Possible Sexual Relationship Between DeDe and Terri?

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Does anyone find it strange that DeDe is a landscaper and Terri's choice for an assassin was a landscaper? That cannot be purely coincidental imo.
As for a sexual relationship between DeDe and Terri, I would say it is certainly possible and just might involve others...maybe even other landscapers. jmo
This is the only relevant connection their sexual preferences could have to the case, IMO. However, at this point, why would they keep hiding it? What does either one have to lose anymore, especially Terri?

I just don't see how a detailed biography of either one of them could accurately predict their likelihood to commit a crime, unless they have committed crimes before. There are SO many people who have similar histories: failed relationships or lack thereof, substance abuse problems, employment troubles, affairs, brief hobbies, mistakes in parenting, etc. Raise your hand if not a one of those applies to you. Even if they all apply to you, none of them are crimes, and none of them point to a crime against a child. The argument I see LE and the media forming is that collectively they point to a certain type of character, but whatever a person's character, proof is needed for conviction, and I still don't see any proof-type of evidence, anywhere.

This fence gives me a better view, I think.

I love your comment! :yes:
I don't think Kaine hated the lifestyle as on one of the FB pictures, there is a person who is openly gay visiting in the hospital.

The question to me is relevant because it may be that Terri was ready to move on as she has done with her other 2 husbands, and this time she is switching to a female relationship.I have seen that happen quite a bit. Usually it's only after one hubby, though.

I have seen women who do either sex as a matter of course.

If they had that kind of relationship, then we have seen over and over how a lover helps with horrible crimes because of the "love".

I can see the two of them hatching a plan because Dede for sure was obsessed with money and it sounds like Terri likes money a lot as well.

1. Sue the school?

2. Kill Kaine . He's despondent over Kyron on commits suicide or has a car accident or?

OMG! That's what I was thinking too!

Here's how my theory goes:
Terri tried the MFH plot against Kaine by trying to seduce the LS, but that failed. A few months later, DDS comes into the picture. Terri realizes DDS is interested in her romantically and takes advantage of the situation.

The only motive I can think of for Kyron to need to disappear is *if* Kaine had a life insurance policy. Terri was no longer interested in being with her husband but he's the sole provider and makes a nice income. She's living in a house that she likes, afterall she is the one who found the house!

Terri decides that she wants all of the money from the life insurance policy and doesn't want to have to split it with Kyron. So she needs him out of the picture. (Somehow DDS helped, but to what extent I'm not sure).

Once Kyron is gone, all that is left to do is eliminate Kaine. Kaine is so distraught over losing Kyron that "he committs suicide" or there is an "accident".

This is JMO and all speculative.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. ~ Rhett Butler
What does DS's sexual orientation or a (rumored/speculated) sexual involvement with TH have to do with Kyron's disappearance? I fail to see a link between sexuality and Kyron being abducted or disposed of.

There has been no evidence presented that indicates any of this. As such it feels like rumor mongering and digging for dirt, because it's salacious.

Didn't we just hear from someone innocent who has been harmed by rumors in this case? Why yes, yes we did. Heather of Rosemont Farms wrote an impassioned plea and sent it to WS's imploring people NOT to spread rumors.

Heather from Rosemont Farms was not placed on a flier along side of Terri Horman and her truck neither, and she has fully cooperated with LE.
I truly don't care about their sexuality, but what if Kyron witnessed them together? What if Terri knew Kyron would eventually tell his father, and what if this is the reason we are even here talking about it? I know "what if" is a huge question... but it could explain many things, things that tend to make more sense to me than anything else has.
There is the possibility that DeDe is romantically attracted to Terri and that, even if Terri has no such feelings for women, she exploited those feelings like she would a man.

The idea that DeDe could be attracted to Terri became a possibility to me when her ex-boyfriend said he had been her only boyfriend and that she was not going to pursue men after him. It made me wonder if she had relationships with women in the past and was afraid to tell him because of his religious beliefs.
I think it's an important possibility to question because it could explain why DeDe would get so attached to Terri. But other than her seeming lack of experience with relationships with men there is nothing else that hints at her having romantic feelings toward Terri.

BBM. After reading the ex's letter - IMHO he's a bit :crazy:. An attention seeker, and provides no real facts. He toots his own horn to inflate his ego, and makes DDS look like a :loser:

So if I were to base my facts on what the EBF said - I'm tossing it aside. Even he didn't indicate DDS was a lesbian. Her lack of male relationships aside, I'd like to see someone come out and say she had female relationships. No such thing has happened.

And I agree - there is nothing else that hints at her having romantic feelings towards TH.


