ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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I don't think she would have to assert her fifth amendment rights on this one. The attorneys asking for them are going to have to show exactly why they want them released. I'm not a lawyer, but I really don't understand the basis for asking for them. I mean, I'm ok that they did because I'm sure it pizzed KC off! ;) I'm just not sure they have a real standing to obtain access to these unknown recordings when they have filed for defamation during the criminal case. Unless, they have been told by someone that she mentions ZFG in the recordings! Oooooh! That's a thought! Lol! Anything to chap KC's hide!

Yes, I think they're going to have to explain why they think the audio recordings have anything to do with ZG or even with what happened to Caylee.
Yes, I think they're going to have to explain why they think the audio recordings have anything to do with ZG or even with what happened to Caylee.

Can't the judge just view them and determine herself if these audio recordings can be given to ZG or not?
I would think with Casey's lawyers already objecting to this, couldn't Morgan say there's a high possiblity that she talks about ZG? I mean, if she never mentions ZG or Caylee, why hide these recordings?

It still seems like she's trying to use the 5th once again. The motion does mention they don't want to release the audio recordings so Casey can't incriminate herself. Isn't that a way of trying to assert the 5th?
Perjury is perfectly fine in Florida so she's safe from any consequences in that regard.

She will treat the hearings like Lindsay Lohan---a walk down the red carpet. She is probably planning her wardrobe as I type. There will be plenty of looney FCA supporters to welcome her at the court house. It will be a dream come true for FCA.


Very true. We have been informed that it's ok because it happens all the time. Perry certainly had no problem with it in his court.
Can't the judge just view them and determine herself if these audio recordings can be given to ZG or not?
I would think with Casey's lawyers already objecting to this, couldn't Morgan say there's a high possiblity that she talks about ZG? I mean, if she never mentions ZG or Caylee, why hide these recordings?

It still seems like she's trying to use the 5th once again. The motion does mention they don't want to release the audio recordings so Casey can't incriminate herself. Isn't that a way of trying to assert the 5th?

The judge won't review them unless there's some reason to think the recordings have something to do with the case. You don't get to go on a "fishing expedition" into every aspect of the defendant's life just because you filed a lawsuit.

I haven't read the motion, but I suspect her lawyers would have said that the recordings were irrelevant. If they said anything about incrimination, it was probably in the context of "even assuming anything relevant is on the recordings..."

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with her pleading the 5th while her appeal is pending, and ZG is not being harmed by her pleading the 5th. ZG can request that the jury be permitted to conclude that anything for which Casey pleads the 5th would have been answered in ZG's favor. The reason ZG's lawyers are pissed about Casey pleading the 5th is because they can't cross-examine Casey and really twist her up in her lies (like every trial lawyer familiar with this case would love to do), then post the video online. ;)
Very true. We have been informed that it's ok because it happens all the time. Perry certainly had no problem with it in his court.

Martha Stewart probably wishes she had lied in Florida.

I don't live in Florida but I would give JA a big fat contribution to his campaign if he said his first order of business (if he wins) will be to prosecute CA for perjury.

The judge won't review them unless there's some reason to think the recordings have something to do with the case. You don't get to go on a "fishing expedition" into every aspect of the defendant's life just because you filed a lawsuit.

I haven't read the motion, but I suspect her lawyers would have said that the recordings were irrelevant. If they said anything about incrimination, it was probably in the context of "even assuming anything relevant is on the recordings..."

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with her pleading the 5th while her appeal is pending, and ZG is not being harmed by her pleading the 5th. ZG can request that the jury be permitted to conclude that anything for which Casey pleads the 5th would have been answered in ZG's favor. The reason ZG's lawyers are pissed about Casey pleading the 5th is because they can't cross-examine Casey and really twist her up in her lies (like every trial lawyer familiar with this case would love to do), then post the video online. ;)

I'm okay with her asserting her the 5th if she wants to. That's her right and in the end, it won't benefit her. I guess what I"m wondering about is the fact that she put these videos out there in the first place, and mentions that there are more. I understand that there can't be a fishing expedition, but she did these videos right when things got heated in the ZG case. I think there's a strong possibility she talked about ZG or the case in one of those videos. Grant it, there's no way to prove that without seeing them, so I do see that Morgan has a battle here. And maybe he doesn't even need them. I guess I'm just a bit irritated that she's putting this carp out there (we all know she is even if that can't really be proven), but it seems like it can't be used against her. I say if those videos are out, she is opening herself up to them being used against her. Would that be legally right too?

I guess I just don't think that she should get the right to hide the rest of the videos when she's already let the cat out of the bag on them. Then again, you did say earlier that taking the 5th doesn't mean Casey can't ever speak again, but to me she's being so dumb by doing these videos and releasing them. If she were smart, she would shut her mouth until her appeal is over. I guess I don't like the thought of her being stupid and once again, it's not held against her. Ugh. I can't wait for her probation and appeal to be over! It's like she's laughing in our faces, saying she can do what she wants, ha ha, and no one can stop her or get her into trouble for it.

