State v Bradley Cooper 4-13-11

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Where was NC on Thursday? Why didn't her friends know about the realtor? Was she getting money from whoever she was with on Thursday? Could the Thursday person be a suspect. I have an idea of who that person is and why they could be a suspect. But why then are the stories from the friends being told?

I wonder if per_curiam is still alive to see this day. We haven't heard from her in a while. I sure hope so. Also, what ever happened to rwesafe?

My gut tells me they are still alive and well and sniffing around. :seeya:
I can't believe the judge is so clueless about basic technology that he doesn't understand that just because the cameras aren't on, it doesn't mean information, once presented in court, doesn't get out to people.

Does he not have a cell phone? Does he not understand messages can be sent through texts? Does he not understand by now that cell phones can browse the web?

He was furious about leaks. These aren't leaks. There was testimony in open court and then the info was getting out to the world within a few minutes. A leak is if information about the case is communicated before it's ever presented in court. That is a leak.

Someone needs to tap the judge on the shoulder and let him know this is the 21st century.

Maybe he's talking about a leak that promoted all those people to rush to the courtroom (and on the Internet) in sudden defense of Brad? Dunno...
Ehhh, I made a long post just now that was rather poignant and elegant and then my net jumped ship.

Basically it said this how tomorrow will go:

Kurtz: So, this data COULD have been tampered with and since you can't tell me how you did it, I can say you made it all up and these ladies over here will believe me because I am cute?

Agent X: is possible....

Boz: Objection! Speculative.

Gessner: Well, Mr. Kurtz is almost cute when his kittens chase his rabbits. I'LL ALLOW IT.

Kurtz: Could my kittens have made it possible while dancing on the keyboard in Mr. Cooper's office to go by fielding drive on google maps? And to zoom in, if one of their tiny, precious paws were to hit a certain key, would that key zoom in on this closed hand cursor file as you say and cause such an image to be developed? And how long does it actually take to make this file? Longer or lesser than 41 seconds?

Boz: Objection. He has to let the witness answer a question.

Gessner: What? Oh. I was just excited he finally decided to FORM a question. I'll ALLOW IT. And when do we get to see this MFT table? Is it made out of a particular type of wood? Like cherry or oak?

My point's still sad to see two entire families and their next generation caught in this madness.
I can't believe the judge is so clueless about basic technology that he doesn't understand that just because the cameras aren't on, it doesn't mean information, once presented in court, doesn't get out to people.

Does he not have a cell phone? Does he not understand messages can be sent through texts? Does he not understand by now that cell phones can browse the web?

He was furious about leaks. These aren't leaks. There was testimony in open court and then the info was getting out to the world within a few minutes. A leak is if information about the case is communicated before it's ever presented in court. That is a leak.

Someone needs to tap the judge on the shoulder and let him know this is the 21st century.

I am still of the belief that it was due to the 'other' group of people in the courtroom today. Especially since reading that WRAL had somebody talking to the judge about reconsidering or whatever. It's too coincidental that the jury complained about being stared it, the judge's ire, the judge's ruling that no more laptops or cell phones will be allowed, and that 'group' of other posters who had planned to be there today to support Brad. I think it's all related.
I never anticipated, after being disappointed day after day, that this afternoon would be the day for this smoking evidence!
I think that initially in BC's mind, when he offered for NC to take the kids to Canada, he was thinking she would be with her family, they would support her, and he would just move on. Perhaps in his mind, by just letting her go, and having the kids free and clear, he didn't expect to be hit with that separation agreement. And when he was, the plan changed, because in his mind, she was ungrateful. After all, she had a loving and supportive family to help her. They could help her pay an attorney, but he had no money for one. (his check, a credit card check even, bounced IIRC) And it doesn't seem he had the kind of relationship with his family where he could ask for money for a divorce.)
I think in April was when the budget nazi and father of the year emerged. I mentioned last night, I think, that I thought it was odd that his parenting journal, which is normal in custody issues, stopped in May. NC even mentioned she was staying so the green card process could move ahead. I think temporarily, his thought was to fight her because he was so angry.
But when he realized, end of May, that this was not going to be a quick solution, and we know things were not happy in that house, his plans changed. He had the week before vacation to work out a plan, and I think he knew all along that he would do it on that Friday evening, knowing a party was happening and she would likely stay out late.

Whatever happened on Wednesday night when they came home from JA's house scared NC, and she called the realtor asap...she knew in her gut something had changed, and I so wish she had just had a little more time.
Where was NC on Thursday? Why didn't her friends know about the realtor? Was she getting money from whoever she was with on Thursday? Could the Thursday person be a suspect. I have an idea of who that person is and why they could be a suspect. But why then are the stories from the friends being told?

I feel like I'm having an episode of deja vu.
Before I head out for the night..I need to know where we are all at this point.. If anyone can answer please chime in before I turn into a pumpkin..TYIA
1) Are they finish with the FBI agent yet?
2) Are the going to start at 930AM tomorrow morning for full day?
3) IF finished with FBI guy, are we going to hear from Det. Daniels next?
4) Should I take the day off tomorrow or can I plan on doing some homework and errands without missing anything?

Thanks it sure ha been an eventful day and wonderful discussion :seeya:
After watching that video of the Judge admonishing the use of electonics, I hope the Judge is okay?..I thought he looked like he was so angry he was going to have a stroke!!:rage: He was one P'd Off Judge!! Yikes
I have a feeling he bought 2 tarps, one with a credit card and then one with cash! Another thing for him to toss in the dumpster, no biggie for him.

