General theory thread and motives rehashed #5

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:waitasec: Crystal said it too... Can we believe anything she says? :crazy:

I have no doubts Ron charmed the crap out of these girls, his spell has been cast on complete strangers. I guess what it comes down to is life experience, and some people know some men can be charming and when its good, its real good, but when its bad, its bad. What woman wants to believe someone they made a baby with could kill the child? Seriously?
:waitasec: Crystal said it too... Can we believe anything she says? :crazy:

Crystal wasn't with Ron and the children together that often, especially towards the end. That's how it works with ex's.

Misty was & to her Ron may have been a good father. Look at her example.
I have no doubts Ron charmed the crap out of these girls, his spell has been cast on complete strangers. I guess what it comes down to is life experience, and some people know some men can be charming and when its good, its real good, but when its bad, its bad. What woman wants to believe someone they made a baby with could kill the child? Seriously?

BBM..Not on this stranger... IMHO. I cannot imagine any female no matter what age thinking he is charming...JMHO
BBM..Not on this stranger... IMHO. I cannot imagine any female no matter what age thinking he is charming...JMHO

Remember we've "seen the real Ron". We don't know what they saw or how desperate they were for attention.

I shake my head often at some of the males that always have a female.
BBM..Not on this stranger... IMHO. I cannot imagine any female no matter what age thinking he is charming...JMHO

That is because Em, you are not under the influence. Look at the pattern of the three women in his life we knew about, and i am not talking about his mama and grandma. JMO
That is because Em, you are not under the influence. Look at the pattern of the three women in his life we knew about, and i am not talking about his mama and grandma. JMO

Correct, lil momma. All of them were drug addicts, MC and CS both came from dysfunctional families and I'm not sure about Amber's family, but kind of remember it being the same as the other two. I wonder if he ever had a relationship with a strong girl or woman? I doubt it. He feeds off of the weak and it really is a shame.
Correct, lil momma. All of them were drug addicts, MC and CS both came from dysfunctional families and I'm not sure about Amber's family, but kind of remember it being the same as the other two. I wonder if he ever had a relationship with a strong girl or woman? I doubt it. He feeds off of the weak and it really is a shame.

Exactly 4Jacy! I don't know about Amber either, but judging by her being in and out of jail says it all, IMO.
Correct, lil momma. All of them were drug addicts, MC and CS both came from dysfunctional families and I'm not sure about Amber's family, but kind of remember it being the same as the other two. I wonder if he ever had a relationship with a strong girl or woman? I doubt it. He feeds off of the weak and it really is a shame.

BBM..I suspect the answer is "no"..IMHO and as I see it any young woman or teenage girl who had any self esteem or anything whatsoever going for her at all would never get hooked up with the likes of someone like Ronald Cummings.JMHO
Everyone involved is in prison or dead. I cant stand Annette and Rons bio mom, but you would think if there were back and forth calls, like with Ron and Tommy, they would have been in jail right away to get Ron to confess.

I'm still praying for HaLeigh, and hoping that if God forbid is she is no longer with us, that one day Tommy and Misty will tell what they did. JMO

As always, prayers for HaLeigh and Junior and her parents and grandparents. I can't imagine their pain. God bless all the victims of this terrible case :(
I'm still praying for HaLeigh, and hoping that if God forbid is she is no longer with us, that one day Tommy and Misty will tell what they did. JMO

As always, prayers for HaLeigh and Junior and her parents and grandparents. I can't imagine their pain. God bless all the victims of this terrible case :(

Like you, I'm all for Misty and Tommy telling exactly what they did that night to help out Ronald Cummings..Chelsy and Timmy need to start telling the truth too...
Unfortunately that may never happen though due to the fact Misty, Tommy, Timmy and Chelsy have finally come to the realization Ron C and his family were setting them up to take the fall for Ron C...JMHO...
Also, IMHO.. It's way past time for CS and MG to start demanding some answers from TN and GGMS in regards to what they know and the lies they have told....JMHO..
Well, imo, the only family in the dark is Crystals. Whoever says, yeah I was with him, and kinda thought he would kill one of the kids eventually, well actually Crystal feared it and told the courts, not one person can say a mothers intuition is not real. Annette and Teresa know deep down Ron killed Haleigh, but who can bring them selves to accept their worst fears actually came true?

I cant wait till Ron is exposed for what he always has been.

Well, imo, the only family in the dark is Crystals. Whoever says, yeah I was with him, and kinda thought he would kill one of the kids eventually, well actually Crystal feared it and told the courts, not one person can say a mothers intuition is not real. Annette and Teresa know deep down Ron killed Haleigh, but who can bring them selves to accept their worst fears actually came true?

I cant wait till Ron is exposed for what he always has been.


