2011.03.26 - More Searching off Skyline

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Am adding just a few pics to photobucket..
At one point, we got out to stretch our legs, heard voices, looked down and saw searchers DOWN the incline off the side of the road.

Further down the road we got out again and heard voices again, turned around and saw searchers in the woods behind us..
I did get a picture of them..
I will try to label that in my photobucket.

I do have to say that I was very pleased...
We only drove by the SAR base 2 times, and the second time the SAR Coordinator-per what it said on the back of his jacket (a male) said he had noticed us up there, heard we were taking pictures and nicely asked why...
I told him of my photobucket, he asked for the the link, I wrote it down and gave it to him.

We did chat a bit and I reassured him I was not looking to compromise the search, that I was just taking pictures and he thanked me. He was a very kind man. Last name started with an H.. I'll have to look it up.

The below link to the map shows one place where we actually saw searchers in the woods (where the "A" is).

link to map

We saw SAR vehicles parked in different locations on the side of the road also..

To reiterate what Loves2bmom said earlier this area is just where "I" saw searchers today, it does NOT mean these are the only places searched..
Any word on whether Medical Examiner vehicles were at the search this weekend?
Any word on whether Medical Examiner vehicles were at the search this weekend?

I didn't see one, but that doesn't mean there wasn't one there of course..

Here is a map link (I don't know how to get the picture in here)

(I edited the map so the a,b & c do not show up just descriptions on markers)
C= SAR BASE location 3/26 per MSM (I was not up to actually see it)
B= SAR BASE location 3/27 - (pictures in photobucket)
A= "ONE" area that searchers were seen 3/27 (pictures in photobucket)
Hello, Lovely. I've missed you. :)

Thank you Miss you too...:hug: Been over on Hailey Dunn case...

Can you tell me what the weather is like there in Portland about this time of year?

Also are there any frozen lakes there or does it not get that cold?

That tower,
anyone Know what it is? Looks like a global location tower... If that is a Global location tower...Sometime those cause energy fields more commonly called "Vortex"...:waitasec:

Praying :praying: Kyron is Found today!!!
Thank you Miss you too...:hug: Been over on Hailey Dunn case...

Can you tell me what the weather is like there in Portland about this time of year?

Also are there any frozen lakes there or does it not get that cold?

That tower,
anyone Know what it is? Looks like a global location tower... If that is a Global location tower...Sometime those cause energy fields more commonly called "Vortex"...:waitasec:

I'm not PDX but that is the doppler radar for our area.
I found this website (below) and it has cool info and pics on the area..

No frozen lakes here right now.. I honestly can only recall maybe small ponds getting frozen for short periods of time over the years.. but that is just me =)
Lived in Oregon/this area all my life =)

RE: the weather..
Today(oops yesterday) while up at the search area, at times it was nice (as in cool breeze) then it went to sleet/rain, then no rain..
It's colder up there due to the elevation and it gets snow more often.. I have pics of snow from a month or two ago in that area.
I'm not PDX but that is the Doppler radar for our area.
I found this website (below) and it has cool info and pics on the area..

No frozen lakes here right now.. I honestly can only recall maybe small ponds getting frozen for short periods of time over the years.. but that is just me =)
Lived in Oregon/this area all my life =)

Thank you, FreeFallzzzzz, Missed you too..:hug: (Boy you are up early...:rocker:) LOL, it like 4 am there right?

Hmmm Doppler....

No really frozen lakes...
The more they search areas which possibly they should have searched before, the less I believe TH is the guilty party.

I also wonder WHY there weren't more searches done last summer when the weather was better. Maybe LE thought they knew something, or had their vision tunneled, one way or another, so they didn't have to search, just squeeze their de facto suspect.

The whole thing makes me sick. Maybe if they'd have gone after everyone involved, Kyron would be home now, one way or another. At the rate they're going, this is becoming another Haleigh Cummings case - complete with a "woman" as the "key". BARF

My opinion only
The more they search areas which possibly they should have searched before, the less I believe TH is the guilty party.

I also wonder WHY there weren't more searches done last summer when the weather was better. Maybe LE thought they knew something, or had their vision tunneled, one way or another, so they didn't have to search, just squeeze their de facto suspect.

