TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #28

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LE would be less likely to share info with the family if it hasn't ruled out all of its members. Just saying...
Its time the LE come forward and admit they have failed this family. I am not trying to bash them, I have all the respect for LE, but everyone needs to know when to ask for help.

There needs to be a resolution to this case. LE needs to come forward with all the information they have and ask for help. Swallow your pride and do the right thing for this family.

Its time to stop worrying about leaking info that might compromise a conviction. You don't have to worry about a conviction if you can't solve the case.

I came for a very small town (1 stop light) from the south. Trust me, $80K is enough to get people talking. I don't believe its a connected family or anything like that. Sure, there are always 'big wigs' in a small town, but trust me there are plenty people that would spill their juts for 80K, if they knew anything. We had the rich families in our town, we also had plenty of people that would have loved to bring down the rich families. The 80K is still out there because LE is lost.
Its time the LE come forward and admit they have failed this family. I am not trying to bash them, I have all the respect for LE, but everyone needs to know when to ask for help.

There needs to be a resolution to this case. LE needs to come forward with all the information they have and ask for help. Swallow your pride and do the right thing for this family.

Its time to stop worrying about leaking info that might compromise a conviction. You don't have to worry about a conviction if you can't solve the case.

I came for a very small town (1 stop light) from the south. Trust me, $80K is enough to get people talking. I don't believe its a connected family or anything like that. Sure, there are always 'big wigs' in a small town, but trust me there are plenty people that would spill their juts for 80K, if they knew anything. We had the rich families in our town, we also had plenty of people that would have loved to bring down the rich families. The 80K is still out there because LE is lost.

I agree 100% that it is time for LE to step up and ask for help. I just don't think the help is out there...I really think someone just swooped in and took her, local or otherwise, and that no one else knows. I think LE probably has investigated all the possibilities and come up empty. I have a really hopeless feeling in this case. Maybe Holly will be found one day, maybe not. And even then, I doubt we will ever know what happened. I know I am super-pessimistic here, but just my own feelings.
IMO – just because LE has not released any pertinent info to the family or media, does not mean they don’t have a good idea who took Holly. It could simply mean they believe Person X abducted Holly but cannot prove it, i.e. lack of evidence. There’s got to be more to convict than just gut instinct, even though that gut instinct may be right every time.

Or…. This Person X could be protected by the right connections. And I don’t mean someone else knows the perp committed the crime, but someone could be providing him with an alibi because they believe Person X could never do something like this, so why involve him unnecessarily.
Holly, I think about you every day. I never knew you...but I miss you.
IMO – just because LE has not released any pertinent info to the family or media, does not mean they don’t have a good idea who took Holly. It could simply mean they believe Person X abducted Holly but cannot prove it, i.e. lack of evidence. There’s got to be more to convict than just gut instinct, even though that gut instinct may be right every time.

Or…. This Person X could be protected by the right connections. And I don’t mean someone else knows the perp committed the crime, but someone could be providing him with an alibi because they believe Person X could never do something like this, so why involve him unnecessarily.

The thing is that in other cases I have seen LE state they think someone may have knowledge about whatever... and try to put some pubclic heat on that person. For example Misty Crosslin... but in this case LE has not indicated anyone is even a POI (fancy new PC name for suspect). IMHO they are clueless. Remember they said they were one puzzle piece away from solving this? And that was what, 3 months ago?
Clint said he spends his days driving from town to town posting flyers, etc...I can't see this being the focus of his time if they have a local suspect but just not enough evidence...JMO

I don't think there is a specific POI.
The thing is that in other cases I have seen LE state they think someone may have knowledge about whatever... and try to put some pubclic heat on that person. For example Misty Crosslin... but in this case LE has not indicated anyone is even a POI (fancy new PC name for suspect). IMHO they are clueless. Remember they said they were one puzzle piece away from solving this? And that was what, 3 months ago?

I do not believe LE is clueless.

I believe they have accumulated clues in this case. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have stated, “We believe this person is a local.” Or, “We’re just one puzzle piece away from solving the case.”

They have a lot more information about this case than we do. They have the complete eyewitness testimony of Clint; timeline of calls, 911 calls, and Holly’s phone records (maybe even her phone).

My question is what is this one “puzzle piece” and why are they waiting on it, why not just go and get it?

It almost seems as though they’re just sitting on the information they do have. I believe they did have a POI (they just didn’t name him publicly), but something has changed. This POI may have shored up a tight alibi.

