GUILTY MA - Geoffrey Portway & others in international child *advertiser censored* ring, 2011

Just sayin...............

Where in God's name did he get the photographs of these poor kids? We need to find out who the Kansas City guy is. Why was nobody warned he had little boys inderwear in his car and also a pack of little kids taking them to his Church when he'd been stopped? It don't make ya a criminal, but I sure wouldn't want him around my kids knowing that.
I knew better and yet still went back and read more. :sick:

I can't help it. The people this man is talking to in these chats. they brag of having murdered and eaten toddlers. I pray this is not true and they were just bragging about fantasies.

Sweet Mercy.

Disturbing does not describe accurately that affidavit. not even close.
I knew better and yet still went back and read more. :sick:

I can't help it. The people this man is talking to in these chats. they brag of having murdered and eaten toddlers. I pray this is not true and they were just bragging about fantasies.

Sweet Mercy.

Disturbing does not describe accurately that affidavit. not even close.

They also brag of snatching them from playpens in front of their trailer homes. And of buying some of them from their parents and of enlisting a snatcher to do it for them.

I hope that if this isn't complete and total BS to impress other pervos on a chat that they find these other people and hopefully solve some missing children's cases.
I knew better and yet still went back and read more. :sick:

I can't help it. The people this man is talking to in these chats. they brag of having murdered and eaten toddlers. I pray this is not true and they were just bragging about fantasies.

Sweet Mercy.

Disturbing does not describe accurately that affidavit. not even close.

Chica, I can't even imagine because I found an article on the guy who was popped for the child *advertiser censored*. The guy in Kansas City. In fact I think I have a thread on him.

Arnett the "jovial, fun loving paramedic". Who BTW won't cooperate with the authorities. They traced him through some freak in Boston. Probably one of those 's in that afidavit.

Teachers in Shawnee Mission and a water bottle helped identify the kids. They've found the kids and one is old enough they showed him a sanitized version and it's him and a brother and another boy.

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, yes sir this rotten, disgusting, uly *advertiser censored*s had these kids in roasting pans. Yes, roasting pans photographing them pornographically.

So we're to now know that there's all these ghastly predators that put kids in roasting pans?*advertiser censored*-victims-prosecutors-say

Warning as this is where it mentions some seriously graphic stuff.

They need to all be locked up and never let out or something. I can't say what. Just get rid of them, please.
Chica, I can't even imagine because I found an article on the guy who was popped for the child *advertiser censored*. The guy in Kansas City. In fact I think I have a thread on him.

Arnett the "jovial, fun loving paramedic". Who BTW won't cooperate with the authorities. They traced him through some freak in Boston. Probably one of those 's in that afidavit.

Teachers in Shawnee Mission and a water bottle helped identify the kids. They've found the kids and one is old enough they showed him a sanitized version and it's him and a brother and another boy.

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, yes sir this rotten, disgusting, uly *advertiser censored*s had these kids in roasting pans. Yes, roasting pans photographing them pornographically.

So we're to now know that there's all these ghastly predators that put kids in roasting pans?*advertiser censored*-victims-prosecutors-say

Warning as this is where it mentions some seriously graphic stuff.

They need to all be locked up and never let out or something. I can't say what. Just get rid of them, please.

OMG! The freaking MOTHER of one of the victims is defending this sick monster!!!!!
OMG! The freaking MOTHER of one of the victims is defending this sick monster!!!!!

That was her initial reaction, without having seen the photos or being aware of their content. She may think twice now she knows more - after all, who believes a trusted family friend would be this sick? Disbelief would be alot of peoples' first reaction, it doesn't mean reality won't sink in eventually.
"The mother of the 14-year-old boy said she does not believe the allegations. She and other relatives said Arnett is a photographer who took numerous pictures. They said the roasting pan pictures were meant to be funny.

"Mike never ever did anything to them," a family member said about the children."*advertiser censored*-victims-prosecutors-say

Why is it that people are always so quick to defend these pedophiles/murderers/sick individuals? I'd reserve comments, if this happened in my neighborhood. But I'd stay away from the suspect and keep my children away as well, until he was completely cleared of any wrongdoing. Simple.
OH! I read the affidavit!! Why did I do that?

I thought there was nothing anymore disturbing I could read that I already hadn't and then this.

I didn't know people have sick fantasies like this. What kind of person has this kind of fantasy? There are many of them it seems.

I also went to the home page of the website listed in the affidavit. Don't go there! Just seeing that there is a website and people that talk about this stuff is so disturbing.

Freedom of speech? We have serious issues with what is out there on the internet. It's only going to get worse and people will and have crossed the line and acted on these sick things.
Your mind will never fully comprehend the disturbing and degrading things that sick minds fabricate, concoct, whatever. You may have read this affidavit, but there are worse. Remember the next time you think you've heard or read the worst. The worst is beyond comprehension.

OH! I read the affidavit!! Why did I do that?

I thought there was nothing anymore disturbing I could read that I already hadn't and then this.

I didn't know people have sick fantasies like this. What kind of person has this kind of fantasy? There are many of them it seems.

