2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Tweets now saying the jury will stay at the courthouse waiting for recall...
Judge Alex is opining on Fox News about the jury instructions now.
Two sets of rules... one for the State, one for the Defense... how convenient... for the SAO. This trial is a circus without a ringmaster, and if there is one, he's greatly biased to his favorite actors. JMOO

HHJP has bent over backwards to keep the Defense from tripping on their own land mines. If anything, he's provided cover to keep them from blowing themselves up.
If Baez was a better lawyer, perhaps he'd win more arguments.

Richard Hornsby blogged that the defense is so inept, you can pretty much bet the State will win every motion.

It's not the State or Judge Perry's fault that Baez is an inept lawyer.

Hornsby will have to compete with Baez for clients for years to come. I'm certain his opinion is unbiased. moo
This is absolutely ridiculous, I am disgusted with BOTH SIDES!!!
Ashton contradicted himself when the judge asked how long they will need. "Just the new info, should be brief." Baez: "So you are saying there is new info?" Ashton: "NO. I. AM. NOT."
I thought the state's rebuttal had to be new testimony, not covered in their CIC. If this is nothing new, why bring them in? I don't get it.

The testimony are the "sub opinions" that come up that the Judge refered to when he issued is order for the expert reports. JMO
This is absolutely ridiculous, I am disgusted with BOTH SIDES!!!
Ashton contradicted himself when the judge asked how long they will need. "Just the new info, should be brief." Baez: "So you are saying there is new info?" Ashton: "NO. I. AM. NOT."
I thought the state's rebuttal had to be new testimony, not covered in their CIC. If this is nothing new, why bring them in? I don't get it.

I took that to mean the rebuttal info which was not presented but is in the report. There is no new info. It's new to BAEZ who did not take the time to read the reports.
I wonder if Baez doesn't understand the difference between rebuttal testimony and "new opinions". I think he is confusing the two. It sounds to me like he wants to call all testimony "opinions". Did he not expect the state to have any rebuttal testimony??? Sounds like it to me.
I dunno.. perhaps an "anthropologist" is not qualified to rebut a "pathologist" but does that resonate any less than a non-peer-reviewed self-titled "griefologist" who speaks in hypothetical dynamics instead of actually interviewing the accused or her family? Get real

But dirt in the brain wash is not that sophisticated.
Dirt is dirt..
Changed my plans - library shelves can wait, I'm heading for the liquor store. Can I get you guys anything?

Well it is 2.30 here and I am seriously considering having a beer.
I would like to slap JB, just get it over with!!!
Those poor jurors and my family are getting sick of my obsession which has been going on for over four weeks!!!
Maybe JB just wants to watch the Wimbledon men's tennis semi-finals now going on?
To make her chest appear larger,IMO:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Who in the same position would be concerned with their shirt. I have no doubt, I would be in a straight jacket by now.
Can someone please state what the ultimate sanctions would be if this is an imaginary problem? I know disbarment is one, but can Jose be arrested, jailed, and fined heavily? And will HHJP actually do it?

After yesterday and the finger incident I don't ever put anything past what HHJP will do. He is definitely a tough judge.
When the guards testified the other day about Casey is always happy happy happy...
and has a 6 by 8 cell size, I actually got out my tape measure to see how big that really is, holy smokes I have seen dog crates that large.

She sure did not want to go back to the holding cell..can you imagine just sitting for hours with nothing to do, nothing to read.. for me it would be shear torture but I suppose she is used to just sitting hours at a time.

Then ICA should prod her defense to hurry this process up, because I hear the cells are larger over at the State Prison. Can we say "UPGRADE". lol
Hornsby will have to compete with Baez for clients for years to come. I'm certain his opinion is unbiased. moo

Yes, we love ourselves some Hornsby but we have to remember he is here for the publicity also and self promotion - not just justice for Caylee...
I think the judge should remand all attorneys to be sequestered at the courthouse and working until they get this carp dealt with. Depos done at the courthouse, lunches at courthouse, showers at courthouse. JUST LIKE THE JURY. Perhaps when JB doesn't have the comfort of his own bed, he will realize how quickly he needs to get this over with. And the freaking head ticking when he is being challenged by a REAL man is driving me to....sit on my hands. :loser:

I wouldn't put it past him...that's a great idea!
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