The whole thing makes me sick. Maybe if they'd have gone after everyone involved, Kyron would be home now, one way or another. At the rate they're going, this is becoming another Haleigh Cummings case - complete with a "woman" as the "key". BARF

My opinion only

I dunno Trident, they said they are working on information received late in the year (around Thanksgiving?) so they couldn't really search everywhere in Oregon last summer without more info. They've also said they don't go out and just throw darts at a map, they have reasons to be searching where they are. Lots of us are wondering what information is good enough to point them to a search up in that area but not specific enough for an exact location. It has to be electronic in my opinion. Either an email that was discovered and the language was vague or more refined cell phone pings. Free and I were discussing that possibility. Our cell phones go in and out on that road so I don't know if pings are enough. (certainly not the triangulation expert) but I think it's more along the lines of something that was said in an email or chat room. I absolutely believe 100% that TH is involved. My only question continues to be whether she acted alone or not.
The more they search areas which possibly they should have searched before, the less I believe TH is the guilty party.

I also wonder WHY there weren't more searches done last summer when the weather was better. Maybe LE thought they knew something, or had their vision tunneled, one way or another, so they didn't have to search, just squeeze their de facto suspect.

The whole thing makes me sick. Maybe if they'd have gone after everyone involved, Kyron would be home now, one way or another. At the rate they're going, this is becoming another Haleigh Cummings case - complete with a "woman" as the "key". BARF

My opinion only

This is still along the route that TH might have taken that day, and there's heavy brush and trees everywhere plus mountainous terrain. In such a place, it doesn't surprise me that it might take much longer to find evidence of Kyron. I don't think it really gets her off the hook at all, since they are searching along the same road.
Thank you so much for the pictures! :seeya:

The forest is so dense along that road. They appear to looking for a needle in a haystack!

That's exactly what it's like there. I was overwhelmed with sadness when I was up there and saw where they search. :(

This is the only way I could get this screenshot in here without blowing the margins but if you click on it, it should get bigger.

This is one of the places we saw searchers.
We had pulled over to the gate on the right to stretch and while walking around we heard voices and I looked (to the left in the picture) and saw at least 3 or 4 searchers back in the woods.

These roads are gravel, windy and even though I've studied the maps and been up there a lot more since January, and the DBF is VERY familiar with the area, it is easy to get disoriented if you are randomly driving..

He was looking off the side of the road and commented he saw a lot of garbage, even a refrigerator, we did hear searchers (the ones down the hill at another location) say they found a tire, then another, then another... (I think that is okay to say..)

At a lot of the blue gates you will see shotgun shells, beer cans, litter..

We saw elk bones scattered at one gate and he pointed out the elk hide that was decomposing in the brush..

We also saw a bobcat, and he commented he saw more deer than usual for that time of day. Our thoughts were that the searchers probably disturbed them..

Just to give you a better idea of what it is like up there..

I am so thankful for all the SAR's out there, the ground is slippery with wet leaves, kind of mucky from rain, the terrain is rough, and at times the weather was almost hailing!
It almost seems impossible that anything could be found in these areas...:(
It almost seems impossible that anything could be found in these areas...:(
Yes,I agree.I just pray cadaver dogs have a hit if he is out there and find little Kyron.I do have faith in these dogs and in God.
I am praying and asking my family & friends to do the same.I know God will answer.
Oh my gosh, the terrain. Could you even find your own keys if you dropped them?
Oh my gosh, the terrain. Could you even find your own keys if you dropped them?


I grew up -- spent 18 to 22 years -- in that general area. I know it's difficult for those of you geographically removed ... but the tracts being searched are not only choked with underbrush but are, often, "hills from hell."

Case in point ... A 2000 -3000 foot elevation gain in certain areas of the
U.S. are "mountains." Out here, they're "hills." And they are "hills" steeply incised with numerous creeks and rivers ... plus, the "hills" are choked with foliage.

So, no. You won't find your keys. And it's "fabulous" terrain to lose a body. I posted this in another WS thread: A Green River cadaver was just recently discovered ... What? 25+ years after the poor woman was killed and dumped? And she was near other Green River remains.

Ky will be found. Hopefully, soon. But ... maybe not so soon.
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