Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #3

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OMG, Perry unsealed Casey's psych evals! BAM, Casey! How you like THESE apples!!!! See the story in the newsthread! Don't know if we're getting a new thread on this one, but we're talking about it in the sidebar thread!
Just the fact that she is sending out nude pictures of herself tells me that our wait will not be long before KC does something very very stupid. It is incredible that she is doing this.
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone.
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone.

Yes, Ma'am! Fasten your seatbelts everyone!
Mod Note:

I realize I have been awol for a few days because some important real life stuff interferred here, but I have generated 2 new threads today.

I am so lost on this video thread because it is ridiculously OT and it is VERY confusing when other matters get brought into it, then quoted and off into the ditches it goes.

The Sidebar is for general discussion if there is not a topical thread.

From this point forward, ANY POSTS NOT RELATED TO THE RELEASED VIDEOS WILL BE REMOVED. I will not be sending everyone PMs. This will be the only explanation.

If the video(s) have been talked out and the discussion has reached a dead end, let me know and I can close the thread. I am trusting you guys to keep it on topic.
Is this pic news>http:///2012/01/casey-anthony-reportedly-offered-350-000-for-blood-money-interview/

Here comes the fun part. Oh yes my friends, This is what they'll get for their money. Question: Is your name Casey Anthony. Answer: Yes. Question: Did you kill your daughter Caylee? Answer: Whose Caylee? Question: What have you been doing with your time since you got out of jail? Answer: I've been making videos, trying on my boyfriends boots and cowboy hat,buying clothes,piercing my ears and nose, see look, I'm so excited. Playing with my adopted dog Smooch. Did I tell you that I started talking to myself via video so I don't bother Smooch too much with my dribble? I do. I'm so excited. I've made so many new friends. I go out to bars...ssshhhh, no ones supposed to know. I go out to church on Sunday. I play with my hair. I cut and dyed it several times. Do you think that I look and sound like Marilyn Monroe in my first video that someone hacked. My boyfriend says that I do. I buy a lot of eye glasses that I really don't need but I think that they make me look intelligent. I polish my nails. I read about myself online. Gosh, Have you seen how many sites there are that are about me? I'm so excited. I try calling Jose but he always tells me that he's too busy working. What could he have to do that would be more important than me? That's okay, I have Papa Mason that helps to collect all my donations. He's like a Dad to me. He gives me my money when I need it and he always takes my calls. He tells me that people send me thousands but with him controlling it I get to keep it all. I bought a new computer, I have my own phone and camera. These things are MINE and no one can take them from me. Did you know that I might get off probation early? I'm so excited. I'll be moving to Mexico with my gazillionaire boyfriend. He owns EVERYTHING and soon it will all be mine. I'm an event planner. Did you know that? I don't understand why people think I should be making my own money. I'm famous. Did you know that. I'm soooo excited. We've already seen and heard it all. Why waste their money when it's given away for free? JMO
OT: Headlines say Vandersloot pleads guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just the fact that she is sending out nude pictures of herself tells me that our wait will not be long before KC does something very very stupid. It is incredible that she is doing this.

Oh, do we know that it's her? I thought it was still speculation. Anyone?
Here comes the fun part. Oh yes my friends, This is what they'll get for their money. Question: Is your name Casey Anthony. Answer: Yes. Question: Did you kill your daughter Caylee? Answer: Whose Caylee? Question: What have you been doing with your time since you got out of jail? Answer: I've been making videos, trying on my boyfriends boots and cowboy hat,buying clothes,piercing my ears and nose, see look, I'm so excited. Playing with my adopted dog Smooch. Did I tell you that I started talking to myself via video so I don't bother Smooch too much with my dribble? I do. I'm so excited. I've made so many new friends. I go out to bars...ssshhhh, no ones supposed to know. I go out to church on Sunday. I play with my hair. I cut and dyed it several times. Do you think that I look and sound like Marilyn Monroe in my first video that someone hacked. My boyfriend says that I do. I buy a lot of eye glasses that I really don't need but I think that they make me look intelligent. I polish my nails. I read about myself online. Gosh, Have you seen how many sites there are that are about me? I'm so excited. I try calling Jose but he always tells me that he's too busy working. What could he have to do that would be more important than me? That's okay, I have Papa Mason that helps to collect all my donations. He's like a Dad to me. He gives me my money when I need it and he always takes my calls. He tells me that people send me thousands but with him controlling it I get to keep it all. I bought a new computer, I have my own phone and camera. These things are MINE and no one can take them from me. Did you know that I might get off probation early? I'm so excited. I'll be moving to Mexico with my gazillionaire boyfriend. He owns EVERYTHING and soon it will all be mine. I'm an event planner. Did you know that? I don't understand why people think I should be making my own money. I'm famous. Did you know that. I'm soooo excited. We've already seen and heard it all. Why waste their money when it's given away for free? JMO

how bad did it hurt being in her head for that 4 minutes?? :floorlaugh:
Did anyone else notice in the probation report that WESH has that Casey wrote " My computer was recently hacked, private videos recorded" She stays away from the word uploaded, or stolen and uses the word "Recorded" as if she was chatting away with someone on skype and they recorded her without her knowledge.