I think DeDe was in love with Terri. I think Terri, who was not opposed to bisexuality, had a physical affair with DeDe for the purpose of getting DeDe more in her wiles...able to control DeDe more. Why in the world Kyron needed to be extinguished? Maybe Terri and DeDe wanted to keep the "affair" secret because Terri was afraid Kaine would try to keep her from getting custody of baby K once they were separating & divorcing- which I think they both knew was coming down the pike anyway, especiially if he thought Terri was involved in a lesbian affair. Maybe Kyron knew, heard,- or God Forbid- saw something he shouldn't have. You can fool a 7 yr old if they think they "heard" something, you can say no I said so and so, not that, you heard it wrong. You can change a 7 yr olds mind about something they think they "know" (although I don't know many 7 yr olds who would be perceptive enough to dream up a lesbian relationship between their mom and her friend)..but anyway..) but if a 7 year old walked in to a room and SAW something between his mother and DeDe, well, there you have a problem. You KNOW he's gonna talk. THERE could be the motive. In fact, in my mind its the only motive that makes sense, why otherwise would she want Kyron done away with, for petes sake?
IMO DeDe was very vulnerable, idolized Terri (and Terri knew it) and after the horror of a relationship she had had with that one guy, whats-his-name, no wonder she switched teams. I would too! She only wanted someone to love her and she enjoyed the physical part. Terri IMO is a sex pot and wasn't too particular about who and what and why and when. JMO.
eta: and I think it was to a point that DeDe would do just about anything for Terri, even if it meant getting rid of Kyron to keep their relationship a secret so Terri could get custody of Baby K once she and Kaine split, then she and baby K and Terri could live happily ever after together. JMO
I don't think anybody who has an interest in finding Kyron really cares about the sexual relationship's of the adults in this case. But what people do care care about is the significance of these relationships when it could mean a "special" relationship.
Male or female, if somebody ,for whatever reason would help a POI has to be something worth looking at .
Many women have intense friendships that aren't sexual in nature but do go beyond bonds of marriage in terms of loyalty for example.

Not sure what I'm saying here... but I think, if it helps in any way, I'm willing to consider anything if it helps bring Kyron home again.
I have always felt TH's sexting with MC was a diversion,

kinda like, look over here at this, so nobody would see

what was really going on. I was surprised to hear Dede had

moved in with Terri, but it made sense to me when viewed in this

context. I believe Dede is a lesbian and

TH is BI. TH is a user of everyone to her own ends.

Feels better to be able to say it, only if it advances the out-

come of this case, which is to bring Kyron home. Who is

sleeping with whom doesn't matter one iota, unless it is

part of the case, and I believe it may be. moo
What does DS's sexual orientation or a (rumored/speculated) sexual involvement with TH have to do with Kyron's disappearance? I fail to see a link between sexuality and Kyron being abducted or disposed of.

There has been no evidence presented that indicates any of this. As such it feels like rumor mongering and digging for dirt, because it's salacious.

Didn't we just hear from someone innocent who has been harmed by rumors in this case? Why yes, yes we did. Heather of Rosemont Farms wrote an impassioned plea and sent it to WS's imploring people NOT to spread rumors.

I take exception to the rumor-mongering comment. LE has thus far named no one as a person of interest, yet we have seen them clearly focus on TH and DDS. Other threads and comments have delved into the relationship between Terri and Kaine, Terri and the landscaper and Terri and MC. None of us are privy to ANY facts other than Kyron Horman is missing. I am not asking out of prurient interest; I actually had hoped someone might have some idea of the origin of this rumor and/or its validity. I think that it would shed quite a bit of light on the conundrum of DeDe's involvement. I can't for the life of me understand why she would allow herself to be put into this untenable position. Were I in DeDe's shoes, I would resent the heck out of Terri for my life now being under the proverbial microscope simply for being her friend and coming to her aid. I've wondered if blackmail was somehow involved, but I can't see in what way. The only other possibility that makes any kind of sense to me is that the two are more than friends. Yes, it is speculation. I would like to see it confirmed or debunked if possible. I don't visit the other sites because of the vitriol that permeates the threads. When I read that Tricia had given her okay to civilly discuss this here at WS, I decided to start the thread. If that has offended you, I did not intend it in that way.
I haven't read through this thread yet, but IMO, a mid-morning romp gets Terri off the hook, whether with DeDe or someone else.
BBM. After reading the ex's letter - IMHO he's a bit :crazy:. An attention seeker, and provides no real facts. He toots his own horn to inflate his ego, and makes DDS look like a :loser:

So if I were to base my facts on what the EBF said - I'm tossing it aside. Even he didn't indicate DDS was a lesbian. Her lack of male relationships aside, I'd like to see someone come out and say she had female relationships. No such thing has happened.

