Has Your Opinions of Ron's Involvement Changed?***POLL ADDED***

Has your opinion of Ron's involvement changed? August 2010

  • Yes, I think he is involved and I didn't before

    Votes: 13 5.0%
  • Yes, I no longer think he is involved like I thought before

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Yes, I am on the fence now and gave up my old opinion

    Votes: 14 5.4%
  • No, I've always thought he was involved

    Votes: 167 64.2%
  • No, I've always thought he wasn't involved

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 3.1%

  • Total voters
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And where was J.R. all this time? And the neighbors who said they saw her playing in the front yard, and the ac man?

We don't have any proof any neighbor saw Haleigh that afternoon playing in the yard and LE has never revealed who the ac man even was, let alone revealed anything the ac man may have stated he saw that afternoon..
And who knows where Jr. was that afternoon...Truth be known, I suspect Haleigh never made it home that fatal afternoon... JMHOOTS
No, I never thought Ron hurt her from an accident, drugs, or in a rage murdered Haleigh.
LE has said he didn't and they have the true facts in this case. Haleigh's mother Crystal
is also supportive of Ron and stated a long prison sentence would hurt their son.

Many of the so called facts in this case that seem to cause such anger and judgement of Ron, have come from questionable journalists, people in town who say they know LE and what they are saying, and others with quite a record with LE themselves. Ron has made poor choices, but how can anyone say what he feels, or how we might have behaved with the same parenting in the same town? He and Crystal are both victims of whoever took Haleigh, human beings who feel pain,anger, and more whether they show it in what you consider a proper way or not. LE has said they are not suspects.

BBM...I missed that, would you have a link handy? :blushing: TIA.
We don't have any proof any neighbor saw Haleigh that afternoon playing in the yard and LE has never revealed who the ac man even was, let alone revealed anything the ac man may have stated he saw that afternoon..
And who knows where Jr. was that afternoon...Truth be known, I suspect Haleigh never made it home that fatal afternoon... JMHOOTS

I hope your 'suspicions' are wrong and I can't help but think they are as there are no facts to base them on. Everything so far has only been 'suspicions' and no facts. I can't for a minute think that LE is corrupt and covering for anyone. Nothing they have said implicates RC. so why does everyone immediately think they are lying to protect him? Again, I ask why would they? If you have facts to back up your theory, please I would like to hear them. I have asked for facts multiple times from various posters and get no reply or no facts. I can only assume there are none. Please do not think I am being snarky in this post, I am undecided as to who is resonsible in this and am just looking for facts so I have a factual basis. I wish I could be so positive as some are, but I just can't based on anything that has been presented by the players or LE or any posters here. tia
We don't have any proof any neighbor saw Haleigh that afternoon playing in the yard and LE has never revealed who the ac man even was, let alone revealed anything the ac man may have stated he saw that afternoon..
And who knows where Jr. was that afternoon...Truth be known, I suspect Haleigh never made it home that fatal afternoon... JMHOOTS

LE knows who the ac man is and where everyone was.
LE said Ron and Crystal are not suspects.
We don't have any proof any neighbor saw Haleigh that afternoon playing in the yard and LE has never revealed who the ac man even was, let alone revealed anything the ac man may have stated he saw that afternoon..
And who knows where Jr. was that afternoon...Truth be known, I suspect Haleigh never made it home that fatal afternoon... JMHOOTS

You are right we have no proof a neighbor saw her and you have hit the nail on the head, there is no 'proof' of anything in this whole freakin mess. The only fact is that HC is gone. :( jmo
I respectfully disagree that LE knew where everyone was.... if they did, they would not STILL be struggling with a timeline....jmo
No, I never thought Ron hurt her from an accident, drugs, or in a rage murdered Haleigh.
LE has said he didn't and they have the true facts in this case. Haleigh's mother Crystal
is also supportive of Ron and stated a long prison sentence would hurt their son.
Many of the so called facts in this case that seem to cause such anger and judgement of Ron, have come from questionable journalists, people in town who say they know LE and what they are saying, and others with quite a record with LE themselves. Ron has made poor choices, but how can anyone say what he feels, or how we might have behaved with the same parenting in the same town? He and Crystal are both victims of whoever took Haleigh, human beings who feel pain,anger, and more whether they show it in what you consider a proper way or not. LE has said they are not suspects.

IMHO.. Ronald Cummings is not a victim and I will never view him as such in reference to Haleigh's case unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he is not responsible.. And although I do view Crystal as being a victim in regards to what has happened to her child, IMHO it would serve her best interest IF she was capable of breaking her denial in reference to thinking Ronald Cummings was not involved in whatever happened to Haleigh..If by chance she does believe he is not involved...
I hope and pray she is not allowing herself to be conned in to believing he is not responsible...And I pray she doesn't feel it is in Jr's. best interest to have his daddy in his life...JMHOOTS

Let me add I have a BIG problem with LE and the justice system in place in Putnam County IF Ron C is not being viewed as a suspect..JMO
LE knows who the ac man is and where everyone was.
LE said Ron and Crystal are not suspects.

