Man skydives from near outer space


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Jan 26, 2004
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Skydiving daredevil Felix Baumgartner is more than halfway toward his goal of setting a world record for the highest jump.

Baumgartner lifted off Thursday for a test jump from Roswell, N.M., aboard a 100-foot helium balloon. He rode inside a pressurized capsule to 71,581 feet — 13.6 miles — and then jumped. He parachuted to a safe landing, according to project spokeswoman Trish Medalen.

He's aiming for nearly 23 miles this summer. The record is 19.5 miles.

"The view is amazing, way better than I thought," Baumgartner said after the practice jump, in remarks provided by his representatives.

Thursday's rehearsal was a test of his capsule, full-pressure suit, parachutes and other systems. A mini Mission Control — fashioned after NASA's — monitored his flight.

More at link....
Skydiver eyes record-breaking jump over NM>&news_id=19102091&src=most_popular_viewed

ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — Experienced skydiver and extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner hopes to take the leap of his life on Tuesday, attempting the highest, fastest free fall in history.

If he survives, the man dubbed "Fearless Felix" could be the first skydiver to break the sound barrier. If he doesn't, a tragic fall could be live-streamed on the Internet for the world to see.............

Weather permitting, Baumgartner will be lifted into the stratosphere around 7 a.m. MDT by a helium balloon that will stretch 55 stories high. ............

Baumgartner, who has made more than 2,500 jumps from planes, helicopters, landmarks and skyscrapers over the past 25 years, promises this jump will be his last.

He says he plans to settle down with his girlfriend and fly helicopters on mountain rescue and firefighting missions in the U.S. and Austria.........more at link.....

He is sponsored by Redbull and you can watch the jump at this site, on youtube or redbull tv [links provided]:

I wish him a good jump with no problems!
on hold right now due to wind conditions. Hope I remember to come back and check it out.

Thanks for the link.
I had forgotten about this! Have it pulled up in another window, though I'm not sure I want to watch... this isn't like the tight-rope walker from a few months ago!

It's seems crazy but so did the first balloon flight, the first automobile ride, the first airplane flight, the first space flight...unbelievable at the time....there are always people who want to break barriers and make records...

Tweets below the live stream say balloon is being rolled out and Felix is putting on his suit.

Thanks for the word...getting on site now....please let this go well for Felix!
They show a green light on wind conditions and it shows 28 minutes until launch. Nervous for Felix. Hope it goes well.
So winds caused the attempt for today to be aborted, yes?
So winds caused the attempt for today to be aborted, yes?

Yes, aborted due to puter got hung up watching so many

I definitely like the CNET site better...the video was faster, had narration/sound and you could even see the inside of the mission control....Felix was very disappointed...but it will be rescheduled....

ETA: Skydiver cancels try at supersonic jump<>&ps=1011

Because the balloon is so delicate, it could only take flight if winds were 2 mph or below.
They just said it may or may not be tomorrow.
Yes, aborted due to puter got hung up watching so many

I definitely like the CNET site better...the video was faster, had narration/sound and you could even see the inside of the mission control....Felix was very disappointed...but it will be rescheduled....
Mine did too, had to reboot the modem at a crucial point.
Yes. Wonder when they will try again?

Don't know but I will be following and let ya'll know....


I was getting all geared up myself after he got in the capsule...
Matthew Keys &#8207;@ProducerMatthew
BBC, sourcing meteorologists, say Thursday likely the best bet for Felix Baumgartner's 23-mile free fall -
Matthew Keys &#8207;@ProducerMatthew
YouTube counter: Over one million people tuned in to watch Felix Baumgartner's
23 mile free fall on YouTube before mission aborted.

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