And I agree - there is nothing else that hints at her having romantic feelings towards TH.



Mel, this is the "post of the day" for me. :angel: Exactly what I was thinking!!
In reality, having an extramarital relationship has been a partial or total motive or even just a precursor for many of the more infamous parents who murdered their children (thinking Susan Smith, Diane Downs, Scott Peterson). So in that sense if TH is an actual suspect, then ANY extramarital relationship would be important to identify.

Please though, I don't think a lesbian relationship should be short-handed to "sexual" - that's not necessarily what a romantic interest in another person is all about. I am a woman who romantically likes men, but I'd really bristle at someone characterizing that as "sex". Sex is part of a romantic relationship, but the act of sex isn't what defines someone's romantic leaning. IMO, it doesn't matter if Dede and Terri had a physical relationship - what matters is if Terri had any relationship at all that created a motive for abduction/murder, or that showed her state of mind at the time Kyron vanished. Whether they were doing the deed or not, who cares. Whether one or both of them considered themselves romantic DOES matter, IMO.
]There is the possibility that DeDe is romantically attracted to Terri and that, even if Terri has no such feelings for women, she exploited those feelings like she would a man.[/B]The idea that DeDe could be attracted to Terri became a possibility to me when her ex-boyfriend said he had been her only boyfriend and that she was not going to pursue men after him. It made me wonder if she had relationships with women in the past and was afraid to tell him because of his religious beliefs.

I think it's an important possibility to question because it could explain why DeDe would get so attached to Terri. But other than her seeming lack of experience with relationships with men there is nothing else that hints at her having romantic feelings toward Terri.

My thoughts exactly. When the first reports of DS came out, my immediate thought was that DS might be attracted to TH, and thus would do things she would normally not do. I think TH was aware of this and worked it, just like she seems to have worked the men who were attracted to her. I do not think that TH was attracted to DS, but I do think she could have played it real good if she wanted something bad enough. :sick: JMO
Actually I have read about others, but not TH and DS. Does it make a difference in my mind? No. I just don't see sexual orientation as a big deal. No matter the relationship people do stuff, don't care if it is boy/girl; boy/boy; girl/girl; group. People are people, they give loyalty to whom they wish. I still don't think TH and DS were all that loyal to take Kyron, but that is just me.
I don't believe Dede was involved in planning anything, but she may be involved in covering up. There is more chance of being willing to do something like that if you are in love with someone, as the instinct will be to protect that person, I believe that's more believable than just helping a 'friend', as Dede would be taking a major risk, & there is no evidence that she has been anything other than a law abiding person before. It's happened before in crimes where a person will cover up & protect the person they love, even when that person has committed awful crimes. Maybe Dede has been blinded by love, I think whatever the truth it will come out soon. At the moment we have the calm before the storm, but either Dede or Terri will crack, they are under enormous pressure & it's just a matter of time.
I get the feeling that IF Terri and Dede wanted to be in a relationship, that they would be right now. My impression of them is that they are both strong willed, driven women.

I also feel if IF they were in a relationship and wanted Kaine gone, he'd be dead right now. I fully think they could accomplish that without the help of a landscaper or by using Kyron to get to Kaine.

I'm sure I'm way off but sometimes where there's a will, there's a way.
I take exception to the rumor-mongering comment. LE has thus far named no one as a person of interest, yet we have seen them clearly focus on TH and DDS. Other threads and comments have delved into the relationship between Terri and Kaine, Terri and the landscaper and Terri and MC. None of us are privy to ANY facts other than Kyron Horman is missing. I am not asking out of prurient interest; I actually had hoped someone might have some idea of the origin of this rumor and/or its validity. I think that it would shed quite a bit of light on the conundrum of DeDe's involvement. I can't for the life of me understand why she would allow herself to be put into this untenable position. Were I in DeDe's shoes, I would resent the heck out of Terri for my life now being under the proverbial microscope simply for being her friend and coming to her aid. I've wondered if blackmail was somehow involved, but I can't see in what way. The only other possibility that makes any kind of sense to me is that the two are more than friends. Yes, it is speculation. I would like to see it confirmed or debunked if possible. I don't visit the other sites because of the vitriol that permeates the threads. When I read that Tricia had given her okay to civilly discuss this here at WS, I decided to start the thread. If that has offended you, I did not intend it in that way.

I think it is possible that you can't understand "why" she is involved, because you are starting from the position that TH is guilty. If DD really doesn't think her friend is guilty, then she probably just saw a person who she felt was being unfairly hunted down by everyone (police, her soon to be ex, etc.) and decided to help out a friend. Remember that the public pressure on DD didn't come until well after her 10 day stay. If you look at everything thru the prism of TH is not guilty it is easier to understand.
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