Then LE needs to reveal the information they have that will clear Ronald Cummings rather than just saying he is cleared...
Too too many discrepancies in reference to LE and how they have handled this case for me to just take their word at face value..

First one that comes to mind was when Tim Miller stated he was told to leave and LE denying that was the case...

Blankets being shaken out and put on the ramp..
The back door that wasn't even taken until after the MH was released back to the family.
The dumpster search and LE denying the dogs hit on anything

And the list goes on...

But I do agree Crystal did not have anything to do with what happened to Haleigh that afternoon...
It is just my opinion but I don't think Crystal was there to show Ron support, she has been attending the hearings. She is desperate to know where Haleigh is. She, like many here, do not want Haleigh's and Jr's father to be the one responsible for what happened. If Ron is not responsible (not my opinion) but gets a long drug sentence, it will be hard on Jr. I am not standing up for Ron, just trying to put myself in Crystal's head. I am sure she has been told and has read the accounts Misty and Tommy have given, pretty graphic details about them doing nothing about JO and Haleigh being thrown in the river. She was overheard stating the day LE declared the case a homicide that Joe killed her baby. None of these stories should have come out until or unless there is a trial.
I hope your 'suspicions' are wrong and I can't help but think they are as there are no facts to base them on. Everything so far has only been 'suspicions' and no facts. I can't for a minute think that LE is corrupt and covering for anyone. Nothing they have said implicates RC. so why does everyone immediately think they are lying to protect him? Again, I ask why would they? If you have facts to back up your theory, please I would like to hear them. I have asked for facts multiple times from various posters and get no reply or no facts. I can only assume there are none. Please do not think I am being snarky in this post, I am undecided as to who is resonsible in this and am just looking for facts so I have a factual basis. I wish I could be so positive as some are, but I just can't based on anything that has been presented by the players or LE or any posters here. tia

LE has given us absolutely nothing and IMHO that is hinky in itself, but people have come forth and given us bits and pieces of information and in reference to myself I have put a scenario together..Am I right in ALL my assumptions? I doubt it, but who knows. One thing I do know I am not an idiot and am capable of thinking logically..I know Misty and the Croslins aren't capable of masterminding any of this...Much of what they have revealed as the truth doesn't even make any sense..No way could they have pulled this off w/o help from The Cummings/ Sykes clan...
To me it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Ronald Cummings and his family are involved considering their inconsistencies, actions and their evasiveness since day one...
And since LE is saying he isn't a suspect, I have no other choice than to believe someone in LE for some reason is protecting he and his family...
I haven't changed my mind.

I believe RC's lifestyle is what led to HaLeigh's demise. I do not believe he is directly responsible but indirectly, YES.

Had he not bedded a child, make her his live in babysitter or had guns, drugs and violence a part of his life, HaLeigh might not have met this fate. When she took off on that three day drug binge, he should have left her right there to continue on...JMHO

He did bring this on himself but he had not hand in HaLeigh's death. I still believe those who adamantly state something did not happen, has happened. I do believe this alleged fight over this rare weapon, humiliating/embarssing JO, was in fact, a revenge killing. Since he didn't get what he wanted at the MH, he instead took the next best thing to RC, his heart, Haleigh...such a damn shame someone didn't fight harder to take his custody of the children away.

He's a manipulator, he likes young girls, making easy money...but poor HaLeigh paid the ultimate price...JMHO

Where is HaLeigh???
LE has given us absolutely nothing and IMHO that is hinky in itself, but people have come forth and given us bits and pieces of information and in reference to myself I have put a scenario together..Am I right in ALL my assumptions? I doubt it, but who knows. One thing I do know I am not an idiot and am capable of thinking logically..I know Misty and the Croslins aren't capable of masterminding any of this...Much of what they have revealed as the truth doesn't even make any sense..No way could they have pulled this off w/o help from The Cummings/ Syles clan...
To me it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Ronald Cummings and his family are involved considering their inconsistencies, actions and their evasiveness since day one...
And since LE is saying he isn't a suspect, I have no other choice than to believe someone in LE for some reason is protecting he and his family...

I totally agree with this statement, but it doesn't make sense to me that if this is the case why aren't they (TN, AS) satisfied with MC's, TC's story. Why aren't they bolstering it with more stories that puts the blame on JO and would clearly get RC off the hook? If RC is involved MC could just say that he is. There is no death penalty in Florida and both are facing long sentences especially MC anyway so it is a no win situation for her to lie or not to tell the truth. What sense does it make that AS, and TN are saying they don't believe MC and as a matter of fact RC has said the same. I think this is the one thing that bothers me the most, what reason does she have to lie about JO? jmo
I haven't changed my mind.

