2011.03.26 - More Searching off Skyline

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What exactly did Dede Spicer say before the Grand Jury? TIA

Her lawyer stated that she was not asked any questions and was not asked to testify. That is all we know, as far as I know.
Her lawyer stated that she was not asked any questions and was not asked to testify. That is all we know, as far as I know.

Yes, Wasn't that the oddest thing? I could think of lots of questions for her
I was looking for something else (the Fox12 video where the search grid maps are in the background-can't find! help!)

I did run across this..
It is from the presser but I think ppl new to the case should watch to show that
on June 9th (Kyron went missing June 4th) that all 36 Oregon Counties were called in to help with the search, and it explains how large this search was so close to him gone missing..

June 9 News Conference: All 36 Counties Called To Help In Search
To add to post above, and from watching the searches locally,
most of the activity in the first week was immediately around the school, and then expanding to the east and then to Sauvie's also.

There were of course other areas searched that media did not report but the obvious main focus at that time was shown in the map in the video..
link here

"If" I could ask, I would ask if they are just expanding outward from areas they have already searched, or is there a specific reason they moved so far west in January and now ever further west last weekend.

The video I am looking for, I grabbed a screen shot when it was online but I cannot find it!
Hi CN2Souls, Then do you pretty well rule out SI as to where he was put?

It looks like LE is looking N to NW now and they said in a presser {I think ;} they are working on the new info which was gleaned in Nov and dealt with pings. What has me curious is they also said the Horman truck was spotted at 10:30 on Skyline Rd and Germantown Rd. And within 2 days after Kyron went missing TH placed herself driving on Hwt #30 - before she knew how the case would blow up and every point would be scrutinized.

Plus, if there was a 911 call from SI at 11am about a car race {not confirmed but written by a local SIslander} with a white truck being forced off into a ditch, it seems hard to take her out of that SE area and put her up NW of the school.

That is unless the accomplice {which LE alluded to saying they thought there were at least 2 people involved} met her and took the body up NW. Maybe the transfer of the body to the accomplice was made on SI IMO, as she still didn't get home till around 1pm. Maybe that is what happened and now LE is working on the accomplice part of the crime. That makes sense to me. Right now, that is.

My personal Opinion Only
Yes, I personally do Rule Sauvie Island out, if it was an accident.

I know it is hard to do, but if we were to for a brief second put ourselves in the mind of someone whom has just murdered someone, especially a child.

They panic, Totally Freak out. (Of course, I do not speak of Psychopaths)

They want to distance themselves as far away as possible from the place where it happened and the body itself.
They also become VERY paranoid that everyone can see them and that they, The Police will “just Know” that they did it.

They become overly friendly and chatty. Speaking to and trying to be close to people that they normally would not be close to.

Did we see this in anyone in this case? :waitasec:

The Second person, IF that were the case I couldn't see him being deceict... 2 people knowing about something the person who DID NOT murder the victim would be talking about now...

I Just PRAY that they find him soon!
To add to post above, and from watching the searches locally,
most of the activity in the first week was immediately around the school, and then expanding to the east and then to Sauvie's also.

There were of course other areas searched that media did not report but the obvious main focus at that time was shown in the map in the video..
link here

"If" I could ask, I would ask if they are just expanding outward from areas they have already searched, or is there a specific reason they moved so far west in January and now ever further west last weekend.

The video I am looking for, I grabbed a screen shot when it was on line but I cannot find it!

I would hate for them to be doing all the searches on Cell Phone Pings alone.

I believe TH and People she knew were "Tech suave" to know about cell phone pings and at the time last year wasn't there many cases going on where cell phone pings were a major factor???

Wasn't there also a Man whom said something about a white truck sitting up that way.... :waitasec:
Got out and looked at these two antennas on NW Skyline Blvd near intersection w/Johnson Rd.
Noticed signs for 24hr CCTV camera and that the antennas are for FAA Traffic Control..

