OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #16

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Well, they showed him on the news here in NM over the weekend. But now that LE has said search and rescue are completed...I doubt there will be much more coverage until and unless an arrest is made or he is found. It will begin to taper off, as the news feeds on the word "news" and there just isn't any...
Question: Is there any accurate confirmation that SM left at 8:45 except from SM?

Not that LE has specifically given out, but there may very well be 20 parents who saw her in the parking lot and getting into her car for all we know. In fact, for all anyone here knows, a group of moms could have gone together to get coffee, and then all this random rumor speculation would be shot to pieces. Bottom line is....no one has confirmed or disproved that timeline.

Maybe this field trip was arranged on purpose to see if the kids recognized anyone/anything.
Do we know if there really was an organized field trip to Kruger's farm after he offered for them to come? I think most all of the grade schools in the PDX area have field trips to Sauvie Island so those kids in the video could be from any school IMO. Just sayin'
Not a National plea for finding the perp, but Kyron's face should have been all over National news if they thought there was a possibility the perp took him out of state. Even with the photos they are releasing now, it doesn't seem like there is a strong message of " look for him, if you see him call LE". Just my opinion.

there is a very good picture of kyron on the Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Office update for today (the science fair one photoshopped without his glasses)
Good point. That's what we do too now that you mention it. I'd still get there first to get that darn parking spot though! I've had to return to my car numerous times, trudging all the way out to the road and back, because my daughter forgot something. I've even been known to scope out the situation and seize the opportunity to move my car closer if someone leaves. It's sad, I know.:blushing:

I feel kind of bad now, I always made my son take his in and set up it himself. But I think that was what they requested we do so they didn't have so many people on the school grounds before class. At his school projects were set up the morning of, judged and graded later in the day then open house in that evening. Everything taken down and brought home the next day. I guess this was because his school didn't have the space to leave them up for too long. Also the childred were present with their projects when the judges came through so they could answer questiond. (I think they did this to see how familar the kids were with their projects..LOL!)
Do we know if there really was an organized field trip to Kruger's farm after he offered for them to come? I think most all of the grade schools in the PDX area have field trips to Sauvie Island so those kids in the video could be from any school IMO. Just sayin'

Yes, Scandi.


Watch the clip at 1:36.

". . . he invited Kyron's classmates, 2nd and 3rd graders from the school to tour the farm and pick strawberries today."

Please watch the clip!!!!
Not a National plea for finding the perp, but Kyron's face should have been all over National news if they thought there was a possibility the perp took him out of state. Even with the photos they are releasing now, it doesn't seem like there is a strong message of " look for him, if you see him call LE". Just my opinion.

Sorry, I misunderstood you. In the beginning LE thought he wandered and now - from the places LE are looking doesn't seem like they are looking for a live child. Sad to say but sure seems that way to me,. moo mho
That is an excellent thought!! One of the children on the field trip could have seen someone there and remembered seeing them at school that day. Well didn't someone here say the farm guy has a kid that goes to Skyline in Kyron's class?

The classmate : yes, I remember reading that too. I wonder if it's possible that the person who saw Kyron at his classroom door at 9:00 also saw someone else there, someone connected to the farm ? It is possible that LE might have wanted to guage someone's reaction to the kids,and the fieldtrip ?

I'm curious,because LE has spent a whole lot of time on Sauvie ; they seem to have a solid lead. I am convinced that they have known much of what happened from a few days after Kyron vanished.....

there is a very good picture of kyron on the Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Office update for today (the science fair one photoshopped without his glasses)

Right, but again, it is not a clear immediate or ongoing National message of "we know he is out there, someone has him, please be on a vigilant look out for him". In my opinion it has been more of a local message like "he is around here somewhere" rather than "he is out there somewhere".
Finally caught up on all the threads! My understanding is the only search we are aware of today is the one at Sauvie Island. Is that correct?
Early info in a case is often inaccurate, so I'm not surprised that one article says before 8. Numerous articles since have confirmed that the school opened at 8, and SM and Kyron arrived shortly afterwards - along with other parents and their children.

Early articles are often unfiltered, prior to LE clamping down on info.
I would, but I know it will just be so crowded, and with a little one and bedtime ... not going to happen. But I will light a candle for little Kyron here at home and we will be thinking of him and hoping for his return.

Anyone here going to the vigil tonight?
Hi - I took a few days off from posting as nothing new had occurred to me, and no new facts have really been released, and to save myself some exasperation. but ive stayed caught up on what you all have awesomely been posting and sharing. Thank you!....but - I've gotten confused again about the school project timeline. Can someone remind me about what has been released about:

(a) When the projects were set up? Was it the night before? Because in the picture, the classroom seems pretty empty of people due to it being an early start (somewhere between 8 and 8:45 am the day of the fair as far as we can guess - it's not confirmed what day the photo was taken, right? aside from an FB post of the pic which is now private) and kids/parents still arriving, but the classroom looks pretty ready for a science fair...

(b) can someone confirm that the early news reports said Kyron did not take the bus because SM said Kyron had his project and it was too big to take on the bus so she drove? Did she say that? Or am I mixing rumor and fact?

I only ask because I am all turned around now on what's been news reporting, what is source quotes from parties in these news reports, and what is LE info. It just seems like I read SM said they brought his project that morning, but the room seems like all the projects were already there and set up, but all the students hadn't arrived...

I'd appreciate a reminder on what is fact about these timelines before I take my thoughts on this detail too far down crazyville road :eek:)

thank you - and sorry this is such a repeat question. I know its been addressed somewhere way early on like in one of the first threads even, but now its bugging me again!
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