SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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I would think any parent of a ADHD kid would know what this paper work is if the doctor is worth anything. I wouldn't trust a doctor that would put my son on medication without some type of documentation other that what the parents say.

We actually got 2 set of forms, The parents form is 48 questions and the teachers 28. The teacher could not fill out at the very beginning of the year as she would not know the child's normal behavior then, ours were done at the end of the first grading.

If a child is newly diagnosed I could definitely see the doctor wanting one at the end of the year to see how he did that year in case the dosage needed to be changed.

Although many do, my child does not take the medication during the summer. We not a big follower of the drugs and try to work on other ways to help him control his ADHD then and it does seem to work to an extent.

I am 40, ADHD medicated, though not all my life. It runs in the family and while my kids have it, they're not medicated (though they feel they should be, lol). Their doc is great and while she believes there may be a need, she handed out those same two sets of forms...for teachers and for us. She takes no chances. The husband won't medicate, so the forms sit here (until I go behind his back for the little one, who really has a need). As a teacher and a person with adhd, I know the routine, pros/cons. We don't do med holidays, but that seems to be a doc's preference (though I take lots of med holidays since I forget to take the meds!). It's possible that Kyron's doc would have forms filled out at the end of the year, though this would be leaving things until the last minute (if SM has adhd like me, I could see that). Often, and especially at a young age, those questionnaires come midway through the year for assessment. It depends on the severity of the case, whether an IEP is in place (individual education plan), or accommodations are being made or considered. I'm not sure what OR or that school district does, either. FWIW, Kyron doesn't seem ADHD, except from the description of him being funny, etc., and his creativity. They said he's timid, which isn't so much a trait...but he is small, and if medicated they'd want to check in with the pediatrician often to monitor that.

Just thought I'd throw my two cents in here. I do think those meds have a far greater effect on kids than adults, and I do think that they're prescribed perhaps too often. However, I also think in severe cases, it's better to treat than wait...I often wonder how much easier my life would have been if I'd been less impulsive, and not so stubborn as to resist addressing the problem. I do appreciate doctors who take it seriously and regularly and thoroughly address the effects of meds on children. If lots of visits ensure that developmentally they are benefitting, and not becoming physically impaired, you've got a great doc and should certainly make the time. If everyone did that, the problem of over medication wouldn't exist. That said, I need to remember to take my meds since I'm hyperfocusing all over this case! I can't remember the last time I went grocery shopping...I wonder how old that milk is?
I have a 7 year old child, and if I told him "Let's play a game. You go hide in the truck, and I'll come out and find you!" He would look at me like I was crazy. The two must have left together, when the hallways were starting to empty. SOMEONE saw them. I hope they seize SM's truck, her purse, anything else that could still hold traces of a crime.

She's also mad that they want to polygraph her again, and saying she didn't have anything to do with it. If I were a suspect in a similar crime, I'd tell them to polygraph me as many times as they want to.

Like Marc Klass, I would be screaming for a poly. Poly me six times, if necessary. Search my house, car, everything.
Also, being a "teacher aide" or whatever she was, she very well knew, as ALL parents of kids in school do, that there is a proper way to take a kid home from school for the day, and that's signing him out in the office. She didn't so that. He was assumed to be in school as far as the office knew then, right? But his teacher marked him absent. So was a call made to the home, or not, that he was absent? Seems like everything was very loosey-goosey that day, and I bet that school and all other schools in the PPS area tighten up their act. Boy, I wish videocameras were standard in all schools. The inner city schools in Baltimore have them, and they are the "poor' schools, why can't ALL schools have them? I think in the very near future that should be made standard in all schools. JMO
I have been given the papers many times the day before they were due for the doctor's office.

If a parent is giving you the paperwork the day before it's due, it makes you wonder if it's really the child with ADD/ADHD - or the parent!
I have a 7 year old child, and if I told him "Let's play a game. You go hide in the truck, and I'll come out and find you!" He would look at me like I was crazy. The two must have left together, when the hallways were starting to empty. SOMEONE saw them. I hope they seize SM's truck, her purse, anything else that could still hold traces of a crime.

She's also mad that they want to polygraph her again, and saying she didn't have anything to do with it. If I were a suspect in a similar crime, I'd tell them to polygraph me as many times as they want to.

I was asked to take a poly once (not a murder; a major theft at work) and I was happy to do so. I figured the faster they cleared me the sooner they could forget about me and find the real thief. I was HAPPY to clear myself and for others to know I was cleared as well. I didn't like suspicion hanging over my head due to the deed of another.

