**Graphic and adult content**Jodia Arias Trial Discussion #7

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We should start a verdict pool. I predict the verdict will come back in 15 minutes. (Ten minutes for a potty break and 5 minutes for the first vote.) This chick has had her last In-and-Out Burger.

I keep wondering if the shot actually came first too. The only thing though is why not keep shooting then. Maybe she didnt want to make any more noise and used the knife to finish him off. If so, she made him suffer greatly just to avoid making noise.

Boy, oh boy, she is evil no matter how it went down.
We should start a verdict pool. I predict the verdict will come back in 15 minutes. (Ten minutes for a potty break and 5 minutes for the first vote.) This chick has had her last In-and-Out Burger.
You just had to choose "in and out burger". LOL

She's had her last "Jack in the box" too...

Just sayin'
what is it with these chicks like CA DDM and now JA that think they can out wit the cops especially with mounds of evidence staring at them? I was trying to think back to my youth many eons ago and I just dont think I would be that stupid and brazen...they just baffle me and why i guess I sit here day after day listening to them ramble LOL

I'm guessing that perhaps they have gone through their entire life BSing people but no one calls them on it. They just shrug it off as another one of her lies and move on. So she thinks she can get away with it, even when talking to LE. CA was definately like that, especially with her mother enabling her and no discipline in her life as she was growing up.
So I'm wondering if there is any truth and she did shoot him first. Could the bullet case roll onto the blood during the struggle out of the shower?
In JAs ninja story did she say they shot TA first?

Oh yes, and she said Travis was definitely still alive. She described Travis several times suffering terribly because of those ninjas, but he could talk. Told Jodi to call 911 and then later told her to go to his neighbors house.
I wish they would have kept going at her the first night, I think she would have broke. But instead they let her think about it all night, and she comes up with ninja's!

thought I would share this with you all: hubby came home from work while I was watching, asked what was new.... I burst out laughing saying 'ninja's did it' :D Even I couldn't say it with a straight face, how she sat there and actually thought that the detective might believe her, is just silly!
If the jurors are having reactions AT ALL similar to ours, the defense should be very worried.

I am nervous to see how the defense is going to spin all of this. They are going to brutalize poor Travis all over again, I fear. I believe that this will backfire horribly, but what other strategy have they been left with, thanks to Jodi?

I am just stunned by this calculating manipulative lying murderer. Stunned.
If the jurors are having reactions AT ALL similar to ours, the defense should be very worried.

I am nervous to see how the defense is going to spin all of this. They are going to brutalize poor Travis all over again, I fear. I believe that this will backfire horribly, but what other strategy have they been left with, thanks to Jodi?

I am just stunned by this calculating manipulative lying murderer. Stunned.

She is certainly fascinating!
So I'm wondering if there is any truth and she did shoot him first. Could the bullet case roll onto the blood during the struggle out of the shower?

they said in court the bullet wound didn't bleed because he was already dead when he was shot - so t was last
So I'm wondering if there is any truth and she did shoot him first. Could the bullet case roll onto the blood during the struggle out of the shower?

I have not heard about the bullet case, but I do know if the gun was a semi-automatic, the casing would fly out of the gun onto the floor. It could go quite a few feet in any direction depending on how she held the gun. When she finally dragged him back to the shower, blood could have easily got on the casing.
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