I just have to keep telling myself that the 5th will not win these cases for her...
JACQUELINE @jackiefell
From Zenaida Gonzalez' attorneys RT @MattMorganESQ: Just filed our motion for partial summary judgment in our case against #caseyanthony .
I'm okay with her asserting her the 5th if she wants to. That's her right and in the end, it won't benefit her. I guess what I"m wondering about is the fact that she put these videos out there in the first place, and mentions that there are more. I understand that there can't be a fishing expedition, but she did these videos right when things got heated in the ZG case. I think there's a strong possibility she talked about ZG or the case in one of those videos. Grant it, there's no way to prove that without seeing them, so I do see that Morgan has a battle here. And maybe he doesn't even need them. I guess I'm just a bit irritated that she's putting this carp out there (we all know she is even if that can't really be proven), but it seems like it can't be used against her. I say if those videos are out, she is opening herself up to them being used against her. Would that be legally right too?

I guess I just don't think that she should get the right to hide the rest of the videos when she's already let the cat out of the bag on them. Then again, you did say earlier that taking the 5th doesn't mean Casey can't ever speak again, but to me she's being so dumb by doing these videos and releasing them. If she were smart, she would shut her mouth until her appeal is over. I guess I don't like the thought of her being stupid and once again, it's not held against her. Ugh. I can't wait for her probation and appeal to be over! It's like she's laughing in our faces, saying she can do what she wants, ha ha, and no one can stop her or get her into trouble for it.

I just have to keep telling myself that the 5th will not win these cases for her...

I think there's a strong possibility she did NOT talk about ZG or the case in the recordings, because in the ones released thus far she seems to be avoiding substantive issues like the plague. ;)

The reason the videos can't be used against her is because they're irrelevant--her prattling on about her hair, piercings, blah blah blah, just has nothing to do with ZG's case. If she really DID create and release a video about ZG/Caylee, you can bet it would be used against her!
I think there's a strong possibility she did NOT talk about ZG or the case in the recordings, because in the ones released thus far she seems to be avoiding substantive issues like the plague. ;)

The reason the videos can't be used against her is because they're irrelevant--her prattling on about her hair, piercings, blah blah blah, just has nothing to do with ZG's case. If she really DID create and release a video about ZG/Caylee, you can bet it would be used against her!

AZ - I can understand that. One question I have though, is if these stealth recordings showed that Casey has admitted to receiving a lot of money, wouldn't it help ZG's case in that Casey could not claim to be broke if she lost the case? Could it also answer questions as to whether Casey really thought her life was in danger so that they could show that she should be able to appear for a depo? (ok, 2 questions :waitasec: )
I think there's a strong possibility she did NOT talk about ZG or the case in the recordings, because in the ones released thus far she seems to be avoiding substantive issues like the plague. ;)

The reason the videos can't be used against her is because they're irrelevant--her prattling on about her hair, piercings, blah blah blah, just has nothing to do with ZG's case. If she really DID create and release a video about ZG/Caylee, you can bet it would be used against her!

Are you saying you think FCA actually talks about substantive issues as a normal rule of conversation?:what:

bob kealing @bobkealing
Attorneys for #CaseyAnthony and #zenaidagonzalez due in court this morning. Defamation trial expected in April.
bob kealing @bobkealing
Attorneys for #CaseyAnthony and #zenaidagonzalez due in court this morning. Defamation trial expected in April.
Mike DeForest @MikeDeForest6


Gonzalez's attorneys doubt jury should be sequestered. #CaseyAnthony team unsure yet. Judge unfamiliar with any sequestered civil jury.
@mikedeforest6 Gonzalez will subpoena #CaseyAnthony Defense says her presence not required at civil trial.
Mike DeForest @MikeDeForest6


Gonzalez's attorneys doubt jury should be sequestered. #CaseyAnthony team unsure yet. Judge unfamiliar with any sequestered civil jury.

I'm surprised the DT didn't jump all over that since it worked so well for Casey's criminal trial...

Seriously though, it would be laughable to sequester the jury in a civil trial. I mean come on. I can't believe this was even a question!
@mikedeforest6 Gonzalez will subpoena #CaseyAnthony Defense says her presence not required at civil trial.

No kidding, DT. There's no making her look like an innocent little girl in this trial, is there? It's bad news for them to have her in the court room!
@mikedeforest6 Gonzalez will subpoena #CaseyAnthony Defense says her presence not required at civil trial.

doenst she...HAVE to take the stand? even if she just pleads the 5th to everything?
I had a dream (day dream) the ZG jury was sworn in April 9th at 9:10AM.
At 9:11 the judge calls for opening statements.
At 9:12 the entire jury leaps to their feet and yells "your honor we have reached a verdict in favor of Zeneida and award her 50 gazillian dollars."

Seriously speaking if this case goes to trial FCA is toast! JMHO
http://twitter.com/#!/cfnews13casey February 16, 2012 Hearing

Casey Anthony News13 @CFNews13Casey

Attorneys on both sides hope to find a jury in Orange County. Giving 2 days to find a jury. Trial should last 5-6 days. #CaseyAnthony

Zenaida Gonzalez attorneys say they want #CaseyAnthony to take the stand. Trial scheduled to start in April.
:waitasec: I am confused...

Is the above the right Hearing? It does not sound right...the date on the link is Nov 9, 2011??

When I linked to the Justice for Caylee site and to the post you cited (mom in il) at the bottom of the post is a link to CFNEWS13 Casey Chat, I linked to them and the date is January 17, 2012

i was told to look this up and it was todays tweet. perhaps i am wrong and them wrong- maybe i will delete post - can you also? i do not want to spread wrong info. lets just delete it ok? i deleted mine but it shows up here still
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