Is George lying?

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Nov 26, 2007
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Im a lurker mostly... I want to thank you all for your wonderful insight and just being here.

I cant hep but think George was "Hinky" at best on the stand. All of his answers (And I cant remember verbatim but...) Didnt he answer all of the questions concerning the morning of June 16. in "General" terms.... Like "I usually wake up right after Cindy "Would" leave"
"I usually give Caylee Breakfast" etc.
IMHO he never answered the question specifically about that day other that the way over the top description of what Caylee was wearing. I find it so oddd that he is so general with his answers about the happenings of the day and so specific about Caylees clothing. It doesnt fit.

I was looking @ the timeline over at A candy Rose and the general answers he gives in the first hearing ias the same and are just not sounding truthful.

From the beginning I have thought Casey killed her child, IDK if accidental drowning or something more sinister. But I do think George knows a LOT more OR he is scared that Casey knows something on him. He has always struck me as a <mod snip> but now Im thinking why is he lying.
Your thoughts?
I disagree. I think he's doing the best he can under the circumstances. Apparently the SA had no problem with the way he answered his questions either. "Eyes For Lies" also thinks he is being sincere and that says a lot IMO.
I don't believe George is lying about the alleged molestation or the supposed drowning. He did neither imo. He is lying about seeing them on the 16th etc. as he told early on and is now stuck with continuing those lies, and all the other lies he has told after the 15th to date. It would look bad if he told the truth now (not that Cindy would allow that anyway).. he would lose credibility with the jurors if he came clean about everything he does know and they may think the worse of him, perhaps even begin to suspect he was involved and was a molester, which I don't think they believe right now, imo. Ol' George and family have dug themselves into a hole.
Im a lurker mostly... I want to thank you all for your wonderful insight and just being here.

I cant hep but think George was "Hinky" at best on the stand. All of his answers (And I cant remember verbatim but...) Didnt he answer all of the questions concerning the morning of June 16. in "General" terms.... Like "I usually wake up right after Cindy "Would" leave"
"I usually give Caylee Breakfast" etc.
IMHO he never answered the question specifically about that day other that the way over the top description of what Caylee was wearing. I find it so oddd that he is so general with his answers about the happenings of the day and so specific about Caylees clothing. It doesnt fit.

I was looking @ the timeline over at A candy Rose and the general answers he gives in the first hearing ias the same and are just not sounding truthful.

From the beginning I have thought Casey killed her child, IDK if accidental drowning or something more sinister. But I do think George knows a LOT more OR he is scared that Casey knows something on him. He has always struck me as a weasel of a guy but now Im thinking why is he lying.
Your thoughts?

Why is he lying? He and Cindy have been lying to cover Casey's involvement from the get go. He's painted himself into a corner with his lies, just as the rest of the Anthony family has. He has to stay with his original answers on the depositions. And on his original depositions he was all over the place. He lied then, and was purposely evasive with them. Now three years later, he's trying to do the same. If he had just answered the questions truthfully in the first place, I think he wouldn't be having such a tough time now.
I disagree and very strongly. When George was on the stand recently, he knows for more information than he knew when he gave his initial deposition. Aside from the incredible stress he was under then, and even more now with the accusations he's had thrown at him - he still cannot deviate from his original responses in his depo. If he does, he will be impeached.

Under the circumstances, he's doing the best he can. IMO
I don't think he's afraid that Casey has would have something on him - I mean she's already accused him of molesting her as a young girl and disposing of Caylee's body, what else could she do or have that would hurt him more than that? I'm looking at his testimony again and I don't see anything wrong with his answers; if he used to give Caylee breakfast "usually", then well "usually" is the word to use.
I agree PIP I want insisting that he had anything to do with the crime just that he is lying about something and has been since the first days. So in my eyes he has already lost credibility with me.
I agree PIP I want insisting that he had anything to do with the crime just that he is lying about something and has been since the first days. So in my eyes he has already lost credibility with me.
We know that, but the jurors may be in the dark to the facts of the case as they played out.
Im a lurker mostly... I want to thank you all for your wonderful insight and just being here.

I cant hep but think George was "Hinky" at best on the stand. All of his answers (And I cant remember verbatim but...) Didnt he answer all of the questions concerning the morning of June 16. in "General" terms.... Like "I usually wake up right after Cindy "Would" leave"
"I usually give Caylee Breakfast" etc.
IMHO he never answered the question specifically about that day other that the way over the top description of what Caylee was wearing. I find it so oddd that he is so general with his answers about the happenings of the day and so specific about Caylees clothing. It doesnt fit.

I was looking @ the timeline over at A candy Rose and the general answers he gives in the first hearing ias the same and are just not sounding truthful.

From the beginning I have thought Casey killed her child, IDK if accidental drowning or something more sinister. But I do think George knows a LOT more OR he is scared that Casey knows something on him. He has always struck me as a weasel of a guy but now Im thinking why is he lying.
Your thoughts?