IMHO..There is no "know deep down" to it...Both TN and GGMS know full well ( and have from the Beginning) Ron C is the one who is responsible for Haleigh's death. IMHO their BIGGEST FEAR was Ron C would be held responsible for Haleigh's death..IMHO.. Their BIGGEST FEAR NOW is they will be exposed for the part they have played in the coverup and the set up of Misty and Tommy...JMHO
IMHO..There is no "know deep down" to it...Both TN and GGMS know full well ( and have from the Beginning) Ron C is the one who is responsible for Haleigh's death. IMHO their BIGGEST FEAR was Ron C would be held responsible for Haleigh's death..IMHO.. Their BIGGEST FEAR NOW is they will be exposed for the part they have played in the coverup and the set up of Misty and Tommy...JMHO

Ya know, I struggle with Annette and Teresa and ponder, could they truly be that evil? Then I look at Ron, and realize, Teresa is of Annette, she carried Ronald, gave him to Annette, and they made him exactly what he is today. It was cooler to have the "macho badazz" son, instead of a law abiding respectful citizen as one. They knew he did drugs, but that was perceived as "cool" they let him move in a young girl (Crystal), yeah I know her mother is terrible for letting her teen daughter do what she wants, because we all know teen daughters dont give us any grey hairs. But maybe they really are that evil and can live with what they are doing to Crystal. And Teresa said the Croslins were dysfunctional.

IMHO..There is no "know deep down" to it...Both TN and GGMS know full well ( and have from the Beginning) Ron C is the one who is responsible for Haleigh's death. IMHO their BIGGEST FEAR was Ron C would be held responsible for Haleigh's death..IMHO.. Their BIGGEST FEAR NOW is they will be exposed for the part they have played in the coverup and the set up of Misty and Tommy...JMHO

Have to disagree with you here Em. I don't think TN and GGMS have any fear at all. As far as they are concerned, their boy wasn't charged with murder, so they are safe. I don't think MC or TC even know what happened that night because they were so drugged up. But I think Lindsay knows. Remember her telling TC she threw out his boots and Timmy's boots.
Have to disagree with you here Em. I don't think TN and GGMS have any fear at all. As far as they are concerned, their boy wasn't charged with murder, so they are safe. I don't think MC or TC even know what happened that night because they were so drugged up. But I think Lindsay knows. Remember her telling TC she threw out his boots and Timmy's boots.

Thats ok IF you disagree because I disagree too.. Personally I can't imagine either of them not having any fear...IMHO..They never would have lied and covered up for Ronald IF they didn't fear him going to jail and losing Jr.
Now since their fears have become a reality, and their son/grandson is in jail and they no longer have custody of Jr., I cannot imagine them not having fear of the truth being revealed someday...IMHO..They know they have lied and covered up for Ron C and they know they have helped set up Misty and Tommy to take the fall for their grandson.. The last thing they ever want anyone to know is that they have been a part of keepinhg the truth from Crystal and her family for almost three years now....
However, you could very well be right in regards to both Tommy and Misty being drugged up that night, but I seriously doubt they were drugged up and due to that fact harmed Haleigh. IMHO..I suspect IF they were drugged up it was after the fact because neither of them knew what to do with a deceased child on their hands after Ron C hauled his rear in to work so he would have an alibi.....And left them to handle the tragic situation..JMHO

In my lifetime I have learned there are two core emotions..One is LOVE, the other is FEAR.. Everything these people have done or failed to do in regards to keeping the truth from being revealed stems from the emotion of FEAR..not LOVE..

I just love every WS on here ... we all seek the truth together, we seek justice and we seek answers. We certainly did not find that sort of unity amongst HaLeigh's family members. I almost wonder if they were capable of loving her the way we all do. Kind of sad isn't it. And even though each of us has our own theory, it doesn't divide us cuz we are united in our goals. xxox
I just listened to LE calls when the "missing child" call came in to PCSO for the umteenth time. At approx. 3.50 mark, unit 1256 says "she" was last seen 1 to 1.5 hours ago. - so I guess that would be between 2 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. The PCSO unit had just left Tyler. It is unclear who is "she"

snipped, "Radio calls in Haleigh search released - The Putnam Count Sheriff's office has released radio transmissions from deputies made the morning of February 10 as they searched for Haleigh Cummings."
Thats ok IF you disagree because I disagree too.. Personally I can't imagine either of them not having any fear...IMHO..They never would have lied and covered up for Ronald IF they didn't fear him going to jail and losing Jr.
Now since their fears have become a reality, and their son/grandson is in jail and they no longer have custody of Jr., I cannot imagine them not having fear of the truth being revealed someday...IMHO..They know they have lied and covered up for Ron C and they know they have helped set up Misty and Tommy to take the fall for their grandson.. The last thing they ever want anyone to know is that they have been a part of keepinhg the truth from Crystal and her family for almost three years now....
However, you could very well be right in regards to both Tommy and Misty being drugged up that night, but I seriously doubt they were drugged up and due to that fact harmed Haleigh. IMHO..I suspect IF they were drugged up it was after the fact because neither of them knew what to do with a deceased child on their hands after Ron C hauled his rear in to work so he would have an alibi.....And left them to handle the tragic situation..JMHO

In my lifetime I have learned there are two core emotions..One is LOVE, the other is FEAR.. Everything these people have done or failed to do in regards to keeping the truth from being revealed stems from the emotion of FEAR..not LOVE..


Em, all I meant was they are too cocky to fear. They think they have this all behind them. They think everything has been put to bed and RC will be out much sooner then we all expect. I have always wanted to know what TN really did for a living. I believe therein lies the answers.....
I just love every WS on here ... we all seek the truth together, we seek justice and we seek answers. We certainly did not find that sort of unity amongst HaLeigh's family members. I almost wonder if they were capable of loving her the way we all do. Kind of sad isn't it. And even though each of us has our own theory, it doesn't divide us cuz we are united in our goals. xxox

More than a thanks, you are truly lovely, aren't you. xoxo
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