WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #10

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Does Joann have enough bedrooms for 7 children? CPS will not release the children to a family member unless they meet all requirements....and one of them is proper sleeping arrangements.
TY lynn. Puter crash has left me checking in when I can but not keeping up with my usual vigilance.
borrowing a friends puter to check up on all my little angels today.

May today bring some news on our sad little sweetpea.
Vickie, please know that you and the other family members who are working so hard to find this baby are all in my prayers daily.
Does Joann have enough bedrooms for 7 children? CPS will not release the children to a family member unless they meet all requirements....and one of them is proper sleeping arrangements.

I do believe that if her house was not big enough, it would only take a matter of a week or two to build on to make it big enough to be aproved. My brothers and I as well as others would more than willing to make it happen. But the way things look, with Jo Ann not talking , I doubt that will ever happen.
I do believe that if her house was not big enough, it would only take a matter of a week or two to build on to make it big enough to be aproved. My brothers and I as well as others would more than willing to make it happen. But the way things look, with Jo Ann not talking , I doubt that will ever happen.

CPS will never release the children to Joann's care with Lena and Ralph hanging around.....no matter how many bedrooms you add on. IMO
CPS will never release the children to Joann's care with Lena and Ralph hanging around.....no matter how many bedrooms you add on. IMO

I totally agree and Jo Ann has been told this as well.:banghead:
I hate to say it Vickie.....but I think you can add "Home Improvements" to the list of things Joann has used the family for. Are you picking up a pattern yet? (all IMO)
I have to be honest.....I'm finding this whole conversation unsettling. Joann had her brothers fix up her house under the premise that it needed to be done for the children.....knowing full well that the children will not be going there. So the reality is the brothers have now done major improvements to spruce things up for Lena and Ralph.
I have to say....I'm surprised the family even agreed to help Joann out right now considering her actions. They should have at least waited until Joann stopped coddling Lena and made sure that Joann WAS going to get the children. IMO
Lynn-what you find unusual-I find bizarre.

All i can say for JoAnn -is she better PRAY TO GOD she hasn't accepted ONE penny of the publics money for her latest scam. SHE is going to do WHAT with the children? KEEP THEM? Hell she hasnt helped find Aliayah, most people would search more for a missing puppy than LL,RR and JOANN have searched for Aliayah. As a matter of fact -JoAnn has STALLED the investigation and aided LL and RL.

She won't EVER have those children in her home again. I think the citizens of WV will see to that.
I have not heard Jo Ann comment on the Casey Anthony case, and I doubt that Randy has either. My heart is ripped to shreads, I have nightmares about Aliayah every night. I can't take it anymore, I had to voice my thoughts. My bros. have tried to get Jo Ann to talk, she simply refuses and gets mad at them. I do not understand it at all. Randy and Jesse have been to Jo Ann's trailor and done major repairs to it in hopes of getting all the children back in one place with family. We are willing to to fight with JoAnn to get the kids back. But I feel they were just being used again for her own gain and not for the children. I just don't understand her way of thinking. We have ALL offered to help her and she still upholds Lena and Ralph.

BBM....Just clarifying that this is what I found unsettling.
I have to be honest.....I'm finding this whole conversation unsettling. Joann had her brothers fix up her house under the premise that it needed to be done for the children.....knowing full well that the children will not be going there. So the reality is the brothers have now done major improvements to spruce things up for Lena and Ralph.
I have to say....I'm surprised the family even agreed to help Joann out right now considering her actions. They should have at least waited until Joann stopped coddling Lena and made sure that Joann WAS going to get the children. IMO

I want to be a fly on the FBI's wall so I can hear what they think of this latest scam.

What is in Aliayah's best interest has nothing to do with Joann, RL or LL. They don't give a rats *advertiser censored* about this missing baby, and IMO its a slap in the face to all missing and abused children for ANYONE to aid these people. The same people who are too sorry to search for their own blood.
This is exactly why the law I was talking about needs passed. JoAnn is NOT a victim here, she has not been an advocate for the child she has supposedly "loved" from birth. Yet she still has family at her beck and call, while Aliayah is yet to be found. A court appointed victims advocate wouldn't have TIME to play these games. The games this family has played not only on Aliayah, but to the citizens who care about her. And I would bet my scholarship money NONE Of them have been to the neighbor to ask -just when the last time he saw Aliayah was!
I have not heard Jo Ann comment on the Casey Anthony case, and I doubt that Randy has either. My heart is ripped to shreads, I have nightmares about Aliayah every night. I can't take it anymore, I had to voice my thoughts. My bros. have tried to get Jo Ann to talk, she simply refuses and gets mad at them. I do not understand it at all. Randy and Jesse have been to Jo Ann's trailor and done major repairs to it in hopes of getting all the children back in one place with family. We are willing to to fight with JoAnn to get the kids back. But I feel they were just being used again for her own gain and not for the children. I just don't understand her way of thinking. We have ALL offered to help her and she still upholds Lena and Ralph.

I'm probably going to regret asking this.....but did Lena and Ralph at least "help" with the home improvements to the home that everyone is hoping THEIR kids are going to live in?
I want to be a fly on the FBI's wall so I can hear what they think of this latest scam.

What is in Aliayah's best interest has nothing to do with Joann, RL or LL. They don't give a rats *advertiser censored* about this missing baby, and IMO its a slap in the face to all missing and abused children for ANYONE to aid these people. The same people who are too sorry to search for their own blood.

Agree..they all should be in jail IMO.
Vickie- I am not frustrated with you. Just at what I am hearing. But it is a good thing that the truth about this family and their priorities is coming out. And when I say family, I mean Joann, Lena and Ralph.
So now I have a question for the locals.....has anyone seen or heard of the family accepting donations?
I'm probably going to regret asking this.....but did Lena and Ralph at least "help" with the home improvements to the home that everyone is hoping THEIR kids are going to live in?

NO, not at all, Lena wasn't staying there at the time my Bros. did that, we still had hope Jo Ann would help, we still had hope that just maybe Aliayah would be found alive, yes , we were very gullible. Still IF Jo Ann had a good excuse for not talking, we would help her, it is still a hope we have that maybe she really is not involved. I know you will all not understand the way we feel. But our hearts are breaking for all 7 of these children. We have tried everything to get Jo Ann to help, she won't. But please understand we have to have something to hold on to or we will not be able to function at all. I know looking from the outside in, it looks stupid on our part, but I am talking about 7 children, that have our blood, we may never get to see again. All it would take is for Lena to talk and maybe , just maybe , we could get our life back as well.
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