I have no clue who owns the cameras, and how they run (I'm SURE LE does and has checked it out )but I did find it interesting

click on pic and it goes to photobucket with a few more pics
Search tape seen on NW Moreland Rd in January search and a LOT more in March. Especially the red and white tape that has been seen in other search areas January and March..

Seems to be IMO just in this area on that road (been on that road quite a few times past few months)
and I drove slow looking for tape each time I've been on it..

approx area of where tape was seen - google map

Also note that when I stopped to take a picture of the powerlines (looking more north but standing on Moreland Rd) and north of where search tape was seen, you could see the doppler radar tower in distance (location of March SAR Base)

http://s160.photobucket.com/albums/t166/ubrmel/Search tape on NW Moreland Rd/

It was getting dark so I had to fool around w/the camera and it's hard to see in the pictures but there was search tape on both sides of road in this area and to me (not educated in searching AT ALL) it looked like a path straight from one side of the road to the other (where they searched).
I'd say I saw at least 8 red and white tape markers if not more..
Search tape seen on NW Moreland Rd in January search and a LOT more in March. Especially the red and white tape that has been seen in other search areas January and March..

Seems to be IMO just in this area on that road (been on that road quite a few times past few months)
and I drove slow looking for tape each time I've been on it..

approx area of where tape was seen - google map

Also note that when I stopped to take a picture of the powerlines (looking more north but standing on Moreland Rd) and north of where search tape was seen, you could see the doppler radar tower in distance (location of March SAR Base)

http://s160.photobucket.com/albums/t166/ubrmel/Search tape on NW Moreland Rd/

It was getting dark so I had to fool around w/the camera and it's hard to see in the pictures but there was search tape on both sides of road in this area and to me (not educated in searching AT ALL) it looked like a path straight from one side of the road to the other (where they searched).
I'd say I saw at least 8 red and white tape markers if not more..

Thanks Free, Wasn't it written they were searching off a dirt road that took off of Moreland? Maybe I read that wrong as the flags are certainly there.
Thanks Free, Wasn't it written they were searching off a dirt road that took off of Moreland? Maybe I read that wrong as the flags are certainly there.

This is interesting.. or maybe it's just on my computer.. =)

I went to look for the article about the gravel road, it says

Between 40 to 50 search-and-rescue workers, along with up to seven cadaver-detecting dogs, will be combing the dense forested area around turnouts, trailheads, and gated logging roads along a stretch of Northwest Skyline Road, south of Rocky Point Road and a gravel road further north in the Dixie Mountain area.

If you go to this link for that article http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2011/01/search_for_kyron_horman_resume.html and click on the blue part of the article that says "Northwest Skyline Road, south of Rocky Point Road and a gravel road further north in the Dixie Mountain area"

it brings up the map right where I saw them searching on Dixie Mountain Road where it turns into Otto Miller Rd..

I've noticed that when you zoom around in google maps (even if you started at a different location) when you get where you want and click on "get link" (so you share) it goes to the last spot you were.

Let me know if that does the same thing for you =)

Moreland Rd is paved and doesn't have any roads off of it other than driveways or private but no gated ones (like the blue gates off Skyline)

*I hope this post makes sense.. anyone else feel free to edit =)
Does anyone on here know if there were any searches conducted today? I have had a feeling from early on that Kyron is near the Horman residence--Sheltered Nook Road. I know that they have searched the property, but have they searched with cadaver dogs? Kaine Horman's property is surrounded by woods, and it would actually be the logical area, especially time-wise. I had heard that Harry Oakes' dog alerted on the edge of the property at least twice. But, I am not sure of the reliablity of that information. Does anyone else know about this? Many times victims are found very close to home. Everytime I drive on Cornelius Pass Road by Sheltered Nook, I think about it.
Does anyone on here know if there were any searches conducted today? I have had a feeling from early on that Kyron is near the Horman residence--Sheltered Nook Road. I know that they have searched the property, but have they searched with cadaver dogs? Kaine Horman's property is surrounded by woods, and it would actually be the logical area, especially time-wise. I had heard that Harry Oakes' dog alerted on the edge of the property at least twice. But, I am not sure of the reliablity of that information. Does anyone else know about this? Many times victims are found very close to home. Everytime I drive on Cornelius Pass Road by Sheltered Nook, I think about it.

