2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Well, I haven't watched a single interview since the verdict, have not landed on ABC or NBC since the verdict, nor HLN. I've never watched Fox. I admit to a few articles but if I start getting angry, I bail out. This verdict has truly made me sick-- viewing offending material is like revisiting the meal that gave me food poisoning. I will NEVER lay eyes on any of that defense team, or that family, again. I hope they all sink into obscurity, and soon. mo
issueswithjvm Jane Velez-Mitchell
Mark Geragos on Issues tonight, live at 7pm! Is he "coaching" Jose Baez into booking a tell-all interview for #CaseyAnthony? Find out 2night

Mark Geragos? :sick: Don't think will be able to stomach him, but if anyone else watches post what he says please
I expect we will see some "novel" approaches to making money for Casey Anthony that might seem detrimental on the surface, but are really under the surface beneficial.

So this is the America that so many people gave their lives for? Someone with money and influence who is opposed to what has happened in this travesty better start doing something.

Not with a bang, but a whimper... I hear that

We are living in interesting times

One thing that mAy bloom from the ashes of this debacle is awareness of the ludicrous and perverse position our justice system has been twisted in to. A small alarm bell thar perhaps a few will heed? Well. I can dream right?

In the mean time go out and do good works and deeds. And vote with your remote and dollar
issueswithjvm Jane Velez-Mitchell
Mark Geragos on Issues tonight, live at 7pm! Is he "coaching" Jose Baez into booking a tell-all interview for #CaseyAnthony? Find out 2night

Mark Geragos? :sick: Don't think will be able to stomach him, but if anyone else watches post what he says please

Thanks but NO thanks. I don't watch ANYTHING that has to do with the A's or their Attorneys.
Congratulations! I have been staying away from it too and finally feel like I'm starting to breathe in some clean air.....

I've been reading . My hubby said Amazon should have paid me to get a Kindle because they are making so much money at the other end :great:

I keep coming back to WS cuz I miss my peeps :seeya:
I've been reading . My hubby said Amazon should have paid me to get a Kindle because they are making so much money at the other end :great:

I keep coming back to WS cuz I miss my peeps :seeya:

Exactly - one of the first things I did was pick up some Vonnnegut - it seemed appropriate at the time

And, if I may, I look forward to seeing all of you each day or thereabouts. I'll always be grateful for all of you. You give me faith and hope
We are all in this together Whisperer ..I am grateful to all of you too!!
Nights I can't sleep and sit here in tears so ashamed of the jury Caylee had that gave her not one shread of justice .
On Caylee's death certificate it said she was murdered!! What else did they NEED !
Sometimes reading the posts ...you all say things so much better than I can express ..gives me goosebumps because you are all just so damn right on !
I have been writing emails and so have my kids .
I think I will lose my mind if they all end up rich off of that baby being murdered and thrown away like trash !

With all respect to you. You should be upset with the Procecution, investigators, and others that brought the case forward.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court. This is suppose to be the murder weapon, according to the procecution. There isn't enough evidence with the chloroform, nothing showing any was made, nothing showing any of the ingredience was bought to make it. No connection.
Sadly, we have to be real and respect the decision because this case wasn't a first degree-death penalty case, anyway you look at it. Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
It saddens me but I knew in my heart what the verdic was going to be or should have been. With the evidence provided I didn't see any other way. I had looked past the Talking Heads through, as soon as the trial started and started focusing on the evidence. All the lies people told on the stand didn't help either, it caused doubt.
:floorlaugh: I hope they <modsnip> are reading here ... and I hope it is giving them "nightmares" ...

:seeya: Pinellas 12
:seeya: 5 Alternates


I have thoughts of that myself ... how are they sleeping at night? Have they even considered they made a mistake? Are they ashamed of their decision is that the reason for hiding or is it really out of fear?

