17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #34

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You are absolutely correct in saying that a severe head injury can cause death. IMO, GZ didn't have anything close to a severe head injury and according to Gilbreath, his story of getting his head smashed over and over on the sidewalk in inconsistent with the evidence they found.
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1204/20/cnr.02.html (just in case)

The only fact that either one of us can clearly agree on, is that we don't know how he got those scratches on his head. They could be there for any number of reasons.

IMO it might be *possible* that Gilbreath's assertion about "inconsistent with evidence" could refer instead to the part of his response immediately preceding -- the bit about GZ saying the shot was fired just after he tried to "scoot" to get his head away from the concrete:

Gilbreath: His injuries are consistent with trauma to the back of his head, yes.

O'Mara: Okay. What are those injuries?

Gilbreath: Pardon me? His injuries? There's two lacerations to the back of his head.

O'Mara: Okay. Did you identify what caused those lacerations?

Gilbreath: No.

O'Mara: Um, could it have been from having his head bashed on the ground, as he testified to?

Gilbreath: He suggested, I don't know [if?] "testified to,"

O'Mara: I'm sorry, told you about,

Gilbreath: He mentioned that his head was being physically bashed against the concrete sidewalk, and that he, this was just prior to him firing the shot, and that he, he was, managed to scoot, away from the concrete sidewalk, and that is, at that point is when the, shooting subsequently followed. Um,that is not consistent with the evidence we found."

O'Mara: The injuries seem to be consistent with his story though, don't they?

Gilbreath: The injuries are consistent, consistent with a harder object striking the back of his head? than his head was.

O'Mara: Could that be cement?

Gilbreath: Could be.

O'Mara: Uh, did you just say it wasn't consistent, or that it was?

Gilbreath: I said it was.


In other words, the part that Gilbreath says is inconsistent with evidence *might* not be the bashing part, but the "scooting" part instead; his answer (BBM) is a bit disjointed and does not clearly answer the question posed IMO. Ah well, we'll surely figure out more as soon as we learn exactly what GZ told LE, and what the evidence shows IMO.

my transcript

docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs :please:
Anadarko rocks. As do you all.

Is that sleepy time tea?

Are you trying to tell us to go to bed?

Just kidding :)

You mods have had a rough time. We do appreciate the hard work you do to keep the board peaceful and informative.

Thank you!
I think the SP's "slam dunk" has more to do with evidence than a jury pool. JMO

Sorry, I've been gone for a while, has new evidence surfaced in the past week? Last time I heard, the only evidence the SP had was GZ admitting he shot TM in self -defense. Nothing else in the PCD was a crime. Maybe I missed something?
Is that sleepy time tea?

Are you trying to tell us to go to bed?

Just kidding :)

You mods have had a rough time. We do appreciate the hard work you do to keep the board peaceful and informative.

Thank you!

I can neither confirm nor deny that that was chamomile tea. And I can neither confirm nor deny that you are feeling sleepy... verrrry sleeeepy....

Sorry, I've been gone for a while, has new evidence surfaced in the past week? Last time I heard, the only evidence the SP had was GZ admitting he shot TM in self -defense. Nothing else in the PCD was a crime. Maybe I missed something?

I stated what I THINK, just like you did. Perhaps, now I should ask if you have a link or any other fact that suggests Angela Corey was possibly banking on the jury being a slam dunk?

It's my opinion that the evidence will prove Angela Corey's case. No, I do not have that evidence, but I trust that she does.

When has the president of the Florida Bar Association spoken about this case?


Mark M. O'Mara has been practicing Criminal and Family Law in Central Florida for 28 years, and is presently Board Certified as a Criminal Trial Specialist and a Marital and Family Law Specialist. Mark is a former felony prosecutor and Division Chief and has handled all types of criminal cases, including traffic, property crimes, DUI, drug cases and Death Penalty cases. He has extensive trial experience in both state and federal criminal defense. Mark also represents clients in contested divorce cases, involving child time sharing issues, alimony and division of assets. Mark is also involved in many Bar activities, including serving as President of the Seminole County Bar Association and serving on both Circuit and Federal Grievance Committees. He currently serves as the legal analyst for Central Florida's WKMG Channel 6.