As far as searches today, haven't heard of any.
There is a Multnomah County SAR going on right now for clues for Yashawnee Vaughn up on Rocky Butte.

Meanwhile, dozens of volunteers searchers led by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office continued to scour Rocky Butte in Northeast Portland this morning for clues to Vaughn's disappearance. Bennette's father lives near Rocky Butte.


Usually they have Mountain Wave or MCSO up at a search for a repeater antenna so if there was any searching today for Kyron it would not have been a big organized grid search like they have had last weekend.

*I just noticed you must be a local if you drive Corn Pass =) So you probably know about Yashawnee Vaughn.
Does anyone on here know if there were any searches conducted today? I have had a feeling from early on that Kyron is near the Horman residence--Sheltered Nook Road. I know that they have searched the property, but have they searched with cadaver dogs? Kaine Horman's property is surrounded by woods, and it would actually be the logical area, especially time-wise. I had heard that Harry Oakes' dog alerted on the edge of the property at least twice. But, I am not sure of the reliablity of that information. Does anyone else know about this? Many times victims are found very close to home. Everytime I drive on Cornelius Pass Road by Sheltered Nook, I think about it.

Hi Helen and it's nice to meet 'cha.

I have wondered the same thing so many times. Looking at the Horman house from the air it looked to me there was a clearing straight back from their house aways back that was surrounded by trees. I tried to find out if there was any access to that land back there, not even knowing if it was a part of their property.

Of course the house is so well hidden that no one would see someone removing a body from a vehicle nor see it walked back into the woods either, right? It just seemed a good possibility to me as who would ever expect that, especially if you put the body far enough back where no one would ever likely go.

Then go out driving around, talking on your cellie, be seen at the meeting of Skyline & Germantown Rd and be seen coming out onto Hwy #30 and turning south . . . . keeping LE busy everywhere but at the homesite. IMO

I must be in a Sleuthing Stalemate to conjure up stuff like that but still think they should have had their dogs all over that place.
Seems to me LE has had plenty of opportunity to search the area around the Horman's since Kaine has solely occupied it since last summer. I would be gobsmacked if it turns out LE has not searched that parcel thoroughly already.
Seems to me LE has had plenty of opportunity to search the area around the Horman's since Kaine has solely occupied it since last summer. I would be gobsmacked if it turns out LE has not searched that parcel thoroughly already.

Me too Gwenabob, With Harry's dog hitting near the edge of the Horman property {which I read tonight}, it makes me think about it a bit more.

Harry's dogs also hit down at SI but I could see a reason for that - possibly. There was a man that jumped off a dock on a dare into the Multnomah Channel on the 4th and drowned.
Kyron Horman Search Timeline

June 5th: Search near Cornelius Pass - Photo Slideshow HERE

Photo of searcher near Skyline with police helicopter in the background:

June 6th: Grid Search near School ~ Raining, Searching Nearby Property Oregonian Video

Also Parents and Students Interviewed at School all Day ~ FBI involved ~ Quantico Profiler ~ Also Regional Child Abduction Team

Police Spokesperson: "All day you'll see activity at the school, children coming in with their parents to be interviewed. Simultaneously we are doing a search - it's a grid search. . . . "It could be up to 300 (interviews) because the school does have 300 students. And with family added it could be a really large number of people here all day."

FBI Spokesperson: "The FBI is here in an assistance role. . . . We can sometimes bring people in large numbers which we have been doing since Friday night. We have our Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team (the CARD team) and that is a standard procedure in a missing child case. . . . That is a regional team and we're lucky enough to have three members of that team here in Oregon but we've flown in other members of that team from other parts of the country including a Profiler from Quanitco who is now working with the investigators to come up with some ideas in order to get the most complete picture possible of Kyron - what did he like, what did he not like, would he have left on his own, was he adventursome or was he more shy.