I don't care who they are now and I don't wish them any harm ... I just don't agree with their decision. :cow::cow:
With all respect to you. You should be upset with the Procecution, investigators, and others that brought the case forward.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court. This is suppose to be the murder weapon, according to the procecution. There isn't enough evidence with the chloroform, nothing showing any was made, nothing showing any of the ingredience was bought to make it. No connection.
Sadly, we have to be real and respect the decision because this case wasn't a first degree-death penalty case, anyway you look at it. Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
It saddens me but I knew in my heart what the verdic was going to be or should have been. With the evidence provided I didn't see any other way. I had looked past the Talking Heads through, as soon as the trial started and started focusing on the evidence. All the lies people told on the stand didn't help either, it caused doubt.

Beg to differ. We can "speculate" ie. interpret the evidence any way we like. I feel the State tied it all together and it takes someone completely incapable of critical thinking to not see it. that's my take and I'll shout it off the rooftops as loud and as long as I like. I see you just found us here. Check out the YEARS of sleuthing and reading of the evidence. You'll be amazed at what "we can connect" to FCA.
Beg to differ. We can "speculate" ie. interpret the evidence any way we like. I feel the State tied it all together and it takes someone completely incapable of critical thinking to not see it. that's my take and I'll shout it off the rooftops as loud and as long as I like. I see you just found us here. Check out the YEARS of sleuthing and reading of the evidence. You'll be amazed at what "we can connect" to FCA.

The jurors did not have three years worth of sleuthing or reading...only what they heard in those six weeks and there was a lot they did not hear, IMO...
With all respect to you. You should be upset with the Procecution, investigators, and others that brought the case forward.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court. This is suppose to be the murder weapon, according to the procecution. There isn't enough evidence with the chloroform, nothing showing any was made, nothing showing any of the ingredience was bought to make it. No connection.
Sadly, we have to be real and respect the decision because this case wasn't a first degree-death penalty case, anyway you look at it. Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
It saddens me but I knew in my heart what the verdic was going to be or should have been. With the evidence provided I didn't see any other way. I had looked past the Talking Heads through, as soon as the trial started and started focusing on the evidence. All the lies people told on the stand didn't help either, it caused doubt.

And I beg to differ, they didn't even review the evidence brought before them! They were flippant and dismissive of the job before them, putting your feet in the room is NOT the responsibility. That jury failed, and they failed all of us! Pfft, if they had worked at the evidence, I wouldn't feel ENTIRELY ripped off. MOOOOOO

Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
When Jennifer Ford (juror #3) said that I didn't understand it and now you are saying not guilty doesn't mean innocent. Explain that to me please.

If I was on trial for a crime and found 'not guilty' I would certainly rejoice that the jury found me innocent of the crime. It's black and white ... Guilty or Not Guilty ... there is no gray area in there in my mind.

I have served on civil and criminal juries in addition to one Federal jury. We had a decision to make each time Guilty or Not Guilty or if we couldn't arrive at a verdict ... hung. But never have I heard 'not guilty' described as 'doesn't mean innocent' until this trial. :confused: :cow::cow:
With all respect to you. You should be upset with the Procecution, investigators, and others that brought the case forward.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court.
This is suppose to be the murder weapon, according to the procecution. There isn't enough evidence with the chloroform, nothing showing any was made, nothing showing any of the ingredience was bought to make it. No connection.
Sadly, we have to be real and respect the decision because this case wasn't a first degree-death penalty case, anyway you look at it. Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
It saddens me but I knew in my heart what the verdic was going to be or should have been. With the evidence provided I didn't see any other way. I had looked past the Talking Heads through, as soon as the trial started and started focusing on the evidence. All the lies people told on the stand didn't help either, it caused doubt.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

The jury DID NOT base their verdict upon 'everything' that was given to them. They ignored most of the forensics, labeled some of it as 'too confusing' and 'too emotional.' They said much of it was too speculative, and then the foreman admits that they discussed their opinion that George may have killed the child. And that is not pure speculation? Besides all of that, they showed their ignorance concerning the jury instructions a few times, making statements showing they did not follow them correctly.

And they came to the verdict rapidly, WITHOUT going through the evidence and asking any questions. Just the fact that they said they were 'confused' and yet they asked for no clarification tells me they shirked their responsibilities. imoo

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court.