What would be the advantage to LE to not name their POI publicly? I mean, if LE was confident enough to state they were close to solving the case, why not name the suspect?

I do not believe LE is clueless.

I believe they have accumulated clues in this case. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have stated, “We believe this person is a local.” Or, “We’re just one puzzle piece away from solving the case.”

They have a lot more information about this case than we do. They have the complete eyewitness testimony of Clint; timeline of calls, 911 calls, and Holly’s phone records (maybe even her phone).

My question is what is this one “puzzle piece” and why are they waiting on it, why not just go and get it?

It almost seems as though they’re just sitting on the information they do have. I believe they did have a POI (they just didn’t name him publicly), but something has changed. This POI may have shored up a tight alibi.

What would be the advantage to LE to not name their POI publicly? I mean, if LE was confident enough to state they were close to solving the case, why not name the suspect?


That is a good question. Would they be missing the "motive" or could it be someone they are unable to question for some reason or another. Would they withhold the name if this person could disappear easily?

As far as I remember the only people mentioned were family, bf, the neighbor's son and a neighbor.
I wouldn't read too much into the "missing piece." I took it to be a LE tactic to encourage people to come forward with information. Like: "If you've got a piece of info, let us know. It might be the lead that enables us to solve this crime." I could be wrong, but I really don't think they're close to solving it. Just the opposite: they're stumped.
I wouldn't read too much into the "missing piece." I took it to be a LE tactic to encourage people to come forward with information. Like: "If you've got a piece of info, let us know. It might be the lead that enables us to solve this crime." I could be wrong, but I really don't think they're close to solving it. Just the opposite: they're stumped.

I think they are too. This person had it well planned, had an escape route, and knew the area. She might be somewhere in that forest and she might still be alive. I think she is........maybe because I hope she is.

How many abductors go after someone in broad daylight in full costume as in this case? I wonder if his camo looked new, used, or well used and faded. I know it sounds crazy but I believe she is hidden in plan site (not literally) in those woods. He could have been watching her for months and I believe he was.

Poor Holly.
I believe if LE had an idea who the perp was, the case would've already been solved. Since Clint didn't recognize the perp and the description is very generic for rural Tennessee, the clue doesn't really narrow it down much. I guess they've mainly just gone through every local's work schedule and have probably narrowed it down to a few hundred guys who weren't at work that morning at that time.

I'm guessing the main thing that makes LE believe it's a local is how they found some of her stuff days after she was abuducted and believe the perp was in town at least that long, rather than being a transient.

From having management experience in trucking, one thing that makes me think it's less likely that it was a trucker is that it happened on a Wednesday. Most truckers have loads on weekdays, especially Wednesday, and need to be either driving or sleeping. If she had gone missing between Friday night and Monday morning, I would be more inclined to think it's more possible that a trucker had a layover and too much time on his hands. I'm not saying the trucking angle isn't possible. Nothing should be ruled out. I'm just saying a renegade trucker would be considerably more dangerous on weekends rather than Wednesday due to having time to waste because of a lack of pickups and deliveries on the weekend.
The thing with a trucker is does the trucker tow an ATV or pickup or jeep around with his big rig? A trucker would have a hard time finding Holly by random, and not have the time to case her school and house, figure out who was at home and not home, etc. If he had his semi parked at a truck stop by the interestate how would he get to Holly's isolated house?

I would think killers who were truckers, travelling salesmen, etc would tend to chose victims closer to the truck stop and perhaps somewhat easier to abduct and dispose of (lot lizards for example).
I believe if LE had an idea who the perp was, the case would've already been solved. Since Clint didn't recognize the perp and the description is very generic for rural Tennessee, the clue doesn't really narrow it down much. I guess they've mainly just gone through every local's work schedule and have probably narrowed it down to a few hundred guys who weren't at work that morning at that time.

I'm guessing the main thing that makes LE believe it's a local is how they found some of her stuff days after she was abuducted and believe the perp was in town at least that long, rather than being a transient.

From having management experience in trucking, one thing that makes me think it's less likely that it was a trucker is that it happened on a Wednesday. Most truckers have loads on weekdays, especially Wednesday, and need to be either driving or sleeping. If she had gone missing between Friday night and Monday morning, I would be more inclined to think it's more possible that a trucker had a layover and too much time on his hands. I'm not saying the trucking angle isn't possible. Nothing should be ruled out. I'm just saying a renegade trucker would be considerably more dangerous on weekends rather than Wednesday due to having time to waste because of a lack of pickups and deliveries on the weekend.


