TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #31

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I don't recall any statements made by Drew's family except for his grandma who said it was the first night they would be apart and Drew was devestated <paraphrasing>.

Were there any others? I don't recall his family or Drew ever being interviewed. I may have missed it though.

I guess it really doesn't matter because without knowing any facts I'm left with a 100 page list of questions that will never get answered anyway and 99 of those don't even involve Drew.

Never said a word,,,not him or his family...
strange if ya ask me when grandmother says they were gonna get married.

This entire case is just strange!
Never said a word,,,not him or his family...
strange if ya ask me when grandmother says they were gonna get married.

This entire case is just strange!

Eileen thought that was worth quoting and adding Very Strange!
Might be a good time for a mod to close this thread for the Christmas Holidays, or at least till there is some real news.
It's got to be a very sad time for the family, and unless you've experienced what it's like to have a love one missing at Christmas, you can't imagine what it's like.
We've rehashed (and I include myself in saying this) the same things over and over again.
Might be a good time for a mod to close this thread for the Christmas Holidays, or at least till there is some real news.
It's got to be a very sad time for the family, and unless you've experienced what it's like to have a love one missing at Christmas, you can't imagine what it's like.
We've rehashed (and I include myself in saying this) the same things over and over again.

Why would they close the thread? There are some threads where people have been missing for years and years, and members still discuss ideas and go over the known facts. Holly has only been gone 8 months, which is short, sadly, in the scheme of things are far as missing people go.
Why would they close the thread? There are some threads where people have been missing for years and years, and members still discuss ideas and go over the known facts. Holly has only been gone 8 months, which is short, sadly, in the scheme of things are far as missing people go.

I really enjoy reading all of the Websleuth's members post and mull over your ideas and thoughts when I can't sleep at night. On several points, you have changed my mind completely and have me thinking in a new direction.:waitasec:
I really enjoy reading all of the Websleuth's members post and mull over your ideas and thoughts when I can't sleep at night. On several points, you have changed my mind completely and have me thinking in a new direction.:waitasec:

Yes, me too. These cases are ongoing until (if) solved and there is no reason, IMO, to stop thinking about the victims and the cirucmstances just because of a lack of news. Someone might have a really good brainstorm one day, who knows...
Yes, me too. These cases are ongoing until (if) solved and there is no reason, IMO, to stop thinking about the victims and the cirucmstances just because of a lack of news. Someone might have a really good brainstorm one day, who knows...

I'm sure Holly would appreciate the fact that there are forums like Websleuths with people, albeit total strangers, that care enough to spend hours upon hours brainstorming in hopes of helping to solve her disappearance. We shouldn't give up on Holly. She is out there somewhere.
I can't imagine a professional organization putting more brain power into the case than we have collectively using just the scant information we have had to work with. I don't think between all of us we have left much unturned.

Whatever key there is to solving what happened, i don't think we have it. I am not sure LE has it either.
Ok here is again...

But Holly’s father said no one was allowed into the woods to search until the canine units and helicopter had arrived.

“It just seemed like everybody sat in the yard and in the driveway. And they didn't set out to put road blocks at a distance, to stop people driving. And just everybody stayed here,” said Dana Bobo, Holly’s father.

The family gets frustrated sometimes, thinking of what could have been done to find Holly within those first crucial hours.,0,6800717.story

They didn't need a lot of people stomping around in the woods obliterating possible evidence or a trail that the dogs might have been able to follow.
As far as putting up road blocks, how did Dana know they didn't put up a few on the main roads? That takes extra manpower and vehicles, which may not have been readily available right then, and I'm sure most officers had been called to the scene, they can't be two places at the same time. A few officers standing around in the yard might mean they were on the phone calling in extra manpower, coordinating the search, calling the dog handlers, any number of things. Doesn't mean nothing was being done.
It's pretty common for families to complain that LE wasn't doing enough or not doing it right but they need to remember, they're not in charge of the investigation, they don't call the shots.
Besides, they were in shock and frightened that morning... how could they possibly know the details of everything LE was doing or NOT doing?
Why would they close the thread? There are some threads where people have been missing for years and years, and members still discuss ideas and go over the known facts. Holly has only been gone 8 months, which is short, sadly, in the scheme of things are far as missing people go.

I should have clarified, so:

Just saying give this thread a rest for the holidays when it comes to questioning family member actions - respect for the family at this time of years.

Hearing mention of Clint's actions on that fateful morning seem best IMO not to bring up at this time...
They didn't need a lot of people stomping around in the woods obliterating possible evidence or a trail that the dogs might have been able to follow.
As far as putting up road blocks, how did Dana know they didn't put up a few on the main roads? That takes extra manpower and vehicles, which may not have been readily available right then, and I'm sure most officers had been called to the scene, they can't be two places at the same time. A few officers standing around in the yard might mean they were on the phone calling in extra manpower, coordinating the search, calling the dog handlers, any number of things. Doesn't mean nothing was being done.
It's pretty common for families to complain that LE wasn't doing enough or not doing it right but they need to remember, they're not in charge of the investigation, they don't call the shots.
Besides, they were in shock and frightened that morning... how could they possibly know the details of everything LE was doing or NOT doing?

