MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #12

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Yes!!!! and they keep adding stuff.... Like the first ime "dad" JI says I thought something was wrong when I drove up and saw the window open and all the lights on so I right away checked on the boys then saw Lisa was missing and started running through the house calling her,

Then in the last one I just watch he says, after looking in on the "boys" I went into the office and tried to fix the screen went in and was talking to "mom" DB, and then asked where is Lisa

UGH! Embellishments or changes to a story are never any good. :(
From that same link, I found this to be a tad interesting:

In addition to the pictures from yesterday where they were re-enacting and it looked like the officer needed a little help getting through the window.

It's clearly possible to get in through the window. Might not be very easy but possible, since he got in every time.
wow - this thread has gone off topic & down hill!

Anything newer than this? Police: 'At the mercy of the next good idea'

As Day 7 arrived, more than 250 tips later, there still is no sign of baby Lisa, but the former agent said hope should not fade.

Police said they received information that it is where baby Lisa's father had a job recently; they left empty-handed. Edwardsville KS lead BBM

"It is a long amount of time, considering it is a baby you talk about a 24-hour rule as being crucial amount of time you can throw that out," said Jeff Lanza, former FBI agent.

Lanza is following the baby Lisa case.

He said after a week, police probably have all they need at the family's home. BBM If they prolly have everything that they need at their house then a next step could be that Lisa was taken away from the house.

The coulda/shoulda/woulda with the parents is starting to show that there is nothing there.
Lisa is 10 months old. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. She is 30 inches tall and weighs between 26 and 30 pounds.

I checked out some height/weight charts for babies and noted that 28-29" is average height for boys and girls at 12 months. Average weights for boys and girls vary by a couple of pounds, with boys weighing slightly more. Lisa is above average height and weight at 10 months. Just curious...

I posted the same thoughts a few days back. When I watched the families 'standing' interview, Lisa's dad looked tall...way taller than D.

A note about story changes - in my trial advocacy class, I was taught that people who are being truthful will have small changes in their recounting of events, because you're going through the process of recollecting it in your mind and recounting what you remember. There are tons of little variables that will effect the amount of info you pull - things like how the question is phrased, how tired the person is, etc. Two people who saw the same thing or experienced something together will tell things a bit differently, or even disagree and contradict each other.

When a story is exactly the same, time after time, with no variability, that's when someone is more likely to be lying because that points to a rehearsed story. You're parroting back what you memorized. When you have two people telling the same story, with no variability between each other, or from recounting to recounting, that's when you definitely have to question their stories.

So, I'm still on the fence about the parents. I've not seen a glaring inconsistency - just little variability. JMHO.
I didn't think they were going to find Elizabeth Smart alive either. But obviously nobody is going to kidnap a 10 months old baby to make that baby a "sister wife." So it got to be a completely different motive if somebody did kidnap her to begin with.

Yeah, the motive is completely different. I just never thought in a million years they'd find Elizabeth. So there's always hope...
Can anyone think of a reason why JI has not been given a polygraph? He has said he is willing to take one. I don't understand why LE would polygraph the Mom but not the Dad. Even if JI has an alibi, that would not necessarily mean he doesn't have knowledge of what took place.

The only thing I can think of is that they are trying to drive a wedge between the parents to get one of them to talk. Are LDT's expensive? Could they be absolutely certain of dad's location during the time in question and simply don't want to stretch the budget by testing him for nothing?
He said after a week, police probably have all they need at the family's home. BBM If they prolly have everything that they need at their house then a next step could be that Lisa was taken away from the house.

The coulda/shoulda/woulda with the parents is starting to show that there is nothing there.

This is where we all see things differently.

Everything they've done, has led them nowhere else. The restaging of the "break-in" may have been the clincher.

There's only one victim here: the child.
I am not an attorney and have no idea what records would be available per this link, but would love it if someone in the know could interpret!!