YES, you CAN connect things to Casey. The jury admitted that they thought the body was probably in Casey's car trunk. Is that NOT a connection?
So they agree that she drove around with her dead child in her trunk, never reported the child dead, and yet there is no 'connection' to Casey?

She was the child's mother and caretaker and guardian. THAT right there is the connection. She is legally responsible for her welfare and well-being. How could they acquit of the involuntary manslaughter at the very least, knowing she was dead in the car trunk while Mom partied?

The duct tape was not connected to George, it was the 'family' duct tape. And do you really believe he would duct tape a dead child's face and then keep that roll and carry it around to the tents later on? That right there is evidence he was NOT the one who duct taped Caylee. imo
The jurors did not have three years worth of sleuthing or reading...only what they heard in those six weeks and there was a lot they did not hear, IMO...

They had enough, imho. But the assertion was we had to accept what they "thought". I beg to differ. I know better and I will never accept what they said. They took bald face lies with NO EVIDENCE as truth because they were too lazy to look at anything with a critical eye. If they had, they would have at least garnered some respect. Nope, they bought the lies Baez fed them so they could go home. Caylee is the only one who lost.
They had enough, imho. But the assertion was we had to accept what they "thought". I beg to differ. I know better and I will never accept what they said. They took bald face lies with NO EVIDENCE as truth because they were too lazy to look at anything with a critical eye. If they had, they would have at least garnered some respect. Nope, they bought the lies Baez fed them so they could go home. Caylee is the only one who lost.

No one has to accept it, but we do have to live with it, I guess.
No one has to accept it, but we do have to live with it, I guess.

We all choose how to live with it. I choose to not sit back and be lazy about that "acceptance". Any time I'm questioned, I'll come back with the evidence... the real evidence, not some fantasy story bought by <modsnip> thinkers.
I have thoughts of that myself ... how are they sleeping at night? Have they even considered they made a mistake? Are they ashamed of their decision is that the reason for hiding or is it really out of fear?

I don't care who they are now and I don't wish them any harm ... I just don't agree with their decision. :cow::cow:

BBM: My Opinion is that they are "hiding out" because they ARE "ASHAMED" of their decision ... NOT "fear".

And what is it that they "fear" ? There have been no VERIFIED threats from any LE agencies that have been made known to the public ...

In my opinion ... the Jury did WRONG ... and they KNOW IT ... so they have to LIVE WITH IT !

Beg to differ. We can "speculate" ie. interpret the evidence any way we like. I feel the State tied it all together and it takes someone completely incapable of critical thinking to not see it. that's my take and I'll shout it off the rooftops as loud and as long as I like. I see you just found us here. Check out the YEARS of sleuthing and reading of the evidence. You'll be amazed at what "we can connect" to FCA.

The State told a story and I agree they tied it (their story) all together, but the important fact is they couldn't tie it to Casey. I can assure you that I'm not incapable or critical of thinking to not see the evidence or what happened.
Just because I haven't posted here many times doesn't mean that I'm ignorant or don't have a brain, or that I haven't had years of reading and following other cases.
All I can say, with respect to you is that what was wanted by most is a Guilty Verdict but there wasn't a connection, and you cannot assume that someone premeditated a murder and then carried it out, without the evidence to prove it. That is why we have a jury and laws, and instructions to follow. You can't connect what is not there, sleuther or not.
The State told a story and I agree they tied it (their story) all together, but the important fact is they couldn't tie it to Casey. I can assure you that I'm not incapable or critical of thinking to not see the evidence or what happened.
Just because I haven't posted here many times doesn't mean that I'm ignorant or don't have a brain, or that I haven't had years of reading and following other cases.
All I can say, with respect to you is that what was wanted by most is a Guilty Verdict but there wasn't a connection, and you cannot assume that someone premeditated a murder and then carried it out, without the evidence to prove it. That is why we have a jury and laws, and instructions to follow. You can't connect what is not there, sleuther or not.

Again.. you state that as fact. I disagree. We'll never agree.
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