The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #14 *ADULT CONTENT*

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I dont even understand why this is an issue. She has admitted she killed Travis so of course she was able to drag his body to put it in the shower.

But dont laugh......well go ahead because it did look pretty funny at the time. The things my hubby does for me because he loves me.:floorlaugh: I am 5'4" and weigh around 117-120. Im old (66) but I do keep myself in very good shape and have been picking up heavy things throughout my life. My hubby weighs 190. I ask him would he get down on the tile floor and let me see if I could pull him and of course he obliged. I was surprised I had no problem pulling him. At first I pulled him by his wrists and then turned him around and pulled him by his legs...both ways he was rather easy to pull. I did put my hand up against the chair railing once and it did give me a little more traction. I had tennies on so I didnt slide or slip as I was making him do this experiment.:floorlaugh:

AND he was not wet and naked nor soaked in slippery blood either. I wub my hubby and never ever would I hurt him!:D

This might be my favorite post on WS, ever! LMAO! :floorlaugh:

ETA: I bet you left a hand-print on the chair railing. Hmmmmm.....
As the wicked games begin I am saying a prayer for Travis' family today.


Thank you for that. I hope in some way they know how many people are thinking of them during this trial and channeling strength to them.
I am not a lawyer, but I don't believe the entire testimony would be considered hearsay because the witness would have seen the marks and could testify to them being there.

If Arias decided to be called upon as a witness, I believe that her having told the ex TA caused the bruises would fall under a hearsay exception. Otherwise, I'm not sure that her saying TA caused them would be allowed.

If I were on that jury I would be thinking they were caused from him pushing her away.
There is no evidence at all that Travis was abusive, but there is plenty of evidence that she is one sick puppy. IMO
from the police report it said there was no bedding in the bedroom and they didnt find it until they went downstairs to the laundry room. The bed sheets were in the dryer. How did she slide him across the floor with the bedsheet if he started the load of laundry?
One of the roomates metioned the floor cleaner being moved and the funiture on the tile was moved and it was unlike TA to move furniture and not put it back. Why would she move furniture downstairs?

Cleaning up footprints perhaps. And drops of blood, etc.

There you go :seeya:

BACON!!! :great:

Good morning! Odds that they start on time today? (lol)
Just read that article and it says they need , the <modsnip>, to show that Travis was using her. :scratchhead: but is that not un common in life to have been in a relationship where you are used? I know in looking back that guys stayed with me for the sex! Especially when I was in late 20's as I had a very strong sex drive...and was "loose"...nuff said!
Yes, Isabelle,a nice Mormon couple. She was pretty, a serious Mormon, and a nice young woman. Definitely wife and life-partner material.

She may have simply not heard that bell ringing when she met him, or not had that "feeling," but I also wonder if she was intimidated and not impressed by what she may have seen (did she?) and certainly heard about his old girlfriend Jodi. I do wonder if that colored her opinion of him as not being the guy she was looking to marry. How much did she know about his relationship with Jodi??

Seems like the group of Mormon/PPL people were pretty familiar with each other and I am sure people talked and word got around. That may have colored Mimi's judgement of Travis and her decision to not pursue a relationship. Only she can say and I don't think we heard it all when she was on the stand.
This has me rolling! If she left and came back after that photo....oh Lordy let me drive that Mac truCk through the self defense theory.

And if the duhfense is going to state she came back because she had been abused :thud: gosh I wish I could be ther with Katie!

She left and came back dressed as Snow White.
Regarding Alyce LaViolette (ALV), I spent a little time familiarizing myself with her philosophical positions. I actually have no real problem with her general philosophies, except that she is a lot further to the left than I would typically prefer. That said, I generally respect the career she has carved out for herself.

And the more I have learned about her, the more puzzled I am. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say she "sold out" her principles to be involved with the Jodi Arias defense team. Just nothing about Jodi's life or dating/ sex life fits the mold with which ALV has surrounded herself. I almost (almost, but not really) feel a bit sorry for ALV for becoming involved with the hot mess that is JA.

ALV is a feminist of the highest order-- and that is ok with me. But I have a really hard time listening to her youtubes and figuring out how she is going to mold all that into "Poor Jodi, The Abused".

I think ALV could end up reviled and a laughingstock for months to years after this trial, depending on how she "plays" her role as an expert. If she oversells "Jodi, the Abused", she will suffer a very long time, professionally. She cannot (imo) sell Jodi as a depressed, dominated little woman who snapped. I really think ALV will go the "strong" Jodi route, touting "pre-emptive self defense" as a tactic. Meaning, Jodi was strong enough to formulate a plan to "save herself" pre-emptively from the wicked and unpredictiable intentions of Travis Alexander.

"Jodi gets Travis, before Travis has a chance to get her". She sensed some "gleam in his eyes" that he would absolutely kill her UNLESS she struck first. So "poor Jodi" lashed out in the only way she could, with 29 stab wounds, a gunshot to the head, and a deep slitting of the throat. Perfectly understandable, given the "gleam in his eyes." And so, Jodi the Warrior Princess slayed her dragon. Jodi is both a strong warrior, and weak as a kitten, in ALV's world.

