GUILTY AZ - Six killed, 13 injured in shooting at Gabrielle Giffords event, 8 Jan 2011 - #1

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I had a brother who was mentally ill, several diagnoses; actually appears that it was a "classic" onset of schizophrenia but he was also said to be "bi-polar". The family did everything they could to help him with limited resources and limited help from state facilities. He would get hostile at times but would never had really hurt anyone I do not believe.
But I did learn that after a certain age we could not make him get help or have him picked up or committed to a facility unless he consented OR HE DID SOMETHING , HURT SOMEONE FIRST!!
there are so many things I could say about this but I will stop as i certainly do not know what went on in that particular family.
I am SO SORRY for those this young man killed or wounded and for their families and my heart's prayers go out to ALL involved. SO VERY SAD.

I agree with you Heart! My heart goes out to all that lost their lives in Tucson and to the ones that were injured but my heart breaks for Jareds mother. How do we know what kind of help she tried to find her son and from what age did she know there was a problem with him? We hear that she has been in bed crying since the incident. How her heart must be breaking. I have a 4 year old grandson who has already been diagnosed with Mixed Bipolar and I am terrified that one day because his anger is so violent he will do something like this. He has had 3 psychiatric admissions, we can't find any meds that will work and his last doctor overdosed him so badly on Depakote that he was hearing voices and hallucinating! Dr. Phil sits on his high horse telling his audience there is no such thing as an early diagnose as Bipolar in children. I was told at the hospital the same thing about schizophrenia. If no one believes this is happeneing at an early age then they sweep it under the rug until it's too late to do anything and then you have something like this happening. I have read also they blame the father for chasing him into the desert because Jared had taken a black bag. That father probably knew there was somthing in that bag that would hurt someone and he chased him to help. I would have driven miles to get that bag away from Jared. Maybe all this would have been avoided. I believe that those that are without sin..cast the first stone and those with a mentally ill child ..pray!
Does anyone know if Daniel Hernandez' speech is anywhere in print. I can't watch video or listen to any sound due to my illness but I'd love to read his words. He is most certainly a hero. That's a heavy mantle to carry, however. He needs his space and time to heal, IMO.
Christina Taylor Green Funeral Services to Feature National 9/11 Flag

ST LOUIS (LALATE) – Christina Taylor Green’s funeral services today will feature the “Nation 9/11 Flag”. Christina Taylor Green’s funeral will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church today. Her family tells news that they are delighted that the National 9/11 Flag will be shown.

The National 9/11 Flag is the largest American flag to survive from 9/11; it’s an enormous twenty-feet by thirty-feet in size. It was restored in recent years after being burned 40%. Jimmy Sands that works for The New York Says Thank Your Foundation has personally transported the flag to Tucson this week.

It weights 50 lbs.

Green is the youngest of six persons killed last week when attending the “Congress on the Corner” function for Gabrielle Giffords. “If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today” said President Obama last night.”And here on Earth, we place our hands over our hearts, and commit ourselves as Americans to forging a country that is forever worthy of her gentle, happy spirit.”

In related news, Westboro Church and Fred Phelps have agreed to not picket Green’s funeral. Instead, they are setting their efforts on picketing Tucson High School on Friday morning because of their Ethic Studies and “evil messages”.

Green’s funeral will be at 1 pm local time today. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is located at 8560 North Shannon Road. Click HERE for Obama’s memorial speech (video and transcript) about Christina last night.
Hundreds come out for Ariz. girl's funeral

TUCSON, Ariz. – The family of the youngest victim of the mass shooting in Arizona held hands and paused in a moment of silence Thursday under the large American flag recovered from Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks, then escorted the 9-year-old's small brown casket into the church as little girls about her age cried.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Christina Taylor Green Funeral Services to Feature National 9/11 Flag

ST LOUIS (LALATE) – Christina Taylor Green’s funeral services today will feature the “Nation 9/11 Flag”. Christina Taylor Green’s funeral will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church today. Her family tells news that they are delighted that the National 9/11 Flag will be shown.

The National 9/11 Flag is the largest American flag to survive from 9/11; it’s an enormous twenty-feet by thirty-feet in size. It was restored in recent years after being burned 40%. Jimmy Sands that works for The New York Says Thank Your Foundation has personally transported the flag to Tucson this week.

It weights 50 lbs.

Green is the youngest of six persons killed last week when attending the “Congress on the Corner” function for Gabrielle Giffords. “If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today” said President Obama last night.”And here on Earth, we place our hands over our hearts, and commit ourselves as Americans to forging a country that is forever worthy of her gentle, happy spirit.”

In related news, Westboro Church and Fred Phelps have agreed to not picket Green’s funeral. Instead, they are setting their efforts on picketing Tucson High School on Friday morning because of their Ethic Studies and “evil messages”.

Green’s funeral will be at 1 pm local time today. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is located at 8560 North Shannon Road. Click HERE for Obama’s memorial speech (video and transcript) about Christina last night.

Thank you for this post! I read about this as well. Christina was an exceptional child- RIP little Christina~
Rest in Peace, Christina. You will never be forgotten. :rose:
Hundreds come out for Ariz. girl's funeral

TUCSON, Ariz. – The family of the youngest victim of the mass shooting in Arizona held hands and paused in a moment of silence Thursday under the large American flag recovered from Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks, then escorted the 9-year-old's small brown casket into the church as little girls about her age cried.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'm just now catching up on today's events. John King on CNN spoke with the FDNY firefighter who brought the flag to Tucson, and they also showed video of people arriving for the funeral walking under the flag. So beautiful.
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