GZ Case - Defense Perspective

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Because he followed TM all that way walking. Common sense would tell you if you plan to steal something drive there, don't park your car at 7-11. Electronics are heavy. jmo

He followed TM from the 7/11?
A few months back the two individuals that I saw walking down the street (rural neighborhood) at 3am (one entered my property and opened my vehicle) didn't have vehicle that I saw. When we scared them off they took off running.

My guess is they were after your vehicle. TM was walking down a sidewalk in the back of the condos. Could it be any clearer he was walking home? Having a suspicious mind should not stop you from using your common sense. GZ did not do that. jmo
The theft ring that was working in our sub division used one car and had several teens out running around separately. They used those mobile radio things to keep in touch.
And it was a resident who called in after being suspicious of a teen walking around, listening to their i-pod.
This group had been breaking into our cars for months.

This development has garages and TM wasn't looking in cars he was headed towards the back sidewalks that are used to get to the condos. TM was NOT doing anything suspicious. GZ overreacted to nothing more than a young teen walking back home from the store. GZ took nothing and created an incident when there was none. He had nothing to work off of other than his own fear and imagination. People have a right to feel safe walking down the street. If GZ wanted to call LE that was his right. What he did afterwards was create an incident where there was none and the end result is that a young man is dead because someone did something irreponsible. jmo
But, again, he had no authority to do so. None, zip. Advice and directions from the NWP and LE were ignored. Did GZ think that this advice given was just to be ignored? We have police departments to handle these types of matters for the specific reason of keeping people safe. Yet GZ had no regard for LE and pretty much did what he wanted with tragic results. jmo
When he was told to stop following, he stopped following, if he had continued to follow him he would have been further than he was from where he first saw Trayvon running. He doesn't need authority to watch a suspicious person in his neighborhood, nobody does.

I think "following" is the wrong word anyway, he was watching to see where TM was going. JMO
Everybody just keeps on staying that he defined orders from the 911 operator and kept on following TM when he did stop.
When he was told to stop following, he stopped following, if he had continued to follow him he would have been further than he was from where he first saw Trayvon running. He doesn't need authority to watch a suspicious person in his neighborhood, nobody does.

I think "following" is the wrong word anyway, he was watching to see where TM was going. JMO

That's what I got out of it. (911 call)
A few months back the two individuals that I saw walking down the street (rural neighborhood) at 3am (one entered my property and opened my vehicle) didn't have vehicle that I saw. When we scared them off they took off running.

Well those two individuals were lucky, indeed, it was at your place.
If that would have happened at GZ's place, they could be pushing up daisies.
Because he followed TM all that way walking. Common sense would tell you if you plan to steal something drive there, don't park your car at 7-11. Electronics are heavy. jmo

Electronics are heavy...jewelry not so much. When my parents were broken in a few years ago the burglar took their pillow cases and filled them with jewelry, coins and crystal. Came and left on foot.
Electronics are heavy...jewelry not so much. When my parents were broken in a few years ago the burglar took their pillow cases and filled them with jewelry, coins and crystal. Came and left on foot.

You are right . Many burglars do not park a strange car next to the house they are burglarizing, since neighbors might get suspicious. I have been robbed a couple of times. Electronics were left alone. Money, gold, sterling silver, guns and cameras seems to be top choice and in that order. I finally invested in big old antique York safe. Not the kind that two folks can carry out but needs a fork lift truck. It was funny and pathetic to see ball point hammer marks on the door after a robbery again. They would have to blast their way in.:floorlaugh:
Well those two individuals were lucky, indeed, it was at your place.
If that would have happened at GZ's place, they could be pushing daisies.

