GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #6

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Personally i do not think they will find her there in that area!
She was driven away! JMO
We have heard from profiler Dr Maurice Godwin that this case seems personal. We have all been discussing that it IS personal. So, I'm going with another angle.

As a medic Kelli would probably do screenings of soldiers who go on sick call or are about to be deployed overseas. Soldiers often try to get a medical profile which states that are non-deployable to a combat area. As an E4 which is what a specialist is, she would do or help do the inital examination to determine if a soldier deserved a noncombat medical profile. She may even have had the job of typing up the doctor's evaluation reports.

If you were a soldier who didn't want to go back into combat, would you try to bribe someone to stay out of combat? However, what if she couldn't be bribed? Then she would have placed herself in danger. What if a soldier, like a PFC showed up at her home to try to convince her to alter a report, and she refused. She was spooked by something that night, and didn't want to get out of the car, could this have been why?

There may not have been any criminal intent, but the situation got out of hand. Is this angle a good one to concider? JMHO

I will be bumping this post throughout the day.

I love that you are thinking outside the box, but for me this is a bit more of a stretch then the possibility of NH or MB being involved. I am not saying it's not possible, just not at the top of my list of probable scenarios. But, it's good to put all ideas out on the table.
Hmmm, that's strange criticism but we all do think that this was personal for Kelli.

Of course it's personal for Kelli. She was with a guy who had a criminal background and was last seen leaving with him.

I'm just giving the heads-up on Godwin and what went down recently in the Young case.
Fridays schedule! same every friday!

Departs: 12:56 PM
Fri Apr 27 2012
Kissimmee, FL (KIS)
Station News Arrives: 12:45 AM
Sat Apr 28 2012
Fayetteville, NC (FAY) Fayetteville, NC

Station News

faster to drive it takes 11 hrs on a train lol
jmo if there were no problems in their marriage he would have called her that evening or saturday morning or saturady night or maybe sunday morning or maybe sunday night how about monday to see how her weekend was???

Something isnt right! And thats just my opinion and my :twocents:

Peeps. Remember that we may not always agree with each other but we all have the same goal and that is to find Kelli. We may all take different roads to lead us to the answers, but we all want answers.
Hope they find the answers today!
I just watched the Today Show video interview with MB. He comes across as someone uncomfortable in front of the camera. Couple that with a lack of sleep, and a person isn't going to interview well unless they are professional speakers or have been prepped.

MB may use phrases like "to tell the truth," and "in all honesty" in his every day conversations, so it wouldn't be unreasonable (or hinky) to hear him utter them in an interview.

As for conflicting reports about their marriage, I don't blame him for not wanting to talk about it. It's a private situation between MB and KB. I'm sure LE has questioned him about it, and that's all that matters.

JMO if there were no problems in their marriage he would have called her that evening or saturday morning or Saturady night or maybe sunday morning or maybe sunday night How about Monday to see how her weekend was???

Something isnt right! and thats Just My Opinion and my :twocents:

Eileen730, Something isn't right!
Hope LE are checking the cell phone 'pings' and gas stations from Florida to Fort Bragg.

I have wondered IF the hubby 'test drove' any vehicles he was 'considering buying' in Florida and kept it over night or the weekend.???..
Originally Posted by eileen730 View Post
jmo if there were no problems in their marriage he would have called her that evening or saturday morning or saturady night or maybe sunday morning or maybe sunday night how about monday to see how her weekend was???

Something isnt right! And thats just my opinion and my


I also agree. I call my wife and children 2 or 3 times a day when I'm away on business or for whatever reason. Especially, at night when it's time for the children's bedtime.

I know they didn't have children, but I called my wife all the time when I was away, prior to having children and I traveled a great deal.
Nurse..I think I read he was buying a chevy blazer, which is an SUV and could perhaps be referred to as a truck.

I mean, I have learned the in NC toboggans are hats not sleds, a lean-to is a type of tent not a building and khakis are not just a color but also a style of pants. Are SUV's referred to as trucks sometimes?
I just watched the Today Show video interview with MB. He comes across as someone uncomfortable in front of the camera. Couple that with a lack of sleep, and a person isn't going to interview well unless they are professional speakers or have been prepped.

