TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #57

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Dr. Fessel: You can't be in protective custody with a state-approved legal guardian providing said custody?

Many times families that have CPS involved are given an option of appointing a family member that CPS approves for the child(ren) to be placed with a safety plan written. Any stipulations can be written into a safety plan as far as visitation visits, times and places of visitation, counseling, drug assesments, etc. This can all be in place while CPS completes their investigation and is able to deem a home is safe. I am sure there is a timeline for CPS to complete their investigation, but I dont know what it is.

At the time a child is return to their home with their parents there is usually another safety plan put into place and CPS stays involved to makesure all is going well and the parent do not slide back into old habits, wether it be drug abuse, neglectful supervision or what ever the "charge". They may have random UAs and other terms to meet even at that time.

The state is mandated to have a child in some type of permenent placement within a year with a possible 6 month extention. I personally do not work for CPS but work with many families that have involvement with CPS for one reason or another. This is the short and not so "sweet" of what I have seen happen to families involved with CPS. It is a very trying time for the involved children.
Dr. Fessel: You can't be in protective custody with a state-approved legal guardian providing said custody?
....which was then clearly stated by an authority as being in 'protective custody'? :waitasec:

Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, older siblings, etc. are often PREFERRED by social services as guardians rather than placing a child with an unknown foster parent.
We just did the whole link pulling exercise about DD living with the uncle.
The wording I saw was that it is a protective order, not custody, but a protective order that BD voluntarily agreed to, and CPS approved the uncle's home.
Exactly, which is the main reason I don't see him coming back to C.City to go to B.Springs. If he was not going to stop at the house for anything he would have went another way. IMO.

Right. And, that's how the visit to Grams before 6:30 in the morning was born, imo. Looking at the map, Dunn is between Snyder and CC on the straight shot drive down the 208. If that little impromptu crack-o'dawn visit to Grams hadn't been born, there would be no way to explain why SA didn't hit the I-20 towards Big Spring from Weaver Pipeline. Almost twice as fast from work to his mom's house.

I think SA and his lawyer got the cell records (or even just looked at the affdavit) and concocted a story that could make SA's CC phone pings sound more believable. That story just doesn't work though. Even if we believed he payed Grams a visit in Dunn on 12/27 a.m., it doesn't seem possible that he would be hitting off the same cell tower as Billie's house, while driving down a highway towards Big Spring for 21 minutes. Even if says he took side roads instead of a highway once he got to CC (which makes no sense), it's a small town - I think you'd be out of CC within 21 minutes if you were really driving toward something. IMO.
OT alert..........funny....reminds me of logic problems that I used to hate but lately have begun to like....the one about a train going x amount of speed and another train going y amount of speed and what time will it arrive?
I used to joke about that saying "who are these people and why do we care what time their trains arrive?" lol

But now I have learned those are legitimate questions especially when somebody is missing.

I have often thought that when teaching subjects if teachers would show some practical application then many would see where the information might be useful.

When I took chemistry we always had to find the ph and hardness of water. I was clueless as to why I would even care. We have had to tend to our pool and boy it is really important to make sure how much chemicles we need. Also living in the country and being on well water water well it makes perfect sense when I see the lime buildup on my faucets.... So you def make a good point
I can't imagine why a father would neglect to noitfy police that his daughter was missing, especially when he knew that Hailey had not spent the night where her mother was told she was going. Add to that the fact that Clint says he was home all day Monday but Hailey did not come over, and you have a very suspicious situation. Why delay making that report? Clint has stated that he did not suspect she had run away and that Billie wouldn't hurt her, so the only option left would be that something very bad has happened and his child is missing or dead. Why did Clint wait for Billie to get a ride back to town? Why didn't he call 911 and have an officer waiting at the house?

What if Clint's suspicion that someone who is a relative or aquaintence from the past may have taken Hailey is correct, but police focus on SA instead? What if SA was hiding some kind of abuse of Hailey, but a person from the past took her?

Clint voiced his desire to see all of the motel tapes during the radio interview. I think that Clint would probably not voice that fear without good reason. He sounded genuinely concerned, to me.

I am concerned that SA does not seem to be a criminal mastermind, yet we have no crime scene, no witnesses, no discarded clothing determined to belong to Hailey or a perp. We have no body, and SA does not appear to have her in his posession. I don't like the guy at all, and I do believe he is capable of murder, but I am beginning to wonder if someone else beat him to it. I think that Clint and Billie wonder about that too, and they both agree that LE has not followed leads in a timely and thorough manner. ( This is a paraphrase of comments CD and BD have made on separate occassions.)

All of the above is MOO, based upon Clint and Naomi's blogradio interview, Billie's statements, and statements made by LE as reported in the MSM.
Imo, when Billie requested that Clint call LE to notify LE that she would be coming to make a report, it just wasn't that time yet-- no one had called around to all her friends to be certain she was indeed missing. mo
Is that stretch of I-20 only two lanes for sure? Most Interstates in Texas are at least a 4 lane divided highway, but I guess some areas can go down to two lanes.

