Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #5 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Books: the mom said she puts them in her bag, but the bus driver said she carries them.
Just not right though,to me that is forgery.I better search my name and be sure I don't have an imposter.I had one do that to me on Facebook and reported it ,wham now it's gone.The fact is no one has my same first and last name.

Hey, we're alike! My real first name was made for me after my birth and is unique (yes, I've Googled it). My middle name is English, so that makes it even less likely my combo is shared by anyone in the world.

And I've had the imposters, due to my former career. I just laugh; anyone who wants contact with the real deal can find me.
Late last night at the #4 ending, I posted re what LE does not report, and questioned why.

We learned the location of the cell phone, but not where the Juicy bag was found (just near an intersection and not on the roadway). Information about what it contained was slow in coming, and we still do not know the entirety of its contents or their condition.

Yes, I understand that LE will withhold some info that only the perp would know, in order to rule-out false confessors or to rule-in an unwitting perp who might spill the beans about something not known to the public.

Still...I wonder.

There has been much guessing on the threads about just what Sharks shirt (T, sweat, jersey) and what model of Juicy bag Sierra owned. There has been no comment from LE, iirc, about her shoes, red Converse or otherwise.

If we tried to stack-up 'facts' based on official reports since Sierra went missing, our list would be a short one. The notion was introduced night before last, I believe, to assemble such a list. Does anyone think this would be helpful, particularly to newbs or to persons such as myself who like to theorize based on published facts?

Just offering this up before I put my muddled mind to bed...with hope for a miracle outcome in this case, Sierra coming home!

~customary jmo~
You would be surprised what computers are set up to do on their own with no one around.Some words are picked up right away and saved on file.:rocker:

The Department of Homeland Security's watch list for words on social media sites that the Electronic Privacy Information Center obtained via FOIA? Read it, not impressed.
Seriously. What the HECK is wrong with KRON putting " " around what SL mom said when it in NO WAY matches what her mom said in the accompanying video. Geesh. :banghead:

I wonder if she had a press release with what she intended to say but got sort of tangled up when she was actually on camera? If the reporter relied on the press release, they might not realise she'd said something different while actually on camera.

Poor woman, I know I would have difficulty putting 10 words together in a coherent manner.
Two against one: Now, if Sierra knew at least one person in that car, she may well have accepted an offer of a ride. In that case, if there was more than one person in that car, she was outnumbered from the start. I'm still thinking that somebody had to keep her hidden from the other commuters, and to render her unable to fight/flee. If on a freeway there would be no need to stop at stoplights, so visibility may not have been a concern. If she had an opportunity would she risk leaping/falling from a moving car to whatever horror she would have to endure from predators?


Even a single perpetrator can force a victim into the footwell of the vehicle and throw a blanket over them if they have a weapon.

Placing the victim in the footwell makes it much more difficult for the victim to get out of the car and covering the victim not only conceals them, it also helps disorient the victim, making escape even more difficult.

I think it's possible that the perpetrator was parked nearby and hidden in the shrubbery at the end of the driveway. Sierra was short and lightweight, so giving her a cosh to the head and then moving her into the vehicle while unconscious or semi-conscious would not be that difficult a task.

Add in zip ties to handcuff her or to tie her wrists to her ankles and no need for another person at all. Even just one wrist tied to one ankle would make it nearly impossible to escape.

Even a single perpetrator can force a victim into the footwell of the vehicle and throw a blanket over them if they have a weapon.

Placing the victim in the footwell makes it much more difficult for the victim to get out of the car and covering the victim not only conceals them, it also helps disorient the victim, making escape even more difficult.

I think it's possible that the perpetrator was parked nearby and hidden in the shrubbery at the end of the driveway. Sierra was short and lightweight, so giving her a cosh to the head and then moving her into the vehicle while unconscious or semi-conscious would not be that difficult a task.

Add in zip ties to handcuff her or to tie her wrists to her ankles and no need for another person at all. Even just one wrist tied to one ankle would make it nearly impossible to escape.

wouldn't she have dropped her things though?
The perp could also have flashed a badge, said her mother was in a car accident and she needed to come with him. A good many possibilities why she would get into a car.
I had a thought tonight - unless there were 2 people in the car other than Sierra, she's probably the one who threw the stuff out the window.
This may have been posted already;

Where is Sierra?: Divers search South County ponds


Residents of the Parkway Lakes RV Park, along with thousands of people all over South County, are eagerly awaiting closure to the case. Two of the RV park’s residents who were outside watching the deputies and divers enter the marshy area surrounding the percolation ponds said they heard a vehicle pull up outside the locked gate late in the night after Sierra was reported missing.

James Silver, 15, said he did not see the vehicle but he heard it pull up to the gate late Saturday night. He was inside his grandmother’s motorhome. He heard the car doors shut, and two men exit. He heard them talking briefly, and the vehicle left about 15 minutes later. One of Silver’s neighbors, Helen Robison, 47, said she heard the same thing but did not see the vehicle or the men associated with it.

Silver’s grandmother, Sandy Mullican, 68, said she was walking her dog a few hours after that, about 4 a.m. Sunday, and heard a loud screaming sound. But she and other residents indicated that the area is inhabited with mountain lions and bobcats, which sometimes make screaming sounds.