As an OTR truck driver I just wanted to clarify a few things. Things have changed in the trucking industry. If the truck has electronic logs, you must do a mandatory 10 hr. break everyday, and during this break if the truck moves at all the company is notified. We also have the 34hr restart to get back our 70 hrs of driving, but yet again the truck cannot move during this time. It really is just random when this happens, a lot of variables are involved.

There are many who have their own authority, and if this is the case they can move their truck anytime they want as they do not have electronic logs.

Trucking is 24/7, it really depends if you sit on a weekday vs. a weekend depending on the freight in the area and the company you drive for.

The thing with a trucker is does the trucker tow an ATV or pickup or jeep around with his big rig? A trucker would have a hard time finding Holly by random, and not have the time to case her school and house, figure out who was at home and not home, etc. If he had his semi parked at a truck stop by the interestate how would he get to Holly's isolated house?

I would think killers who were truckers, travelling salesmen, etc would tend to chose victims closer to the truck stop and perhaps somewhat easier to abduct and dispose of (lot lizards for example).


That would not be allowed. D.O.T. would have us in a heartbeat. I have seen motorcycles, bicycles and scooters strapped to the back of the rigs, gives those drivers a chance to do something while they are on their breaks.

One thing I have seen is the auto haulers have the means to move the cars they are hauling and the odd time I have witnessed them removing a car and driving it somewhere.

I haven't followed this case as closely as others so don't know if a trucker is or isn't involved, just wanted to share this.

That would not be allowed. D.O.T. would have us in a heartbeat. I have seen motorcycles, bicycles and scooters strapped to the back of the rigs, gives those drivers a chance to do something while they are on their breaks.

One thing I have seen is the auto haulers have the means to move the cars they are hauling and the odd time I have witnessed them removing a car and driving it somewhere.

I haven't followed this case as closely as others so don't know if a trucker is or isn't involved, just wanted to share this.

That was my point they wouldnt do it... I cant see a trucker unloading a new Accord, taking it for an off road, through the woods bud bogging ride, and then loading it back up again after he comitted the crime either.
One of the reasons LE believe the perp is a local (I think the Bobo’s do too) is because of his knowledge to navigate through the woods near the Bobo property.

I don’t think the perp is a trucker trucking through town with his load or just some transient - unless he has some old ties to the community (i.e. he used to live there, has family who lives there, hunts there seasonally), which would fit him into a category of a local to some degree.

You would not need much advance knowledge of the woods if you'd been stalking Holly or even just staked out the house for a few hours that morning, parked your vehicle, made your way through to where you could see her, and then take the same route back. Very easy, especially since no one tried to follow him, as far as I know, at least not at the moment they were walking into the woods. Could have been someone from anywhere, passing through town, became fixated, and made a plan.
Does it sound logical that a trucker would have spotted Holly, took the time to find out where she lives, stalked and kidnapped her, did whatever he intended to do and then disposed of her body somewhere? Most truckers I know don't have the time to do all that during a break, their main concern is getting a decent meal, taking a shower, changing clothes and sleeping. Maybe picking up a lot lizard for a little horizontal recreation. And if there is a trucker who likes to rape and murder young women, he isn't going to go to that much trouble to get one, he is going to pick one up from a truck stop or a rest stop somewhere, not go tromping through the woods to one's house and risk being seen. I think the chances of it being a random trucker who is also a stalker/murderer are pretty slim.
For this case, I'm sticking to the KISS principle. It would not surprise me in the least if the perp is someone close to the family.

I even researched Amy Patterson's ex husband who is on the run after he allegedly murdered her. Her case was featured on NG the other night and it was mentioned that he had been spotted in various States including TN. But when I factored in the timeline, it didn't add up.

CB's actions, whether we want to admit it or not, are strange. Calling mom is one that keeps bothering me and I wish there was a good explanation as to why he did it but I don't think we'll ever know the truth. IMO, there is a lot of secrecy. Someone is being protected and perhaps it is not because the person is involved but it does leave people with a lot of questions. The most obvious (and I hate sounding like a broken record) is if he admitted that he thought the persons in the garage were Holly and BF looking over a turkey, then why did he just not go out there and ask "hey what's up?"....especially now that we know he used to go four wheeling with Holly and her bf. They seemed to be a very close family but then again, we just never know what takes place behind closed doors.
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