The one on video was bought with cash. I'm sure they checked credit card statements and this would have come out. But the one bought on the 11th was paid with cash. They only knew about it because of the receipt in the vehicle.
Ya know..I just wish along with Nancy's lawyers advise, she had of mentioned to change her password weekly..just to be on the safeside!! OKay you Family Law Lawyers..Listen up..Make that a part of your advise!! TY..keep your clients safe!! :twocents:

Numerous law firms advise their clients to, "Assume all communication is monitored from now on."
This case has ended up extremely technical (intricate VOIP and computer evidence).
Lawyers these days must be techno geeks to survive and be effective.
Bye, Bye Howard Cummings and the like.
Hello Howard Kurtz and Boz Zellinger.
I can't believe the judge is so clueless about basic technology that he doesn't understand that just because the cameras aren't on, it doesn't mean information, once presented in court, doesn't get out to people.

Does he not have a cell phone? Does he not understand messages can be sent through texts? Does he not understand by now that cell phones can browse the web?

He was furious about leaks. These aren't leaks. There was testimony in open court and then the info was getting out to the world within a few minutes. A leak is if information about the case is communicated before it's ever presented in court. That is a leak.

Someone needs to tap the judge on the shoulder and let him know this is the 21st century.

I think it goes beyond this. Perhaps something was posted that someone informed him about. You know that his scolding earlier about people staring at the jury spread like wildfire on the internet and perhaps comments were made to that aspect and he found out something he didn't like.
Ehhh, I made a long post just now that was rather poignant and elegant and then my net jumped ship.

Basically it said this how tomorrow will go:

Kurtz: So, this data COULD have been tampered with and since you can't tell me how you did it, I can say you made it all up and these ladies over here will believe me because I am cute?

Agent X: is possible....

Boz: Objection! Speculative.

Gessner: Well, Mr. Kurtz is almost cute when his kittens chase his rabbits. I'LL ALLOW IT.

Kurtz: Could my kittens have made it possible while dancing on the keyboard in Mr. Cooper's office to go by fielding drive on google maps? And to zoom in, if one of their tiny, precious paws were to hit a certain key, would that key zoom in on this closed hand cursor file as you say and cause such an image to be developed? And how long does it actually take to make this file? Longer or lesser than 41 seconds?

Boz: Objection. He has to let the witness answer a question.

Gessner: What? Oh. I was just excited he finally decided to FORM a question. I'll ALLOW IT. And when do we get to see this MFT table? Is it made out of a particular type of wood? Like cherry or oak?

My point's still sad to see two entire families and their next generation caught in this madness.

Two thots, JF. 1) you're hilarious and 2) i am now convinced it will never end. There are people who fall in love with jailed murderers and marry them. Therefore I do not anticipate some will ever believe.
So since the trial is not actually over yet, I am still trying to reconcile things in my head that just don't add up.

Apparently NC, JA, HP & SC had lunch together on Friday. She was all fired up, hating BC, stressed out, fed up, etc. then why does she not even mention to them talking to the Realtor about moving out soon?

And we still have the phone call she made to him that morning.
Before I head out for the night..I need to know where we are all at this point.. If anyone can answer please chime in before I turn into a pumpkin..TYIA
1) Are they finish with the FBI agent yet?
2) Are the going to start at 930AM tomorrow morning for full day?
3) IF finished with FBI guy, are we going to hear from Det. Daniels next?
4) Should I take the day off tomorrow or can I plan on doing some homework and errands without missing anything?

Thanks it sure ha been an eventful day and wonderful discussion :seeya:
After watching that video of the Judge admonishing the use of electonics, I hope the Judge is okay?..I thought he looked like he was so angry he was going to have a stroke!!:rage: He was one P'd Off Judge!! Yikes

I have absolutely no idea where we are. I don't think the defense has finished crossing the FBI agent. But I may be wrong. It just all kind of evaporated this afternoon. I think I read that Det. Daniels is next after they finish with the FBI agent. Supposed to be a full day tomorrow.
Actually, you have to be separated for a year before filing for divorce. Sadly, I know. I went through it. We didn't have kids though so things were fairly straight forward.

I think it would only be classified as abandonment if she had left the kids there (which I know she wouldn't have done). And who cares about the property and assets. They didn't have any really.

You are right Sunshine...I meant 1 year separated. Thanks!
I have absolutely no idea where we are. I don't think the defense has finished crossing the FBI agent. But I may be wrong. It just all kind of evaporated this afternoon. I think I read that Det. Daniels is next after they finish with the FBI agent. Supposed to be a full day tomorrow.

Can't wait. Bet the courtroom will be packed. Wish I could have seen BC's face when the smoking gun was revealed. I wonder if Kurtz still believes in his client, like he once told me he did?

Also, just wanted to thank all of you who wished me Happy Birthday! :)
There are still many people who think Scott Peterson is innocent and was railroaded or framed with a rush to judgment. Takes all kinds for sure.

I don't know what the judge was referring to. He talked about things just mentioned in court and suddenly it's on the Internet. These are not things said in private in his chambers. These are things the judge is saying in open court, in front of reporters and people who use techno gadgets. WRAL themselves reported that the judge told the gallery to stop staring at the jurors.

I think this judge is just really confused about how information is disseminated in this newfangled world of technology. I think he also has no idea the defense might be behind the strategy to incite people to storm the courtroom. Poor Judge Gessner. He so confused!
I have absolutely no idea where we are. I don't think the defense has finished crossing the FBI agent. But I may be wrong. It just all kind of evaporated this afternoon. I think I read that Det. Daniels is next after they finish with the FBI agent. Supposed to be a full day tomorrow.

Ohhh Thanks NCEast..I thought I was losing it..but given the end of the day motion to supress and the comments Kurtz made about being able to cross properly tho he did elicit inability to link spoofing from laptop..I thought he might have been finished..Guess we will see in the morning when the lights go back on, eh?
Thanks again Bud!! Now I can get a late din din :seeya: See ya tomorrow morning :great:
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