I believe RC's lifestyle is what led to HaLeigh's demise. I do not believe he is directly responsible but indirectly, YES.

Had he not bedded a child, make her his live in babysitter or had guns, drugs and violence a part of his life, HaLeigh might not have met this fate. When she took off on that three day drug binge, he should have left her right there to continue on...JMHO

He did bring this on himself but he had not hand in HaLeigh's death. I still believe those who adamantly state something did not happen, has happened. I do believe this alleged fight over this rare weapon, humiliating/embarssing JO, was in fact, a revenge killing. Since he didn't get what he wanted at the MH, he instead took the next best thing to RC, his heart, Haleigh...such a damn shame someone didn't fight harder to take his custody of the children away.
He's a manipulator, he likes young girls, making easy money...but poor HaLeigh paid the ultimate price...JMHO

Where is HaLeigh???

Had he not bedded a child HC would not have been conceived in the first place. CS was a teenager, and I might add using drugs. And continued to use drugs and lost her children because of it. And was on drugs when HC went missing. And has gone on to have another illigitimate child. I don't blame CS in anyway for this but I also don't believe RC should just be blamed alone for his life style. I do believe that RC is not a model father but I also believe that these people are models only for dysfunction. jmo
Could Misty and Tommy being trying to force JO into telling what happened? What if Ron and JO are the ones who know what happened, TN would know that, hence her not wanting to cast suspicion on JO. What if the fight over the gun, where ever it was, wounded up with Haleigh being shot. It freaked em both out and hence the madness. Maybe Misty and Tommy only know bits and pieces. Or maybe I have finally gone off the deep end...lol.
I totally agree with this statement, but it doesn't make sense to me that if this is the case why aren't they (TN, AS) satisfied with MC's, TC's story. Why aren't they bolstering it with more stories that puts the blame on JO and would clearly get RC off the hook? If RC is involved MC could just say that he is. There is no death penalty in Florida and both are facing long sentences especially MC anyway so it is a no win situation for her to lie or not to tell the truth. What sense does it make that AS, and TN are saying they don't believe MC and as a matter of fact RC has said the same. I think this is the one thing that bothers me the most, what reason does she have to lie about JO? jmo
no death penalty in Florida?
You are right we have no proof a neighbor saw her and you have hit the nail on the head, there is no 'proof' of anything in this whole freakin mess. The only fact is that HC is gone. :( jmo

We have proof of a lot of things in this case that has not come from LE. For example: Wasn't Mrs Poppens the one who said that she saw Misty in the yard at the MH in the early hours on the 10th of February screaming and crying on her cell phone? We have several members of the Cummings family saying that this one and that one picked HaLeigh up at the bus stop that day and they never did come forward and say who exactly it was so there is proof that someone in that family is lying, but why? We have proof that Mr Cummings and Teresa Neves wouldn't let Misty speak for herself and they controlled her every move from the beginning. If Mr Cummings wasn't there when all this went down and he was at work, then how does he know where everybody was sleeping that night in the MH as he professed to know on national television? Why did Mr Cummings decide it was more important to get married on a day when LE and hundreds of volunteers were down the road searching for his daughter? Mr Cummings was more concerned about himself that day than going out looking for his missing daughter with everybody else that was out searching for her. We also have proof that Mr Cummings stated on national television that he didn't do drugs, but we also have proof otherwise with the video tapes from the UC and I saw him put a pill in his mouth right on the tape. We also have proof that Mr Cummings put a gun in his mouth in from of his little son and Tim Miller and tell them he would blow Misty's teeth out the back of her head if he found out that she had anything to do with HaLeigh going missing and he said he would kill himself and others and this was said in front of his little son. We also have proof that LE said they had asked Mr Cummings to come in and talk to them and he refused to cooperate with LE and this was during the crucial time when it might have made a difference if HaLeigh were alive. HaLeigh's own father refused to help find his missing little angel and we have proof of that. I won't even start on Teresa Neves and all the proof she's added to this case along with GGM Sykes. We also have proof of all the lies that the Croslin's have told. We also have Cobra's tapes where you hear it from the horses' own mouth. I could go on and on but there's no point when it's all there in black and white. We have proof of a lot of things and they don't add up to what Mr Cummings and company, along with what the Croslins have been saying happened. That is proof that something is hinkey and that they are hiding what they do know and don't want you to know. Chances are the person responsible for what happened to HaLeigh is the person they are not pointing their fingers at.
no death penalty in Florida?

That is what I had heard (NG) but correct me if wrong. I looked it up but could get no definitive answer. Revolked, reinstated, etc. Maybe because MC was a minor. tia
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