2011.06.11 Sidebar (Trial Day Sixteen)

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I can't fathom her leaving the baby's body in the backyard while she was at TL's watching the two videos. GA/CA could have gone into the yard with their dogs during this time.

MK said there was no odour in the car when the four of them drove to restaurant/club? I don't remember what date that was, so the baby's body must have been hidden somewhere.


It was figured out when MK got on the stand that she had gotten the dates wrong.. and that she was actually in the ica's car before sweet little caylee was killed.
what do you think happened to the roll of duct tape?

I have no idea. Casey could have tossed out her car window somewhere. What has me wondering is that Casey asked one of her friends (Amy?) if she had any duct tape.
LP has appeared on a lot of the TH's shows, but it is usually along with other guests and every time he tries to explain what he knows, he gets cut off/interrupted and imo, he does not get any respect and many times he gets laughed at, but I think he has relevant information regarding RK, however, I have yet to hear him be allowed to finish his statements.


I totally agree! I had the same idea about Zanny being code for Xanax when the excuse of the nanny was first mentioned, but no one else ever mentioned it on tv until LP. He may be quirky, but his instincts are fairly intuitive. And that defense attorney on Dr. Drew's show is an idiot IMO.
Nope, I don't see it. Caylee was wrapped in plastic, she wouldn't have been stuck together with anything. People hold frozen items all the time, no reason why a person couldn't hold a frozen 30# baby long enough to transfer it from the freezer to the car trunk. What would be impossible would be balancing a 30# frozen baby on the end of a shovel.

I think Casey killed Caylee at the house after she tried frantically to find a babysitter so she could spend the evening with Tony. When Cindy and George both told her no, she killed Caylee and left her in the backyard while she decided what to do next.

Would freezing the body hault rigor motis, as it does not appear from evidence collected that shrouding of the body took place.

Just wondering why would KC need to balance CMA on the end of a shovel. I would think the body would be placed on the ground, a hole dug and then the body rolled into the hole and then turned JIMO
I have wondered if it's intentional.

The way JB keeps asking everybody if they're getting rich from this trial and seems to have an inexplicable unwillingness to use the sophisticated visual aids the court provides I wouldn't put it past the DT to try and cultivate the notion that the defense team of the poor indigent defendant is so out of funds and outresourced by the state that the state has an unfair advantage over the defendant. A kind of David-Goliath battle going on, so to speak.

I actually wondered that too.. but i think it will not work as he comes off looking foolish..
No, they just needed a Lawyer to try and get Immunity for them ( how many grandparents of missing kids need that)...
He represented TM later for free.

How many grandparents of missing kids have been treated as horribly as what George and Cindy have been treated?
He had loads of publicity because of his lies. If he'd told the truth after bailing Casey out of jail, he wouldn't have had anything to say that would have kept him in the media. No one would be interested in hearing that Casey never said a word to him and he only spent a few minutes in the house.

At one point he told a huge elaborate story that Casey supposedly told him a few days after he bailed her out. He says she was sitting on the couch in the Anthony living room and told him a story about Zanny and her sister and their kids in the park abducting Caylee. The truth is, he was not in the house on that day and Casey never said boo to him. He made the entire thing up.

But, IIRC, that Blanchard Pk story IS something that Casey told people after finding out the cops knew it never happened at SawGrass. So that alternate kidnapping story was correct and Lee even testified to it last week.
Did the A's hire Tim Miller on their own? If so, why would they if they believed Caylee was alive? Tim Miller and his group only searches for dead children, right? Or does he search for live people too like a private eye? It does not make sense since they had Dominic to search for a live Caylee.

TES searches for the missing live or dead.


Mission Statement

Texas EquuSearch: Lost Is Not Alone

Our Vision

To return those missing back to their loved ones.

Our Mission

We are committed to providing experienced, organized and ethical volunteer search efforts for missing persons, utilizing the most suitable and up to date technologies and methodologies.
Anybody know how to email HHJP? I sho' would like him to be apprised of the flip off. Wonder how he would respond? ;)

If you need still pictures, I just did a screen capture of both instances. :)
I have no idea. Casey could have tossed out her car window somewhere. What has me wondering is that Casey asked one of her friends (Amy?) if she had any duct tape.

I think she simply put it back where she had taken it from. Not the exact spot, of course, since the concepts of neatness and order are so foreign to her...but somewhere in the garage.

Then why did they have Nejames represent them for at that time? I thought that they hired him in regard to Texas Equasearch. They needed an attorney to represent them for a volunteer organization?

I'm not sure Alley -- I didn't hear that, but TM seemed very dismayed on tv the other night regarding his dealings with CA. imo
Well, you know how well I'm versed in the background of this case, Zsa Zsa. ;)

From what little I do know, though...the personalities within the family, and the family dynamic as a whole, seems to be (looking for appropriate word) unusual. I see ALOT of denial there. What generates that within the family, I really haven't the faintest idea. But, at least where CA and ICA are concerned, reality seems to be something they think they can wish or lie away.

Bottom line for me, though, where CA is concerned, is that she did absolutely nothing to cause the death of this little girl. Nor do I believe she had anything to do with covering it up. I think she desperately needed to believe her daughter was innocent of this, and maybe made some unwise choices as a result of that need.

There but for the grace of God go you or I, you know?

Except for your last sentence I can understand your position, but I would NOT ever have done what CA did, not just unwisely but deliberately lie over and over, doing her best to obstruct the investigation into Caylee's death simply to protect (1) ICA's guilt and (2) her own vain image .
It is not a coincidence that the first time she has told the truth about several critical matters was last week on the stand, but that was only because she was forced into a corner by her own well documented lies. They were coming for GA and LA and I feel sure she would have been prosecuted by the SA when this case finished. That made her change of heart, nothing else. She will still cover up for ICA any chance she can get away with it. She is a bigger liar than her daughter IMO.
But, IIRC, that Blanchard Pk story IS something that Casey told people after finding out the cops knew it never happened at SawGrass. So that alternate kidnapping story was correct and Lee even testified to it last week.

I didn't hear Lee's testimony so I have to ask, did Lee testify that Casey told that story to Padilla, after Padilla prodded it out of her? That's what Padilla claims. As I said, she never spoke to Padilla.
Oh wait...LE never found a roll of duct tape at the house? Guess that hasn't come up in court yet.

I need to stop chatting with you guys, you are messing up my mock juror status. ;)
But, IIRC, that Blanchard Pk story IS something that Casey told people after finding out the cops knew it never happened at SawGrass. So that alternate kidnapping story was correct and Lee even testified to it last week.

The story may have been told, but LP was not in the house to have heard it said to him. That is the part he made up.
Except for your last sentence I can understand your position, but I would NOT ever have done what CA did, not just unwisely but deliberately lie over and over, doing her best to obstruct the investigation into Caylee's death simply to protect (1) ICA's guilt and (2) her own vain image .
It is not a coincidence that the first time she has told the truth about several critical matters was last week on the stand, but that was only because she was forced into a corner by her own well documented lies. They were coming for GA and LA and I feel sure she would have been prosecuted by the SA when this case finished. That made her change of heart, nothing else. She will still cover up for ICA any chance she can get away with it. She is a bigger liar than her daughter IMO.


Are we even sure that she told the truth this time, ZsaZsa? I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing any of the Anthonys. After three years of constantly changing stories, bizarre outbursts, etc. from the whole lot of them, I am still not sure we're hearing the truth.
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