MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #6

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HLN just reported her father confirmed it's her. :(

Rest in peace Phylicia. My deepest condolences to her family. So, so, so sad. :rose:

One of the news sources, I believe Fox News Baltimore tweeted that LE has confirmed it as well.
I haven't been following this case extra closely (but I've got the general idea) so I apologize if this has already been discussed..but HLN is saying there was another body found with Phylicia's. Any idea who that could be?? Seems like an odd coincidence that the second body wouldn't be related to this case somehow.
I haven't been following this case extra closely (but I've got the general idea) so I apologize if this has already been discussed..but HLN is saying there was another body found with Phylicia's. Any idea who that could be?? Seems like an odd coincidence that the second body wouldn't be related to this case somehow.

It was a male and he was found either 1 mile or 3 miles away from PB, depending on the news source. Officials (according to MSM) are claiming that the two cases are not related.

I'm with you that its an odd coincidence but I haven't the foggiest guess as to who would have been murdered with her, unless it is someone who saw something he wasn't supposed to.
HLN covering the story now.
-Press conference at 8pm. Nancy Grace will cover it live.
Pretty sad that it took her body being found to make her a "trending topic"...
Two law enforcement sources said the autopsy had found that the body was identified as Barnes; state police later confirmed the finding and said a press conference has been scheduled for 8 p.m.

Earlier Thursday, The Sun reported that Baltimore police had provided Barnes' dental records to the state medical examiner's office for comparison to a body found in the river, one of two found Wednesday in the waterway that splits Harford and Cecil counties about 40 miles northeast of Baltimore.,0,6874419.story

It is very unlikely this was a stranger abduction. A stranger wouldn't care if her body was recovered or not, and would not have gone to the efforts of disposing her body 40 plus miles away from where she was last seen. The distance between location last seen and where she was recovered tells me she knew and was familiar with her abductor.

It hurts too bad if it's true. So much effort in trying to save PB. It really hurts if it is true. There's too many buzzards and vultures in the world preying on our children and women!!! I don't understand. I just don't understand
It hurts too bad if it's true. So much effort in trying to save PB. It really hurts if it is true. There's too many buzzards and vultures in the world preying on our children and women!!! I don't understand. I just don't understand

It is even worse if it turns out that the people/person responsible were brought into P's life by a family member...
Was there any connection or indication anywhere earlier about this area 40 miles away?
Was this a potential fishing area for example?
I don't think that where she was found has to be where she was put into the river...a lot of movement can take place in 4 months and it seems she was caught up in the dam.
Haven't had a chance to go look at a map yet, did the river go nearby where she went missing? In a large river a body could go that far, no problem.
I don't think that where she was found has to be where she was put into the river...a lot of movement can take place in 4 months and it seems she was caught up in the dam.

Can you give a link to the dam part? Not doubting your words, just want to read it - used to hang around in them parts a few years ago. Txs
It is even worse if it turns out that the people/person responsible were brought into P's life by a family member...

MTE, sadly it is almost a certain the person or persons responsible were in fact brought into P's life by her half sisters.

I'm praying a COD can be found and that LE is able to solve this one. Praying the water did not destroy all the possible evidence.

I am so angry right now. I thought I would be sad, but relieved she was found and can receive a proper burial. Instead I am angry..... Angry a young life with a promising future was stolen, hidden and discarded as she was.

Rest in peace Phylicia. You are now safe in the arms of the Lord. Your recovery is not the final chapter... We will not rest until ALL responsible for your life being cut short are brought to justice. You're mother and classmates are in my prayers right now. I am sorry, but I can not feel any greif for your paternal family right now. Their actions and behavior is just too out there right now. I'll hopefully find some peace with that and perhaps as more information is released my anger and utter disappointment in them will change.

Sleep peacefully Phylicia, you will never be forgotten.
Rest in peace.

It's an unhappy ending, but somehow I'm still glad she has turned up. I will be thinking about her Mother and friends all Easter... Phylicia was a precious girl.

Now chapter 2 in his horrible story can begin. May justice be served.
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