2011.03.24 Frye Hearing - Afternoon portion

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IMO, Dr. Vass is a brilliant, educated, and dedicated man, and it is starting to irritate me very much the way Baez is impying by his questions he knows more about Dr. Vass' field and how his tests should be run properly than Dr. Vass does.

I liked when he said pretty cool huh?
The Judge is going to have to hit Jose with contempt now. He has to let him go ahead and question I bet.
Why is HHJP getting on JA too? The SA didn't do anything to be in contempt!!!! Or am I wrong?
OMG are we going to stop every five minutes for Judge P to beat the lawyers? Better add 6 more weeks onto the trial.
Doesn't Vass have a plane to catch? I thought I remembered that from yesterday.
Oh wow...Baez is so going there. This is so going to bite him in the buttinski now as HHJP has to keep schooling him. Not a good look for a jury is it? Or for any clients after this case.

Whatever HHJP earns, it isn't enough. He should be getting hazard pay for having to deal with the defense.
HHJP's chair sure is rocking ....
I'm feeling kind of bad for Dr. Vass right now. Can't even imagine what he is thinking about all of this drama!
JB basically just self destructed in front of our very eyes.
HHJP - What does this have to do with Frye if the instrument is good?

Finnell interrups JB and asks for 5 min recess
I cannot believe what a frickin' big baby JB is! OMG...my chin is laying on the floor.
AF steps in and seems to suggest to JB to ask for a 5 minute recess. Smart Lady
Whoa! Ann Finnell stepped up and convinced JB to ask for a five minute recess.
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