“I wasn’t going to stay around and find out,” Mullican said.

The area between the RV Park and U.S. 101, where the percolation ponds are, is a remote area covered with wild grass, thick brush and woods.

I wonder if the "locked gate" they are referring to is the big gate at the end of Ogier Ave. that leads towards the ponds. What in the world would people be doing back there late at night? All that's back there is dirt trails, ponds, and woods. Can't be anything good, IMO.

Also, if this happened late Saturday into early Sunday morning, that could explain the purse being found Sunday afternoon for those who think it was dropped there at a later time.

Grandma describing the screams is chilling to say the least.
I'm sending out some positive thoughts that Sierra is found today.
This may have been posted already;

Where is Sierra?: Divers search South County ponds


Residents of the Parkway Lakes RV Park, along with thousands of people all over South County, are eagerly awaiting closure to the case. Two of the RV park
I am sure the LE had the scent dogs out checking to see if they could find Sierra's scent there.
Re Sierra's twitter. This is how a lot of kids talk in the area there. They use foul language, like many teens do when together, and they are into the whole "gansta" culture. The problem with social media that the teens fail to understand is the immaturity and lack of class that would be just a silly memory to them as adults, is now memorialized for ever, on the internet, when they post that stuff. Gosh, kids can be stupid.


My daughter was called to testify in court as a victim/witness. The defense attorney had subpoenaed all of her myspace and facebook records, including deleted material, and absolutely tried to discredit her. On a myspace page she had not even logged onto in over 3 years, she had quoted (from Rocky Horror Picture Show) "Let's do the Time Warp again!" and the attorney suggested that it meant she was using hallucinogenic drugs that caused her to believe she could manipulate time. I don't think it would have occurred to me to tell her that post was inappropriate, and still do not feel that it is/was. Unfortunately, to someone unfamiliar with "pop culture" references, it made her appear to be delusional.
Im sure there is no merit to any of the postings, but has anyone done a youtube search of Sierra Lamar and checked out the comments??? some of them are quite a bit disturbing.........
I just highly doubt she throws her cell phone and juicy coture bag away for that. Call me the big downer, but I just doubt it.

There was a full set of clothing and underwear (presumably sans socks & shoes) in her bag. There may have been a book or two, and apparently there was no makeup.

The early MSM reports said the bag was "secreted" (i.e. "hidden" as if the hiding was an intentional act, not just "concealed from view") which I believe to be inaccurate, but which misimpression has not (to my knowledge) been clarified.

The clothing in the bag was clothing mom knew she had. As I have said before, I think mom might NOT have approved of what she had on for school/skipping school, and she planned to change before getting home from wherever. The lack of makeup in her bag suggests she was already wearing all she needed, and that she was planning on removing or reducing it before coming home. I think the photo taken in appropriate clothing and makeup that morning was part of the deception.

HOWEVER, I do not think she intended to be gone longer than a day when she packed this bag. I also think it was tossed, or placed where it was found later on, but not by Sierra. Had Sierra hidden a bag, it would have been packed full of clothes, makeup, and mementos, and stashed PRIOR to her disappearance so she could leave the house with her "regular stuff," retrieve the bag she planned to take with her, and go.

It is not impossible to believe that she DID have such a bag, due to the lack of cosmetic items or even a brush in the JC bag, unless all of these items are accounted for in the home. She could have taken clothing for a week and if she is like most teens, her mom would not be able to tell what (if anything) she had with her.

Meanwhile, people would be looking for her in the one outfit that her mom COULD verify was missing, namely what she had on in the photo. The clothes were gone from the house, so her mom would logically assume she was in them when they walked out the door. She indicated a desire to highlight her hair... maybe she would change it completely to throw people off if she HAD planned to run off.

I still don't know what to believe.
This is a quote that stood out to me early on and that I'm still unsure of.. Marlene is indicating that in her speaking with the morning travelers of the roads around their home that some of them are indicating that Sierra did make it to the area of the bus stop that morning..


I think she means that Sierra was not getting regular rides to school with someone her parents did not know about, as she was seen at the bus stop on several OTHER occasions by drivers they asked.
If she went with someone she knew, chances are they are withing 5-6 years or so of her own age, just guessing...would such a person have access to a place to keep her all this time? I fear the instinct would be to get rid of her, especially if they had assaulted her or held her against her will, so as not to have her as a witness. JMO

Oooh. Well, if they did not have a place to take her for LONG, they MAY have had a place for the day, or even the weekend (parents away?) and could have used the "empty house" to convince her to come over and "party" instead of going to school that day.

EVEN IF she had been sexually assaulted that day, the perp might have been able to "release" her, on the assumption that she would blame herself for getting into that situation, and knowing that "telling her mom" would ALSO require her to tell her mom that she'd skipped school to go to a party.

But once they'd taken and tossed her phone, she had to know she was in trouble. If the phone had not shown indications of having been thrown, just hidden, I might think she intended to avoid being pinged or called but planned to return for it (and maybe even the the JC bag) later.
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