If I lived in a state that would have allowed me to defend my property I would probably have defended it. So I did the next thing available and waited 15 minutes for the police.
You are right . Many burglars do not park a strange car next to the house they are burglarizing, since neighbors might get suspicious. I have been robbed a couple of times. Electronics were left alone. Money, gold, sterling silver, guns and cameras seems to be top choice. I finally invested in big old antique York safe. Not the kind that two folks can carry out but needs a fork lift truck. It was funny and pathetic to see ball point hammer marks on the door after a robbery again. They would have to blast their way in.:floorlaugh:

On a lot of 'em even a blast wouldn't let them in. I have one for my rifles. Thankfully the only time I've had anything stolen was the stock radio (??? I still don't understand this.. the STOCK radio from a Chevy Cavalier?) from the first car I ever owned.
If I lived in a state that would have allowed me to defend my property I would probably have defended it. So I did the next thing available and waited 15 minutes for the police.

You would have actually shot them if you did think you could get away with it????
When he was told to stop following, he stopped following, if he had continued to follow him he would have been further than he was from where he first saw Trayvon running. He doesn't need authority to watch a suspicious person in his neighborhood, nobody does.

I think "following" is the wrong word anyway, he was watching to see where TM was going. JMO

Unless he doubled back to catch or trap Trayvon.

I think following is the wrong word too. Pursue is more accurate. IMO.

[ame="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0&oq=pursue&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4LENN_en___US457&q=pursue&gs_upl=0l0l0l5371lllllllllll0&aqi=g5#hl=en&rlz=1T4LENN_en___US457&q=pursue&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=heOmT6n1C4S3twf-mbneBA&ved=0CHIQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=6b4b1bdf32659c2&biw=1017&bih=434"]pursue - Google Search[/ame]
Unless he doubled back to catch or trap Trayvon.

I think following is the wrong word too. Pursue is more accurate. IMO.

pursue - Google Search

ITA. I think GZ went down the outer sidewalk while TM was walking on the sidewalk in between the units. That was why TM said to his girlfriend that he had lost GZ. Once TM felt safe, he slowed from his faster pace to a stroll as he had a conversation with his girlfriend on the phone. IMO GZ went around the outside and tried to head TM off. This scenario would have taken a bit longer than if GZ had "followed" TM and would also account for TM telling his girlfriend he had lost him. This is just speculation on my part but it fits the timeline I think.
When he was told to stop following, he stopped following, if he had continued to follow him he would have been further than he was from where he first saw Trayvon running. He doesn't need authority to watch a suspicious person in his neighborhood, nobody does.

I think "following" is the wrong word anyway, he was watching to see where TM was going. JMO

No, following is the correct term when you get out of your car to walk towards and watch someone. When they disappear around a corner and you are trying to find them that is following them. Once the person starts to run, you are pursuing them. Once you start to run after them you are chasing them. TM was not a suspect. He had every right to be within that community. TM had every right to walk home without someone following him. GZ did not need to follow him because TM was right there in front of the clubhouse when GZ called LE and never once did GZ ask TM who he was and where he was staying. TM was not a criminal and regardless of what GZ thought, it did not make it so. jmo
Electronics are heavy...jewelry not so much. When my parents were broken in a few years ago the burglar took their pillow cases and filled them with jewelry, coins and crystal. Came and left on foot.

Asking for trouble. Electronics you don't lock up but jewelry, coins, even my crystal is locked up. I don't see the point of putting fine crystal in a pillow case, though. Why bother stealing it??? jmo
Everybody just keeps on staying that he defined orders from the 911 operator and kept on following TM when he did stop.

That is because on the timeline he did not stop and obviously did not go back to his truck because he found TM. According to Papa's chart he was still on the phone with the dispatcher when he reached the point of the cross walks and still had another minute on the phone with them before he would have hung up. Plenty of time to get back to his truck.....What was he doing????? jmo
That is because on the timeline he did not stop and obviously did not go back to his truck because he found TM. According to Papa's chart he was still on the phone with the dispatcher when he reached the point of the cross walks and still had another minute on the phone with them before he would have hung up. Plenty of time to get back to his truck.....What was he doing????? jmo

It will be interesting to see how the defense is going to spin this.
I hope we will get to see the video of the reenactment which could be very interesting.
One other thing, about why Trayvon did not make it home yet since there was apparently enough time. In my experience , teens are funny when they are on the phone and want absolute privacy. Many a time I heard my son come home(parking his car) but he would take forever to open the front door. The answer I always got that he was on the phone. Go figure.
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