MB may use phrases like "to tell the truth," and "in all honesty" in his every day conversations, so it wouldn't be unreasonable (or hinky) to hear him utter them in an interview.

As for conflicting reports about their marriage, I don't blame him for not wanting to talk about it. It's a private situation between MB and KB. I'm sure LE has questioned him about it, and that's all that matters.

ita... and he is also very young...
I just watched the Today Show video interview with MB. He comes across as someone uncomfortable in front of the camera. Couple that with a lack of sleep, and a person isn't going to interview well unless they are professional speakers or have been prepped.

MB may use phrases like "to tell the truth," and "in all honesty" in his every day conversations, so it wouldn't be unreasonable (or hinky) to hear him utter them in an interview.

As for conflicting reports about their marriage, I don't blame him for not wanting to talk about it. It's a private situation between MB and KB. I'm sure LE has questioned him about it, and that's all that matters.


I think its important to tell the truth its going to come out anyways!
It happens not many marriages last today!
To admit there were problems would raise suspicions on him! JMO

Unfortunately when things like this happend the skeletons come out of the closet and the dirty laundry come out of the hamper!

Nurse..I think I read he was buying a chevy blazer, which is an SUV and could perhaps be referred to as a truck.

I mean, I have learned the in NC toboggans are hats not sleds, a lean-to is a type of tent not a building and khakis are not just a color but also a style of pants. Are SUV's referred to as trucks sometimes?

nah, I currently live in SC and we refer to SUV's as SUV's and trucks as trucks.
But, then again I was born and raised in the North.

Originally Posted by eileen730 View Post
jmo if there were no problems in their marriage he would have called her that evening or saturday morning or saturady night or maybe sunday morning or maybe sunday night how about monday to see how her weekend was???

Something isnt right! And thats just my opinion and my

I also agree. I call my wife and children 2 or 3 times a day when I'm away on business or for whatever reason. Especially, at night when it's time for the children's bedtime.

I know they didn't have children, but I called my wife all the time when I was away, prior to having children and I traveled a great deal.

My husband and I are just the opposite. He travels a lot on business. We often go a few days without chatting. Some couples prefer talking a lot when they're apart; others don't mind missing a few days if there isn't anything important to discuss. I don't find either situation odd.
I guess in a way, MB is in a catch 22. If he says they were having marital problems, then that immediately casts suspicions on him. If he says they were very happy when in fact they were separated or having marital problems then that also casts suspicion his way.
I just would like to hear LE say they have cleared him and so far I have not heard that.
I guess in a way, MB is in a catch 22. If he says they were having marital problems, then that immediately casts suspicions on him. If he says they were very happy when in fact they were separated or having marital problems then that also casts suspicion his way.
I just would like to hear LE say they have cleared him and so far I have not heard that.

I dont think LE really lets anyone off the hook till they find her!
I think they leave ALL doors open!

My husband goes way for months at a time and he calls or texts me numerous times a day and night.

This was a fairly new marriages i would think they would talk constantly if seperated for a few weeks...

Ya know the I miss you calls the i love you calls!
Ill be home soon calls!

these two are too young to fall into the old married couple syndrome!

My husband and I are just the opposite. He travels a lot on business. We often go a few days without chatting. Some couples prefer talking a lot when they're apart; others don't mind missing a few days if there isn't anything important to discuss. I don't find either situation odd.

If I may ask, are you and your spouse frequent texters?
I feel that if they were texting a bunch on friday, like MB said, than it is somewhat strange not to send any more texts the whole weekend. But you are right, every couple is different and perhaps this was the norm for them. (I'm just not buying it).

IMO I feel that they were having marital problems.
Nurse..I think I read he was buying a chevy blazer, which is an SUV and could perhaps be referred to as a truck.

I mean, I have learned the in NC toboggans are hats not sleds, a lean-to is a type of tent not a building and khakis are not just a color but also a style of pants. Are SUV's referred to as trucks sometimes?

I referred to mine as a truck in examples like what Mike said. And then reffered to it as an SUV in other conversations.

Kinda like car /stationwagon. Or saying you left something in your car when you drive a jeep. I have never said ,I left something in my SUV. I would say truck.
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