Search Spokesperson: "What they're doing (in the grid search) is basically arm's length. If there are places where they need to get underneath brush where a child might crawl, they'll search everything."

June 7th: From Diana Olsen, coordinator of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office search and rescue operation:

Olsen said searchers on Sunday were not able to complete the 2-mile area from Skyline to Kyron’s home and hope to do that today.

She said searchers today will focus on an area known as wood mill by Cornelius Pass and Northwest Sheltered Nook Road.

“Yesterday they were in the thick blackberries,” Olsen said. “They spent seven hours in there and only did a third of it.”

. . . She said in addition to those areas, searchers also have responded to requests from Kyron’s father, Kaine, about areas where the boy may be, including a horse pasture in Banks, which was searched Sunday.

Olsen said ground search efforts will be reassessed later today after the FBI looks at a map of the region.

June 8th: Fliers handed out at the intersection of Cornelius Pass and U.S. 30

Searchers are looking at "more specific areas" around the school, Gates said, but wouldn't elaborate. Investigators also have interviewed 99 percent of the students and talked with most of the school's staff and parents, he said. At this point, police don't believe they need to spread the search nationwide.
June 9th: Search Widens:

So far, Gates said, searchers have combed a half-mile radius around the school, where Kyron is a second-grader and disappeared after he arrived early to go to a science fair. They've also looked at specific locations that Gates declined to identify.

He urged people living within four miles of the school, 11536 N.W. Skyline Blvd., to check their property after Kyron's family released a statement, imploring people to look for any signs of the boy.

"Please search your properties -- cars, out buildings, sheds, etc.," they said. "Also check with neighbors and friends who may be on vacation or may need assistance in searching. There are a lot of resources here to help you search, so please don't stop."

June 10th: More Volunteers Come out to Search

Picture Slideshow

...crews from Jackson, Tillamook, Klamath, Clackamas and Washington counties and Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue could be seen setting up a base camp at about 7:30 a.m. today on Northwest Quarry Road, less than one mile southeast of the school.

By midmorning, more than a dozen searchers clad in bright orange and yellow hats had descended upon the area surrounding the Horman home a few miles from the school. They searched the thick brush and trees along the main road leading to the house as well as the family's property.

Several canine unit vehicles were also seen heading to the area. Wednesday, Multnomah County officials said horseback units, as well as aircraft, would also be used in today's search.

The sheriff's office said searchers have covered "every piece of ground" within a 2 1/2-mile radius around Skyline School but the plan is to go back over the area with even more care.

While the school is near Portland, it's is surrounded by hilly terrain, much of it covered by tall grass alternating with pockets of forests.

Crews from 18 Oregon Counties Join Search


As much as it's been about basic boots on the ground -- and in the saddle on horseback -- the search also has employed the latest technology. Search groups are using satellite tracking devices so the communication coordinators know exactly where they have searched or re-searched on the grid.

In grid searches, people walk side by side to look for small clues, said Steve Rollins, rescue leader and past president of Portland Mountain Rescue, which joined the search Thursday.

Canine units, including tracking dogs trained to search for one particular person, have worked every day looking for Kyron, officials said.

Air scent dogs also have been deployed, said Russ Gubele, president of Mountain Wave, an emergency communications and search and rescue group based in Gresham. They're trained to find a human being -- anyone -- in a particular site.

Searchers also have access to cadaver dogs, but Gubele wouldn't say whether any have checked the fields or the school. He also wouldn't say whether dogs have searched the school, but Gates said search teams have checked Skyline extensively several times.

June 11th: Search Expands to Sauvie Island

(Same day as family press conference in which Terri Horman appeared to have strange body language while on stage with Desiree and Kaine)

Picture Slideshow

Earlier today, riders on horseback began searching Sauvie Island and a Blackhawk helicopter from the Oregon National Guard could also be seen above the island. By 10:30 a.m., the helicopter had made at least two passes, along a north-south line as the mounted riders began to head north along Sauvie Island Road.

