GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #2

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In the audio clip of the presser, LE mentioned that the mother dropped off the victim and a sibling at the school that morning. It was very risky to go into the school and get the victim if there was another related child in the school who wasn't aware his or her sister went with a stranger who was supposed to be the victim's "mother". If the sibling asked about his/her sister at recess, the victim would be noticed missing, enhancing the risk involved. I can't think this is about making child *advertiser censored* either.
In the audio clip of the presser, LE mentioned that the mother dropped off the victim and a sibling at the school that morning. It was very risky to go into the school and get the victim if there was another related child in the school who wasn't aware his or her sister went with a stranger who was supposed to be the victim's "mother". If the sibling asked about his/her sister at recess, the victim would be noticed missing, enhancing the risk involved. I can't think this is about making child *advertiser censored* either.

I wonder what gender the sibling is.
My comment wasn't intended in ANY way as disrespectful to anyone's opinion. I was just pointing out that at her age, perception and description is very subjective.

Thanks, necco, my break was a good thing. My initial question was obviously not phrased well because it was not conveying what my question was. The question was about whether the clothing of the male was unusual if this crime was committed by ultra traditional Muslims with very traditional cultural identities, but based on responses I could tell I was not conveying it well. I needed to step back because when frustrated, posting clear thoughts gets harder, not easier.

You were not the cause of my break, just my own general feeling of not being able to express what I was asking and my frustration with that.
It seems inconceivable that someone who is so knowledgeable about the child and so motivated by their aim to take those very large risks, and whom didn't travel far to commit the crime, cannot be identified.

What came first? Knowing the child and her family and then wanting to do this? Or wanting to do this, perhaps for another reason, or perhaps just for the sake of it, and getting the knowledge required? Even knowing what happened to her doesn't help with that I don't think.
*WARNING* may be triggering or disturbing... If this is inappropriate please delete.

I know its hard to do but we have to remember that "sexual assault" is a vague description. It encompasses a broad spectrum of acts, anywhere from someone exposing themselves to mutilating rape. That said... I have new speculation. What if this was an act of FGM for the purpose of some twisted child *advertiser censored*, I know it may sound far fetched but it would explain the shock of the LE. (please don't throw food yet). In my experience (with victims of child *advertiser censored*) the things that are being done are far beyond most peoples comprehension. Some sadistic perps even take requests from those that 'subscribe' to their sights. It is BIG business!
here are some stats

"The ages for these minors range from teenagers all the way down to infants. In the last decade the abuse images have gotten a lot more explicit and lot more brutal."*advertiser censored**advertiser censored*-computers_N.htm

IF that is a consideration and IMO it could be, why was N TARGETED?
Why N? Why her specifically?
Just throwing out questions. :moo:
IF that is a consideration and IMO if could be, why was N TARGETED?
Why N? Why her specifically?
Just throwing out questions. :moo:

I don't know about the FGM for *advertiser censored* - in my mind, the two reasons are separate. Either FGM or *advertiser censored*. But for me, if it is FGM, then it could be for many reasons. Maybe the grandfather has spoken out against it and someone wanted to get back at him. Maybe the mother has stated her opposition to it and not wanting it done to her daughter, so someone in the family/friend network decided to get it done themselves.

Those are the only two reasons, IF that is what was done to her.
I don't know about the FGM for *advertiser censored* - in my mind, the two reasons are separate. Either FGM or *advertiser censored*. But for me, if it is FGM, then it could be for many reasons. Maybe the grandfather has spoken out against it and someone wanted to get back at him. Maybe the mother has stated her opposition to it and not wanting it done to her daughter, so someone in the family/friend network decided to get it done themselves.

Those are the only two reasons, IF that is what was done to her.

belimom, I agree with your comments. It just scares the bejessus outta me to think someone can walk into a school, ask for a child by name and leave with them.
This shakes me to the core.
:please: I pray N heals and these awful perps are found and punished.

I asked yesterday if there were surveillance cameras nearby and was told no. :)
So after I found this video last night I couldn't link it here from my ipad for some reason.

Anywho this video shows them walking a few blocks away from school. There must be a time stamp. I wonder if LE asked the general public if while driving they saw N and her kidnapper? It looks to me like N is wearing a coat and has a backpack . Does anyone else see that or is it my eyes.
I asked yesterday if there were surveillance cameras nearby and was told no. :)
So after I found this video last night I couldn't link it here from my ipad for some reason.

Anywho this video shows them walking a few blocks away from school. There must be a time stamp. I wonder if LE asked the general public if while driving they saw N and her kidnapper? It looks to me like N is wearing a coat and has a backpack . Does anyone else see that or is it my eyes.

I'm not sure but I believe she had on the boat (a white puffy one?) and her backpack when she left the school, in the other video?
FGM....Might that be something that a more Americanized mother might object to while a father (or his family) might want done?
I knew that LE had more video, I just hadn't viewed it. For some reason I was thinking it hadn't been released to public yet?? Who knows, this last week was chaotic and I could have missed or forgotten about just about anything. :crazy:

I sure hope that someone who was going the same general direction will come forward that sees the video and recognizes him or herself in it and recalls this woman and N and where they went from there.
Having trouble following how the physical description of the 2nd suspect being light skinned, possibly caucasian has any bearing on determining the nature of or his involvement in the crime committed.:waitasec:
I knew that LE had more video, I just hadn't viewed it. For some reason I was thinking it hadn't been released to public yet?? Who knows, this last week was chaotic and I could have missed or forgotten about just about anything. :crazy:

I sure hope that someone who was going the same general direction will come forward that sees the video and recognizes him or herself in it and recalls this woman and N and where they went from there.

LOl I used the bing search engine to look up the case last night and the latest vid was there. I don't know exactly when it was first released.

I want these people found so badly I could scream.
In the video it appears to me that the woman is holding and looking at a cell phone. Is there any way for the police to find a list of all numbers that were pinging at that area at that time?

Probably not, but just a thought.
Having trouble following how the physical description of the 2nd suspect being light skinned, possibly caucasian has any bearing on determining the nature of or his involvement in the crime committed.:waitasec:

Posts on the page before this explain the reason for the poster questioning the description of the male.
In the video it appears to me that the woman is holding and looking at a cell phone. Is there any way for the police to find a list of all numbers that were pinging at that area at that time?

Probably not, but just a thought.

Very good observation...they could possibly narrow down service providers by starting with the relatively less expensive ones like Metro, Sprint etc. which are more commonly used in low income areas:goodpost:. I would reserve carriers such as AT&T and Verizon for last because rates are less affordable on limited budget.This is not to be judgemental but rather based upon logical deduction. :twocents:
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