CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #19

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How many times have we read this same description when discussing murderers? Lots.
My prediction: Austin will be given a mental health assessment and diagnosed as schizophrenic or schizophreniform. (I believe that murderers with incurable mental illnesses should be locked up for life.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

the younger picture of him...his eyes are a little off kilter like he's had a TBI. I don't offer it as an excuse, and I didn't notice it in his more recent pictures, I also don't think that TBI's remove the ability to know what he did was horribly wrong. But I do wonder if he had one.
We aren't going to see you on the show Ghost Stories are we?

Oh, things got totally spooky, and I did move out much sooner than I expected I would! No ghosts, but some earthly details that would make your hair stand on end. *shudder*

I'm a writer, so you really will hear about it if you like :) I'm still writing that one up. Man!
I don't remember who it was now, but I heard the parent of a murder victim on the radio saying exactly that--as awful a comparison as it is, he would much rather be the parent of someone who was murdered than the parent who has to deal with the reality of their son being a murderer. He was saying that he had compassion for the parents of his child's killer. Obviously a horrible either/or and one I wish no one would ever have to experience either side of, but I have to agree.


I'd have to say the's like losing a son....but much, much worse...and how tortuorus for her...even assuming she knew something may have not been 'quite right'....teenagers are teenagers....and oh so hard, to figure out what's going heart is truly with the Mom.....
How many times have we read this same description when discussing murderers? Lots.
My prediction: Austin will be given a mental health assessment and diagnosed as schizophrenic or schizophreniform. (I believe that murderers with incurable mental illnesses should be locked up for life.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

With respect, this particular crime (in its totality -- not just the murder) appears far too organized to be the work of someone with a psychotic disorder. 17 is also on the younger end of the spectrum when discussing the onset of a psychotic disorder -- although certainly not implausible. I am putting my bet on a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, as characterized by at least 3 of the following:

1) Callous unconcern for the feelings of others.
2) Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.
3) Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
4) Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5) Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6) Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society

I would also not be surprised by an above-average IQ with this one....
I personally don't care if he was hung upside down by his toes every day of his life. It is no defense for what he has done. A lot of people grow up in very dysfunctional families and don't turn out to be sycophants who murder.

So, it wasn't sexually motivated then. Even more sickening that it appears to be a thrill kill. UGH

Where was the DNA found on Jessica? Or was the DNA on her backpack? I think there still could have been a sexual motive if he was interested in Jessica being dead first when and if he pleasured himself. JMO.
In regard to the charges, I cut and pasted this from the Denver Channel 7 webpage. . .
(I hope I did this correctly). . .sorry if it has been posted alread..just too many posts and developments to read about. . it is overwhelming!

Arrested At Westminster Home

Sigg was arrested at his family's home in Westminster at 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday on suspicion of two counts of murder in the first degree, one count of second degree kidnapping and two counts of criminal attempt.

The first three charges (murder and kidnapping) are related to the Jessica Ridgeway case, according to Westminster Police spokesman Trevor Materasso.

Materasso said the last two charges, attempted murder and attempted kidnapping are related to a May incident where a male attacked a 22-year-old woman jogging around Ketner Lake in Westminster.

The woman said she was jogging on a trail when a man grabbed her from behind and tried to put a chemical-laced rag over her mouth, police said. The woman escaped and called 911, police said.

Sigg's family home is less than a half mile from Ketner Lake.
As my BD comes to an end I received the best present today knowing that dear sweet Jessica will have justice, her parents may get a glimmer of Peace knowing her killer is caught. The community can finally start to rest and the children can hopefully start to play once again.
I would also not be surprised by an above-average IQ with this one....

Yeah. In addition to placing in that forensics thing, I've also seen multiple things linking him to above-average skill with technology. (Don't have links, just some offhand references to different kind of technology in secondary/social media sources. If I can find firm sources I'll add links.)
He may be (I noticed 'talked to himself' as something folks noticed about him). OTOH, I think of folks like Dahmer, and they are shy and keep to themselves a lot apparently because they know their interests and others' just don't mesh. They know they are quite different than most people, and it's not a psychotic disorder at all. It may be something vaguely linked to OCD/compulsion disorders at some future time, I think, but it's not psychotic.

