GUILTY DE - Dr. Earl Bradley for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Lewes, 2009

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There are certainly situations where a child needs to be out of the care of their parent in the hands of a professional (doctor, therapist, etc..) but in this day and age any professional that is in a position of needing to be alone with a child will have built in safety precautions to insulate themselves from misunderstandings or unfounded accusations. Something like that can destroy a long earned professional career in a moment.

If there is cause for you to be out to the room there should be an assistant or some type of monitoring available.


That's a good point. I was on my own with my doctors from probably 12/13 on - mainly for female exams - and there was always a nurse in the room with the doctor.
“There is no reason for a child to be alone with a pediatrician for any exam, especially in their private areas,” she said. Phillips said during such an exam, a nurse should always be present. She said she typically explains to children that it’s OK for her to conduct exams because their mothers or fathers are present."

This is what our pediatrician does. DD is slmost 4. When the pediatrician was checking DD's private area at her 3 year check up, she told DD that it was okay because Mommy was in the room, and then looked at me to make sure I knew why she was saying it and to make sure I was comfortable. DD has been in daycare since 3 months old. We made sure we were comfortable with the place and watched for any signs of apprehension from DD. She actually still has to go give her infant teacher a hug everyday when she leaves, that's how bonded they were. DD and I have talked about how it's okay for Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents, and her teachers to help her wipe, and family to give her a bath. But that it's not okay for anyone else to touch her. I have also taught her that while it's okay for adults to do certian things, it's not okay for them to do anything outside of what I have already said (i.e. if a teacher does something more than wipe her). She knows to tell a grown up if anything happens or if anything hurts. I admit I'm a bit parinoid, although I try to control it to an extent. Of course, my line of work and personal experiences have jaded me a bit.... I just try to protect her when I can, and teach her what is okay when I'm not around. I actually feel bad for the parents of these children. If they were first time parents and had never had any negative experiences, I can understand them being too trusting.
This is what our pediatrician does. DD is slmost 4. When the pediatrician was checking DD's private area at her 3 year check up, she told DD that it was okay because Mommy was in the room, and then looked at me to make sure I knew why she was saying it and to make sure I was comfortable. DD has been in daycare since 3 months old. We made sure we were comfortable with the place and watched for any signs of apprehension from DD. She actually still has to go give her infant teacher a hug everyday when she leaves, that's how bonded they were. DD and I have talked about how it's okay for Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents, and her teachers to help her wipe, and family to give her a bath. But that it's not okay for anyone else to touch her. I have also taught her that while it's okay for adults to do certian things, it's not okay for them to do anything outside of what I have already said (i.e. if a teacher does something more than wipe her). She knows to tell a grown up if anything happens or if anything hurts. I admit I'm a bit parinoid, although I try to control it to an extent. Of course, my line of work and personal experiences have jaded me a bit.... I just try to protect her when I can, and teach her what is okay when I'm not around. I actually feel bad for the parents of these children. If they were first time parents and had never had any negative experiences, I can understand them being too trusting.

Presumably parents looked at the doctor as a trusted figure, and probably didn't see the pattern in the doctor's behavior. Although the two year old according to the article complained after two different visits, and it appears this wasn't reported to the police until after the second visit. But if it was a pattern with this doctor to take the children somewhere off by himself, I wonder why none of his staff became concerned about it? From the description of the alleged tapes, some of these videotaped incidents went on for around 10 minutes. I find it strange no one became suspicious when the doctor was somewhere off with the child for some period of time.
This link has descriptions of the alleged tapes:
VIOLENT rapes? He recorded violent rapes of children as young as 3 months?

There are no words. He is the worst of the worst. See, this is a case when I think the DP should be on the table although I have been trying to pursuade myself I do not believe in the DP anymore.

See I had to come back-this guy was so arrogant he violently raped babies and then gave them back to the does this happen again?? No one heard anything???
Oh me too, Linda. The Dentist for kids is a big one where they don't want you to "project your own fear of the Dentist onto the child". I was like "I have no fear of the Dentist. Never have".

It took me alot of calling around to find a pediatric Dentist who would let a parent go in with the child.

I'm glad this freakaziod is locked up with that high bail.

That ped dentist asked me what my problem was....I told him I didn't know him. He ushers me into his office, we sit down chatted for a few minutes as he explained what he was going to do to my son....then says...Do you feel better now, since we talked? ROFLMAO! I said no...I am more concerned than ever, I can't understand why a grown man is so intent on being ALONE with my 4 year old son, behind a closed door. He appeared stunned..and butt hurt! I left. ..........He gave me a creepy feeling anyway.
VIOLENT rapes? He recorded violent rapes of children as young as 3 months?