That's just me though. I know others view these things differently.
Odd that we now find out Kaine was adopted. I wonder if Kristian was also, and if they had the same bio parents or totally unrelated.
Odd that we now find out Kaine was adopted. I wonder if Kristian was also, and if they had the same bio parents or totally unrelated.
Yes, they were both adoped by the same couple. Its in the article.
Not to go against the blame tide, but IF the teacher has a hearing problem and they were in a noisy gym, TH "yelling" about the paperwork makes sense. Also, her friend said that TH said she has been subjected to (my words) intense questions that TH doesn't understand the purpose of (my words again) which leads me to believe that from the beginning this has been the case. I am guessing that the emotional toll the actual event would have on anyone, plus the obvious suspicion pointed at her from the LE and the public may be the reason for all the body language we have seen. That being said, I do agree that it is highly possible she was responsible for Kyron's disappearance, but I am not calling her POI or suspect.

But if a person has a hearing deficit, and you know it, do you yell across a crowded gym info that you think is important for her to know? Wouldn't you make your way over to the teacher and tell her, make sure she heard you, if you thought it was that important? And why WAS it that important, on a busy day such as science fair and then talent show, to tell her that information? Seems like setting up a premeditated act to me, but thats of course JMO.
Thank you for clarifying; it helps. Because from my standpoint, I can't look at her not saying anything and point fingers, when the entire family is not saying anything. That has to remove HER from suspicion if everyone else is not suspicious for the same action.

And while I'm at it, I see the body language (this is not directed specifically to you, MD MOMMY, but in general) of these 4 adults in an interesting light: Terri's seeking comfort is ANSWERED. Desiree offers her hand. Kaine wraps her into his embrace. She is devastated. She has a look of horror on her face, and yet, they're all 4 standing together.

I say they all 4 know something, and it affects Terri in an awful way that could be read as guilt, but could also be read as remorse that she herself brought this horror into all their lives, but did not herself cause the disappearance of Kyron.

Does that make sense?

BBM I don't see it that way. She needed comfort, snuggled up to KH and he took her in his arms. Like, what was he supposed to do, shove her away? I have no idea if he really wanted to or not, and, at that time maybe he had no idea she MIGHT be involved.

In the first PC when the 4 parent were present, Desiree was NOT kissy/huggy with SM. In the second PC, she moved real quick whe SM tried to take her hand, then she did take it after she wiped her eyes. I believe they were TOLD to present a united front by LE, or they "decided" a united front would be for the best, but I don't really SEE that they are united - to me it's an act, but I'm not sure of the reason.

I don't know if sm is guilty or not, but when I saw her face, I said to myself, "damn, she did it".

My opinion only, of course.
Could someone tell me what door Terri exited the school from?

Was it the one near Kyron's classroom? TIA
Like Marc Klass, I would be screaming for a poly. Poly me six times, if necessary. Search my house, car, everything.


That's exactly who I was thinking about. Marc Klass. :clap:
If the teacher last saw TM with Kyron at 8:15 and they've discounted the 8:45 sighting by the little friend, then wouldn't that add lots more time that Kryon was never seen without SM by anyone? He would have had to be abducted by a stranger almost immediately after she left.

Also: If Terri needed the paperwork for a Monday appt. then she would need to pick it up from the teacher at least on Friday to be prepared.

I wonder if LE is unjustifiably discrediting the story of the child. It is not unheard of for LE to ignore any "evidence" that would exonerate a person they believe to be guilty. In the Elizabeth Smart's case Elizabeth's sister's eye witness account was totally disregarded by LE and it turned out to be correct. If they had listened to her they might have found Elizabeth sooner. Again, that being said, I still agree with the majority that TH should be looked at. I also wonder if she has denied being in the vicinity where LE said there were pings from her phone. Also, are pings from towers, etc. more credible than lie detectors in court? Anyone know?
Who has a link from other than a rumor source about the Gym yelling? If you can't provide a link please remove your comments about it.
From that article TH has a Masters in Ed. Yet, she has never taught "full time". As a "full-time" teacher for many many years now (and other teachers chime in here) - I wouldn't consider her a "teacher". Sure, she subbed - that's a whole 'nother animal. Spending an entire school year with the same children, being responsible for those children and their education, developing relationships with the children and parents - that's what makes you a teacher. All the book-learning in the world doesn't make up for real life experience!!! IMO and as an experienced teacher - she is a "wannabee".
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