There are serial killers who definitely had the more psychotic symptoms, though, so I do agree with you, too :)

Jeffrey Dahmer had consistent bizarre obsessions and delusions which are positive symptoms of schizophrenia. He exhibited most of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. (Not all schizophrenics have positive symptoms and negative symptoms.) He might not have been treated for schizophrenia, but he suffered with the disorder.


Positive symptoms
In schizophrenia, positive symptoms reflect an excess or distortion of normal functions. These active, abnormal symptoms may include:

Delusions. These beliefs are not based in reality and usually involve misinterpretation of perception or experience. They are the most common of schizophrenic symptoms.

Hallucinations. These usually involve seeing or hearing things that don't exist, although hallucinations can be in any of the senses. Hearing voices is the most common hallucination among people with schizophrenia.

Thought disorder. Difficulty speaking and organizing thoughts may result in stopping speech midsentence or putting together meaningless words, sometimes known as word salad.

Disorganized behavior. This may show in a number of ways, ranging from childlike silliness to unpredictable agitation.

Negative symptoms
Negative symptoms refer to a diminishment or absence of characteristics of normal function. They may appear with or without positive symptoms. They include:

Loss of interest in everyday activities
Appearing to lack emotion
Reduced ability to plan or carry out activities
Neglect of personal hygiene
Social withdrawal
Loss of motivation

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
In regard to the charges, I cut and pasted this from the Denver Channel 7 webpage. . .
(I hope I did this correctly). . .sorry if it has been posted alread..just too many posts and developments to read about. . it is overwhelming!

Arrested At Westminster Home

Sigg was arrested at his family's home in Westminster at 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday on suspicion of two counts of murder in the first degree, one count of second degree kidnapping and two counts of criminal attempt.

The first three charges (murder and kidnapping) are related to the Jessica Ridgeway case, according to Westminster Police spokesman Trevor Materasso.

Materasso said the last two charges, attempted murder and attempted kidnapping are related to a May incident where a male attacked a 22-year-old woman jogging around Ketner Lake in Westminster.

The woman said she was jogging on a trail when a man grabbed her from behind and tried to put a chemical-laced rag over her mouth, police said. The woman escaped and called 911, police said.

Sigg's family home is less than a half mile from Ketner Lake.

Thanks! Can you post the URL for us? That sounds like he is the chemical/towel guy for sure.
Wonder if perps mother detected an odor in the home and went looking for the origins?
at first I thought "what kind of 17 year old is up and about at 8:30am?", then I heard on the news that he drove his brother to school every morning. That's why :/
I have to admit I finally skipped a few pages to post this, so I hope I'm not repeating something that's been said 100 times.

I don't believe he is a sociopath who has no feelings, etc., I think he's just a very dangerous person. Whether he did it because of mental illness, a bad home life, possession by demons or anything else, he still needs to be off the streets. The thing I thought was that he may have confessed out of a false sense of pride - it sounds like he grabbed her, killed her and did unthinkable things to her body, and he may have been upset that everybody was calling him a pervert, child molester, and all of the other things mentioned here and everywhere else. I wonder if, in his sick mind, he somehow things he's more respectable because he's a murderer than he would be if he were also a rapist.

The suspect in the May attack was described as a light-skinned man who ranged in age from 18 to his 30s. He had brown hair, a medium build and was about 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall. The man was wearing a dark blue baseball cap, small-rim sunglasses, a black T-shirt and blue jeans.

Read more:

The robbery suspect has a baseball cap, small rimmed glasses, black t-shirt, the same exact goatee/half beard...and he looks like Sigg.
I don't think that's true in Colorado, because JonBenet's house has been for sale for years, and there's ZERO mention of a murder happening in that house on any of the real estate pages. Maybe they mention it when you're about to sign the papers...

Something like that would have to be in the 'owner's disclosure'....just like flooding problems, lead paint, liens, right-of-ways, blah, blah'....not to say sellers may always be 100% truthful...but if something is can be null and public as that was...well heck yeah...they'd have to 'disclose'....
I personally don't care if he was hung upside down by his toes every day of his life. It is no defense for what he has done. A lot of people grow up in very dysfunctional families and don't turn out to be sycophants who murder.

So, it wasn't sexually motivated then. Even more sickening that it appears to be a thrill kill. UGH

I don't think we know if it was sexually motivated or not. He may have been sexually aroused by strangling her and by having a dead body close by.
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