There are no words. He is the worst of the worst. See, this is a case when I think the DP should be on the table although I have been trying to pursuade myself I do not believe in the DP anymore.

See I had to come back-this guy was so arrogant he violently raped babies and then gave them back to the does this happen again?? No one heard anything???

Oh dear God!
VIOLENT rapes? He recorded violent rapes of children as young as 3 months?

There are no words. He is the worst of the worst. See, this is a case when I think the DP should be on the table although I have been trying to pursuade myself I do not believe in the DP anymore.

See I had to come back-this guy was so arrogant he violently raped babies and then gave them back to the does this happen again?? No one heard anything???

I'm glad you brought up the DP before I did.... I thought about it after reading that last link. There are no words I can post regarding this monster because if I did, I'd surely be banned rather than timed out and I wouldn't want to give any non WS member sicko's reading this any idea's. :angel:
This is from the Cape Gazette link above. Evil needs to have light shined on it. Let's put it out here for all to see:

"In one video seized by police, Bradley engages in violent sex acts with a 3- to 6-month old who screams and resists.

An 11-minute video described in court records shows Bradley performing sex acts on a 2- to 3-year old child who screams and twice attempts to run away, but he recaptures her.

In an 8-minute video police described as the most violent, Bradley, with an enraged expression on his face, sexually assaults a 2-year-old, yelling repeatedly at the hysterical child.

One video depicts a girl described as 12 to 13 years old."

There's several comments I'd like to make (that are printable). First, I'm shocked at how wide his victim base is--infants to a 13 year old. He's not picky. Secondly, the violence involved. Did these children merely look upset to their parents due to an injection. Why did none of them scream to their parents about what was just done as they were handed back to them? Maybe he stuck a lollipop in their mouths as he came up from the dungeon. And I have to agree with several other posters, where in heck was the staff?

I read a review of this doctor but didn't link to it as there were only four reviewers. One thing that stuck out, though, was that the doctor only rated a 2.5-5 points out of 10--not very impressive. The staff rated a 10. What gives with this? Could the staff be involved in some way?

I don't know if anyone remembers but I posted on another thread a while back about a report I made to LE about receiving some child *advertiser censored* by email. It is etched in my memory. The thing that I most remember is that the babies and children were screaming. They were being raped and were responding exactly as we'd expect. They were not drugged into submission like the poor little guy in Brazil who was tortured with needles. There was no attempt, AT ALL, to conceal that fact. In fact, it seemed to be central to the site I received. It was all about over-powering and hurting the little ones. So so sick.

Anyway, I wonder if this man was not only a pedophile himself but might have been selling these videos. I would think they'd sell for quite a bit. Have we heard yet from a local? Does this man have a family, a church, neighbors? What is the staff saying? I wish they'd weigh in as well as other parents. My heart just breaks for these children and their families.
I'm glad you brought up the DP before I did.... I thought about it after reading that last link. There are no words I can post regarding this monster because if I did, I'd surely be banned rather than timed out and I wouldn't want to give any non WS member sicko's reading this any idea's. :angel:

He isn't eligible for the DP.
This paragraph from the Cape Gazette just rips me up:

"Police spokesman Cpl. Thomas Guarini said police have been aware of complaints against Dr. Bradley for about a year, but until this month, they did not have enough evidence to file charges against him. "When we were finally able to have enough evidence to charge him, we were also able to get search warrants approved," Guarini said."

If this was a busy practice and my math is correct, over 6000 patients could have been seen over a year (52 weeks x 5 days/week @ 20 minutes per visit for 8 hours per day=20-24 patients per day). I think we're looking at a huge possible number of victims. Huge.

I know that LE has to be cautious before they go blazing in with a SW, but how many babies and children have been brutalized while they were waiting for enough evidence? The hesitation is hard for me to accept.
I read a review of this doctor but didn't link to it as there were only four reviewers. One thing that stuck out, though, was that the doctor only rated a 2.5-5 points out of 10--not very impressive. The staff rated a 10. What gives with this? Could the staff be involved in some way?
I saw the same review you're talking about the other day and found it to be strange, too. I wonder who did the rating.

This paragraph from the Cape Gazette just rips me up:

"Police spokesman Cpl. Thomas Guarini said police have been aware of complaints against Dr. Bradley for about a year, but until this month, they did not have enough evidence to file charges against him. "When we were finally able to have enough evidence to charge him, we were also able to get search warrants approved," Guarini said."

If this was a busy practice and my math is correct, over 6000 patients could have been seen over a year (52 weeks x 5 days/week @ 20 minutes per visit for 8 hours per day=20-24 patients per day). I think we're looking at a huge possible number of victims. Huge.

