2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Afternoon Session)

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I am. I must admit I took a break and washed floors, it was that or hit the tv and I just got a new one (gift)...I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone!! No court on Monday so enjoy the rest..:crazy:

I read this morning that the jury sent the judge a note saying they wanted to work Monday. So for sure they are not having trial on Monday?
Note to Baez... the relevance is we have your client on trial for the murder of her precious 2 year old daughter. Her attitude is absolutely relevant during the 31 days Caylee was missing to everyone but your client. Now enough!!! You don't look smart with your objections, it's just irritating us and the jury! Thanks so much...
Wonder if he'll be questioned about that?:waitasec:

I seriously doubt it. LOL the defense would not want to bring out what he thinks more recently. haha
Think JB is going to try to ask him if ICA ever told him about the "horrors" growing up
I dislike JB's current line of questioning. Most two-year-olds love their parents regardless of how good or bad that parent is, AS a parent.
setting up the nanny story from the get go...she knew what she was going to do..premeditated right there...hope the jury is paying attention

Hmm... See, I think she made up the nanny story originally in order to impress her friends. Then after she killed Caylee, the nanny story came naturally and conveniently to her since she already had a fake persona of the nanny in place for years. That's why the name ZFG rolled off her evil tongue so quickly. But who knows...
Strange how he's asking how Caylee behaved toward Casey...but not that much the other way around...like hugging and kissing.
Another witness Baez has no info to use against him
Caylee had food and clothes because Cindy and George PAID for everything Caylee had...
Caylee affection fake in any way to her mother? COME ON Caylee was a baby not a fair assessment. IMO
Casey had so much love for Caylee, she was such a good mother, she NEVER talked about her, NEVER mentioned her, to anyone.

When my son was 2 years old, I couldn't shut up about him.
Baez doesn't seem terribly organized. One of the TH wondered why he wasn't sharing the DT duties.

So why isn't the seasoned lawyer Cheney Mason helping him out? It seems Cheney Mason is just sitting back watching JB squirm. CM really must be enjoying the circus trial he predicted.

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