What Did Casey Tell Psychiatrists?

If that is true than why doesn't she just say that now? I think a lot of people would believe the story. I wonder why they don't use that defense.

Would ICA not have to testify if that is the case? How would the explanation of the duct tape, baby body in the trunk of the car, dumping in the lot down the road bagged in garbage bags, hiding from her parents at Tony L's and the high profile partying, and the whopper she told to the first LE the night CA dragged her home, the lies at Universal - etc survive cross examination?

Don't think the DT or ICA could hold up under JA's pounding....

And if you were on the jury, could you vote accident? I don't think I would believe it. Way too much that just isn't close to making sense.

And how about the statement - "maybe I'm just a spiteful bioteich"?
Imo, it's clear as day that a SODDI defense would never fly and the DT won't even go there. I think the accident, traumatized, cover-up story is exactly where they are going, and they want to paint that picture using the MD's, who the jury will find more trustworthy/credible than the scheming DT. I think they will view the MD's as separate from the DT. And JA ain't havin' it.
Would ICA not have to testify if that is the case? How would the explanation of the duct tape, baby body in the trunk of the car, dumping in the lot down the road bagged in garbage bags, hiding from her parents at Tony L's and the high profile partying, and the whopper she told to the first LE the night CA dragged her home, the lies at Universal - etc survive cross examination?

Don't think the DT or ICA could hold up under JA's pounding....

And if you were on the jury, could you vote accident? I don't think I would believe it. Way too much that just isn't close to making sense.

And how about the statement - "maybe I'm just a spiteful bioteich"?

BBM...:floorlaugh: I read that as biotech....:giggle:
Would ICA not have to testify if that is the case? How would the explanation of the duct tape, baby body in the trunk of the car, dumping in the lot down the road bagged in garbage bags, hiding from her parents at Tony L's and the high profile partying, and the whopper she told to the first LE the night CA dragged her home, the lies at Universal - etc survive cross examination?

Don't think the DT or ICA could hold up under JA's pounding....

And if you were on the jury, could you vote accident? I don't think I would believe it. Way too much that just isn't close to making sense.

And how about the statement - "maybe I'm just a spiteful bioteich"?

I wouldn't believe it. I think she murdered her child in coldblood. But a jury might have a hard time accepting how truly evil she is.
If that is true than why doesn't she just say that now? I think a lot of people would believe the story. I wonder why they don't use that defense.

Or how about saying it when it happened??? Now, nothing she says would be believed, she's already been deemed incredible...JMHO

She is undoubtedly in that catch22....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
BBM...:floorlaugh: I read that as biotech....:giggle:

Ask any of the A's how to make Holy water and I'm sure their response would be to boil the Hell out of it. O/T I know. :floorlaugh:
I'm just wondering if the SA is REALLY that concerned , or if the MSM is hyping this up?

I don't believe they are concerned. The defense motion states neither Dr diagnosed her with any disorder recognized by the American Psychiatric Association. I don't know how that's even possible but alas. She must be saner than us all per the defense experts trying to justify her sociopathy. :floorlaugh:
How can you tell if Casey is lying? :waitasec:

Her mouth is moving! :lol:

No matter what she told them, it was a lie. Big words, and lies! :yes:
How can you tell if Casey is lying? :waitasec:

Her mouth is moving! :lol:

No matter what she told them, it was a lie. Big words, and lies! :yes:
Agree! She told the psychiatrists exactly what the DT told her to tell the psychiatrists..pure and simple.
I'm just wondering if the SA is REALLY that concerned , or if the MSM is hyping this up?

Maybe not MSM, but definitely WESH. Ever since the "Jose is fired" fiasco, I learned not to pay attention to anything they have to report. They twist everything, just to make a headline. :crazy:
How can you tell if Casey is lying? :waitasec:

Her mouth is moving! :lol:

No matter what she told them, it was a lie. Big words, and lies! :yes:

Wouldn't it be great to compare the psych reports from her initial intake as a grieving MOTY to these ones now. Bet that would be some great reading!!
Wouldn't it be great to compare the psych reports from her initial intake as a grieving MOTY to these ones now. Bet that would be some great reading!!

:lol: Oh Boy! That would be interesting to say the least!
My question is....how are we going to even have a hearing on this matter tomorrow if nobody can talk about it in open court?
My question is....how are we going to even have a hearing on this matter tomorrow if nobody can talk about it in open court?

I'm guessing they will talk to the judge in chambers? Or as they say, "In Camera". Which by the way, I've never understood that. In Camera to me means ON Camera! Shouldn't it be "Out of camera"? :waitasec:
I'm just wondering if the SA is REALLY that concerned , or if the MSM is hyping this up?

IMO, they are just really, really, really, really, REALLY fed up with the DT and all of their BS! JB et al have gotten away with more sleazy tactics than I have ever witnessed in my life! And I'm not exactly a young'un! The clip you put up earlier had LKB stating that ZFG was a lie, so we know they aren't going with that. They are trying to "sneak" in some testimony by KC and JA isn't having it!
I wouldn't believe it. I think she murdered her child in coldblood. But a jury might have a hard time accepting how truly evil she is.

Think back to when we all first heard about Caylee. I know I kept telling myself there is no way a mom would just kill her lil girl, I thought for sure it had to of been an accident. I had such a hard time wrapping my mind around it. I pray that the Jury gets a good look at the visit where Casey shows her rage.
Justice for Caylee is coming soon.

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