Sauvie Island resident Mary Douglas said she saw the helicopter flying over the island on Thursday, but today was the first time she saw anyone searching the ground.

A crew on horseback asked to check her property this morning and went over her orchard by Multnomah Channel, Douglas said.

June 12th: Search Continues

A National Guard helicopter flew low over the slough dividing Sauvie Island and the mainland today, hovering about 100 feet off the ground, headed slowly back and forth.

Search teams combed the steep grassy hillside along US 30 and the rail line beside it.

Though investigators have declined to provide much detail about the search parameters, a small crew on horseback went house to house on Sauvie Island Friday and appeared to be back today., a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter was seen circling overheard for the third day in a row.

...Jeannine Kafoury, a Sauvie Island houseboat resident, has been watching the searchers today and wondering what brought them to the pastoral island.

“There had to be a tip for them to be here, don’t you think?” she said. She was putting a powerboat into the Multnomah Channel where a helicopter has been making slow passes overhead. “I can’t think they are doing this randomly.”

Search and rescue team members from the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office searched railroad tracks along highway 30 between Cornelius Pass and Sauvie Island on June 12, 2010. Andrew Burton/The Oregonian

June 15th: Last day of school at Skyline Elementary

Searchers out on horseback and in the water on Sauvie:
Source: KGN (with video)

Fourth Day of Search on Sauvie Island

Meanwhile, on the 11th day of the search for Kyron, investigators intensified their search in the area of Sauvie Island.From KGW's Sky 8 helicopter, searchers in wetsuits were seen moving through waist-high water while someone on shore provided directions.

A dive team searched swamps and ponds around the rural NW Portland area, and crews also searched around the Multnomah Channel. Investigators would not say what led them to this area, but it was the fourth consecutive day that crews scoured Sauvie Island.

June 18: Flier Released of Terri Horman and White Truck

Gates said Terri Horman and the rest of Kyron's family have cooperated with the investigation. The family said in a statement that it supports release of the flier in hopes that the additional photos of Terri Horman and the family's pick-up truck will spark more tips for the two-week-old investigation.

"We want Kyron home and we hope this will help do that," the family said.

Gates said he could not discuss any suspects or persons of interest in the case. He also said that while Kyron could have been abducted by a stranger, Gates does not think there is a need for alarm in the community.

August 8th: Searchers Return

Multnomah County Sheriff's spokeswoman Lt. Mary Lindstrand said she believed search teams have wrapped up for the night after combing areas near Skyline School this weekend, more than two months after 7-year-old Kyron Horman first went missing.

There are no plans as of yet to continue the search tomorrow morning, Lindstrand said, but teams could return to specific areas if additional tips surface.

August 9th: Old Germantown Road Search

Searchers and investigators resumed their ground search for Kyron Horman over the weekend, this time focusing on the 2.2 mile Old Germantown Road loop - not far from the home where DeDe Spicher, one of Terri Moulton Horman's friends - was gardening the day Kyron went missing.

Searchers were looking more deeply through the area, while investigators were canvassing and questioning residents along the stretch to see if they recalled seeing a white truck or anything unusual on June 4, the day Kyron disappeared.

Jeff Clemes, also a resident along Old Germantown Road, estimated there were about 30 searchers, including some with dogs, this weekend, combing through the remote wooded neighborhood. He was also asked if he had seen Spicher or Kyron's stepmom on June 4.

"They asked if I had seen those people or seen that truck in this area?" Clemes said.

Searchers and canvassers are expected back during the week.

Jeff Clemes, also a resident along Old Germantown Road, estimated there were about 30 searchers, including some with dogs, this weekend, combing through the remote wooded neighborhood. He was also asked if he had seen Spicher or Kyron's stepmom on June 4.

"They asked if I had seen those people or seen that truck in this area?" Clemes said.

Searchers and canvassers are expected back during the week.

