links in your history that apply.

OMG You are my hero!! it worked and i found it - holy tamole...
OK - here is the link
[ame="http://forums.signonsandiego.com/showthread.php?t=101667"]Another missing 7 year old :-( - SignOnSanDiego Forums[/ame]
Now go down to where poster Madie98 posted on 11/4 at 3:12pm
here is a snippet as to what i was talking about!!!
"...I also have some inside info that hasn't been released in the media yet thanks to some LE friends and local happenings that I have witnessed involving a dumpster. I can't say a whole lot about the trash that was found with her body or the dumpster they are pinpointing, but I can share with you some things that are public record and rather creepy...The media isn't making a big fuss about this, but there is a sex offender named William Kuhn that lived at 286 Gano currently in jail on $25K bond for failing to register a change of address....Anyway, back to this William Kuhn guy... He lived real close to where Somer lived and went to school and he was arrested at a Green Cove Springs address on November 1st. A dumpster that I know that LE was focusing on is between the two addresses, but I'm afraid to say where at this time because it hasn't been in the media and as far as I know, it is not public record...."
When my neighbor's daughter and her kids moved her from WA, the little girl tested below first grade level and they wanted to put her in kindergarten. Her mother said she couldn't do it, that her daughter knew she had finished kindergarten (they had graduation ceremony at her school) and she would do whatever it took (extra work, tutoring, etc.) to make sure her daughter caught up.

At end of first quarter, her daughter was in the top of her class.

It's possible Somer just wasn't ready for K at 5 1/2 years and waited until she was 6 1/2 to start K. Not held back, just started later.

I don't know if OP schools test for kindergarten readiness like they do here ...
I found a link of possible interest - the Clay County Sheriff's Office has a link called "Speak Out". You can report someone for drugs, etc... there is also a link to write them about anything else (including how they're doing)... who wants to send an email asking about all of the inconsistencies in the case?
ready for some more flaming, but here is info that is pretty standard about dysfunctional families and the roles children play.

PC was not the first husband. I forget the first one's first name, but the last name starts with L like with Mary Had a Little.

Apparently she had a daughter after Ac but before the last three with an uhknow person who lives in another state.

You're right - I was just trying to say that maybe DT was now trying to look good to everyone - she may know very well (and I suspect she does) how everyone thought of her when 4mer knew her. and then the "hospitalization" - I can see her wanting to change and have a normal life, but then she met CPC.

The very LAST thing she wanted was for ST to know she had screwed up again.

I'm sorry if I sound stupid -
One more quick thing, off topic but not really.

My dad was in a nursing home and he had an outstanding certified nursing assistant. She was totally professional, patient, respectful, hard working and caring. She got pregnant and decided also to go to nursing school. She had her baby and we all celebrated when she passed her exams and became an LPN. Wishing her well in whatever area of nursing she chose, knowing she would be an asset.

I was dumbfounded to see her picture on the front page of one of those rap sheet newspapers that go around publicizing all of the criminals in the area. Under "domestic violence". Just goes to show that even the most well-intentioned people can crack.
Thanks for joining us, Chicken Pants - I hope you return soon! You have made many interesting posts tonight!
OMG You are my hero!! it worked and i found it - holy tamole...
OK - here is the link
Another missing 7 year old :-( - SignOnSanDiego Forums
Now go down to where poster M****98 posted on 11/4 at 3:12pm
here is a snippet as to what i was talking about!!!

"...I also have some inside info that hasn't been released in the media yet thanks to some LE friends and local happenings that I have witnessed involving a dumpster. I can't say a whole lot about the trash that was found with her body or the dumpster they are pinpointing, but I can share with you some things that are public record and rather creepy...The media isn't making a big fuss about this, but there is a sex offender named William Kuhn that lived at *advertiser censored* Gano currently in jail on $25K bond for failing to register a change of address....Anyway, back to this William Kuhn guy... He lived real close to where Somer lived and went to school and he was arrested at a Green Cove Springs address on November 1st. A dumpster that I know that LE was focusing on is between the two addresses, but I'm afraid to say where at this time because it hasn't been in the media and as far as I know, it is not public record...."

Kuhn lived 1.6 miles from Somer's house. I guess that is real close but considering there were RSOs closer, maybe not.

So is the dumpster between his address on Gano and the Green Cove address?

Are those the two addresses she means?

*Took out the address on Gano that USED TO BE that of William Kuhn and name of poster at blog.*
One more quick thing, off topic but not really.

My dad was in a nursing home and he had an outstanding certified nursing assistant. She was totally professional, patient, respectful, hard working and caring. She got pregnant and decided also to go to nursing school. She had her baby and we all celebrated when she passed her exams and became an LPN. Wishing her well in whatever area of nursing she chose, knowing she would be an asset.

I was dumbfounded to see her picture on the front page of one of those rap sheet newspapers that go around publicizing all of the criminals in the area. Under "domestic violence". Just goes to show that even the most well-intentioned people can crack.

Empathy - the world needs more of that. Thanks for sharing that story -
I don't think for a minute this jabberjaws is telling the truth because I don't think there is a law enforcement officer in the OP area (any branch) who is willing to suffer the wrath of Sheriff Beseler if anything leaks out.

PC was not the first husband. I forget the first one's first name, but the last name starts with L like with Mary Had a Little.

Apparently she had a daughter after Ac but before the last three with an uhknow person who lives in another state.

From way back for refresher: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4373954&postcount=227"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4373954&postcount=227[/ame]

marriage to TL: sept 24 1994
divorce: may 30 1995

marriage to PC: june 5 1995
divorce: date not noted ??

marriage to ST: jan 25 1999
divorce: in process
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