I also went to the home page of the website listed in the affidavit. Don't go there! Just seeing that there is a website and people that talk about this stuff is so disturbing.

Freedom of speech? We have serious issues with what is out there on the internet. It's only going to get worse and people will and have crossed the line and acted on these sick things.
I heard of a woman that was going to do something to her 3 yr old granddaughter and blame it on the father. Can you imagine that? Molesting a child, sexually abusing a child so you could blame it on someone else? The father found it in the child's medical records at the doctors office. He never took the child home Sunday night, and he took the child to the pediatrician's and saw the reason for the visit. Good thing the kid didn't want to go home that night.
Why is it that people are always so quick to defend these pedophiles/murderers/sick individuals?

There's probably a million reasons. Who knows? One IMO is money. They depend on a paycheck off the creep or as usual the pervert has been extremely generous to the family. They love picking a family that is in a lower socio-economic background.

Two being they'd have to admit to themselves they failed at least at some point or missed something.

Three they remain dillusional for their own benefit amd figure the more they say it didn't happen then it didn't.

The oldest child was shown the photographs. He said it was him. He identified his brother and the other child. What more could they want? How much more do they need to know that they will actually believe their own kids for God's sake?

Someone mentioned up post that they can see the family being in shock and disbelief AT FIRST. So true. I mean God forbid any of us ever heard that about a family member wouldn't you be like "What? What? J*s*s C*rist what are you talking about? I can't process this. I can't believe it."

Only mentioning that last part emphatically because the woman who was supposed to be watching me when I was raped as a child acted so utterly calm when I told her as an adult. That shocked me. She was calm as s**t. No "Oh my God when? Where? What happened?" Oh noooooo. She just said "I believe you" which to me says it happened to way more kids than me and she knew. Always knew. However, the worse was the guy dies and she calls me telling me it's over 'cause he's dead and besides he didn't do it. Nope. It was somebody else.

Guess what? She stood to get alot of money from that freak after his death. I hope she rots.
I am not reading the affidavit this time. The story was enough. Nothing like a bunch of pedophile fetishists.
That affidavit has to be the worst thing I've ever read. Its like Luka Magnotta's horrible snuff film in writing.

Throw away the key...
Must. Not. Read. Affidavit.

I know I'm going to read it. I know I'm going to regret it. I should have learned my lesson from watching that Luka Magnotta video.
Must. Not. Read. Affidavit.

I know I'm going to read it. I know I'm going to regret it. I should have learned my lesson from watching that Luka Magnotta video.

I know you will read it anyway because I could not resist either. :hug: for you when you have finished. I know I could have used one.

I thought I had a good grasp of the depths of depravity that were out there. I thought I had a pretty clear idea that for every sick twisted idea man ever had, there is an enthusiast out there for that particular fetish.

But this. This business right here. What shocks me is not that there is a sicko in the world who is into this. What devastated me was reading that there is not one, not two but three and perhaps more who all share this sick fantasy (God I hope its a fantasy) and found one another via the web so very easily.


There's probably a million reasons. Who knows? One IMO is money. They depend on a paycheck off the creep or as usual the pervert has been extremely generous to the family. They love picking a family that is in a lower socio-economic background.

Two being they'd have to admit to themselves they failed at least at some point or missed something.

Three they remain dillusional for their own benefit amd figure the more they say it didn't happen then it didn't.

The oldest child was shown the photographs. He said it was him. He identified his brother and the other child. What more could they want? How much more do they need to know that they will actually believe their own kids for God's sake?

Someone mentioned up post that they can see the family being in shock and disbelief AT FIRST. So true. I mean God forbid any of us ever heard that about a family member wouldn't you be like "What? What? J*s*s C*rist what are you talking about? I can't process this. I can't believe it."

Only mentioning that last part emphatically because the woman who was supposed to be watching me when I was raped as a child acted so utterly calm when I told her as an adult. That shocked me. She was calm as s**t. No "Oh my God when? Where? What happened?" Oh noooooo. She just said "I believe you" which to me says it happened to way more kids than me and she knew. Always knew. However, the worse was the guy dies and she calls me telling me it's over 'cause he's dead and besides he didn't do it. Nope. It was somebody else.

Guess what? She stood to get alot of money from that freak after his death. I hope she rots.

I hope she rots to Filly!
Oh so not good. Not good. Not good.

He's got that FB page and I wish I hadn't looked at it. I won't link because of the little boy he has pictured that he...................brace yourself.........mentored each week. A little kid. The photo is from 2010 so I am sure someone is on to this by now.

Seemingly well liked guy who just had a bunch of birthday wishes sent his way.........saying he's such a man of God..............and a big thanks he does for all the kids.

Dude see this is how people are so bamboozled. Forget he told the cops the underwear in his car belonged to the puppets and forget he had them kids in his car for Church. People just don't get it. Hiding behind God, and puppetry. I can't even spell pupeet right ever again.

Plus he's got a job at that Christian TV jawn. Why's he got to run all these shows for kids? We know why.

*****A post on his FB about Chick-Fil-A or whatever ya call it really just skeeved me considering he wants to eat children.********

Please, please, please let that little boy he mentored be alright.

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