No but after the fact we do know that road blocks were not set up until oddly two or three days into the search. thats just stupid IMHO. I think post people here would agree that LE perhaps could have done better.
No but after the fact we do know that road blocks were not set up until oddly two or three days into the search. thats just stupid IMHO. I think post people here would agree that LE perhaps could have done better.

Well I for one sure would agree. Here it is 8 months out and we are no closer to finding this poor young women.
She was taken in broad daylight, at her own home, with her brother as a witness.

The police arrive within 10 minutes of her disappearance into the woods, it had rained the night before for tracking" purposes,half the town shows up within 30 minutes, she had just spoken to her mother , girlfriend, and boyfriend 5 minutes before the time she was taken going to her car.

Really!!! Most LE agencies would of thought they died and went to heaven to have all of this info at their disposal.When you look at this you must realize she just disappeared in a matter of 5 /10 minutes at most.

Clint last sees her around 8am, by 8:05 LE was on the scene. Where could she have possibly gone (without a trace) in 5 minutes.:shakehead:
Well I for one sure would agree. Here it is 8 months out and we are no closer to finding this poor young women.
She was taken in broad daylight, at her own home, with her brother as a witness.

The police arrive within 10 minutes of her disappearance into the woods, it had rained the night before for tracking" purposes,half the town shows up within 30 minutes, she had just spoken to her mother , girlfriend, and boyfriend 5 minutes before the time she was taken going to her car.

Really!!! Most LE agencies would of thought they died and went to heaven to have all of this info at their disposal.When you look at this you must realize she just disappeared in a matter of 5 /10 minutes at most.

Clint last sees her around 8am, by 8:05 LE was on the scene. Where could she have possibly gone (without a trace) in 5 minutes.:shakehead:

In addition to all you have mentioned, we feel sure that the abductor was there for about 20 minutes or so. If I recall correctly, the scream was heard around 7:40, which was shortly after Holly's friend ended her phone call with Holly. We also know that the abductor was witnessed in the carport area, was heard speaking, and was seen walking away with Holly. We know that the abductor was there while Karen Bobo was still on the phone with Clint.

Now I have been following true crimes for hundreds, if not thousands, of cases. I don't think I have ever read about an abduction that takes 20 minutes to carry out. Abductions are lightening fast...not casual affairs. There has to be much more to this story than we have been told....and I, for one, am ready to hear it.
For the sake of conversation, if we assume LE roughly did what they were suppose to do and we don't point the finger at them (can complain about lack of roadblocks all we want, but honestly was there enough LE manpower in those first 10-20 minutes to setup a solid perimeter and keep a solid LE presence at the Bobo home? Also, why did everyone that had shown up stand in the driveway and not patrol the local area?- maybe some did. Why did all these people showing up not recognize any vehicles out of the ordinary? Did that sudden influx of worried/curious people confuse the situation? Did this help the abductor blend back into the scene or to create enough traffic to skate on through? Much, much, much more to figure than just roadblocks and not sending everybody there into the woods after a dangerous and more than likely armed suspect with a victim in tow.) HB was abducted and LE can't change that, all they can do is make the best of it. If I was going to criticize LE, using what we know as fact for anything in this case, IMO it is clearly their media relations. They are abysmal to non-existent. The door was left wide open for tons of crazy to get packed in with all the rumors and odd characters surrounding this case. I am not sure that LE in this case had any idea how to handle ANY kind of media scrutiny, especially on a national level, so they just shut them out completely.
I know it has been hammered in, by all of us, but just focusing on possible mistakes LE made or CB made or anyone involved in this case is pointless at this time without looking at them as a whole. As an example, CB has certainly confused us all with his stories, but is it possible his original statements were just as confusing, if not more so, and that may have effected the way LE handled the situation early on? Maybe something much more sinister happened there than we have been lead to believe? Also, lets not lose focus on what do we know as fact, or more accurately what we think we know as fact.
Let's exclude some parts of the story we know and see how we feel about it then, trying to stay as true to the accepted timeline. Please excuse the 10,000th post about the most likely series of events, doing it to make my point. CB hears voices and sees his sister and what seems to be her boyfriend arguing in the garage and possibly looking at a turkey. CB talks to his mother at work because he hears voices and now knows HB should be leaving for school by this time. The mother hangs up, calls 911 and then this is when she possibly has a very public panic attack (if not here, then she had it right before her coworker drove her back home.) CB then observes his sister and a man in camo casually walking away towards the woods and apparently did not think much of it. CB tries to call HB and then her boyfriend phone, both ring 5 times then go to voicemail. He talks to his mother again who tells him that her boyfriend couldn't be the man at the home, to grab a gun and go look for them and to call 911. CB has said he still was not concerned at this time, but he grabs a phone and a gun and goes into the garage where he saw them "looking at a turkey." He sees X amount of blood on the garage floor where they were at. He then pokes around the area where he last saw his sister walking away but is then standing in the driveway dialing 911 as the neighbor pulls into the driveway. This all happens in a 10-15 minute span. LE shows up at the home and it apparently did not take them long to call in all the additional man power and any LE agencies they could. That is quite a response from the eye witness seeing the victim casually walk away and motherly instinct knowing that something is wrong.
CB gives them his story and then writes it down on paper in a truck, tries to preserve possible evidence, prevents others from going into the woods and makes statements like he did not think his sister would be back anytime soon.
I don't know about all of you, but that story has no continuity as a whole, much less the individual sequences. I do not say this to try and bash this family, I say it because it is what it is. It could be due to circumstances out of their control or it could be the way they are comfortable telling the story, I don't have the foggiest.
The only part that really seems credible is possibly a man in camo came to their home and abducted HB, everything else does not go together at all. It's like on the show Sesame Street, one of these things isn't like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong. Most of the narrative plays out that way. As in CB being the oblivious eye witness while the mother has motherly instinct to KNOW what is happening and all the while it is the oblivious witness who is supplying her the information. It just does not work for me. If we were to tweak the story and say CB witnessed something bad/dangerous/questionable in the garage sequence and then called his mother, who then had a very public panic attack, now that would fit together.
Bottom line is we do not know even half of this story, we probably do not even know 10%. You could take everything that seems off in this case, have X amount of people pick the one aspect that seems strange to them and I bet in the end you will have alot of even splits. Plenty of strange to go around.
Some don't find it noteworthy that CB didn't run into the woods looking for his sister, instead concentrating on 'preserving the crime scene'.
But what if his sister were 10 years old? Wouldn't we all be horrified that he had allowed a child to be dragged/walked away?
What really is baffling to me is that EVERYTHING that EVERYONE has done here is not necessarily what "normal" people do in situations all the time. And its not just like one person did something out of the norm, but EVERYONE. Thats what makes this case so frustrating.