I know that LE has to be cautious before they go blazing in with a SW, but how many babies and children have been brutalized while they were waiting for enough evidence? The hesitation is hard for me to accept.

The part of the article you bolded almost disturbs me more, I think, than the descriptions of the attacks on these defenseless souls. What was LE doing for the last year in order to gather sufficient evidence to prosecute while babies were continuing to be brutalized? How intense was their investigation? Were they just sitting around, waiting for a victim to fall into their laps like this poor baby did? Because that's what it seems like.

I didn't used to be, but I am so grateful now that I didn't have children. It used to hurt to say I have no babies, but now I know, they wouldn't be safe anywhere in this sick world. This makes me so angry. There aren't even words.
Tizzle--I know just what you mean. I hesitated about posting the descriptions of the actual crimes, taken from the article, but we're here for a reason....and it's not to hide our heads in the sand. It's to bear witness and scream bloody murder.

No, it was the line about waiting a year which ripped my heart out. It's almost like LE was sitting in a deer blind just waiting for another little one to fall into the lair and to see if they commented about it to their parents. I know, (at least I want to believe) that LE must not have had enough evidence.

I just can't believe, given this man's boldness added to the math I did on possible victims, that it took so long. What if he would have killed a child in that dungeon? What would have happened if a child broke away and went screaming to Momma or Daddy what this monster had just done? There's a lot of what ifs and a lot of details which we need to wait for.

Has anyone found a link to the Probable Cause or Search Warrant documents? Is there anything in Delaware law that will prohibit them from being published?

Don't ever feel badly about your choice to not have children. I have an adult daughter who feels exactly the same way. When I talk to her about it, all she has to do is point out the pain we've been through. Of course, there is joy tenfold, but I do get it. I really do. I hope you are able, though, to enjoy the presence of kids in your life in some capacity. They are a total blast, especially when you're not their parent!!
He isn't eligible for the DP.

Yes, while he isn't he should be. I'm certain if he is placed with the general population he'll have a hard time staying alive. And I have NO problem with that.
A review from August of this year:

Dr Bradley is a wonderful doctor he is a little different and seems a little more at ease with children than he does their parents. He spends quality time with his patients. Since he does spend so much time with his patients 10-15 minutes + The wait time is a little longer, but well worth it. He also makes sure that children that need to be seen with an illness/problem are seen the same day. They actually stayed open a little late just to make sure my baby then 6 monthes was taken care of.
A review from August of this year:

Dr Bradley is a wonderful doctor he is a little different and seems a little more at ease with children than he does their parents. He spends quality time with his patients. Since he does spend so much time with his patients 10-15 minutes + The wait time is a little longer, but well worth it. He also makes sure that children that need to be seen with an illness/problem are seen the same day. They actually stayed open a little late just to make sure my baby then 6 monthes was taken care of.

I'm going to be sick:banghead:

I can't even understand this, really. It's hard for me to wrap my head around it...
My boys go to one pediatrician, my girls to another (no real reason, just worked out that way.)
My daughters' doctor, before any exam, asks me if I am comfortable and asks her the same thing, as he proceeds with the exam, he tells her, "This is okay, because I'm a doctor and your mom is right here." He even tells her that no one should ever "play" doctor with her, because real doctor's go to school for a long time and fake ones can hurt kids, if they don't know what they are doing.
He says as a mandatory reporter, this is his way of opening the door for a child to talk to him about any "fake doctors" in their lives.
My boys doctor tells them that he is going to examine them, and gets down to their level to tell them that if they want him to stop, just say so and he will. He tells them that if an adult doesn't stop when they are told they are breaking the rules. I just want to cry for these kids.
He had to have been targeting first time parents, maybe telling them that baby moved during the exam and there might be some bleeding and discomfort? Forcible rape of a three month old? He had to have a cover story, there is no way not to notice that! I don't care how young and naive you are. He should be charged with attempted murder. He has taken all the classes to know that that kind of internal trauma can kill.
Tizzle--I know just what you mean. I hesitated about posting the descriptions of the actual crimes, taken from the article, but we're here for a reason....and it's not to hide our heads in the sand. It's to bear witness and scream bloody murder.

No, it was the line about waiting a year which ripped my heart out. It's almost like LE was sitting in a deer blind just waiting for another little one to fall into the lair and to see if they commented about it to their parents. I know, (at least I want to believe) that LE must not have had enough evidence.
I wasn't saying I had a problem with you posting excerpts from the article, Izzy. I was saying the same thing as you're saying here...that it is almost as bothersome that LE has had concerns for a year about this piece of trash. If LE didn't have enough evidence to prosecute, what did they do over the last year to either prove or disprove their concerns besides wait for the little 2 y.o. that fell into their laps?