Sounds just like her type of ridiculous and unbelievable spin. Taking herself out the entire equation and taking no responsibility for her reckless actions.

As per usual.

In a backwards sort of way, yes stolen...LOL
Actually when I read the letter she tweeted it is to JB himself dated 1/9

Showbiz Tonight
Just got the guy who is offering #CaseyAnthony $350,000 for an interview! You're gonna want to see this! 11pm ET/PT on HLN! - A.J.
DaDessert Lady just posted a pic of a supposed pic of a letter from The Dirty to Casey Anthony.

I don't know if all of this video stuff is FCA's doing, but after all her hard work I love that she got such a chitty offer from such a chitty show.

Doesn't all the money go to Florida? How much she gets for the interview is more about the statement of worth... which is chit.
Ok what are we missing here?
The cat's out of the bag, the whole thing's out of control and her protectors are seemingly deserting the sinking ship ie OCA in self destruct mode.
Where is the media? I do not believe they haven't known where she's been all along. It becomes open season yet they're not there with cameras up her nose?
Has anyone else noticed that in his interview with Geraldo, Jose Baez is wearing an earring in the very same place on his ear as Casey's new one? Did they get piercings together? Or did he always have an earring?

You can see it better in the video on this pro-casey site. Scroll down to the post titled "EXCLUSIVE: Jose Baez speaks out on Casey’s video (w/Geraldo)". I've searched all over the web and it seems no one else has noticed this, but it jumped out at me. Did anyone else see it?

That's not an earring, it's an earpiece.
Something to do with Fox News, you see people on the news use them all the time.

If you enlarge the picture you can see it.
When I first saw the video all of this rage hit me. Like, ugghhh, why couldnt she just stay hidden. But look how this is turning out. Everyone jumping ship, lying, denying, all the same stuff playing out in the media. Casey anthony is exactly what everyone said she was, a liar! Surprise, Surprise! She will always be The mother who killed her daughter and got off. Nothing she does can change that, because that is who she is. All of this happening may have brought a momentary rage but then i was reminded that I knew the truth and so do many others. She got out of one jail to be hit with the prison that can be real life. She will never get away with the murder of her child. She lives with the public now,and in the court of public opinion, she was guilty BARD. all imo
When I first saw the video all of this rage hit me. Like, ugghhh, why couldnt she just stay hidden. But look how this is turning out. Everyone jumping ship, lying, denying, all the same stuff playing out in the media. Casey anthony is exactly what everyone said she was, a liar! Surprise, Surprise! She will always be The mother who killed her daughter and got off. Nothing she does can change that, because that is who she is. All of this happening may have brought a momentary rage but then i was reminded that I knew the truth and so do many others. She got out of one jail to be hit with the prison that can be real life. She will never get away with the murder of her child. She lives with the public now,and in the court of public opinion, she was guilty BARD. all imo

I think its BOOP pretty much over for FCA.
When I first saw the video all of this rage hit me. Like, ugghhh, why couldnt she just stay hidden. But look how this is turning out. Everyone jumping ship, lying, denying, all the same stuff playing out in the media. Casey anthony is exactly what everyone said she was, a liar! Surprise, Surprise! She will always be The mother who killed her daughter and got off. Nothing she does can change that, because that is who she is. All of this happening may have brought a momentary rage but then i was reminded that I knew the truth and so do many others. She got out of one jail to be hit with the prison that can be real life. She will never get away with the murder of her child. She lives with the public now,and in the court of public opinion, she was guilty BARD. all imo

But despite all that, someone still wants to pay her.
Yup, someone wants to pay Casey for "a candid interview." Problem is, Casey doesn't do "candid."

Anything she does will have to be on her terms all the way. And no one with even half a brain wants to pay to hear Casey's same ole nonsense.

Also, it is a far cry for the rumor of $1,000,000 plus that circulated months ago. Now she is down to 350,000.
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