This is so strange. I was just making almost the identical post and starting a new thread on it when the answer to why George remembers what Caylee was wearing popped into my head.

No doubt in my mind the state knows the answer too and it will be revealed later in the trial.

George had 10 years or so of training and practice to notice the detail of what people are wearing. Probably a habit he carried over.

The defense asking what Cindy was wearing meant nothing because George was asleep when she left for work and gone to work when she got off.

In the deposition he describes what Casey was wearing if I remember right.
I think when he got on the stand this time, he had in the back of his mind the accusations that were recently thrown at him. He may have been trying to answer in a way as to NOT make those accusations seem true. And in the process may have came off to some the way you described you saw it above. But I DO NOT think he had any involvement. IDK. JMO.
Humm. Good post Clayangel. My "not right" sounded as well. But I am so far behind that maybe there is some reason or something. I wonder if the juror's noticed as well.
I disagree and very strongly. When George was on the stand recently, he knows for more information than he knew when he gave his initial deposition. Aside from the incredible stress he was under then, and even more now with the accusations he's had thrown at him - he still cannot deviate from his original responses in his depo. If he does, he will be impeached.

Under the circumstances, he's doing the best he can. IMO

ITA. I don't buy some conspiracy involving GA.
I'm sure we'll never know the truth...thought that then...think that now. IMHO he was/is not connected to the crime, but rather was trying to protect his daughter. Look where that got him. The family has to live with that...but it doesn't negate the fact that Casey...and only responsible for Caylee's death.
This is so strange. I was just making almost the identical post and starting a new thread on it when the answer to why George remembers what Caylee was wearing popped into my head.

No doubt in my mind the state knows the answer too and it will be revealed later in the trial.

George had 10 years or so of training and practice to notice the detail of what people are wearing. Probably a habit he carried over.

The defense asking what Cindy was wearing meant nothing because George was asleep when she left for work and gone to work when she got off.

In the deposition he describes what Casey was wearing if I remember right.


I think the reason George remembered what Caylee was wearing that day is that it is the last picture he has of her in his mind. It was the last time he saw his precious granddaughter. Doesn't seem strange to me at all.
I think a big problem with George is that he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Like when JB was trying to get him to answer the question.. 'was the smell in the trunk stronger than inside the car when you opened it at the tow yard?' I wanted to smack GA upside the head.. JUST SAY YES, IT WAS! Duh! He already had described the trunk odor as being horrific. He thought JB was trying to trick him, yet the answer YES would have benefitted George. His attempts to avoid answering made him look like a liar.. and for no good reason. He couldn't problem solve that question. I was like.. OMG.
Not that I think GA has been an angel but, IMO, it's ICA that's lying. GA is not on trial here. ICA is. Everything will come out, just give it a little more time.
Why did he testify that he didn't ID at first the smell was decomp? (If I member right) Then later did ID same. If you ever smell decomp you will not forget it. And why not call the police immediately? This is a man who was a cop for a number of years an that trainin doesn't just up and depart.

I find it hard to believe he molested anyone and would ask for prove he did.

Edit: Thank you Pip. I think I had just better read huh. :-)
Why did he testify that he didn't ID at first the smell was decomp? (If I member right) Then later did ID same. If you ever smell decomp you will not forget it. And why not call the police immediately? This is a man who was a cop for a number of years an that trainin doesn't just up and depart.

I find it hard to believe he molested anyone and would ask for prove he did.

BBM - I say to that.......walk just a half mile in GA's shoes and therein lies the answer. Did CA not tell him "go to work", "I'll handle it"?

Shoulda, coulda, woulda, hindsight may be the lesson learned at this point.
I think a big problem with George is that he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Like when JB was trying to get him to answer the question.. 'was the smell in the trunk stronger than inside the car when you opened it at the tow yard?' I wanted to smack GA upside the head.. JUST SAY YES, IT WAS! Duh! He already had described the trunk odor as being horrific. He thought JB was trying to trick him, yet the answer YES would have benefitted George. His attempts to avoid answering made him look like a liar.. and for no good reason. He couldn't problem solve that question. I was like.. OMG.


IMO -- George was thinking that JB was trying to get him to say the smell was greater in the trunk because that is where the bag of garbage was, and George knew the garbage had nothing to do with the smell.

I also think that was what JB was trying to insinuate.

I also think that George is much smarter than most people seem to give him credit for. Let's just see how any of us would have reacted knowing our tiny granddaughter had decomposed in her mother's (our daughter's) car.

I do think GA lied about something on the 16th, I'm just not sure about what... We have to remember that at that time they thought Caylee was missing and I'm sure they didn't want to say or do anything that would make Casey look bad. I don't think he had anything to do with Caylee's death. That being said, does anyone know if any of the Athonys confirmed the report about the "fight" on the 15th between Casey and GA? I still think this is all linked somehow to that. I think Casey left the house that night(not sure if it was with or without Caylee) and that is why there is a phone call from the house to her cell( even though she was back home at that point) I think GA woke up and called to check on her only to realize she was back home...all IMHO :)

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