If SA did stop by his grandmother's, I think it was only to avoid having BD seeing him driving back to CC.
I can't imagine why a father would neglect to noitfy police that his daughter was missing, especially when he knew that Hailey had not spent the night where her mother was told she was going. Add to that the fact that Clint says he was home all day Monday but Hailey did not come over, and you have a very suspicious situation. Why delay making that report? Clint has stated that he did not suspect she had run away and that Billie wouldn't hurt her, so the only option left would be that something very bad has happened and his child is missing or dead. Why did Clint wait for Billie to get a ride back to town? Why didn't he call 911 and have an officer waiting at the house?

What if Clint's suspicion that someone who is a relative or aquaintence from the past may have taken Hailey is correct, but police focus on SA instead? What if SA was hiding some kind of abuse of Hailey, but a person from the past took her?

Clint voiced his desire to see all of the motel tapes during the radio interview. I think that Clint would probably not voice that fear without good reason. He sounded genuinely concerned, to me.

I am concerned that SA does not seem to be a criminal mastermind, yet we have no crime scene, no witnesses, no discarded clothing determined to belong to Hailey or a perp. We have no body, and SA does not appear to have her in his posession. I don't like the guy at all, and I do believe he is capable of murder, but I am beginning to wonder if someone else beat him to it. I think that Clint and Billie wonder about that too, and they both agree that LE has not followed leads in a timely and thorough manner. ( This is a paraphrase of comments CD and BD have made on separate occassions.)

All of the above is MOO, based upon Clint and Naomi's blogradio interview, Billie's statements, and statements made by LE as reported in the MSM.

All valid points IMO. I am still on the fence where I have been all this time. The thing with SA/BD that bothers me is his actions......why do those days not add up and why does BD seem to accept his explanations? If for no other reason his lying about his job situation, his phone pings and explanations about where he was do not add up and that is all we have been privy to but she can explain those away........I am sorry....I don't understand how these can be explained away that easily....I understand she is emotional and maybe explaining his actions are the last thing on her list but these things happened at a crucial time in the relationship.............why??????
I can't imagine why a father would neglect to noitfy police that his daughter was missing, especially when he knew that Hailey had not spent the night where her mother was told she was going. Add to that the fact that Clint says he was home all day Monday but Hailey did not come over, and you have a very suspicious situation. Why delay making that report? Clint has stated that he did not suspect she had run away and that Billie wouldn't hurt her, so the only option left would be that something very bad has happened and his child is missing or dead. Why did Clint wait for Billie to get a ride back to town? Why didn't he call 911 and have an officer waiting at the house?

What if Clint's suspicion that someone who is a relative or aquaintence from the past may have taken Hailey is correct, but police focus on SA instead? What if SA was hiding some kind of abuse of Hailey, but a person from the past took her?

Clint voiced his desire to see all of the motel tapes during the radio interview. I think that Clint would probably not voice that fear without good reason. He sounded genuinely concerned, to me.

I am concerned that SA does not seem to be a criminal mastermind, yet we have no crime scene, no witnesses, no discarded clothing determined to belong to Hailey or a perp. We have no body, and SA does not appear to have her in his posession. I don't like the guy at all, and I do believe he is capable of murder, but I am beginning to wonder if someone else beat him to it. I think that Clint and Billie wonder about that too, and they both agree that LE has not followed leads in a timely and thorough manner. ( This is a paraphrase of comments CD and BD have made on separate occassions.)

All of the above is MOO, based upon Clint and Naomi's blogradio interview, Billie's statements, and statements made by LE as reported in the MSM.

I thought Clint was at work on Monday when HD did or didn't stop by for a minute and was home on Tuesday with a sore back? And I will have to go double check but I thought the asking Clint to call 911 was according to Billie in version three but not one or two and was never confirmed by Clint, but as I said I will go reread that section.

That being said even if it did happen I assume this was a quick call from BD saying she was coming home, HD was not at MBs and to call 911 (supposedly). That is a lot to process in a single call, he does not know that SA is the only one that heard this story, that MB says there were no plans, BD had not spoken to MB or her mother at this point so there is no way CD would have detail in clear manner.

BD is twenty minutes from home, I would think with a teenager you would take twenty minutes to look for her. If this request was even made.
I can't imagine why a father would neglect to noitfy police that his daughter was missing, especially when he knew that Hailey had not spent the night where her mother was told she was going. Add to that the fact that Clint says he was home all day Monday but Hailey did not come over, and you have a very suspicious situation. Why delay making that report? Clint has stated that he did not suspect she had run away and that Billie wouldn't hurt her, so the only option left would be that something very bad has happened and his child is missing or dead. Why did Clint wait for Billie to get a ride back to town? Why didn't he call 911 and have an officer waiting at the house?

What if Clint's suspicion that someone who is a relative or aquaintence from the past may have taken Hailey is correct, but police focus on SA instead? What if SA was hiding some kind of abuse of Hailey, but a person from the past took her?

Clint voiced his desire to see all of the motel tapes during the radio interview. I think that Clint would probably not voice that fear without good reason. He sounded genuinely concerned, to me.