I am not blaming anyone for anything really, but its so odd that so many people did what, in most cases, are probably the exact opposite of what you or I (well at least I) would do. And its not like I am making this up... its what happened...

Clint hears strange voices outside, doesn't go to look

Clint sees unidentifable silhouettes in the garage, doesn't go in to look

Clint calls his mom to see who is in the garage

Mom instantly freaks out and begins calling 911 and speeding home. She does tell Clint to get a gun...

Clint sees his sister and the stranger walking away but seemingly is not hurried even after talking to his mom, having a gun, and finding blood

Clint goes outside but does not pursue his sister, nor does he call 911 he stops to talk to a neighbor who heard screams. Clint says he thinks his sister is not coming home soon...

Law enforcement arrives and according to some accounts cordons off the woods but does not enter

Law enforcement waits for other members of law enforcement to arrive

Some sort of search dogs may/may not have been used quickly or effectively.

Road blocks were not set up quickly or even for a day or two, and only in one direction

Family makes no immediate public statement

Law enforcement makes a few rather vague and contradictory statements that later are contradicted by Clint on a TV interview

Media make contradictory and confusing reports

Family still makes no live pleas on TV. After some time releases a hand written note of appreciation via their pastor.

After about Easter LE makes no further statements. No real useful info had been released after just the first couple of days or week into the investigation.

Several months into the case, the family appears, finally, on the Jane Velez Mitchell show, and the story told first hand contradicts the second and third hand LE and media accounts in some ways. It also confuses things.

The family makes one or two more interviews for local TV and newspaper but really ads nothing new to what has been stated.

Holly's Cousin makes the odd statement that she doesnt want to know what happened. And it was either she or Holly's mom that had said people wouldn't question the family if they really knew what happened.

LE has yet to provide any more info about anything.

Family spokesperson says he hopes for a resolution by the end of the year. (not that anyone has any idea what is happening)
Another thing I, at least, find odd, is that the searches seem to have been halted fairly early on, considering that the one thing LE has said from the start is that they believe Holly to still be in the area. If they are still doing fullscale large searches, they must be doing those in secret too. JMO
One of the issues I’m confused about is this: Did the neighbor call Karen Bobo re the scream before or after Clint called Karen Bobo re strangers in the garage?

When did Karen Bobo relay to Clint that screams were heard? If Clint was aware that screams were heard, wouldn’t he be reacting in a more urgent manner?

Can anyone shed any light on this? TIA
One of the issues I’m confused about is this: Did the neighbor call Karen Bobo re the scream before or after Clint called Karen Bobo re strangers in the garage?

When did Karen Bobo relay to Clint that screams were heard? If Clint was aware that screams were heard, wouldn’t he be reacting in a more urgent manner?

Can anyone shed any light on this? TIA

Clint said the neighbor told him about the scream when he drove up onto the property...which would mean Mom did not tell him? Clint said that was what convinced him she was in trouble, finally..IIRC.
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