August 11th: Press conference about white truck in front of School.

"The question is, 'Who else is in the truck still? Gee, we know the truck was here. Did anyone see somebody in the truck?" Van Zandt said.

Authorities urged the public to recall whether they saw the Horman truck from about 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on either Northwest Springville Road, on Skyline Boulevard between Springville and Newberry Road, or along Old Germantown or Germantown Road. If so, they're asked to call investigators.

In addition, the investigative team wants anyone who parked in the school's south parking lot, between the school's south entrance and Northwest Skyline Boulevard, before 8:45 a.m. to provide their name, license plate number, make, model, year and color of their vehicle.

While O'Donnell acknowledged that investigators worked to identify everyone who was at the school the morning of June 4 after Kyron went missing, he said that as the inquiry continued detectives developed leads that have them looking at information "through a different lens."

October 2nd-3rd: Crews Return to Sauvie Island

Photo Gallery

A total of 113 search personnel from numerous Washington and Oregon agencies, and including ground crews and searchers using horses and all-terrain vehicles combed the fields and densely forested areas of Sauvie Island on Sunday. The effort was scaled back from Saturday’s search, which included 160 searchers.

. . . A crew of six from the Washington-based Silver Star and Wind River search and rescue teams, two private organizations, suited up in yellow clothes and helmets before beginning to search their assigned area.

. . . Soon after, the group split in half and headed in different directions. One group of three spread on a field near the intersection of N.W. Reeder Rd. and Rentenaar Rd. and walked with eyes aimed at the ground. One of them, like many ground searchers on the island, carried a long stick-like instrument used to search through bushes and brush.

"They’re searching through vegetation so they’re taking implements with them to get through those areas," Lindstrand said. "Some of it is fields, some of it is briar bushes and blackberry bushes, that’s why they have horses and ATVs also."

October 9th: 100 personnel search Sauvie for second weekend in a row:

Saturday's team includes about 60 ground searchers, said Lt. Mary Lindstrand, a spokeswoman for the sheriff's office. The rest are on ATVs, horses, with canine units or support groups, she said.

October 10th: 60 personnel search Sauvie for second day

Today's search was scaled back slightly from Saturday's effort which included 100 searchers. Leading the search this weekend are Sgt. Travis Gullberg and Deputy Mark Herron. The county's regular search and rescue coordinator, Sgt. Diana Olsen, was injured in a traffic accident earlier this week.

November 14th-15th: Dive Teams Return to Sauvie Island

“It’s part of the ongoing investigation,” said Lt. Mary Lindstrand of the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office. “It’s not based on new information. They are just following up on leads.”

November 13th-14th: Dive Teams Continue Search on Sauvie


A spokesperson for the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office says about 50 people are part of the search, including paid workers and volunteers.

Multnomah County Sheriff Public Information Officer Mary Lindstrand tells us the search is only in the water. Inch by inch, foot by foot, in 50-degree water only a few feet deep, dive teams combed Sauvie Island's canals, ponds and lakes – looking for any trace of Kyron Horman.

. . . "Water temperature is fine – depths are shallow – but the visibility's tough," said volunteer diver Jason Cottle from Skamania County.

From Google maps you can see Sauvie Island, northwest of downtown Portland, stretched out between the Columbia River and the Multnomah Channel. The north end of the island is mostly water, with huge shallow lakes criss-crossed by drainage canals. All of these waterways make up the 12,000-acre Sauvie Island wildlife area.

This is just one more step in a massive process of elimination.

"Hopefully, when we get this done, they'll know areas where we know we don't have to go back," Lindstrand told us. "But again, we may not finish with what we need to do because, as you know, this island is just covered with water."


Officials told KGW that the operation had been planned for several weeks but that they had had to wait for resources to become available from other agencies.

Searchers used sophisticated sonar mapping equpment over the weekend. Why sonar?

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office spokesman Lt. Mary Lindstrand chose words carefully.