I am concerned that SA does not seem to be a criminal mastermind, yet we have no crime scene, no witnesses, no discarded clothing determined to belong to Hailey or a perp. We have no body, and SA does not appear to have her in his posession. I don't like the guy at all, and I do believe he is capable of murder, but I am beginning to wonder if someone else beat him to it. I think that Clint and Billie wonder about that too, and they both agree that LE has not followed leads in a timely and thorough manner. ( This is a paraphrase of comments CD and BD have made on separate occassions.)

All of the above is MOO, based upon Clint and Naomi's blogradio interview, Billie's statements, and statements made by LE as reported in the MSM.

You make some VERY good points :)
Is that stretch of I-20 only two lanes for sure? Most Interstates in Texas are at least a 4 lane divided highway, but I guess some areas can go down to two lanes.

If SA did stop by his grandmother's, I think it was only to avoid having BD seeing him driving back to CC.

Where does he keep his deer hunting equipment? However he defines that....
I'm concerned with the 2.5 hours that SA's cell phone did NOT ping. There is a map of an area just south of CC that someone posted, which is a dead area as far as cell phone access. There is also a direct FM road going to that area from CC which connects to another FM road that leads right to Big Spring.

Which brings me to the question, will a cell phone ping if it is simply turned off with the battery still in it? I have tried to research this information and some experts say yes it will and some say no it won't. Does anyone know for sure?
Where does he keep his deer hunting equipment? However he defines that....

Good question.
Deer hunter lives here. Guns are in the house, four wheeler in the shed...small knives are usually in the gun cabinet...all other junk,(IMO) is in the shed or in the truck and sometimes in each closet I look in,lol, it is everywhere...of course he has nothing unusual to hunt with....except that deer scent stuff..........gag.
We know from Kampfer's statement that the time line they've developed from statements and interrogations does not match the electronic data. As for electronic data, I'm assuming cell pings, possible x-box drive, the reported Sunday Dollar Store video...

I wonder if there's more that falls into that broad category. I did a little research and I can't find anything that specifies if/where the highway and street surveillance videos are located on SA's drive for Monday morning. There also don't seem to be any standards for determining where the are placed. LE has a pretty specific window of time to work with on that day, so I wonder if LE/FBI has worked with the transportation authorities to pull all that's available for SAs potential routes for at least 6:10 a.m. until 9:30ish when he started pinging in Big Spring. It would be pretty incriminating if they have video of SA in Billie's car where he shouldn't be. If they have one shot of him coming in or out of Colorado City (rather than just driving through) after he left work, I'd think that would be very compelling circumstantial evidence no matter how much tap dancing he does around the cell pings...
We know from Kampfer's statement that the time line they've developed from statements and interrogations does not match the electronic data. As for electronic data, I'm assuming cell pings, possible x-box drive, the reported Sunday Dollar Store video...

I wonder if there's more that falls into that broad category. I did a little research and I can't find anything that specifies if/where the highway and street surveillance videos are located on SA's drive for Monday morning. There also don't seem to be any standards for determining where the are placed. LE has a pretty specific window of time to work with on that day, so I wonder if LE/FBI has worked with the transportation authorities to pull all that's available for SAs potential routes for at least 6:10 a.m. until 9:30ish when he started pinging in Big Spring. It would be pretty incriminating if they have video of SA in Billie's car where he shouldn't be. If they have one shot of him coming in or out of Colorado City (rather than just driving through) after he left work, I'd think that would be very compelling circumstantial evidence no matter how much tap dancing he does around the cell pings...

also surveillance video from the store where somebody said they saw Hailey walking.
Unless he took a back road. He grew up in this area and is fully aware of all the backroads, dirtroads etc. He and his family liked to hunt, own land and know the area well. Sometimes backroads can get you to your destination faster than the main highways. Just sayin

BD states in her PC on 1-31 that SA left his grandmother's house to go into CC only to access I-20. I-20 is accessed from Dunn on 208 only. Google map says it is 51.46 miles from Dunn to Big Spring via CC. A shorter route is through IRA which is 45.44 miles but it takes 55 minutes because of the speed limit I am sure. He could have gone either route, but BD has stated he went through CC to access I-20 which would have put him in CC about 6:30.MOO
Just My Opinion

I can't get over or past the idea that it's never been reported the the only named suspects properties haven't been turned upside down looking for evidence in this case. No matter who spins SA's innocence including his lawyer. If LE can't clear the last person reported to have seen her, well I just have no words.

I can't understand not obtaining a search warrant under terms of "imminent danger or child endangerment" in searching for Hailey. I understand the suspect has rights but think there's enough been said to obtain a search warrant for much needed information.

If SA went through the process of being cleared by LE it would go a long way. He just can't do this for the love of his life? For all I know Hailey could be tied up in SA's storm cellar. IMO LE hasn't made it to first base yet and any evidence that could have existed maybe destroyed.

I also don't imagine that LE didn't try but was blocked by a judge somewhere.

Frustrates me no end. BD at the least could be encouraging SA to be a man.

JMO and no links, just sayin it how it comes out.
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