I can't see him running - he doesn't think he did anything wrong.
IMO, JMO, etc.

I wouldn't count on that, though -- that he doesn't think he did anything wrong. My hunch, based on multiple experiences with people whose choices have led to tragic consequences, is that George would give anything to go back to that night and make some different choices. Self defense or not, because of some decisions he made that night a young man is now gone forever, he himself will go down in history as a monster, and emotions are seething everywhere. There are no do-overs. The consequences are forever, regardless of what happens with the criminal case. Yeah, I'll bet George now wishes he could have done some things very differently that night. IMO
Mark M. O'Mara has been practicing Criminal and Family Law in Central Florida for 28 years, and is presently Board Certified as a Criminal Trial Specialist and a Marital and Family Law Specialist. Mark is a former felony prosecutor and Division Chief and has handled all types of criminal cases, including traffic, property crimes, DUI, drug cases and Death Penalty cases. He has extensive trial experience in both state and federal criminal defense. Mark also represents clients in contested divorce cases, involving child time sharing issues, alimony and division of assets. Mark is also involved in many Bar activities, including serving as President of the Seminole County Bar Association and serving on both Circuit and Federal Grievance Committees. He currently serves as the legal analyst for Central Florida's WKMG Channel 6.

Link here: http://www.markomaralaw.com/Attorney-Profile/Mark-M-O-mara.shtml
Bumpity bump.

Let us prevent a massive derailment of the train by all agreeing that Mr. O'Mara is a PAST president of the Seminole County Bar Association, and leaving Mr. Hornsby out of it for the time being.
Is this the Seminole County Bar Assn?


It lists a President, who is not named Mark O'Mara...

ETA: This is another Seminole County site


Still not seeing Mark O'Mara...

At the very bottom of that page is a link to the past presidents of the Seminole County Bar, it open up in Microsoft Word, Mark M. O'Mara is listed as the year 2000 President. So 12 years ago he was president of the Seminole County Bar Association, but he was never the president of the Florida Bar Association.
I am late to this discussion, but I want to say something about this. O'Mara said he didn't have a chance to talk to his client before the hearing about the money. That in no way can be true. He had every opportunity if he wanted to talk to his client in jail. I suspect he steered clear of this discussion on purpose. I am tired of the media having people on who sympathize and make excuses for GZ. I hope I haven't offended anyone, but it bothers me greatly how this has polarized the country to the extent that people will give this accused killer thousands of dollars. jmo

I think many of those that donated probably feel they same way I do: I was not there, I don't know what happened, I'm going to wait until the evidence is presented to make an informed decision. In having that view, I have become very frustrated with the witch hunt that has been occurring. I think, possibly, many that donated, did so not because they are sure it was a syg situation, or that they think GZ is innocent, but because they feel it could be a way to support in getting him a fair trial. Just because people say that GZ didn't give TM a fair chance doesn't mean we should abandon our principles and not give GZ his day in court.
To me, a major decider in my decision is who physically attacked first. To others it might be GZ following. To others it might be GZ following with a gun. I'll be interested in seeing the evidence and hearing the arguments. Something else might pop up that would help shape my decision. I don't know what happened, I'm unsure of intent, I'm unsure the dispatchers authority, I'm unsure if GZ was really returning to his truck, but I will wait until i can make a more informed decision. Moo
At the very bottom of that page is a link to the past presidents of the Seminole County Bar, it open up in Microsoft Word, Mark M. O'Mara is listed as the year 2000 President. So 12 years ago he was president of the Seminole County Bar Association, but he was never the president of the Florida Bar Association.

I misspoke when I said Florida. But that was not my point. My point is, this man was :

a practicing Criminal and Family Law in Central Florida for 28 years, and is presently Board Certified as a Criminal Trial Specialist and a Marital and Family Law Specialist. Mark is a former felony prosecutor and Division Chief and has handled all types of criminal cases, including traffic, property crimes, DUI, drug cases and Death Penalty cases. He has extensive trial experience in both state and federal criminal defense. Mark also represents clients in contested divorce cases, involving child time sharing issues, alimony and division of assets. Mark is also involved in many Bar activities, including serving as President of the Seminole County Bar Association and serving on both Circuit and Federal Grievance Committees. He currently serves as the legal analyst for Central Florida's WKMG Channel 6.