Don't ever feel badly about your choice to not have children. I have an adult daughter who feels exactly the same way. When I talk to her about it, all she has to do is point out the pain we've been through. Of course, there is joy tenfold, but I do get it. I really do. I hope you are able, though, to enjoy the presence of kids in your life in some capacity. They are a total blast, especially when you're not their parent!!

It wasn't a choice, but I am now fine with it, just the same. I do have children in my life and they are, indeed, a blast. It's especially nice knowing that I can give them back to their rightful owners when I'm done being abused by them. :) I'm a good and very protective "temporary parent". Just because I don't have any of my own, doesn't mean I don't know how to parent. I don't know how I would handle something like this happening to a little one I love. Luckily, I haven't had to find out. I hope and pray I never do. I do worry more and more, though. So many sickos out there.
Tizzle--I knew you knew what I meant. I was just a little confusing in my post. LOL We're certainly on exactly the same page.

Oh, my heart just aches for the parent who wrote that review. I've been in those exact same shoes and you just feel sucker-punched when the truth comes out. This is hard to admit but I know I commented to my husband and/or my older kids that "the kids sure do stay busy out back when R comes over--he really entertains them".

I could just die thinking it now but I didn't see what was going on right under my nose. I mean there were eight of my kids and just one of him, and I'm right inside the house, and surely someone would complain if he played too roughly....and, and, and......

I know just what that parent is feeling right now and I wish I could hug them.
Dude is 225 pounds. I find this situation beyond appalling, beyond sinister. This is a step below Duncan-just a step. They are going to have go back, and back and back with this guy. Any children he had access to ever, any animal he ever had access to.
This is from the Cape Gazette link above. Evil needs to have light shined on it. Let's put it out here for all to see:

"In one video seized by police, Bradley engages in violent sex acts with a 3- to 6-month old who screams and resists.

An 11-minute video described in court records shows Bradley performing sex acts on a 2- to 3-year old child who screams and twice attempts to run away, but he recaptures her.

In an 8-minute video police described as the most violent, Bradley, with an enraged expression on his face, sexually assaults a 2-year-old, yelling repeatedly at the hysterical child.

One video depicts a girl described as 12 to 13 years old."

There's several comments I'd like to make (that are printable). First, I'm shocked at how wide his victim base is--infants to a 13 year old. He's not picky. Secondly, the violence involved. Did these children merely look upset to their parents due to an injection. Why did none of them scream to their parents about what was just done as they were handed back to them? Maybe he stuck a lollipop in their mouths as he came up from the dungeon. And I have to agree with several other posters, where in heck was the staff?

I read a review of this doctor but didn't link to it as there were only four reviewers. One thing that stuck out, though, was that the doctor only rated a 2.5-5 points out of 10--not very impressive. The staff rated a 10. What gives with this? Could the staff be involved in some way?

I don't know if anyone remembers but I posted on another thread a while back about a report I made to LE about receiving some child *advertiser censored* by email. It is etched in my memory. The thing that I most remember is that the babies and children were screaming. They were being raped and were responding exactly as we'd expect. They were not drugged into submission like the poor little guy in Brazil who was tortured with needles. There was no attempt, AT ALL, to conceal that fact. In fact, it seemed to be central to the site I received. It was all about over-powering and hurting the little ones. So so sick.

Anyway, I wonder if this man was not only a pedophile himself but might have been selling these videos. I would think they'd sell for quite a bit. Have we heard yet from a local? Does this man have a family, a church, neighbors? What is the staff saying? I wish they'd weigh in as well as other parents. My heart just breaks for these children and their families.


I definitely think there is a good chance he was selling and/or trading these videos.
Believe--I'm always hesitant to bring up the animals when we are talking about precious little children but that was one of my first thoughts too. With this guy's medical training, we all know what he's done to animals...probably since he was a young child. I really want this monster watched closely. I don't want to lose him to suicide. I don't want him beaten to death in lock-up. We've got to keep him alive to find out as much of the story as possible.

Why are there still no weigh-ins from family, neighbors, schoolmates, and staff? How about previous patients? I noticed that the Cape Gazette has a little line asking for previous patients to contact them about stories. Ummm...I think a call to the police, might be best.

"Parents who have any questions or concerns should contact Troop 4 detectives at (302) 586-5850, ext 216.

If your child has been a patient of Dr. Bradley, the Cape Gazette would like to hear your story. Contact news editor Laura Ritter at 302-645-7700 or email her at"
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