"They're looking for items, I can't give the specifics and have to be careful in what I say here," she said. "They are using the sonar to see if there's something they need to check."

Divers went into the water if the sonar picked up a signal worthy of investigation.

"The visibility in the canal is at best three feet today," Cottle said. "And as soon as you make a pass, your next next pass is silted up and even worse."

December 4, 2010 http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/12/multnomah_county_sheriff_dan_s_2.html

As the criminal investigation proceeds, so does a search-and-rescue operation. Its braincenter is located in a small room down the hall from the "War Room." Marked-up maps of the West Hills and Sauvie Island cover a conference table; maps of Sauvie Island are taped to the walls, a map plotting cell phone towers around the school and Sauvie Island is affixed to an easel, and maps from the earliest searches for the missing boy are inventoried in cylindrical bins.

Searchers from three states, including planes, search dogs, all-terrain vehicles, horse and walking teams, have combed heavily-wooded ravines, thick grass fields and hilly rough terrain around Skyline School, the Horman home and Sauvie Island, the largest river island in the country. In recent months, searches at the island resulted from cell phone tower pings analyzed, viable leads or statistical probabilities from studies of other missing child cases, officials said.

January 30, 2011: Searchers Return

Between 40 to 50 search-and-rescue workers, along with up to seven cadaver-detecting dogs, will be combing the dense forested area around turnouts, trailheads, and gated logging roads along a stretch of Northwest Skyline Road, south of Rocky Point Road and a gravel road further north in the Dixie Mountain area.

The private timber land crosses into unincorporated areas of Multnomah, Washington and Columbia counties, and reaches elevations of between 1,000 and 1,500 feet.

Feb. 24, 2011: FBI to Dedicate up to Six FBI agents to Kyron's Case:

March 26-27, 2011: Search near North Plains:http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-n...ng_for_kyron_horman_in_north_plains_area.html

A crew of volunteers from local sheriff's offices and independent search and rescue groups scoured the area at Northwest Skyline Boulevard and Northwest Moreland Road. The group began their search at 7 a.m. and ended at 5 p.m.

...Members of the search crew included those from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, Washington County Sheriff's Office, Clark County Sheriff's Office, Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue, North Oregon Regional Search and Rescue and Search One K9 Detection.
Thoughtfox...WOW!! Very nice! :applause:

I would love to bookmark your post somehow. Does anyone know how to do that?
The more they search areas which possibly they should have searched before, the less I believe TH is the guilty party.

I also wonder WHY there weren't more searches done last summer when the weather was better. Maybe LE thought they knew something, or had their vision tunneled, one way or another, so they didn't have to search, just squeeze their de facto suspect.

The whole thing makes me sick. Maybe if they'd have gone after everyone involved, Kyron would be home now, one way or another. At the rate they're going, this is becoming another Haleigh Cummings case - complete with a "woman" as the "key". BARF

My opinion only

Ya know i have had my doubts also about TH! Yes i think she was doing something she wasnt supposed to do and i think LE should have let the communities help search for this little boy. What could it have hurt?

Another thing, I was listening to Howard Stern (dont laff) and they were talking to someone about posting pics on the web. The man said never ever post pics of your children online esp from your cell phone, they have something called geo tracker and some ppl can trace the pic to the location it was taken such as your childs school.... PLL like Pedophiles!!!! Just a thought!

Sometimes i think a stranger took Kyron! MOO
Thoughtfox...WOW!! Very nice! :applause:

I would love to bookmark your post somehow. Does anyone know how to do that?

PERFECT Thoughtfox!! =)

I'm going to copy and paste that and keep it.

It really shows how the searches have gone all along (the ones they have told media about)

Thoughtfox...WOW!! Very nice! :applause:

I would love to bookmark your post somehow. Does anyone know how to do that?

Up in the right hand corner of Fox's post... directly over from the date and time.

Just to the left of the red white and black alert triangle.

There is a number, right now that post is #96.

Click on the number. It will open up just that post and you can bookmark it like you would any other.
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