Poor Jodi. I don't know how she goes on, day after day. Only the confidence of knowing she permanently silenced the evil look in the eyes of TA keeps her going, I'm sure.

But one thing is certain. When ALV is called to testify, all I will hear is "Hi Hi, Hi Ho, it's off to work we goooo....."

(At least Snow White knew all 7 of the abusive dwarves were employed!)

Snow White - Heigh-Ho (Walt Disney Classic) - YouTube

Excellent post. Violene ended up on the wrong $ide of the equation in this one. The more she tries to tarnish this victim, the more backlash professionally she will receive. And I for one will be happy to keep spouting it forth in to the interwebs. It's disgusting but expected a defense attorney will fly ridiculous disgusting defenses. Another for someone who's built a career on championing victims.

Violene, is INfamy worth the price of admission in to this trial? $hame.
Watching the Dr. Drew rerun. They called GS a "Media Wh**e"! They nailed it!

They forgot to use the descriptors "smarmy" and "greasy".

I think greasy Gus thought the world was watching when he dropped his "bombshell" about having information that "could hurt Jodi or free her". He was probably hoping HLN would be beating down his door for paid exclusive interviews. I think he viewed yesterday as his network TV audition.
She left and came back dressed as Snow White.

I decided to go on a juice fast of sorts and got sick as a flippin sick dog last night. I do think I'm well enough to make my hair appt. today. Priorities you know. Just gotta get well for tomorrow- cramming a work day in to the am so I can attend this trial in the pm!!!
They forgot to use the descriptors "smarmy" and "greasy".

I think greasy Gus thought the world was watching when he dropped his "bombshell" about having information that "could hurt Jodi or free her". He was probably hoping HLN would be beating down his door for paid exclusive interviews. I think he viewed yesterday as his network TV audition.

The glare of his grease sure made him transparent didnt it? All over the evening newsy shows! Excellent.
I dont even understand why this is an issue. She has admitted she killed Travis so of course she was able to drag his body to put it in the shower.

But dont laugh......well go ahead because it did look pretty funny at the time. The things my hubby does for me because he loves me.:floorlaugh: I am 5'4" and weigh around 117-120. Im old (66) but I do keep myself in very good shape and have been picking up heavy things throughout my life. My hubby weighs 190. I ask him would he get down on the tile floor and let me see if I could pull him and of course he obliged. I was surprised I had no problem pulling him. At first I pulled him by his wrists and then turned him around and pulled him by his legs...both ways he was rather easy to pull. I did put my hand up against the chair railing once and it did give me a little more traction. I had tennies on so I didnt slide or slip as I was making him do this experiment.:floorlaugh:

AND he was not wet and naked nor soaked in slippery blood either. I wub my hubby and never ever would I hurt him!:D

That's the FUNNIEST story. Did your husband go all the way with the re-enactment, being COMPLETELY silent with head slumped while you yanked him around? lol Ain't marriage grand?!
I work at a public school in Texas and PPL came here selling their insurance a few years ago. They put on a pretty good spiel and I bought it. It costs me around $5 a month. I am second guessing that purchase after watching this trial!!! :what:

I looked in to it at one point too.
Debating on watching today. I dont know if i can handle whats to come. Prayers and strength to the Family and Friends :rose:
IIRC, when Jodi met Travis he discussed religion with her and she expressed interest. He contacted missionaries in the area of California, where she was living and they met with her. Two months later, she asked Travis to baptize her. They did not begin to date until after she was baptized.

I'm sincerely "thanking you" for clarifying.

That's how all the rumors start going and all the inconsistencies and confusion when someone (ME...LOL) gets the sequence get the picture!!!

So, again, thanks!!!
I dont even understand why this is an issue. She has admitted she killed Travis so of course she was able to drag his body to put it in the shower.

But dont laugh......well go ahead because it did look pretty funny at the time. The things my hubby does for me because he loves me.:floorlaugh: I am 5'4" and weigh around 117-120. Im old (66) but I do keep myself in very good shape and have been picking up heavy things throughout my life. My hubby weighs 190. I ask him would he get down on the tile floor and let me see if I could pull him and of course he obliged. I was surprised I had no problem pulling him. At first I pulled him by his wrists and then turned him around and pulled him by his legs...both ways he was rather easy to pull. I did put my hand up against the chair railing once and it did give me a little more traction. I had tennies on so I didnt slide or slip as I was making him do this experiment.:floorlaugh:

AND he was not wet and naked nor soaked in slippery blood either. I wub my hubby and never ever would I hurt him!:D

Haha! I made my hubby do the same thing. He is 200 lbs and I am 5' tall (average weight). I had him lay down on the tile floor and I easily pulled him by his left arm 20 feet across the room. He then told me I needed mental help. (I should add that he didn't think I could do it.) But the point is, it's not as hard as people think and shouldn't be an issue.
umm Katie... when you go to your hair appointment will you be doing anything with your bieber?

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