And given all of that, I think he deserves some respect.

I wouldn't count on that, though -- that he doesn't think he did anything wrong. My hunch, based on multiple experiences with people whose choices have led to tragic consequences, is that George would give anything to go back to that night and make some different choices. Self defense or not, because of some decisions he made that night a young man is now gone forever, he himself will go down in history as a monster, and emotions are seething everywhere. There are no do-overs. The consequences are forever, regardless of what happens with the criminal case. Yeah, I'll bet George now wishes he could have done some things very differently that night. IMO

I agree. His weight loss shows the stress. He knows he killed a kid. That will haunt him for the rest of his life. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes no matter the outcome of the SYG hearing or a trial should it get that far. So much pain for both families. :(
I misspoke when I said Florida. But that was not my point. My point is, this man was :

a practicing Criminal and Family Law in Central Florida for 28 years, and is presently Board Certified as a Criminal Trial Specialist and a Marital and Family Law Specialist. Mark is a former felony prosecutor and Division Chief and has handled all types of criminal cases, including traffic, property crimes, DUI, drug cases and Death Penalty cases. He has extensive trial experience in both state and federal criminal defense. Mark also represents clients in contested divorce cases, involving child time sharing issues, alimony and division of assets. Mark is also involved in many Bar activities, including serving as President of the Seminole County Bar Association and serving on both Circuit and Federal Grievance Committees. He currently serves as the legal analyst for Central Florida's WKMG Channel 6.

And given all of that, I think he deserves some respect.

I promise you I give him just as much respect as I do any defense attorney.
You know, the more I listen to this 911 call made by GZ, the more convinced I am that it is indeed the sound of a gun being cocked.

Just before he says his last name is Zimmerman, you can hear that cocking noise. (2:13)

Please compare the sounds. It's remarkable.

badme102 "You know, the more I listen to this 911 call made by GZ, the more convinced I am that it is indeed the sound of a gun being cocked.

Just before he says his last name is Zimmerman, you can hear that cocking noise. (2:13)"
_____________ Yes But what to make of the swear words of GZ = 'sh** no!" and tapping sounds that come next?? 7:12 (19-21) = 4 TAPS that sound are against something solid. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BI03-MRKnI&feature=relmfu"]George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes - YouTube[/ame] THEN 7:12 (36-43) = 8 MORE TAPS. = 4 light ones with a 4 second pause followed by 4 louder ones. These taps sound agsnst something less solid, like against a screen door. This is followed by a rather strange sound that I can only describe as like that of a screech from a cockatoo. ???
I misspoke when I said Florida. But that was not my point. My point is, this man was :

a practicing Criminal and Family Law in Central Florida for 28 years, and is presently Board Certified as a Criminal Trial Specialist and a Marital and Family Law Specialist. Mark is a former felony prosecutor and Division Chief and has handled all types of criminal cases, including traffic, property crimes, DUI, drug cases and Death Penalty cases. He has extensive trial experience in both state and federal criminal defense. Mark also represents clients in contested divorce cases, involving child time sharing issues, alimony and division of assets. Mark is also involved in many Bar activities, including serving as President of the Seminole County Bar Association and serving on both Circuit and Federal Grievance Committees. He currently serves as the legal analyst for Central Florida's WKMG Channel 6.

And given all of that, I think he deserves some respect.

Someones actions dicate whether or not they deserve respect, not some self written blurb from their own website. Must just be me.
I promise you I give him just as much respect as I do any defense attorney.

My father, a defense attorney, was one of the most honest, forthright and caring men you could ever know. At his funeral the California State Attorney General led the eulogy.

He was respected by Prosecutors, and the judiciary alike.

When one of the prosecutor's sons was arrested, he called my dad. Because he knew how honest and capable he was. I think it is very short sighted to put defense attorneys down, in that way. imo
Someones actions dicate whether or not they deserve respect, not some self written blurb from their own website. Must just be me.

There have been many attorneys who have vouched for his integrity here.
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