610.200. Law enforcement agency log or record available for inspection and copying — limitation.

610.200. Law enforcement agency log or record available for inspection and copying — limitation.

All law enforcement agencies that maintain a daily log or record that lists suspected crimes, accidents, or complaints, shall make available the following information for inspection and copying by the public:

(1) The time, substance, and location of all complaints or requests for assistance received by the agency;
(2) The time and nature of the agency's response to all complaints or request for assistance; and
(3) If the incident involves an alleged crime or infraction:

(a) The time, date, and location of occurrence;
(b) The name and age of any victim, unless the victim is a victim of a crime under chapter 566, RSMo;
(c) The factual circumstances surrounding the incident; and
(d) A general description of any injuries, property or weapons involved.
Now I wonder if the window latch thing is why they searched the burned dumpster and the landfill.

If mom staged it ,the latch is somewhere but not on the outside because she would have left the latch laying there or thrown it away because the the screen never came all the way off.

If an abductor pryed the screen back the latch would be in the yard. Somewhere ,if the screen came all the way off.

In police terms anyway. The latch ,if thats what is being looked for (and I cannot think of anything else) should be in the yard.
Here's a fact: Lisa's parents have not been named suspects by LE.

No one is named a "suspect" anymore, until there's enough evidence for an indictment or arrest. Naming one a suspect, pretty much insures they'll lawyer up.
A note about story changes - in my trial advocacy class, I was taught that people who are being truthful will have small changes in their recounting of events, because you're going through the process of recollecting it in your mind and recounting what you remember. There are tons of little variables that will effect the amount of info you pull - things like how the question is phrased, how tired the person is, etc. Two people who saw the same thing or experienced something together will tell things a bit differently, or even disagree and contradict each other.

When a story is exactly the same, time after time, with no variability, that's when someone is more likely to be lying because that points to a rehearsed story. You're parroting back what you memorized. When you have two people telling the same story, with no variability between each other, or from recounting to recounting, that's when you definitely have to question their stories.

So, I'm still on the fence about the parents. I've not seen a glaring inconsistency - just little variability. JMHO.

I worked in a bank that was robbed. You're right. That's exactly what happens.
Yes!!!! and they keep adding stuff.... Like the first ime "dad" JI says I thought something was wrong when I drove up and saw the window open and all the lights on so I right away checked on the boys then saw Lisa was missing and started running through the house calling her,

Then in the last one I just watch he says, after looking in on the "boys" I went into the office and tried to fix the screen went in and was talking to "mom" DB, and then asked where is Lisa

That would really change the whole coming home and knowing somethings wrong right away scenario. Plus it would add more time before 911 was called and when he got home.
It's clearly possible to get in through the window. Might not be very easy but possible, since he got in every time.

I did see that he did get in. But what I was implying is that it wasn't easy with both having assistance to get up to the window and a sliding window falling down on him.
Have the parents been seen anywhere in public since Friday night at the hotel? I know it has been said that they met with LE on Saturday, sat down with them, ect.

I looked at the pics of the vigil last night and did not see either of them there. Did I miss that?
I have a question about the river. How fast is the current? Is it a slow moving river or not?

If Baby Lisa was put in there, is there any chance that she may surface?

Very good question, and can't find an answer. It's pretty slow moving in the city because of dams just north of there (if memory serves). But it's swift enough that most bodies dumped in it will resurface (if they do at all) miles downriver from K.C. I remember there was a time when a serial killer was murdering prostitutes (think I posted this before on earlier thread) and the bodies would eventually wash up from the river or be found in it miles away.
I did a google search of Debra Netz and of Debra Netts. NETTS comes up with links pertaining to this case wheras NETZ does not. So, which is the correct spelling?
If one of the boys was with mom the father couldn't have looked on the boys without getting into the mother's bedroom. So that is a confusing idea (looking at the boys) coming from the father. He could have only looked at one boy, since the other one was with mom.

It was confusing. It's the details that usually snag people up when they are not being honest.
Anyone notice in this video, JI, say at the very beginning "WE found" than changes it to "ah...Found the....


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